
The Lost Tales of Sinners

Short stories of a young man discovering about his dormant lust. No story had any kind of connection with the other.

Fethmelle · Kỳ huyễn
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215 Chs

The Gray Haired Offender

The sound of the bell signaled the end of classes at Hirosaki Academy.

As the teacher left the classroom, students prepared to leave for their clubs or to go home while chatting with their peers. Among them was a certain heiress, Steffany Sabnock, slowly rising suddenly from her chair as the doorbell rang and stuffing her notes into her fashionable bag as quickly as possible while the sound of laughter surrounded her. She wanted to get out as fast as possible before she could bump into someone right annoying. But before she had time to turn and head for the door, the only person Steffany didn't want to see appeared and blocked her path, planting a hand on her desk and invading her personal space with her head close to her chest.

"Hey, Hime-sama." A male voice spoke quickly in a cheerful manner. "You're looking as pretty as ever, princess. How about that we go to that movie I mentioned yesterday? You can bring your friends too if you don't feel comfortable if you want, but no guys, though I think that blondie that walks with you is a girl who likes to dress up as a man, no offense to him, and that he is more than just a little effeminate so as not to raise the reverse trap flag… wow I got lost here, so… what about that movie?"

And here he was. Steffany slightly shivered at hearing the gray haired student's voice and immediately turned her body away from his intrusive face, the same one she was looking at curiously at her shirt right now. Throwing him a hostile scowl, his class 3-B resident hot delinquent, Hayama Kazuya, had an always cheeky smile on his pretty-looking face. Although he was a good student, never causing problems for anyone in or out of class, although outside of high school was another matter, she still really didn't like him and his antics. Many times he tried to flirt with her and her hand accidentally brushed her skirt, to which he apologized in a jovial tone that never really sounded genuine. Guys who had a mix of arrogance and persistence were never the type she would like.

"Whoa whoa whoa... calm down with that death glare." Kazuya quickly waved his hands in front of him, taking a step back. "I just wanted to see if my favorite brunette was free after school. You've been getting my attention since we met and all, so I thought maybe today is finally my lucky day."

"I assure you Hayama, it's best if you let that thought die and cut your losses because there will never be a time when I will accept this offer." Steffany spoke quickly and slung her bag over her shoulder and looked at Kazuya like he was a troubled child.

Kazuya shrugged. "Even if you say that, you'll always be my favorite girl, you know. And if Mom ever taught me something, it's never to give up on something, she chased my dad from kindergarten to college, even though she was a delinquent and practically made him your target, that's a weird way to show interest in someone, but my old meek one so I think he liked that." Kazuya quickly spoke thoughtfully. "You bet I'll be on your trail until I finally make you agree to go out on a date with me."

Steffany snorted. Dealing with Hayama Kazuya has always been a headache. "My answer will still be 'No' Hayama. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have activities at the club soon."

"Is that so? That's a real shame." Kazuya muttered quickly and went to block Steffany's path again, level with him, outpacing hers by a considerable margin. Steffany, imperturbably looked at him with a look of coldness, as if expecting his persistence. "Because I know a really good diner nearby, and I can treat you there with the money I made from my part-time job. You won't regret it, I promise. Their ramen is really excellent."

"Thanks but no I need to go." Steffany replied, closing her eyes. She nonchalantly walked around him, her light brown hair tugging at her and drawing those nearby. She took quick steps out of the classroom and then even faster down the hall, not giving him a chance to catch up.

"Aww… don't be so cold to me Hime-sama." Kazuya muttered and his voice tried to reach her in the distance. He stumbled, struggling to catch up, but Steffany had the grace and agility to get past all the students blocking the hallways. "I just want us to have some fun, you know what I mean right?"

Steffany felt her face flush, embarrassed that Hayama had said this in public. What would people say to her if the misunderstanding spread? But he kept running, his irritating voice echoing and inciting curious glances.

"Let's go Hime-sama." Kazuya said quickly. "I'm sure you won't complain. It will be a wonderful time!"

Steffany continued her pace, not even looking at Hayama. The last thing she wanted to do right now was get her hopes up. She had no desire to meet him because she already had Natsuo and the rest of her club.

"Seriously, I think you're really missing out. We can go to that mall three stations away from high school, and besides, I live close by, if it's too late, you can sleep at my house... Of course, I don't have any bad intentions or anything. But not sleeping with someone like me doesn't make you "excited", Hime-sama? I know Zera-chan loves our "talks" in private."

Steffany just kept walking, ignoring Hayama's words and slightly curious to know about Zera's possible sex life, not that she believed in Hayama, but Zera had been more de-stressed in recent weeks and she always refused to say what she was doing. to deal with your stress.

