
The Lost Tales of Sinners

Short stories of a young man discovering about his dormant lust. No story had any kind of connection with the other.

Fethmelle · Kỳ huyễn
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215 Chs

Vermillion Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Tournament of Champions; An Unexpected Visit

Emma was sitting in her living room, lazily skipping channels on the TV. Her husband was absent as usual, leaving her home alone, and it was too early to call her friends to see if any of them were available for a ride. Then the doorbell rang. She stood up, ready to reject another salesperson, but instead received an oddly familiar cannon of hair on her chest as soon as she opened the door. "Anddressa." Emma greeted her daughter happily. "What a pleasant surprise."

"Hi Mom." Andressa replied, still hugging Emma tightly. "Since you were alone, we decided to visit you and make your weekend more fun."

'We?' Emma thought for a second, then she noticed a tall, dark figure still standing against the door with a crooked smile on his face. "Oh and you Christopher, welcome." Emma stuttered as Andressa unwrapped her hug

"Hello Emma, ​​it's been a long time without seeing." Christopher said, and pulled Emma into a hug.

Emma felt her face heat up, acutely aware of his muscled chest, pressing into his, her hands pressing hard against his back. Her mind overwhelmed by the memories of the last visit, she did nothing but hug him gently back until Christopher released her.

"Yes Christopher, long is good to see you too." said Emma, ​​trying to control the blush that covered her face. "Why don't we all go inside?"

"Of course, Mom." Andressa said and ran inside.

Emma started walking behind Andressa, Christopher walking beside her. Christopher put a hand on her back. Emma was shocked by Christopher's audacity, so it took a moment for her to shrug and dislodge Christopher's hand, intentionally trying to ignore the warmth his hand provided. She found Andressa back in the kitchen, pulling eggs out of the fridge.

"Honey, I can pretty much take care of breakfast." said Emma. "Why don't you go take a shower instead. I'm sure traveling here is tiring, even if it was magically."

Andressa smiled at Emma. "Thank you mom, it's very appreciated." Andressa left the kitchen.

"Wait Andy, let me help you." Christopher said, followed by a shout from Andressa.

Emma's face glowed red, she had the illusion of how Christopher was about to "help" her daughter in the bath. Still, her daughter was now an adult and was free to do as she pleased. While Christopher was a little loose around Emma, ​​it wasn't like Emma could explain it to her daughter. She could imagine Andressa's response as she tried to explain why Christopher wasn't a nice guy, that he was acting a little too close to her after a midnight blowjob. The only thing Emma could do was wait until she was alone with Christopher, and explain to him that tonight was a mistake they both needed to forget.

With her biggest problem solved in her mind, Emma turned her attention to the breakfast she was preparing. Then a wordless scream belonging to her daughter distracted her. She barely avoided a nasty cut on her hand. Still, she waited in the kitchen, because clearly, that wasn't a scream of pain. She bit her lip, trying to banish the images the scream conjured up, Christopher and his daughter in her living room, fused in a warm embrace as Emma hid in a dark corner…

Dispelling these images was harder than she'd expected, however, as Andressa turned out taller than she'd expected, the occasional loud moan still echoing in the room even after Emma had finished preparing breakfast. Emma found herself climbing the stairs, though she had no illusions of what was going on upstairs. 'I need to call them to breakfast.' Emma apologized to herself, but she was aware of how vague that excuse was. She stood in front of the bathroom, feeling unsure of what to do next. Just knocking on the door and separating them would be very awkward, as their noise made it impossible for Emma to act like she didn't know what was happening over the water. Then, she noticed that the door wasn't closed properly. She tried to look inside through the small opening but was unsuccessful, the position of the showers making it impossible for Emma to see anything. Heart pounding, she put her hand on the door and pushed it open. The door moved noiselessly, revealing the view beyond for her. Her daughter was spread like an eagle, her chest pressing hard against the wall, but her body was covered with Christopher's, who was pushing her from behind repeatedly. The water was flowing over him, covering his muscles with an impressive sheen. Emma licked her lips, trying to moisten her suddenly and mysteriously dry lips. She didn't know how long she stood there, watching the two teenagers having passionate sex, but her hand was sneaking toward her core when Christopher suddenly turned his head and looked into her eyes. She froze, like a deer seeing a hunter, looking through the sight of his rifle. Christopher kept his eyes firmly on hers as he impaled his daughter repeatedly. Emma felt her body heat up and her mind go blank. Then Christopher winked at her and turned his head to Andressa. Emma darted away, not caring what noise she made. She was already in the living room when she remembered leaving the door open, but was afraid to go back and close it. She tried to tell herself it was because she feared her daughter might catch her spying on the two of them, but she knew it was because she was afraid of falling under Christopher's gaze once more.

