
The Lost Tales of Sinners

Short stories of a young man discovering about his dormant lust. No story had any kind of connection with the other.

Fethmelle · Kỳ huyễn
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215 Chs

Vermillion Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Tournament of Champions; Abandoned Room Fun

Katherine's consciousness returned slowly, although she had difficulty penetrating her sleeping mind, under the effect of a heat that permeated even her bones. For a moment, she just enjoyed the warmth she felt, but then she realized a very important detail. The sources of that heat were all around her, their hearts beating close enough to be felt on her skin. More importantly, Katherine remembered who those heartbeats belonged to. The situation hit her with all its seriousness, destroying her mood more efficiently than a bucket of cold water. Her face burned with embarrassment, tears stinging her eyes. She wished her wand was in her hand so she could curse them both, punishing them thoroughly before erasing her memories of last night. But even thinking about it, it was enough to send a shiver of fear through her body. There was no guarantee that her spell would be able to affect Redfield's mental strongholds, that she clearly knew he possessed them now, and she didn't want to imagine his response to an attempt at mind manipulation, not after that disastrous duel of his where Redfield showed which is many steps ahead of the vast majority of wizards. It was like a wolf hiding among the flock of sheep, in the eyes of the shepherd, and given that the symbol of the House of Elohins was a Golden Horned Sheep and that Redfield acted more like a wolf disguised as a sheep than a sheep disguised as a wolf, that could definitely be correct.

So, Katherine decided to go with the second best option, in which case, she would leave their warm and loving embrace without waking them up. She wanted to avoid the humiliation they would definitely inflict on her after waking up. Her only hope was that they would be discreet about last night, although thankfully what happened was so unbelievable that many would simply think it was just a ridiculous rumor even if Redfield decided to spread it in person. However, she was not able to escape without waking them up. After a few careful nudges here and there, Vermillion's eyes snapped open. Katherine had expected insults or the disdainful statement of how they managed to deceive her and how they both enjoyed her body all night long.

"Good Morning." Vermillion whispered and leaned into Katherine's lips.

Shocked by his unexpected and unscripted response, Katherine barely reacted when Vermillion's lips pressed against hers, evoking a new series of confused feelings in her mind. Only after Vermillion walked away did Katherine finally find a voice to speak. "Let me go." Katherine said, trying to maintain an icy tone of voice that earned her her epithet, Ice Queen, but her frustration bled into her voice, reflecting her turmoil.

"Wow." Andressa said, with a teasing smile on her lips. "Someone is grumpy. What does it take for you to wake up happy if last night wasn't enough?"

"Let me go." Katherine said again, tears visible at the edge of her eyes in a shocking display of loss of control. "I'm feeling pretty humiliated, let me go back to my room." Katherine said as she noticed Vermillion's teasing expression melted away, replacing it with a serious look.

"Look, Katherine." Andressa started to speak, her tone calm. "Although last night was different than expected, that doesn't mean either Christopher or I will humiliate or belittle you for last night." Andressa said softly noticing Katherine's look of disbelief because her next words were a direct response to that. "It's not the first time we've had other girls with us, and it won't be the last either. Just as you never heard Christopher or me brag about our activities, no one else will hear us brag about last night." Andressa said with her expression returning to being mischievous. "Of course, you're always very welcome for another night if you like, and this time, maybe I can meet Christopher instead."

Katherine had the distinct feeling that Vermillion wasn't talking about dinner.

Before Katherine could say anything else, Vermillion's lips closed on hers once more, filling her heart with very confused feelings. Katherine was drunk when Vermillion walked away. She said nothing, just got up, gathered her clothes, dressed and left the room, confusion and excitement fighting in her mind.


Andressa's smile appeared back on her face as soon as the door closed. "How long are you going to pretend to be sleeping, Christopher?"

Christopher's eyes opened, holding Andressa under her gaze. "You handled Katherine really well, Andy. I didn't want to screw this up."

"I don't deserve any reward, Christopher?" Andressa asked.

Never wanting to disappoint his partner, Christopher grabbed Andressa's waist and pulled her close, his erection pressing hard against her stomach.

"Someone is feeling very awake today." Andressa joked but received no verbal response.

Christopher attacked her lips and his hands plunged right into her chest. Andressa whimpered in pleasure as Christopher's fingers sank into her breasts. Then, he reached down a little and began to nibble on her neck.

"This is amazing." Andressa muttered. "Such a nice reward."

Christopher jerked his head, his hands still busy with Andressa's chest, sending numbing shivers through her body. "Speaking of rewards… That was your last challenge, so I think I deserve a reward from me."