The outdoor patio was practically empty when she arrived. A few people followed this path to the old library building anyway. She liked to go this way because it was so quiet, but now with this guy pestering her and stalking her, she barely had time to compose herself. However, as she got closer, she stopped right under a tree just as the entrance to the old library building opened. Three people walked out, quickly catching her eye and making her forget all about the hot delinquent next to her. She watched as Natsuo laughed and looked very happy with Asia and another girl clinging to his arms, her breasts giving him a firm massage, making him blush.

Steffany subconsciously hid behind the tree so as not to be seen. Though she wondered why she needed to hide. After all, they were members of her nobility. Still, she felt a pang of sadness to see her Natsuo get too close to other girls, even though he was a pervert in her heart and that all this was something normal for him. These past few days, however, he couldn't do without that amount of intimacy with her.

"Well, that little pervert Aizawa is popular." Kazuya gleefully laughed, crawling from behind, though Steffany had heard her approach moments before. "I can give the guy some respect for staggering around with a bunch of pretty girls, being a pervert, but shouldn't you two be boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Even though you say that, are you still hitting on me?" Steffany quickly asked and frowned at Hayama.

"Of course, but unlike him, I really know my priorities, and that's up to you." Kazuya said happily and looked proud.

Steffany ignored him and went back to watching Natsuo play with his growing harem. She knew she shouldn't be jealous, and it probably didn't mean much to Natsuo that she valued their relationship. Still, he had been neglecting her for a long time. Certainly, that guy had enough vigor in his pants for her too. It had been a long time since the last time they had sex, three months to be specific, so she was very angry at his behavior.

"I don't know what he's doing ignoring the sexiest girl in town." Kazuya's coarse voice slipped into Steffany's ear like the devil's whisper. "But you can bet I'll do a lot better than him if you want Hime-sama." Kazuya smiled broadly that made the situation even more undesirable for Steffany. Kazuya soon put his hands in his pockets and turned to leave. "Think about it in your spare time."

Of course, Steffany Sabcock would never do that. She still had high hopes for Natsuo. She wasn't even attracted to her hot delinquent classmate. He was just a delinquent whose head was full of nothing but thoughts to just fuck her to exhaustion like nothing but a... She quickly pushed that thought away and went inside her club, waiting for the rest of her best friends would come, her thoughts turning from time to time to Natsuo and her burning need to feel him against her body again. When she sat down behind her desk, she felt that need ignited. Thoughts of her first time with Natsuo when he was still incredibly masculine and eager for her led her to dip one hand into his frilly black panties while the other gripped her large, perky breast, finding it difficult to support it with just the palm of her hand. hand. That area of ​​her blouse crumpled as she squeezed her own flesh to bring out the pleasure she'd been missing for so long. Her moans followed the aggressive friction against the fabric of her panties, each slow, pressing stroke making her wetter by the second.

But even as Steffany tried to remember the sensation of someone else's touch, her own couldn't make her reach her peak. No matter how furiously she tried, it just wasn't the same. She gasped against the table, having fallen, her thighs squeezing the hand that played with her pussy. She calmed down after a while, lowering her head and feeling dissatisfied. Her mind was confused when her nobility's activities began.


As if to increase their anguish, the following days there was no improvement. Steffany Sabnock felt lonely while Natsuo was preoccupied with finding and saving girls left and right. Of course he acted like nothing was out of the ordinary and continued to stare at her body in his perverted reverie whenever they were in each other's company, but it never got beyond that. He was always so crazy about other girls and had no room to rekindle his private affairs. Even though their sex was…okay, lacking technique and his average stamina was well within her expectations, he made up for it by having sincere feelings and an effort to please her. In fact, something was missing, although she didn't know exactly what it was, it didn't really matter as long as she maintained affection. At least that's how it should have been. She could, of course, light a fire inside him and beg for sex instead of continuing her desperate comings and goings, but her pride wouldn't allow her to stoop so low.

Many nights in her private room, wrapped in her translucent nightgown, had been spent with her trying to free herself with her own fingers. Each time it ended in failure, further reinforcing her yearning for a manly touch, for something that would really stretch her and blow a hole in her sanity. Instead of satisfying herself, her voracity only grew each night, so much so that she would be fine with anything or anyone, as long as she intended to push her to the limit.

However, the days have come and gone and have brought nothing but a headache, with changes for the better looming far beyond the horizon. And all the while, Natsuo was completely immersed in his new harem. The time alone they used to enjoy soon dwindled until they no longer had any opportunity to exchange pleasantries.