Emma went back to the kitchen trying to regulate her breathing, but with limited success, whenever she managed to calm her heartbeat, another moan would come from upstairs, renewing the circle again. She tried to control her breathing once more, only to fail radically. Luckily, Andressa's cries of pleasure stopped before she finished setting the table, giving her enough time to compose herself before heading back to breakfast.

However, despite Emma's hopes, ​​Christopher was the first to descend the stairs. "Breakfast looks delicious Emma, ​​sorry we didn't help prepare it." Christopher said and stopped quickly, his smile becoming a little more heated. "Although I'm pretty sure the show you had was a good return for your efforts, right?" Christopher walked beside her and trailed his finger over her cheek.

Emma felt her tongue lock, her mind going blank. What response could she make after being caught spying on her own daughter having sex?

Fortunately, Andressa chose that moment to enter the room. "Breakfast looks delicious, Mom." Andressa said before taking a seat at the table, with Christopher sitting beside her. Emma took a seat next to Andressa and breakfast began, along with a discreet conversation.

But soon, Emma realized something important. It was mostly she and Christopher who spoke, while Andressa's contribution was limited to occasional one-word responses. At first, Emma feared Christopher had informed Andressa of her latest mistake, but a low moan, quickly turning into a cough for cover, showed Emma her mistake. Only then did she realize that Christopher's left hand was under the table, his shoulder shaking slightly, that she realized what was happening under the table. And just like that, her blush returned in full force, and she lost the rest of the sentence in a shocked stammer.

"What was that Emma?" Christopher said, his smile growing once more. There was no doubt that he was aware of Emma's latest discovery.

"Nothing." Emma stammered, still trying to act unconsciously, mostly for Andressa's benefit. "I was just asking how you feel about your chances on the last assignment."

"I feel very confident." Christopher replied. "And most importantly, this year I've developed a new perspective on life. If you want something, just achieve it with all your strength until everything you want is yours. And I really want that victory." Christopher stopped and held her under her gaze. "Just as I desire other...things."

Emma just sat in her seat, her heart pounding hard enough to make her deaf, her feelings creating a mix of confusion. There was no mistaking what Christopher's challenge was, and she felt intimidated, sitting under his gaze. At the same time, she couldn't help but be shocked at his boldness, openly lusting after her even though he was raping her daughter with his fingers in front of her. Fortunately, Andressa was in her own world, blissfully unaware of the events at the table. Then she noticed that Christopher's juice glass was empty and seized the opportunity that presented itself. "Let me add some more juice." Emma said and jumped out of her chair, leaving behind the table, which was the source of her confusion.

Andressa, however, was suddenly less careful to control her voice now that Emma wasn't around. But the kitchen was much closer than Andressa had estimated during her pleasure-filled haze, and her moans began to echo in Emma's ears once more. She turned on the juice machine, hoping it might mask her daughter's moans. It even managed for a while, until Andressa began to moan even louder, relying on the machine to mask her voice. So finally her daughter was silent after a particularly erotic moan. Emma returned to the kitchen table a minute later, carrying a pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice.