Andressa snorted in disdain. "Because it was an unpleasant task for you, right?"

Christopher responded with one hand leaving her breasts and traveling beneath Andressa. "Regardless of that, Andy." Christopher said, highlighting his point with a hard smack on his ass. "We made a challenge. I completed the challenge. So I think I deserve a reward." A spanking fell on Andressa after each sentence, sharp stabs of pain making the pleasure even more unbearable.

Andressa bit her lip to hold back a moan. "Of course." Andressa sighed, more interested in the journey of Christopher's hand as it gently caressed her folds.

"However, it was a pretty dirty trick you tried to use against me, choosing someone like Katherine." Christopher explained as his hands sped up, sending shivers through her body. "The reward must be equally worthy, I believe." Christopher stopped for a second. "Maybe I should just seduce your mother as a reward, what do you think?"

If not for Christopher's hands, massaging her insides, constantly pushing her toward a climax that promised to shatter the earth, Andressa might have reacted to Christopher's suggestion to seduce her mother harshly. Instead, Andressa just snorted lightly. "Christopher, I know you're ambitious, but it just wouldn't work. My mom would never agree with such a thing."

"So, that's the challenge you're bringing. It's not a problem on your side then?" Christopher asked repeated her point, pushing his fingers deeper inside Andressa.

Again, Andressa might have thought differently if not for Christopher's fingers, systematically pushing her to the point of inconsistency, but under the shadow of the impending climax, the moral implications seemed lost. "No, it's not." Andressa muttered, her mind focused on the question what Christopher did with his fingers to cause such a sense of pleasure. It never felt so good when it was just her fingers. She decided that her mother was old enough to take care of herself without Andressa's protection. It wasn't like her mom was seduced by someone twenty years younger than her, right?

"Well." Christopher whispered and leaned in for another kiss, a twist in his fingers enough to make Andressa climax once more. Then, Andressa felt something even bigger pushing for her opening, and all the other issues lost their importance...


A scream of panic greeted Katherine as she entered her room in the Melkron House's female dorm.

"Katherine Alianore Branford! Where the hell were you?! I was about to die of worry." Said Mayeda Saori, her roommate and best friend, who gave her a hug right away. "Where did you disappear all night?! I almost went to the teachers to say you were missing."

Katherine shivered. She definitely didn't want to imagine Nicholson's response to finding out she'd been in a threesome with Christopher and Andressa. "I'm fine, Saori." Katherine muttered softly. "Something developed in a way that was difficult to predict. Sorry to worry you."

Her arms loosened and Saori took a step back, her eyebrow raised curiously. "Really, is that your explanation? Something happened, right?" Saori said curiously and stopped for a second, looking carefully at Katherine's body. "And you're in desperate need of a shower. If I didn't know you better, I'd say you spent all night having sex."

Taken by surprise by her response, Katherine's eyes widened, but only after seeing Saori's mouth fall in shock did she realize what she had just admitted.

"You had sex and it lasted all night?!" Saori asked exclaiming in shock.

"What?! Of course not!" Katherine managed to speak without stuttering, but she knew it was too late to deny it. After all, her body condition has already betrayed her, providing many clues to reach a similar conclusion. Katherine lowered her head in defeat. "Speak softly and lock the door Saori, I'll tell you after shower." Seeing Saori nod her head, Katherine headed for the shower.


An hour after a nice hot, rejuvenating bath, Katherine was sitting across from Saori, wrapped in a big fluffy bathrobe.

"Come on, spill it all, Kathy." Saori said clearly impatient. "What the hell happened last night?"

Katherine took a deep breath. "I'll explain in a minute, but first, do you need to promise me that you'll keep everything I'm going to tell you secret?"

"Of course, I promise. But why so much cape and dagger. If I didn't know you better, I'd say Christopher Redfield was the one you spent all night having sex with, and you were trying to keep the rest of the house from learning about it. ."

Katherine tried her best to control her facial expression, but Saori's precise comment managed to surprise her once more.

"Oh Holy Mavis! You spent the entire night having sex with Christopher Redfield?!" Saori exclaimed in shock.

"Lower the fucking voice Saori!" Katherine exclaimed angrily, her language like a Thoroughbred falling into the gutter, then her voice dropped to a whisper. "Do you have any idea what the rest of the house would do if they heard you scream? Especially that lame excuse of being alive like Mallory. In just a few years, he'll be Lord Greengrass and Lord Mallory if he doesn't end up dying sooner, and I have the intention of not being pulled into her idiotic illusion that Mallory has a rivalry against Christopher." Katherine took a deep breath. "Or can you imagine what my parents would do if they found out?"