At the same time, there was another person vying for her attention, her delinquent classmate Hayama Kazuya. From the start, he was relentlessly stubborn, hitting her every chance he got. She knew her intentions were far from romantic. Steffany was even willing to bet he wanted a one-night stand with her and nothing more. He was simplistic that way. She pushed him away countless times, but after several days of Natsuo finding more and more company to pass the time, she lost the energy to refuse his flirting. On a clear morning, she opened her bedroom curtains. Bright light bathed the room, illuminating her with a silky black nightgown that covered her curves to mid-thigh, allowing the rest of her legs to pale in the warm, pleasant glow of the sun. Her robe was very rumpled last night as she slipped her hand into her loose collar and cupped her soft breast, widening the neckline of her nightgown even further to the point of letting her nipples slip. As usual, she thrust four fingers into her pussy without remorse, but couldn't even moan. She had toys, but they didn't really make any difference. Face dead from yet another sleepless night, she put on her uniform and headed to school, preparing for another tiring day.

Steffany headed to the school laboratory along with her classmates for a special class there. Of course, Hayama Kazuya was there too, his loud voice always creating a disturbance with his group, but instead of getting annoyed, they applauded him with playful laughter. Naturally, she stayed away from them and had girls who were nice and friendly in her group.

The equipment they needed to start the experiment was stored on the top shelf in the back, and Steffany offered to pick it up, which the rest of the girls were grateful for. But as she stood on tiptoe, she found this setting too high. If only there was a stool around, she could easily reach it, but she didn't see such a thing around, not even a small box she could step on.

"Hey, Hime-sama, want me to help?" Kazuya curiously asked and walked beside Steffany, giving her a toothy grin. "I can get easier with my height."

"That won't be necessary." Steffany quickly said and turned her focus to the task at hand. She didn't have the energy left to be irritated by his presence right now.

"Why? Do you think I won't give it to you when I get it?" Kazuya grimaced, crossing his arms. "Do you think I'm so untrustworthy or something?"

"I-it's not that." Steffany quickly said and withdrew her hands and let her heels drop to the floor. "I just feel like doing this alone."

"Yeah, I don't see a chance of that happening with how short you are." Kazuya said with a smirk on his face.

"Alright, let me help you then, Hime-sama." Kazuya said with a shrug, crouching down and interlacing the fingers of both hands. He seemed nonchalant about it too, like it wasn't a big deal to him. "Climb up, I'll give you a push."

Steffany was a little surprised, but nodded after a moment. She placed her foot in Hayama's hands and stood up, quickly grabbing her shoulder for support. "Wow, you are strong." Steffany said as Hayama supported her weight easily.

"Heh, this is nothing." Kazuya muttered happily.

But as Steffany steadied herself, a thought crossed her mind. 'I think he can see my skirt…' Steffany blushed at the thought and felt her hands shake. 'He really can see, can't he? With how short my skirt is, he could do it! However, even if he did, he didn't show it. If he had glimpsed as much as her ass cheek, he certainly would have howled and hissed like the pervert he was. But that was not the case in point here. What should I do? From that position, she couldn't do anything about it, and it's too late, even if she's come down. He surprisingly wasn't giving it much thought.c

However, her imagination led her to thoughts not at all perverted and indecent, namely, someone other than Natsuo taking a good look at what's under her skirt, seeing the new panties she was wearing that morning. Wait, what color was she again?!

"Hey, what's the problem, Hime-sama?" Kazuya's voice sounded confused below her.

"J-just a sec!" Steffany muttered quickly and stretched her arm up. She struggled desperately not to get turned on… 'Wait, turned on?! Why would I be excited?! It's just Hayama, by Lucifer's balls!' But for some strange reason, the debate in her mind only made her shiver and tighten her thighs. 'Oh no, am I getting turned on?' Steffany thought in panic and begged any power other than her that her panties show no hint of her arousal. Hell, even the semi-transparent lingerie she wore on special occasions was better than nothing, not that she wanted him to see it.

Hayama, like the pervert he was, was definitely lusting after his ass greedily. He must be salivating at her form and wanting to spank her with all his might. Ripping her panties in front of her classmates didn't seem so far-fetched either. Hayama Kazuya was just a rude man. What's even more confusing is that she loved every moment. She hadn't felt such an emotion in a long time. That was exactly what she was missing. All her reveries were interrupted by her taking the equipment off the shelf.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Kazuya suddenly yelled as he put the equipment in the air.

"Wow!" Steffany's vision dipped, but her first instinct was to protect the equipment. Her weightlessness ended when she hit her classmate's body. The pain in her knees wasn't that severe, but there was something odd poking at her groin. She scanned her surroundings, seeing the worried faces of her colleagues for a moment before returning to what they were doing. Then she heard Kazuya grunt.

"Hey, I don't mind you riding me, but the floor is uncomfortable." Kazuya muttered, his eyes trembling even though he had a touch of pain.