"Thanks Mom, I was so thirsty." Andressa said, filling her glass.

"No problem honey." Emma replied, barely containing a snide comment about what her daughter was really thirsty with. She wanted to scold her daughter about her irresponsible behavior, but her own guilt held her back. Or she hoped it was her fault, because any other probability was too strange to contemplate. The rest of breakfast took place in almost complete silence, Andressa silenced by her exhaustion, Emma silenced by her shame. "Andressa, you look exhausted because you won't rest for a few hours while I clear the table."

"Okay. Are you coming Christopher?" Andressa thanked her and turned her attention to Christopher.

"Andy, I think I better stay here and help Emma." Christopher said. "She's already tried hard enough to prepare breakfast, it would be rude of me not to help. But go rest Andy, you have to."

"See you in a few hours." Andressa said nodding her head and left the room.

Emma wasn't surprised that Andressa didn't try to stay and help them. It had been a long time since she'd last tried one, but Emma still remembered how exhausting consecutive orgasms could be. Emma tried to find a way to initiate the much-needed discussion with Christopher, but words deserted her. After all, how was she going to start a conversation with her daughter's boyfriend about the blowjob given under false pretenses, or the time she stalked them in the shower. The heat from her own body, building whenever her mind went back to those moments, wasn't helping either. So she was silent as she picked up the dishes with Christopher's help, resolutely ignoring each time her hands touched.

"Hi Emma, ​​how about you watch some TV, I can take care of the dishes." Christopher said.

Emma wouldn't normally agree to leave cleaning up to a visitor as long as she wasn't her mother, but this time, her mood was too complicated to bother to dwell on it. She just nodded and walked out of the kitchen, sitting in front of the TV, trying to organize her mind for the inevitable conversation she needed to have.

Christopher returned to the living room after a few minutes.

Emma mentally prepared herself and began to speak. "Listen, Christopher, the situation that's happening is—" Emma started to speak, only to be interrupted by Christopher, placing his hands on her shoulders.

"You're very tense Emma, ​​let me give you a massage." Christopher said, squeezing Emma's shoulders lightly.

Emma opened her mouth to chastise Christopher and demand an immediate halt, but somehow, between her vocal cords and her mouth, the words turned into a sigh. While appropriate, Christopher was right about the tension, and his hands were almost magical, breaking the knots in her shoulders with ease.

"Were you trying to say something?" Christopher added, his hands still massaging Emma's shoulder.

"It can wait until you finish your massage." replied Emma. They owed her at least that after all the stress they'd put on her, she supposed. She leaned forward a little, giving Christopher access to her back. She was silent, beyond the occasional appreciative murmur as his hands explored her back, unlocking her tense muscles.

"Why don't you lie down." Christopher said. "It would be so much easier that way then."

"Of course." Emma replied and lay down, seeing no problem. After all, Christopher was already massaging her and lying down wouldn't make a difference. She rested her head on the pillow, enjoying Christopher's hands as they traveled down her back, fighting any signs of stress. Christopher started with her shoulder then moved to her back. However, she started biting her lip when he reached her lower back, afraid he would act inappropriately, and she would have to call him and stop the massage. Fortunately, Christopher skipped any spot that could be called inappropriate and moved directly to her feet. Emma sighed, relaxed. A minute later, she realized she might have made a mistake in relaxing after Christopher got up. Because she looked totally divine when her fingers touched her flesh, eliciting flashes of pleasure. She was fully aware of her rapid breathing and what it entailed. She needed to stop the massage before her willpower dwindled to nothing, but somehow, the words denied their existence. Christopher reached her calves, then began to crawl towards her thighs after a brief stop there. She found herself biting into the pillow to contain her moans as he rose, getting closer and closer to her private parts. Emma found herself unable to utter the words, tormented by the images of what those fingers would feel like, caressing her nether lips. Emma felt her mind being shrouded in mist, acutely aware that her power to resist was completely destroyed. Then the pressure of Christopher's hands stopped.