"Sorry, Kathy." Saori muttered, completely dejected. "And that this was a surprise."

Katherine snorted in amusement. A little surprise was a gentle way of putting it. "Yes, it was really a surprise. In shortened summary, Mirabella asked Christopher out and 'celebrate' his seventeenth birthday due to rumors of Christopher's abilities, and I decided that convincing him would be the easier way than talking to Mirabella .But he ended up not agreeing, so I challenged him to a duel."

Saori looked at Katherine with a look of disbelief. "A duel against Christopher, Katherine, are you crazy? Redfield fought a goddamn adult Wyvern just a few months ago. Using spells that are definitely not on Vermillion's resume. That Animal Animation spell he used in the first task, they take time for complete mastery which is what Christopher was doing, there is no way to learn that in just a few months. I speak this from experience. How did you expect to beat him exactly?"

"Christopher volunteered to duel with a disability of my choice. I thought making him duel without his wand would be enough to win, but it wasn't. could do with a wand." Katherine stopped talking, enjoying the shocked expression on Saori's face. "It was just unbelievable Saori, just being in the center of his power, it was like being in the middle of a storm. It reminded me of the tales of some of the older students, about how their parents felt when they addressed the Dark Lord It was just overwhelming. But unlike your tales, it wasn't scary or cold, it was like a warm feeling covering my skin like a lover…" Katherine trailed off, realizing her voice had risen almost to the point of screaming. Katherine took a deep breath, continually ignoring her core heating. "In terms of the bet, he asked me to be the waitress on his date with Andressa. And I decided to seduce him during the meeting."

"And you managed to send Vermillion away and keep him all to yourself all night." Saori concluded. "Very well. But why are you calling Vermillion by his first name? If anything, I would expect you to be angrier at her."

"My plan didn't go exactly as planned." Katherine muttered, her face burning with embarrassment. "Andressa never went out overnight." Katherine wished she had a camera to immortalize the expression of total shock on Saori's face, welcoming the provocative material rather than her own. "The rest you can figure out for yourself how it happened."

"What?! Spill it all out Kathy! I want to know about everything!" Saori spoke quickly with her eyes shining. "And most important of all, is Christopher good in bed?"

Katherine smiled at Saori's question, it somehow helped her feel calm about the ordeal she went through last night. Katherine began to tell her story. "First of all, the answer is yes, Christopher is good in bed. Now let's see, yes… it all started when my adorable, idiotic sister decided to ask Christopher out and "celebrate" his seventeenth birthday in the middle of the library... "


Christopher walked through the corridors of the Vermillion Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a lingering whistle on his lips as he noticed two familiar figures round a corner. "Hi Villegas, Hong Biyu, how are you?"

"Hi Christopher." Hong Biyu responded quickly. A little too fast, if the frown on Villegas' face was any indicator.

"Hello Redfield." Abraxas said, trying to keep his tone manageable but failing miserably.

Christopher had to admit, this time Villegas had a real point. It shouldn't be so easy to be outdone by someone younger in three years, especially when Christopher chose to save his hostage during the second task as well, adding more salt to the already open wound. To make matters worse, Villegas was not allowed to be explicitly irritated by this, as according to the jurors, Christopher had demonstrated a great moral fiber by ensuring the hostage's safety before his well-being. Of course, Christopher was responsible for many things that would make Villegas mad by rights, like putting a pair of beautiful horns on him, but Villegas was blissfully unaware of them. "So, Villegas, how are preparations for the third task. Do you feel ready?"

"Believe me, Redfield, you will be surprised by my performance on the third task." Abraxas replied, trying to look menacing. It didn't take a genius to guess that he was planning to shoot Christopher in the back during the third task.