Steffany looked at herself. Skirt of her spread, hiding the fact that she was sitting on top of his crotch. So the only thing she was affecting me was her bulge? She turned redder than an apple. It looks so great. Her body grew hot as she tried to imagine exactly what he was carrying, focusing her thoughts on her pussy. She was burning just thinking about the guy's tool pressing against her with only a thin layer of clothing separating them.

"What is wrong?" Kazuya quickly spoke and curiously looked at Steffany with a mischievous look. "Don't tell me this is your favorite position?"

Steffany, hearing this, got to her feet and quickly hugged the lab equipment to her chest. "Th-thanks for breaking my fall."

"Do not worry." Kazuya stood up and patted his pants. "I have to see something good so let's be balanced on that."

Steffany's face looked like it was burning as she watched him turn and walk away. The insinuation only confirmed her horror, making her heart race faster than before. And it all came from the guy who'd been harassing her for the past three years. She didn't know if she could face him again after that.


Fortunately, after that fiasco, the rest of the day was uneventful. Kazuya didn't even look at her, and Steffany thought of nothing but that hot delinquent and bulge of hers. She couldn't get her mind out of the gutter, even when she got home. After she went into the bathroom and began to undress, her imagination grew even bolder, wandering into unpleasant territories as she thought absently about the fantasies she entertained at night. Steffany unknowingly licked her lips as she unbuttoned her blouse. When she unbuttoned her skirt and let it fall, she immediately froze, finding no panties underneath, only her pussy glistening with excitement. She must have forgotten to wear them this morning while she changed due to fatigue. That revelation made her gasp, but it turned into a muffled moan. Eventually, Steffany was taken to the shower and into her bed.


Since that time, Steffany had noticed Natsuo leaving the old library building before her activities even started, returning only a little later, but that only motivated her to divert her attention elsewhere. Hayama Kazuya was still the noisy, perverted hot delinquent she knew, but he never acted rudely to her, if at all he was actually useful for transporting equipment and books. He was still hitting on her, but she just let it go. Just why did she do it? Because she loved the attention of others. With Natsuo being distracted by his girls, she had nowhere else to get her thrill of attention, proof that she was still a desirable woman, but Hayama Kazuya's. Days later, she got used to his perverted speeches. Every time he bumped into her and found a chance to touch her in a certain way, she just casually reprimanded him with a smile on her face. This seemed to surprise him at first.

In a slow afternoon, the teacher announced that the class would do a research project, and that they would do it in pairs, which would be determined by drawing lots. After Steffany took the piece of paper out of the box and opened it, someone shouted the exact same number she got among the rows of students doing the same thing. When she turned to look, she was surprised to see Kazuya walking nearby, trying to find her partner.

The moment she uttered her number, her voice stuttered as her throat went dry. The hot delinquent immediately heard her and turned toward her. How could this be happening?

"Looks like we're going to work together." Kazuya said happily and walked towards her languidly, hands in his pockets. "I think I will be under your care Hime-sama."

"Yes..." Steffany muttered under her breath and couldn't understand why she was feeling nervous. Of course they would work closely on this project, but that shouldn't be a big deal… right?

The teacher called the class to calm down and discuss with their classmates later. Kazuya smirked before returning to her seat. Over the remainder of the period, the bizarre excitement bubbling up inside Steffany never subsided, instead it continued to simmer inside her like a boiling pot. It was as if fate had given him a sudden turnaround that could change everything. A bait that was dangerous to catch.

"So what are we going to do?" Kazuya appears in front of Steffany's desk when class is over. "Want to come to my house and work on this together?" Kazuya said with a big smile that made Steffany's heart clench tightly. "My parents are away for the week so no one will bother us with our wonderful… activities." Obviously, Kazuya wanted something more provocative than a mere visit.

"I don't see a problem with that. Of course, why not." Steffany said and got up and packed her things. "It will be faster if we start right away."

Kazuya looked shocked, but it only lasted a few seconds before her smile returned. "Really?! Cool! I can't believe Steffany Sabnock of all people is going to come to my house."

On Steffany's part, she had the air of a perfectly composed rich girl. "I need to go home first and get some things if that's okay with you."

"Of course, of course." Kazuya muttered happily and his eyes were wide. "I'll wait for you at my house. Give me your number so I can send you the address."

Kazuya must have expected Steffany to refuse her offer or scold him because he looked even more surprised when she bent down and wrote her number on a piece of paper. "On here." Steffany said, handing it to him. She was totally casual about it too, like she had no qualms about a rake like him having her number. "It will take an hour before I'm done."

"Incredible!" Kazuya said quickly and punched his fist with the paper inside. "I even got your number! Yes!"

"Well I must go."

"Of course, I'll be waiting for you. Just don't take too long or I'll die of boredom."

