
Chapter 2: The vicious queen

" you doing this for a lame human man makes you look pathetic than when you were a child." The woman who looks like she is in her mid fifties but she is four century old spat out.

" how he got out of this realm without me knowing befuddles me, if not for that he would have been killed with my own hands, a pathetic whimpering human." the woman said with utmost disdain, immediately she was thrown on the wall and pinned there, she was struggling to keep her life, trying to keep breathing but could not but could not because she was grabbed on her throat by a slim slender woman opposite her through telekinesis.

" you do forget something mother, you no longer have authority over me nor power, because I am the queen and the ruler of this realm not you." she gave a deadly smile.

"The days of you controlling me ended when your position as queen was stripped off by the realm, the day you left the realm in chaos and I had to pick up the shambles you left behind." the surrounding grew cold and chilly.

" do I have to remind you of this Everytime ,mother." she said to the woman still struggling to retain her life on the wall she was pinned on.

" do I also have to remind you that your power will always be lesser than the realm ruler in his or her realm, and you shouldn't provoke me into taking your life." her voice turned thunderous and murderous.

" I am tired of playing the game of putting you in your place , don't force my hand to show you your real place mother, let just enjoy the little bonding we have together every morning." she smiled evilly and dropped her. there were fingerprints all over her neck, then she stood up slowly holding her neck trying to catch her breath.

" you will regret all this, you will also regret leaving your realm for that pathetic human, Valerie. she retorted and scurried away quickly so she wouldn't be there to face her wrath.

Valerie sat down weakly on her bed,her facade of being strong and cruel were pulled off. all this facade were put up so people won't have any idea of usurping her. She is torn apart from making the decision, whether she should go to the human realm and leave the realm she worked so hard for or not going and staying in her realm to continue governing the people.

But she couldn't stay because she wants to know why his promise not coming to pick her so they can escape to his realm together and leaving this harsh realm was not fulfilled. she moved to her chest drawer and brings out a box which looks so neat due to several cleanings given to it by Valerie. she opened it and inside it laid a red pendant which was given to her by the human, she caressed the pendant with care.

Ten years ago, the Gorgon realm was in an imaginary peace, everything was running smoothly under the reign of Queen Ariadne.

Queen Ariadne was a cruel and vicious woman, who made sure no one could oppose her authority including the child she gave birth to as a result of her doing her duty of providing a heir for the realm with pure bloodline before she ascended the throne. A child she never cared for nor had the intention of releasing the throne to.

She made sure everyone followed her orders and had no opinion of their own, anyone who tried to oppose her were killed cold-bloodedly including her extended family. which made thing run smoothly under her because she instilled fear in the minds of the other Gorgons.

The system of the realm was that no one can be as powerful as the realm master which left people powerless and made them do her biddings against their wishes. The royal family were the only ones with the power of taming their hair without it running amok.

Queen Ariadne felt threatened by the daughter she gave birth to , Valerie. Valerie was growing stronger as she grows everyday, the fear that Valerie will depose her from the throne when she grows stronger as the heir to the realm was deeply etched in her mind.

This brought about the construction of a house for Valerie and Ariadne made the council of elders believe the heir is undergoing training for her ascension of the throne meanwhile Valerie blood was being sucked away every day since she turned ten. Valerie was confined in the house for five years , her blood was drained leaving her powerless and weak. Valerie being softhearted begged her mother to release her and she would never appear before her again but Ariadne continued this daily routine and ingested her blood everyday in order to

to strengthen her own bloodline. After five years Valerie stopped begging and turned numb to all what was happening to her , resigning herself to her date of death awaiting her.

One of such morning was when Ariadne came inside the house constructed for Valerie. She never allowed anyone to perform this tasks for her because she knows her people feel nothing but hatred toward her.

" oh my beautiful and lovely daughter, mother is here for our little mother and daughter bonding." she chuckled evily and moved toward a teenage girl that was bound to the ground with shackles of various shapes and her head covered with the thickest of all material, so her emotions won't excite her hair and awaken her powers. she moved round the girl, the squatted down to caress the pale looking girl who looks as if she will give up the ghost anytime soon with bruises and s large gaping hole on the side of her ribs were the blood is taken from. Her healing abilities were restricted by a highly poisonous plant" Atropa Belladonna" deadly night shade.

" silence is not the best way to receive your darling mother." she continued with her evil smile," well, let not waste time, and let start our usual bonding Sweetheart." she chuckled evily , that was the last thing Valerie remembered before she blanked out. The moment she woke up, she noticed the door was opened a little. This little opening gave Valerie a faint hope , then she tried to summon her power in order to disengage herself from the shackles but she was very weak and half dead but she didn't stop because she felt she won't get an opportunity like this ever again, she tried her utmost best but failed. Valerie already exhausted all the little strength she had and was at the edge of death when she felt something building up in her chest and sound of things moving. Then she felt a burst of raw strength suddenly and things slithering and hissing on her head. Valerie gave her very first smile since five years ago.