Christopher just shrugged disdainfully. "What did you say, Villegas, what did you say." At the same time, he focused his magic and conjured a small scroll, a small note already prescribed on it. He walked beside them, his shoulder brushing Hong Biyu's, and placed the note in her hand. As soon as he rounded the corner, he pulled on his Invisibility Cloak and turned, following them closely. He had to hold back a snort of disdain when he heard Villegas throw out a long speech about how overrated he was, how he was in the lead just because he was famous. 'Yes, yes, keep complaining about me.' Christopher thought. 'Complaining about another man is such a good date for a date.' And from the utter disinterest and boredom on Hong Biyu's face, Christopher realized that this was far from the first time the subject had come up. Then he watched Hong Biyu discreetly raise her hand, reading the note without Villegas noticing, not that it was a problem. Soon, a blush covered Hong Biyu's face, and she discreetly glanced around, hoping to see Christopher nearby. Christopher patted her shoulder lightly, signaling her presence to Hong Biyu. Christopher didn't really expect Hong Biyu's hand to launch itself into her belly and grab her shaft, but he didn't complain when she began to massage him, quickly bringing him to life. Fortunately, Hong Biyu's own body was hiding her movements, keeping Villegas unaware of what was happening. Still, with pants, underwear and a cape on the way, it wasn't exactly the most pleasurable experience Christopher had ever conducted, so he hoped Hong Biyu would follow through on her plan without wasting too much time.

Hong Biyu loosened his grip around Christopher's cock, grabbed Villegas' hand and pulled him into an abandoned classroom. Christopher followed with an anticipatory smile on his face, only to see Hong Biyu transfiguring the chairs and tables into an eye cover and handcuffs.

"What is it?" Abraxas said, completely confused.

"Remember how you always ask me to handjob you with puppy dog ​​eyes?" Hong Biyu muttered. "It's today but I'm feeling a little shy so you need to wear these handcuffs and cover your eyes."

"But Hong-" Abraxas started to speak, only to be interrupted by Hong Biyu.

"Take it or leave Salazar." Hong Biyu said, his tone much more severe this time. Very hard, as Villegas would have noticed if he hadn't been distracted by his own growing enthusiasm.

"Okay, okay." Abraxas said, raising his hands in surrender and wrapping his eyes with the covering, then putting his hands behind his back, allowing Hong Biyu to fasten the handcuffs behind him.

Meanwhile, Christopher locked and sealed the door, then took off his cloak, revealing himself to Hong Biyu's cheerful eyes, who responded with a bright smile that promised much pleasure. Christopher wasted no time walking after Hong Biyu, who was fiddling with Villegas' belt. He let his hands roam freely over her tight ass, a sigh escaped Hong Biyu's mouth, and several others joined in after Christopher put his hand under her skirt. However, Hong Biyu proved that Christopher wasn't the only one impatient for a hard fuck. She quickly threw off her robe, and her blouse and skirt shared the same fate a moment later. She was proudly in her underwear, showing off her lithe, athletic body. As a gentleman, Christopher didn't want to keep her waiting, so he pulled her panties down, revealing her soaked pussy. Christopher pushed a finger inside and it disappeared effortlessly, showing Christopher wasn't the only one excited about what they were going to do. The second and third fingers joined the fray as Christopher pumped inside Hong Biyu repeatedly, his juices overflowing.

Hong Biyu tried to keep her voice low, but inevitably, moans began to escape her mouth. Christopher had to restrain himself from laughing, seeing the smug smile on Villegas' face, falsely assuming he was the source of Hong Biyu's vocal display of pleasure. Christopher thought about lengthening the foreplay, but he didn't trust Villegas to last long, even under the lackluster handjob Hong Biyu was applying, and the last thing he needed was to leave the room without coming at least once. Then, he aligned his crown to Hong Biyu's entrance and thrust forward, pushing deep inside her in one swift motion.

"Oh Holy Dhabhar, your cock is just amazing." Hong Biyu gasped, pushing her ass up to allow easier access.

Christopher didn't deny it, as he began to pull her along with slow, deep strokes, taking care not to make too much noise so Villegas wouldn't notice what was happening right in front of him. Christopher reached behind Hong Biyu's back, unbuttoned her bra and pulled it up, revealing her small but full breasts, trembling slightly each time Christopher pushed deeper and deeper into Hong Biyu. He brought one hand up to play with them, the other keeping his mouth shut. To top it off, Hong Biyu lost control of her moans as her orgasm approached, and only Christopher's hand prevented her rock-cracking screams.

Christopher felt that his hand was an inferior solution to keeping Hong Biyu silent. He leaned forward and captured her lips with hers, pushing his tongue into Hong Biyi's mouth for good measure, reducing Hong Biyu's screams to mere vibrations. Christopher noticed that Hong Biyu somehow managed to keep his hand around Villegas's expressionless presence, moving erratically, and absorbed by this, Villegas continued to smile ecstatically, not knowing what was going on in the room. Christopher brought his free hand to Hong Biyu's tight ass, manhandling her flesh with enthusiasm. Already overworked, it proved enough for Hong Biyu as she silently squeezed Christopher's cock, her juices running down her legs. Christopher kept pumping relentlessly until his own pleasure became unbearable, then he pulled at the last second and sprayed Hong Biyu's ass. Then Christopher pulled away, intending to leave.