His footsteps sounded vividly as Steffany walked past him. Out of sight, a cold smile formed on her lips.


Steffany went home and freshened up. In fact, there was no major business she had to take care of. She just wanted to look good before entertaining a certain hot delinquent. Just a quick shower and a full brush. After finishing, she walked towards the address he sent to her phone. When she arrived, the house that received her was modest, with walls made of wooden planks. It had a homely feel. She bet the first floor had the living room and kitchen combined into one small space, while the second floor had enough space for two bedrooms and a bathroom. The mailbox beside the bell was full of papers and minor things.

Before reaching the front gate bell, Steffany hesitated a little, her finger dangling in the air, inches from the square button. She didn't tell anyone that she was staying at a classmate's house to work on a school project. Even Natsuo doesn't know about it, it wasn't like he cared anyway. He was probably too busy entertaining other girls. Thinking of all his actions up to this point, she pushed all the guilt away and rang the doorbell.

A minute and a half later, the noise of footsteps inside stopped in front of the door and Kazuya came out smiling. "Hey, you're early."

"Good." Steffany said, her tone turning haughty. "I finished my business faster because I wanted to see your house sooner."

"Oh, is it like that?" Kazuya curiously asked, watching her slowly walk towards him. "Is it because Aizawa isn't spending time with you anymore?"

"Why don't we go in right now? It's cold out here." Steffany remained in a good mood despite her mocking words.

"Okay then." Kazuya happily laughed. "If I must say, I consider myself a lucky bastard to have one of the three school idols, Steffany Sabnock, all to myself."

"This is for the school project, don't forget."

"Of course, of course, come on, I'll take you inside."

Steffany ran his hands through her hair and pushed them back as he opened the door for her and waited for the beautiful girl to enter. She was fully aware of his vulgar gaze, but remained composed, as if she were just taking a walk through a park.

"Want something to eat?" Kazuya muttered softly and took a deep breath behind Steffany's neck. "And gyoza, I made it myself."

"No, I'm already full." Steffany said quickly and curiously started examining Hayama's house. As she expected, it was a traditional Japanese-style house with the small kitchen opening onto the living room. The tatami mats could barely count a dozen. In the living room in front of the TV, there was a solitary ashtray on the small square table. In the kitchen, she spotted several dishes and other dishes being washed and patiently drying, and there was a faint smell of cleanness pervading the house.

"Are you sure? It's really good." Kazuya said happily. He picked up an open coke can nearby and drank. The difference between his lifestyles couldn't be more different. While she'd be drinking tea and planning her jobs with her nobility and affairs with her family right now, he'd probably just be sitting here watching TV and eating gyoza.

"Well, if that's the case..." Steffany said out of curiosity. "...I don't see a problem."

"Damn, I really didn't know you'd be willing to try to eat my food." Kazuya exclaimed happily aloud "Just sit there and I'll take you out."

'Despite his horndog nature and his habit of making fun of her whenever he could, he was actually quite friendly.' Steffany thought silently.

"Here it is. They are very hot, very careful in there." Kazuya said quickly and served Steffany a delicious looking gyoza dish.

Steffany had a strong preference for traditional Japanese food, but food like that was also good. She was glad she'd taken him up on the offer because it tasted quite tasty, though it was complemented by a smug face that closely assessed her reaction before taking a dip in her chest. He took a bite too and showed her what a messy, unlabeled eater he was.

They finished before the sun was about to dip over the horizon. They decided it was time to work on their project and, as expected, he led them to her room. When they reached the top of the stairs, Steffany quickly stopped and told Kazuya. "I need to go to the bathroom for a bit."

"Of course, it's across the hall."

Steffany silently thanked her and continued on her way, taking a quick moment to relieve herself. When she went to wash her hands, she noticed how fast her heart was beating. Plus, there was a big stain on her panties that she just couldn't ignore. Something about this hot delinquent made her so nervous. He was a totally different type of man than Natsuo. The kind of perverted look that Natsuo had didn't have the dominant, masculine kind of aura, unlike his classmate. Yes, she missed him so much. She missed the intimacy and playfulness he introduced her to, but if Natsuo was no longer interested in giving it to her, then she would find it somewhere else. Fortunately for her, there was someone around who was ready and willing to do this.

When she pushed open Kazuya's bedroom door, she was greeted by a room full of manga, a drawing table and other painting supplies; there was even an old-fashioned video game console tucked into a corner.

Kazuya was reading manga instead of starting with his project when Steffany finally joined. Looking up, he noticed something odd about his work partner. Steffany not only looked different from before, but she was also incredibly sexy. Abandoning the top two buttons of her blouse, her deep neckline caught her eye like a mosquito to light.

