
Chapter 4 Take Charge, God! (1)

Back at Port Harcourt, Sophia and her mother have finished preparing to travel to Lagos, they went to the hospital to go together with Doctor Donald, while they were waiting for the doctor, Sophia asked her mother, " Mom, I am very excited to participate in this competition, but I'm aware that it's expensive, why exactly is doctor Donald helping us?", " Darling, doctor Donald have this whole hospital to take care of, yet he ..., " I did it because of you, because I believe in you, Sophia", doctor Donald cut in, " shall we go?", he asked them, "yes", Mrs Owomorsale replied, and they left.


Everywhere in Lagos is so pretty, perhaps they're extra pretty to a little girl like Sophia, and all she could do was to shout, "wow! wow!!". Coming down from the bus, Sophia on her wheel chair, being pushed by her mother, yet observe how beautiful everywhere look, and she said, "Mother, I wish we could live here, Lagos is beautiful", Mrs Owomorsale replied, " yes, but don't forget what brought us here, we can even get to live in a better place than this if you use this opportunity very well", "I won't fail you, Mom", Sophia answered, together with Dr Donald, they went into the Hall that has bold letters at the entrance; For The Brains.

"Good afternoon Madam, you are welcome to the competition, For The Brains", Mr Stanley greeted, "good afternoon to you sir", Mrs Owomorsale replied, "we are here to register for the competition, and Sophia here, will be participating in the competition", Sophia's mother replied, Looking around, acting as if he didn't see anyone asked, "who exactly is participating?, the girl on wheelchair? is she Sophia?" Mr Stanley asked, " Yes, I am her doctor, and my name is Donald, Sophia will be participating in the competition, any problem?" Dr Donald asked, "well yes, I think she is too young for this exercise, besides there's no elevator, we make use of the stairs to go up to the 20th floor where the competition will be held, and we are not accepting physically challenged children, so I don't think your daughter is fit for this exercise, I advise you go home", " go home? we're here for the registration for the competition that will hold tomorrow, and we came all Port Harcourt, we can't go back like that, besides, there's no rules that says that this competition is rejecting the physically challenged, it's the brain that matters, Mr Stanley", Dr Donald answered, " Sophia is very intelligent, and is always at the top of her school, so you can't tell me that she's not mentally for this competition", Sophia's mother added. " well, madam, you can't compare the education of the West with the one at Port Harcourt, your daughter can be intelligent like you said, but she might turn out to not be a match for a student of any school here in Lagos, so I suggest you save yourself the stress and go home, please excuse me", Mr Stanley said and left them

Sitting on the wheelchair confused, Sophia asked, " Mum, what is he saying, am I not qualified? are we going back now? what really happened?", " Sophia ehm.. ehm..", Mrs Owomorsale stammered before Dr Donald interrupted her, " well Sophia, you are still joining the competition, but we are first going to get a place to stay and it has to be in this building, so we will register first and get a room",