
What was that?

Jenny was sleeping and the glowing ball of light entered her room. Jenny's room is on the third floor of her home and she sleeps with her windows and door closed but somehow one of her window remained open before she slept. The glowing ball transformed into a humanoid shape but it cant be known who the person was as still it was emitting light so radiant that no one can see the face but jenny was in a deep sleep so she didn't noticed. That person was obseving her and her belongings. Jenny dreamed of the same man again looking at her with his bright green eyes from a distance, the plqce where she was was really beautiful with lots of greenery and flowers with enchanting smell. It was 4:21am jenny suddenly woke up and saw time in her phone and thenn fell asleep again. She woke up in the morning it was the same old routine of her as of other normal days getting ready abd going to school but she felt that something was different but what. She thought that it might be the hallucination same as the other day. Jenny was completely fine the day before but now she felt as if her neck at back was burning so she went to her mother to show her. Jenny's mother told her that there was nothing that is abnormal she is perfectly fine. But jenny tried to look at her back using a mirror she saw some kind of reddish scar and thought it might be an allergy because of something which might not have shown any symptom when she asked her mother, concluding this jenny left for her school but the scar at her back started to take some wierd geometric shape of which jenny was not aware.