
Chapter 3:The hand over

Valerie sat down on her bed in her room, she was so deep in thought. Valerie was not concerned about anyone betraying or usurping her throne because she knows her people will remain loyal to her. This was as a result of them rebuilding the kingdom of the Gorgons together when it was at it's worst, it was the people who chose her to be their ruler and the realm affirmed that and made her the queen and the master of the realm.

She was only concerned about the other realms who will try to take advantage of her absence and subdue her realm In other to use the power to strengthen their own realms.

After musing over and over again , a decision was reached and zavik was sent for by Valerie.

" Good morning, your highness," zavik bowed to Valerie " you sent for me your highness." His head remained bowed.

yes yes, zavik I did." She replied zavik in a monotone voice still in thought.

" I plan on going to the human realm today, before I go we need to keep the realm safe." She paused a bit, before she continued " You will announce my journey into the inner part of the realm to train and meet my predecessors to guide and strengthen my powers in our inner temple, that should be the knowledge possessed by everyone." She paused once more, her expression solemn.

" Then you will cast our strongest barrier without alerting anyone, the one which can counter attack , this casting of barrier is in preparation for any realm that want to try it's luck, this barrier will hold till I am able to get your message and come back." she stopped, then her evil smile was reverted back on her face

"Do not forget to give my mother a daily dose of her medicine, so she won't feel my absence and lest I forget she overheard our discussion regarding my journey to the human realm, keep her silent." she said in a cold voice.

" I think we are done for now and I can set out now," she turned to face zavik and became more serious " zavik I am entrusting the realm to you till I come back, don not make me regret doing that."

Valerie turned to move toward the portal inside the palace and zavik following behind her. Then zavik noticed she held nothing in her hand.

" Your highness, didn't you prepare your loads for the human realm." zavik said with his head bowed down. Valerie casted a glance at zavik, then smiled a real smile this time around " zavik, why do you keep bowing low and avoiding my eyes, is that to make me feel guilty?." she smiled.

Zavik have been a fatherly figure to her for a long period of time, when she had no one, he was there for her.

" I dare not your highness." Zavik said , still bowing his head.

" Okay , I am sorry Zavik and stop the bowing of head, it is nauseating." she said and turned to leave when Zavik reminded her " how are you going to cope in the human realm without preparing." he asked her respectfully.

" Well, well Zavik, how hard can it be to cope in the human realm." she said and smiled.

When she got to the portal which will transport her to her destination , she looked at Zavik then said " Take care of the realm for me." then the portal closed after her.

After several tumblings in the portal , she opened her eyes to a bizarre sight.