"I hope you enjoyed your massage, Emma." Christopher said in a cheerful voice. "I'm going back to rest with Andressa." Only after hearing her footsteps ascending the stairs did Emma realize the blond bastard had left her, breathing hard with excitement and confusion. And a scream from Andressa, followed by deep, pleasure-filled moans, didn't help either.

For a while, Emma just lay still, trying to compose herself, shocked at how close she'd been pushed to climax. "That fucking bastard." Emma muttered. It was impossible for Christopher to notice what massage her was doing to her, and that meant he had intentionally left her on edge, frustrated and needy. A move that deserved a response along the same lines. Emma went upstairs after a brief stop in the kitchen to get some water and knocked on her daughter's bedroom door. "Are you decent, dear?" Emma asked.

The sudden silence, followed by a brief shuffle brought a smile to Emma's lips. "Yes mom, you can come in."

Emma opened the door and walked in, only to blush heavily. The strong, musky smell of the room left no doubt about what was happening in the room a second before. To make matters worse, they were both under the covers, cupping them, Christopher's eyes closed, acting as if he were sleeping. "I thought you were going to get thirsty." Emma said, 'putting the water bottle down by the bed. But when closing, Emma noticed an important detail, there was a slight movement and difficult to notice happening in the waist area.

Emma saw her daughter blush and bite her lip in an effort to keep her voice down. Emma's face had a similar tone, shocked by Christopher's brazen boldness. Christopher continued to impale his daughter, regardless of her presence, and he must have known the cloak was a poor substitute for keeping himself hidden under attack. Emma hit a hasty retreat from the room after wishing her daughter a good rest, despite knowing that there wouldn't be much rest to happen after she left…


Four hours and a long cold shower later, Emma was sitting in the living room, watching TV during the day, hoping it would distract her, when she heard footsteps coming from the stairs.

"I need to go to the library." said Andressa.

Emma giggled. "What a surprise, not unexpected, dear."

Andressa let out a small laugh. "Yes mom, I know this is really unpredictable. Me and the library, who would have thought, right?" Then Andressa continued, her voice simplified. "But Christopher is upstairs, sleeping. If he wakes up, can you let him know where the library is?"

"Of course dear." said Emma, ​​trying to sound indifferent, but her mouth went dry in panic. Still, it was a good opportunity to talk to Christopher without any distractions. Emma braced herself and waited until Andressa left the house, then walked towards her daughter's room. She stood in front of the door for a moment in hesitation, then she pushed the door open. The first thing that greeted her was the smell of sex, even stronger than when she last entered.

The second thing was Christopher's naked body….

Emma took a deep breath in shock, startled by his naked display, his semi-erect cock in full display to the naked eye. "Christopher." Emma called after him, trying to wake him up, but didn't turn away. After all, she had seen him in more compromising positions, so there was no harm in staring. Christopher did not respond, still deeply asleep. Emma called him a few more times, only to get no answer. However, the conversation she needed to have with him couldn't be delayed any longer, so Emma walked over and shook his shoulder. It didn't work as well as she'd hoped. Christopher continued to sleep, but her movements managed to awaken a certain part of him, which rose almost instantly.