"What is the problem?" Steffany asked curiously and her eyes narrowed, a smirk forming on her pretty lips. There was a change in her tone that made her intentions a little more obvious.

Her mouth opened and closed before Kazuya could muster all her words. "You look very sexy, Hime-sama." Kazuya said out loud.

That kind of reaction was exactly what Steffany had expected. She walked slowly towards him, her eyes never leaving his. She smiled sweetly at his amazed face. "Why is your head so full of nothing but perverted thoughts, Hayama?"

But just as Steffany thought he would be completely taken aback by her advances, Kazuya surprised her by doing the opposite.

"Maybe it's just because your beautiful breasts are bouncing all over the place." Kazuya said with a shrug.

"Same?" Steffany asked curiously and straightened her back and unbuttoned another button again. Her voice dropped to a whisper. "So…how about taking a closer look?"

Kazuya's eyes narrowed, clearly enjoying what he was seeing. After all, he had a full view of Steffany Sabnock's huge breasts. "I like the sound of that, but what are we going to do if that Aizawa guy finds out? I wouldn't want to cause a fight between you two and all. It'll leave a bad taste in my mouth."

Steffany took a step back as her hands slid to her skirt. "Then he better not find out, okay? I won't tell you if you don't… Kazuya~"

Kazuya gave a strange little laugh. "You are a real devil. But on the one hand this should be normal."

Turning around, Steffany gave Kazuya a good glimpse of her red panties as her skirt swayed with her movement. In a few seconds, she pulled her tie from her collar and threw it to the ground. The look of astonishment he got when she faced him again was rewarding enough. But her gaze got even more intense as she rocked her hips from side to side like it was an imaginary beat. Her poor shoulder cape had nowhere else to go but to gather her tie in a growing pile on the floor. And then her corset. And then get out of it. Steffany pulled him down and revealed the red panties she was free to wear just for him. Kazuya hissed, teasing the erotic lingerie with his eyes, and he had every right. She trotted around, giving him a good display of her beautiful pert ass. But as soon as she was done, she finally drew his attention to her shirt. The time it took her to unbutton must have been unbearable for him. She could see the growing bulge in her pants as he watched her, entranced. She was practically screaming to be free. In a matter of moments, any remnants of covering from her well-endowed body disappeared on the floor, in addition to the provocative bra she wore. It had a nice glossy red texture complete with transparent portions that covered the sides of the cups. Also, it was clearly a very small cup, considering the size of her big melons, because they were about to spill.

Kazuya couldn't utter a word, the expression on his face elated at the sexy brunette's show.

"What is wrong?" Steffany, on the other hand, was clearly having fun. This was exactly what she was looking for. She placed a hand on her hip and stretched her ass, leaning against his outstretched foot just a little to pose for him. Her thumb found its way to the front of her shoulder strap, hooking into it, before releasing it with a snap. "Isn't that what you're looking for?"

The seductive words were enough to snap Kazuya out of his stupor. "Heck…yes it is!"

Steffany felt too excited for her own good, but she knew better than to give in so easily. She snapped out of her pose, much to her dismay. The wonderful breasts that Kazuya had sought for so long now approached him as she closed the distance and bent forward, then slowly pumped her hips as she lifted her chest again in one smooth, sensual movement. The eroticism of it was reflected in the delight in her eyes, which soon faded when she turned away. Though the sight of her big round ass wasn't a bad substitute. The thin string that formed the back of her panties had disappeared between the valleys of her buttocks. Oh yes, this was exactly what they both wanted.


Elsewhere, Aizawa Natsuo was walking down a street with her bag slung over her shoulder. He had just come out of a brutal gangbang with a drugged girl with the rest of his perverted friends and was coming home feeling extremely satisfied. Thoughts of him wandered aimlessly, but every now and then they settled on the fact that Steffany didn't show up in their usual spot.

"Deciding to check on her." Natsuo muttered under his breath to himself and quickly grabbed his phone and dialed Steffany's number. After letting it ring and going to voicemail every time, he put the phone back in his pocket and crossed another street. A little nervous that something had happened to her, he dialed her number again after a few minutes, only to access voicemail again. Situations flashed through his mind. What if something was happening to Steffany when she needed him most and he was busy raping a drugged girl? He pushed that thought away with some trepidation. If anyone could take care of himself, it was Steffany Sabnock, the woman he had the greatest admiration and respect for. She was an upstanding girl, very intelligent and knew how to handle difficult situations with her brilliant intellect. No amount of words was enough to describe how much he respected her. Suddenly, a vision flashed before his eyes. No, it wasn't a vision but a memory. Hadn't a classmate been playing around and making trouble for her over the past few weeks? Natsuo had noticed this, but decided it wasn't a big deal. Maybe that had nothing to do with it, and he was too paranoid. He was sure it was nothing.

