
The Love Heist

California's sweetheart and celebrity jeweler, Vivienne Chavez is made a prey to all men in her hunt for love. They all want the same thing, a share of her wealth. After a sad breakup from, she decides to no longer be that woman. In the event of building her defenses, Antonio returns and she falls into the hands of the popular Gavin Leyva who with the help of a friend, takes everything away from her. She runs away from California, a totally different woman. With the help of Leyva's sworn enemy and ladies man, Luis Delgado, she promises to retrieve all he took from her. When they embark on this daring mission, Vivienne discovers they share an obsession deeper than the thirst for justice. Will she give in to the needs of her heart, or let go of everything for fear of being broken a fourth time?

Octoverse · Thành thị
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117 Chs

Chapter twenty

"No, no! This isn't happening." Vivienne broke down. The weakness she had been feeling all day returned in double fold and her knee gave away and she was soon ok on the ground, sobbing and crying.

Eva's body was lying there, lifeless and Vivienne crawled to where her dead secretary lay, taking her arm and touching her pulse points to see if she was in any way just unconscious and not dead.

There was no pulse.

Vivienne turned to look at the man she had come down the basement with. Her eyes were filled with so much hate. So much disdain. She stood to her feet and lunged at him, grabbing him by the tie and sinking her tooth into his neck. The man groaned and jerked away. Vivienne was lifted off the floor and tossed to the ground.