Emma was impressed by his teenage virility. Despite all the sex he'd had during the day, he'd come to terms with just a touch, even when he was asleep. Emma knew that the appropriate thing was to pull the blanket over Christopher, covering his body, and then continue with her attempts to wake him up. But sometimes, desires and knowledge clashed. And the only sexual contact Emma had for a long time was the boy lying in front of him, due to her husband's long absences. His taste, his shape, his passion… They were still glowing in his memory. Her previous voyeurisms didn't help in controlling her either. So Emma was fully aware of how wrong her action was as she wrapped her hand around Christopher's cock, feeling her beat continue to harden under his touch. She moved her hand, testing how his skin moved under her attention. She glanced at Christopher's face for any indication of waking up, but it was as blank as a minute ago. She kept hitting him, her own heartbeat increasing with each pulse. She felt a familiar warmth filling her insides once more. She decided to try fewer clothes as a solution. Her hands danced over the buttons, and a few seconds later, she was sitting on the edge of the bed, clad only in her panties, one hand tucked into her panties, caressing her folds. At this point, she managed to convince herself that Christopher was a heavy sleeper and wasn't about to wake up, despite little evidence to support his claim. Excited by the desire to taste him one more time, she bent down and licked his crown, one of her hands still pumping the base. His flavor infused her tongue, spurring her on for more. She leaned in, her ruby ​​lips parted, and captured the top of his shaft between her lips. She started to shake her head, at first slowly, but her movements quickened as the last worries about waking him melted under her desire, exploring her shaft with her mouth. Then, out of nowhere, Emma felt two hands grabbing his head and pushing it down. She found herself with his cock lodged in her throat, having trouble breathing. She gasped and tried to pull away, but the pressure wouldn't let her. Then the pressure suddenly disappeared, and Emma pulled away, her mouth open, ready to scream in rage.

But the opportunity was lost as soon as she appeared, when a pair of lips pressed against hers, silencing her. She still tried to speak, but Christopher stuck his tongue in her mouth, silencing her in the process. Her hands found her bra hook and freed her breasts from their confines. Her hands moved to her breasts, digging into her flesh. Emma put her hands on Christopher's shoulders, intending to push him away, but somehow her orders didn't translate, pulling him closer. Emma fell back, his weight on her, pinning her to the bed. However, her trapped state didn't worry her, paying more attention to Christopher's fingers sliding into her panties, stroking her folds. Emma's moans echoed in the room as Christopher's mouth descended and captured her nipples between his teeth, covering her breasts with red marks from his heavy kisses. He descended further, leaving a lingering trail of kisses on her stomach, then placed his head between her legs. A hard tug later, Emma was free of the last piece of clothing she wore, and the only thing covering her slit was Christopher's mouth, his tongue ravaging her to her heart's content. Emma lost all control of her voice as the climax got closer and closer...

Then the pleasure suddenly stopped.

Emma opened her eyes to see what happened, only to find herself under Christopher's glowing gaze. He was leaning over her, his cock poised to enter her in one smooth motion. Emma spread her legs and lifted her bottom to allow easier access, but the penetration she'd been hoping for didn't come. "Come on Christopher, don't keep me waiting." Emma whimpered, worries about how inadequate the situation was not even registering her mind.

"Waiting for what?" Christopher said, a damn half smile on his face.

"What?" Emma muttered in confusion. She clicked a second later. Christopher wanted her to ask explicitly, in the last sign of her total surrender. A part of her urged her to just get up and leave, leaving him wanting to break free. But that would put her in the same position. Still, Emma hesitated to say those words, feeling that it would be too much of a challenge. "Please?" Emma moaned.

"Please what?" Christopher said, still smiling.

"Please…" Emma muttered once more, feeling conflicted internally. But then she realized it didn't matter much, she'd already consented to it, and uttering those words or not wouldn't make any changes. "Fuck me, Christopher." Emma whispered.

"I can not hear you." Christopher replied.

"Fuck me." Emma repeated, this time much louder, no hint of hesitation present in her voice. "Fill me you son of a bitch."

"As you wish." Christopher said, and pushed his cock inside. A cry of pain escaped Emma's mouth, 'a sign of how much time had passed since she'd last experienced any sexual contact. But in her wet, aroused state, it didn't take long for her to adjust to Christopher's waist, and he began jabbing her with a steady rhythm. Emma felt the earth shift as her heightened state returned almost instantly. Each pump of him pushed her closer to the edge, and soon she was contracting around his cock, her juices flowing unrestrainedly.

"Oh Christopher, that was amazing." Emma muttered in a haze of pleasure.

