
The love of the enchanted

What would you do if you were forced to marry a man? Not just any man, but a Cold-hearted, wretched, vile Duke. Follow Sara an ordinary girl from a family who works with an oil company, move in with her future husband. Is there any hope that there love will blossom? Or will Sara simply be stuck in a marriage that will only leave her bitter and just as cold as the Duke himself! **please leave any comments on my story, may they be criticism or simply love for the story. This is my first novel and I am still working very hard on it as well as adding more characters. Also leave a rating, any rating that you see fit for this story. -with love, Saaaritaaa

Sara_Wilson_4940 · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

*Duke Liams POV*

I looked at her face. It was red and shaking with fear. Why do I do such things to such a gentle and beautiful women. Truth is I've known of Sara for a long time. Her father and my father used to be in business with each other to help keep up with the oil rigs of our area. I've always thought Sara was a beautiful, and adventurous girl. I've wanted to marry her since I was younger. Which is why I brought this deal up to her father. I always dreamt of treating her like my queen. But, that was until....Every-time I think about how horrible and a useless drunk my father ways it takes me back to this evil place in my heart that I can never seem to escape.

Sara and I had just said harsh words to one another yet, she stopped and just went to bed. I turned my head to look at her peacefully sleeping. I want to love this women, I want her to love. But, how the hell am I supposed to do that when all I do is push her past her limits and can't ever for. a minute calm down before I say what I do. She makes me absolutely mad. She isn't a whore and I would never want her to be. She's mine and will be mine. I don't even want to think about another man touching her skin, that is my skin to touch. I lean my head over hers, seeing her eyebrow quench together while she is sleeping, probably dreaming of a happier place then here. She truly is so beautiful.

I plant light kiss to her for-head before stepping out of bed and heading to take a walk around the mansion, thinking of a plan to apologize to her, without actually having to say it. I don't know how I am going to possibly face her tomorrow.

*Sara's POV*

I woke up in the morning and NiNi ran me a bath. She stayed in the bathroom with me to help me wash my hair and my back.

"NiNi, may I ask you something?" I ask

"Yes madam, what is it you would like to know?"

"Was the Duke always this cold?" I ask shyly, I don't want to make her feel so uncomfortable, but I have to know what it could take to make someone be so bitter.

"Well....no. There was a time when the Duke was younger that he was the sweetest and brightest young man. He wanted to do anything and everything he could for anyone. Sometimes he would even help the maids with there chores, because he felt that a lady shouldn't have to do so much, especially for messes they don't make. " She replied and let out a little laugh.

"Do you possibly know what made him so cold?" I asked. She took in a breath as if it was a touchy subject and I regret asking her such personal questions.

"We don't know what truly made him so cold, but we have our suspicions. See, when the Duke started getting older, his father would drink more and more all the time. But, when his father drank, he was so angry towards everyone. There were many times we would find Duke Liam with bruises in many different areas, but we never said anything. All we could do was try to help them heal, but looking back now. I assume we didn't heal enough." She sighed. I can understand how bad she feels. She must feel as if it's her fault, but their is truly nothing anyone could have done. At the time his father was their boss if she or anyone were to say anything it could possibly get her into more trouble.

I get out of the bath and NiNi helps me get dressed and takes me to eat breakfast. Once I'm finished eating I head to the garden. I let out. a gasp. I see a table full of plants, some are just baskets of seeds. There was a note sitting on the table.

'Sara I know I am busy working. But, I wanted to help in some way. Please accept these plants and seeds. As well as my sincere apology for last nights events.

-Duke Liam'

It wasn't a long letter, but for some reason I knew it took a lot for him to just do that. I will tell him later that I forgive him, but that I mean't what I said. Maybe somehow, someway we can make this work for the better. Possibly by getting to know each-other a little more.