"Good." Natsuo muttered and lightly stretched his arms above his head, feeling a little sleepy. "Maybe she's just busy with an important task."


Steffany was giving this hot delinquent a fun and enjoyable presentation now, but not the kind of slides and graphics they needed for their project. As she did so, she noticed a slight vibration in her bag, but she didn't care. She didn't have time to pay attention to trivial matters like that. She rolled her hips and body in place. Her tight stomach twisted and writhed temptingly. Her hands brushed over her smooth curves as her hips got lower and lower, seemingly rocking for this rake's pleasure. She got to the point where her knees buckled, and she opened them just to give him a good view of her stained panties. It looked like Kazuya was having the best time of her life as he watched her cup her luscious breasts over her gorgeous bra while keeping her legs spread. A moment later, he surprised her by unzipping his pants and releasing the male flesh beneath her bulge. Her eyes widened in disbelief after seeing his amazing length, nearly eight inches long and with a girth that would give a horse a run for its money. But what was most shocking was that he wasn't fully erect. Natsuo didn't compare to Kazuya at all. The difference between them was like night and day.

Steffany was like a deer in headlights as she stared at his incredible display of masculinity, her mouth going dry. In fact, she almost forgot her routine and almost stumbled backwards. She composed herself and stood up before showing her hips again, turning her body a few degrees with each lash of her ass, her thoughts going to his cock every now and then, both admiring him and fearing him. And she did everything for this guy, who looked like a hot delinquent. Dark gray hair, tanned skin, tight, compact muscles that made her mouth water. He was certainly a guy who never spent a day seriously studying or jacking off with his friends watching porn together.

Turning back around again, Steffany brought her front side to bear as she stared into the smiling face of the hot delinquent before her. She held the clasp between her breasts and undid it, opening her bra and allowing her breasts to loosen, her hands pulling each cup of lingerie aside. She swore his eyes would drop from their sockets as she watched the huge melons bounce freely. She smiled happily and tossed the bra onto the rest of her clothes before slowly turning in place. Once her back was to him, she pulled the side of her panties down with her thumb and rotated her hips, allowing gravity to pull her loose, and her only piece of clothing over her ass before dropping to the floor. When her ass was free, she looked up at him and cupped her bottom with her hand, revealing the back door for him.

Kazuya was grinning from ear to ear as he watched Steffany tease him, maybe even thanking his lucky stars for being born to witness Steffany Sabnock undress for a delinquent like him. His shaft had evolved into a monstrous bat of meat and now had every right to draw his full focus. "Come here and sit on my lap." Kazuya said happily, gesturing with his finger.

Steffany quickly complied without thinking twice. After seeing that single cock, what else could she do? She spread her knees on either side of his legs before bending down, his length a hairsbreadth from her stomach. Her arms wrapped around her shoulders as she smiled at him seductively, which he chuckled. He knew what kind of game she was playing and was in complete agreement with him.

"Damn, those breasts are something else." Kazuya muttered happily and stared, marveling at them.

Steffany was about to berate him for being stunned for too long doing nothing when he reached out and massaged her breasts with both hands.

"I knew they were big, but I didn't know they were that big." Kazuya said happily. "They're definitely nothing like I imagined when I tried to see through your school uniform."

Steffany let out a moan, taking pleasure in his rough, pompous grip. She wanted even more. She wanted to be constantly molested by this arrogant bastard with a huge cock instead of her sweet Natsuo. That same troublemaker who kept hitting her for a long time would now understand what was happening to him, and this is her body.

"That Aizawa guy doesn't know what he's missing." Kazuya muttered and bent down and squeezed her ass. "Even down here is fat and juicy. What do you think you and I got a little closer to, Steffany?"

"Oh I don't know about that Kazuya." Steffany said with a teasing tone. "We still have school work to do."

"Screw it!" Kazuya gave him an audible slap, to which Steffany moaned in mock discomfort. "I want a piece of that nice ass of yours."

"My body is probably the only thing you think about." Steffany began rubbing her crotch against her thick, fleshy waist. She felt her juices trickling out of her every second. "Is it so hard to keep that dick in your pants?"

"Of course, guys like me are only concerned with trying to get laid with the hottest girl in school, which is you." Kazuya hit her once more, making her cry and shiver. "Do you even know how much the boys in the locker room talk about screwing you after gym? Dammit, they probably won't believe me if I tell them I have Dark Lady here all naked and rubbing against me. that I was going to tell them anyway."

"I think you're a lucky guy then." Steffany bit her lip as she slowly stroked his eager shaft with her pussy lips.

"Of course I am, and I intend to repay you every time you rejected me." Kazuya said happily opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue as if it were an invitation to her, Steffany did the same before accepting it.

