
The Love Blooms Eternally!

"Why are you here?" Kiara was shocked as well as annoyed to see Aditya at her door. "Go back Mr. Kashyap. You are disturbing me." Kiara emotionlessly told him to leave and pushed the door to close it. Before the door could close, it was stopped by a strong and muscular arm. Aditya pushed the door open as Kiara staggered a few steps back. "What was the relationship between you in Rihaan Khan?" Aditya asked directly without beating around the bush. Kiara was dumbfounded when she heard that person's name after more than five years when he came near the university to bother her. "Tell me the truth and I'll go back immediately. i won't bother you anymore." Aditya declared. "I ain't willing to tell you anything regarding my personal matters. So, please leave Mr. Kashyap!" Kiara almost lost her calm after hearing that jerk's name. "I won't go back unless you tell me the truth." Aditya said as he locked the door behind him and stood in front of her. "You want to know? Okay then! Listen carefully. Rihaan and I shared a very intimate relationship for few days. I used him as I wanted. Then dumped him so that I could court you. Does this fulfill your requirements Mr. Kashyap? Now Please leave!" Kiara lied boldly to make Aditya leave. Aditya's eyes darkened a few shades as soon as he heard Kiara's lies. He walked towards the bed in big strides and sat arrogantly. "You really want me stay here, don't you?" Aditya crossed his legs and raised his left brow arrogantly. Kiara: "....." There was turmoil in her hazel eyes. "Please Kiara... I need to know." Aditya requested tenderly. That night a few knots of their messily tangled relationship eased up. Slowly but surely their relationship that turned sour just due to some mere misunderstandings will improve. Read ahead to join Kiara and Aditya's rollercoaster ride of emotions. The love that blooms eternally.

simmi_jaiswal · Thành thị
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20 Chs

8. Flashback Part 4!

Kiara_: [Actually, I can't sleep right now. And there's nobody else online. Can you chat with me for some time if you are still up? It's okay if you don't want to...]

Mr_kashyap: [Sure. I'm up.]

Kiara and Aditya chatted for a while and went to sleep. Two clever people interested in each other... never actually said "bye" and continued the chat on the next day, the day after, and so on.

Since then, their texting became an important part of the day. Texting converted into talking the whole day long.

Few days passed away just like that and a meeting date was set at the 'Infinity' park near Kiara's home.

Both Kiara and Aditya were looking forward to the date. Even though Aditya was very mature, this time, he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. After all, this was the first time he was going on a date with someone. Aditya was comparatively more nervous than Kiara. He was like a young teenager going on a date for the first time, feeling thousands of butterflies in his stomach and heart stuffed with bubbly feelings. Even though Aditya was still a 19-year-old teenager it was very unusual for him to behave like one. 

 Aditya couldn't even wash the smile off his face.

Aditya took a few deep breaths to calm himself and stepped on the accelerator as the car sped up. he reached the meeting place 10 minutes earlier than the decided time.

Five minutes​ passed by as Aditya was waiting in the car when the silhouette of a beautiful girl came into his sight. 

Kiara reached the park five minutes earlier than their scheduled time. Kiara was ready to wait at the entrance of the garden, as there were still five minutes left for their date. As she walked near the entrance, she heard a honk and turned to look at the source of the sound. Aditya stepped out of the car grabbing the attention of the people passing by. 

Kiara stopped and smiled at Aditya as he unhurriedly walked towards her. His godly intimidating aura and emotionless face was enough for people to turn their gazes 

"Hello, Mr. Kashyap" Kiara greeted.

"Aditya. You can call me Aditya. No need to be so formal" Aditya said with a cold face.

"Aditya" Kiara corrected

"Hmm. Let's go." Asked said as he walked ahead. 

Kiara nodded and followed him in. 

Aditya stopped and turned around leaving Kiara off guard as she directly bumped into Aditya's strong chest. Kiara looked at Aditya in confusion and took a step back to maintain distance between them.

"Don't follow me, walk beside me. You are my date, not a lackey." Aditya said and walked beside her as he lowered his pace. Kiara's pace couldn't be considered as slow, but Aditya was too tall compared to her and he walked in long strides which resulted in her following behind him. 

The Infinity Park was known for its vast area. The first part consisted of the children's area on the right and the exercising area on the left side. In the Park ahead, there was a beautiful pond with fishes which was surrounded by big shady trees and benches under them for people to rest and sit on the grass. There was a wooden bridge built in between to cross the pond.

Across the pond was couple area which was different fro other sections of the garden. It consisted of big shady trees with wide trunks. Everyone across the pond was oblivious to anything happening in the couple's section.

Not far away, a sign with 'Couple area' written in bold could be seen and there sat a watchman, to avoid any accidents. Children were not allowed in the couple's area and intimacy in any part of the park other than the couple's area was prohibited to avoid children to witness any adultery.

The children's area was noisy while the exercising area was silent. Mostly elderly peoples were seen in the exercising area sitting on the bench or grass enjoying the silence, or meditating, as the area was large enough to keep the noise away from the exercising area from children's area. The people who came to enjoy the scenery with family and friends were seated in the pond section. The pond section was double in the area compared to the children's section and there was too much space for anyone to easily find a seat.

Kiara and Aditya sat on a bench in the pond section without any intentions of entering the couple's area.

They talked to each other which slowly dissipated the thick air of nervousness and awkwardness​ around them building the sense of familiarity and a vibe of young love.

With all smiling, giggling, and talking, two hours passed in a blink of an eye. It was time to leave.

Neither of them was ready for that moment to be done.

They headed out of the garden, and Aditya dropped Kiara near her home.

They parted their ways reluctantly, hinting their real emotions to each other, and headed home with goodbyes.

Both of them were absolutely oblivious to the person who was observing them from afar, with his eyes burning from anger.