"Dear." Christopher replied with a crooked smile. "We've barely finished the appetizers. The main course is just getting started." Christopher began to pump without waiting for an answer, this time, invading Emma deeper with each thrust, touching places that hadn't been touched before. Christopher impaled, attacked, pierced...

And Emma simply lay in a haze of pleasure, experiencing a pleasure she had never experienced before, experiencing climax after climax.

Then Emma heard a chilling sound from below. "Mom, I'm back, where are you?" The situation hit her like a truck. She was in her daughter's bed, with her daughter's boyfriend, and was about to be caught by said daughter in the act. Paralyzed with shock, she did nothing as Christopher threw her clothes under the bed and pulled the covers over her. A second later, Christopher slipped under the covers, his cock pressing against her ass, his arms pulling her chest tightly.


Emma heard Andressa's voice just above the bed.

"Have you seen Mommy?"

Emma tried to be silent, but it was a challenge, considering Christopher's cock, slippery with her own juices, pressed hard against her entrance. She wanted to beg him to stop, but she was afraid to make the slightest sound.

"I'm sure your mom is busy with something important." Christopher replied, thrusting his cock inside Emma once more. "Maybe she's looking for something nice for dinner, of course."

Emma was shocked to hear a laugh escape Andressa's mouth, despite how hypocritical she was to be irritated by a poor sexual innuendo while she was actually being filled. Emma did her best to remain silent as Christopher and his daughter chatted amiably. She felt even worse as kissing sounds reached her ears, well aware that it only took an errant touch from Andressa to realize there was someone else under the covers. But unlike everything she believed about herself, it made Emma even more excited. Her hips began to move of their own accord, trying to devour Christopher's cock. And as soon as she heard Andressa's footsteps walking away, followed by a knock at the door, she threw back the covers and assumed her position on top, her hand resting on Christopher's chest, and began rocking her hips, hitting another orgasm. almost immediately. Then Christopher suddenly wrapped his arms around her and pushed her down. Emma didn't have to think about why as Christopher plunged his huge cock into her mouth. She started to shake her head, along with her tongue. She managed to coax Christopher's seed out, filling her mouth. She tried to swallow as much as she could, but some inevitably slipped onto her chest and onto the bed.

"That was amazing." Emma muttered.

"Yes it was." Christopher answered as he pulled Emma's clothes under the bed. "But I recommend you go back to your room, unless you're sure you could convince your daughter to a trio, of course."

Emma barely nodded as she left the room, stumbling back to her own room, still naked, any possible consequences of getting caught not on her mind. She closed the door and threw herself on the bed, losing consciousness almost instantly.


Emma's consciousness slowly returned to acceptable standards. She felt rested, relaxed, much more than she normally did. Inevitably, her mind shifted to the reason. Just like that, what she'd just done hit her full force, but she couldn't find a foothold in her pleasure-filled mind. Yes, she cheated on her husband and, yes, on her daughter's boyfriend, but her enormity of actions was overshadowed by the pleasure she felt. After all, it was the husband and daughter's fault, Emma rationalized. One had not touched her for months, despite her attractive body, very busy with her work, the other had sex in every corner of the house without the slightest concern for her needs. Why should Emma feel guilty? They were as responsible as she was for what she did. Still, it was a unique thing, she had no intention of risking a repeat. Emma knew her arguments were fragile, but she didn't care much. She got up and examined her body in the mirror, riddled with hickeys for the first time in a long time. She let her hand caress the marks on her neck, evoking the memory of their beginning, Christopher's lips attacking her neck mercilessly. She was hungry for more, but her decision was final. She took a quick shower and put on some makeup to cover her hickeys, then headed downstairs. But neither Christopher nor Andressa were around. Then she found a note written by Andressa, saying they needed to go back to school, but she didn't want to wake her up for that.

Emma sighed, relaxed. She knew that dealing with dinner with them would be a big challenge after the night before. Still, despite knowing, she couldn't help but feel let down...