
Chapter 1 Protecting my friend

Hy! What are you doing, I'll kick your butts if you try to mess with him ever again" I said angrily while holding up a bat wanting to beat them to a pulp until they screamed for their moms. Knowing how crazy i am, they didn't even dare to touch a single strand on his head. "You're lucky we don't beat girls, or else you could've been dead" said one of the boys hasitately as they backed away slowly in fear. They then turned around and ran before they could wet their pants. "YEAH YOU BETTER RUN JERKS!!" I shouted while holding a bat like I'm ready to kill someone while having this crazed look that everyone is afraid of, except for one person 'Julian' the boy i had just saved.

"You know, one of these days they might actually commit suicide because of that look on your face, it even gives me chills that run down my spine", Julian said while standing up and dusting off the sand off his clothes. "Like you're the one to talk, if I didn't come here, Bobby and his friends would've beat you AGAIN! So you should thank me instead of spouting nonsense, okay?" I said getting closer and closer to Julian until he was pinned against a tree. " What... what are you doing?" Julian said hasitately. Ignoring his words I leaned closer to his face until we were inches apart. I looked into his hazel green eyes deep in thought.

Oh man, what in the hell am I doing? I'm so nervous right now, I can't even think straight. Maybe I should just do it. Leaning closer to Julian's face and then paused. 'Hy Alazni you know you'll never get a chance like this one, just go for it'. But what if he doesn't like it, its not like I do. His my friend remember and yet they look so juicy. 'Please try not to drool, his right there you know'. Oh I'm sorry, I will try to control my urges for now.... I feel so embarrassed, you know what, I'm just gonna back away slowly and run like my life depends on it.


Julian POV

She's at it again. How many times had she tried this and never had the guts to actually do it. What a drag. And its not like I don't want her do it, I mean it would be nice but she has done this so many timess already but her sweet scent makes me fall into a trence. Who the hell in their right mind would not want such a beauty like Alazni.

She has light brown skin, light brown eyes that turn ruby red when she's angry, i don't know how but i never tried to question her about it. A really cute nose, pinkish red lips with a really nice body that every man drools over it. I know I know I shouldn't think this about my friend but have you seen her thick thighs i just feel like putting stockings on them and her boobs they are the best part, i think they are B sized just by looking from afar. I think my head could fit between them(fantasizing). And let's not forget about her nice ass and curves, I just feel like touching it tightly so.

Even though I want her to do it so badly I know she would just do it out of lust. And I actually have feelings for her ever since that day.


I got back to reality, pulling myself away from him, I stared at him for a bit and he stared back out of curiosity and waited for me to do something. Seeing that he's looking at me, I turned red like a tomato and ran like my life depended on it. He stared at me in uter shock. "Alazni..." Julian trying to call out but I was no where seen.

(Some time later at home in my room)

'Alazni what was that, you ran away like a chicken, you might as well turn into one if you keep on doing that', said the voice in Alazni mind. "Can you just leave me alone!', I said annoyed. 'Not for a second, I don't even know how you're always able to break through my clutches when it comes to this boy but I can control you when it comes to other matters', she said. 'So your not satisfied with what you can already do with me, your attempts are clearly not working so just give up already! You know very well that you can never have your way with him', I said. 'Giving up is not in my vocabulary so I ain't gonna do that', she said mockingly 'Ugh! Your so annoying. At times like this I wish I could go back in time to stop, maybe I could've avoided what had happened that day and you wouldn't have to live in me for another 16 years. Oh wait I might die before I become 34 years old'. 'Well that was part of our agreement'. 'No it wasn't, you said there is a high possibility that I might die before our contract ended, so meaning that I can avoid this tragedy from happening'. 'Stupid girl you can't escape death, I personally know that'. 'Well sorry to whatever happened to you but I don't care. And trust me when I say no matter the circumstances I will be able to get through this, I have been preparing after all '.


The next morning when I was going to school, I passed by Julian's house. It was a porch house with a very beautiful garden. Not like my 2 room house. He always insisted walking to school. I was curious as to why. I remember his parents buying him a new sports car on his birthday as a present, who wouldn't want to show off? I know that I would've but for some reason he didn't want to, so I didn't ask and just went with it because honestly I didn't mind at all.

I always had to wait outside his gate because I was scared of his parents. What if they were the judgemental type, that they want to see they're child being with a girl that comes from a rich family. "You're still standing outside the gate i see", Julian said while coming out. "Oh Julian you startled me", I said. "Even though the gate is always open for you to go in and wait for me inside. I did tell you that my parents don't bite, they are honestly good people plus they are always on some business trip", Julian said tiredly. "At least your parents are well and alive". I said trying to put on a smile.

"Oh don't worry Alazni, I got you, I'm here now okay" he said while hugging me. How cheesy.. 'Oh just shut! And let me enjoy this..'