But Hong Biyu had other plans. She dropped to her knee with her mouth hanging open. She didn't need to be a genius to realize her intent. Christopher pushed her cock into her mouth, which he flared back to life under Hong Biyu's enthusiastic treatment. Her lips massaged and caressed her crown, still very sensitive after her last release. Christopher decided to raise the stakes and cast a silencing spell located around Hong Biyu's head. Then he placed his hand on the back of her head and pushed her cock deep into her throat. He could see Hong Biyu gasping and choking around her cock, but no sound reached her ears or Villegas's ears. Then Christopher realized that Villegas had finally released his pathetic load. Since he was under a severe time constraint, he tightened his grip and began mercilessly fucking Hong Biyu's mouth. Less than two and a half minutes of frantically fucking Hong Biyu's mouth proved enough for a release, filling her mouth with his seed. He pulled back, dispelled the silencing spell, and watched Hong Biyu fall to all fours, panting and wheezing, but with a huge smile on her face. Christopher waved a silent goodbye with his hand, pulled off his Invisibility Cloak and left the room, but cast a spell to clean up the worst part of the mess. Hong Biyu already had the big challenge of explaining to Villegas why she was so red from a simple handjob, there was no need to make her work even harder on a plausible excuse.


It was a Saturday morning, two days after her adventure with Andressa and Katherine, and one day after her little adventure with Hong Biyu and Christopher, she was in the Common Room of the House of Elohins, flipping through a book on Ancient Combat Magic, which in reverse of the current Combat Magic used which consisted of only spells, Ancient Combat Magic consisted of all types of combat, whether hand-to-hand, rituals consisting of physical enhancement of the body by magical means and a lot of other things that currently they were considered illegal and black magic, not that Christopher cared about it, after all there's not all that nonsense of black magic, gray magic and light magic, the only thing that mattered is power and what you would do with it, those who are unwilling to go after power and can only follow those at the top.

Christopher was distracted reading monotonously when he saw Andressa, out of the corner of his eye, walking in, holding a letter in his hand. He waved his hand, inviting her to sit with him. She joined him, resting her head on his chest as she read the letter, Christopher still flipping through his book. Christopher was tempted to turn his head and read the letter over Andressa's head, but he controlled her curiosity. After all, being in a relationship and having sex regularly didn't give him the right to invade her privacy.

"So, news?" Christopher asked after Andressa finished the letter.

"Fortunately nothing important." Andressa muttered, clearly enjoying the position as Christopher stroked her hair. "Just my mother's usual letter."

"Any news then?" Christopher asked bluntly, although he was actually quite curious about how Andressa would react to anything about her mother after the agreement on Christopher's reward. As long as Christopher was interested in Emma, ​​he wouldn't push at the expense of damaging her relationship with Andressa.

"Same as usual, Mom is resting after a hard week at work, and Dad is at another conference." Andressa said with an exhausted sigh.

"Would you like to go visit your mother? I'm sure having breakfast together would be much better than getting a letter." Christopher said.

Andressa sighed sadly. "I would be happy, but there's no way Hampton allows it."

Christopher smiled. "Who says we need her permission?"

Andressa lifted her head, looking at Christopher in shock. "Christopher, you can't suggest that we sneak out of school because of this."

Christopher watched Andressa, her mouth slightly open, her eyes gleaming. Desire filled him, and he leaned in, capturing her lips in a long, lingering kiss. Andressa was breathing hard when he pulled away. "Why not?" Christopher said. "Using the secret passage, we can get in and out undetected. And currently we're of legal age, we're over eighteen, and the idea that the school has the right to keep our movements restricted is ridiculous. a prison." Christopher could see Andressa's resistance crumbling, so he added a killing blow. "And since we've already left, maybe we can go shopping one more time. That, and see if I would be able to get my reward for the challenges."

Andressa's face turned red at the last mention. Christopher waited for a second, his heart pounding, afraid the redness was from anger and Andressa would explode in an unpleasant way. However, his concerns proved hollow a second later.

"Let me go and change something appropriate first." Andressa leaned in for a kiss, then hurried upstairs.

Several minutes later, Andressa was standing in front of Christopher, wearing a knee-length skirt and thick blouse, and a thick coat over them. Christopher took a moment to inwardly curse Hyperion's terrible weather, then rose, offering his arms to Andressa. "Should we, Andy?"