Steffany found her tongue with hers, and they started kissing on the wooden floor of her bedroom against her bed. She hummed into her lips as he continued to caress her breasts and tug at her nipples. As they kissed, Steffany grabbed her shirt hem and started pulling her up. They broke the kiss for a brief moment as she pulled his shirt up and over his head, which began to join the rest of his clothes on the floor nearby. She cupped his cheek and ran her tongue over his before being dominated by his aggressive tongue. She gave a soft moan as he carelessly tugged at her nipples before letting them go, and he chuckled as she moaned and grew hungrier for her mouth. She broke her lip by cracking a moment later and splashed his tan chest and then his abdomen until she finally reached for his scary cock. Her eyes glazed over with excitement and uncertainty as she watched him up close, further reinforcing the fact that she'd never had a cock this big and long before.

"Hey Hime-samm, you look very impressed." Kazuya commented happily. "Don't tell me that guy of yours isn't taking care of you enough to keep you satisfied?"

Steffany ignored him and began to slowly lick the underside of his cock from base to tip. It was so big. She couldn't help but lick it all off and admire how thick it was. All the while, she couldn't imagine how the hell it would fit her. As her tongue curled and covered every corner and slit of his rod, the unpleasant, intense taste made her head spin with euphoria. Once she licked his entire shaft, covering all of his skin with her saliva, she met his eyes as she parted her lips and wrapped them around his head. She surprised him by sucking heavily. He tensed, curling his hands into a tight fist as he bathed in the incredible sensation.

While Kazuya was writhing in pleasure-induced agony, she pushed her head down and reached halfway up his length before feeling the tip of him dig deep into her throat. She stumbled back, unsure if she could handle it, but thoughts of her were too drunk to turn back now. Steadily, her rhythm continued to build until she was shaking her head and slamming her own throat with her monstrous cock. She suppressed the urge to vomit whenever she got within an inch of him.

"Fuck fuck Hime-sama, you give one hell of a blowjob." Kazuya said and gritted his teeth, his hand snaking to the back of her head and grabbing her hair.

Along with the fierce effort to take him fully inside, Steffany sucked and licked every chance she could, motivated to give his cock the best form of service she could get, and to see if she could take that monster in her. throat.

"Shit." Kazuya growled. "You're quite a woman, Steffany."

Her efforts paid off as he was hitting the back of her throat repeatedly and fiercely. Steffany felt her neck swell with the size of his fleshy flesh, and it stirred her even more, allowing her to ignore her gag reflex and pump the swollen mass over and over again. His lips crowned the base of his fist as she felt the tension in her thighs begin to tremble.

"Oh fuck, I'm gonna come!" Kazuya held her head, pushing her forward to sheath her completely. Her panicked screams were muffled from being stuffed. "Here goes!"

When Steffany heard this, she felt the world around her begin to spin as a warm, creamy load passed through her and went straight down her throat, down to her stomach. She could feel every pulse and every shudder of his cock as she continued to pump wave after wave of cum into the heiress's mouth. The feeling was too incredible to describe correctly. She almost forgot to breathe through her nose because he had his face planted right against her groin. It didn't help that she could smell her musk from the fountain. All she could do was strip with him. She felt shivers through her body as the feeling of being abused, of being forced to swallow the thick load of that hot delinquent, was hammered every second her face was buried in her crotch. Even though she was someone of elite status, the heir to one of the Arch-Demons, she couldn't stop doing that. When Kazuya came out of her, another shot managed to escape and land on her eyebrow. Before the creeping cum could run down the rest of her face, she managed to close her eyes, sticking her tongue out to catch the steady stream. She took the rest after tasting it and swallowed the rest that was in her mouth.

Kazuya was panting as he watched her, obviously enjoying what she was seeing. "Fuck, that was so hot, Hime-samm. You're so hot. If we become fucking friends after that, I'm going to die a happy man."

"Are you just going to talk?" Steffany asked curiously and quickly got to her feet, albeit with her knees shaking. "Or are we going to fuck?"

Kazuya happily smiled and took Steffany to her bed. The bed was nothing big, a simple double-sized frame and a mattress that could only fit two people maximum. Luckily, they didn't have to try, as Steffany was the one who lay face down on her sheets, her ass propped up and ready, while her hot delinquent classmate settled in behind her, stroking her enormous size. Eventually, Steffany felt her hand land on top of her ass as he lined up his cock with her aching pussy.

'It's finally here... I've been waiting for this for so long.' Steffany thought silently. Her fingers curled against the sheets as her entire body tensed. Steffany looked back but could no longer see her stick as he guided her towards her pussy.

In moments, the tip parted her pussy lips and pushed its way inside. Steffany whimpered as she felt the huge girth separate her tight, shiny walls and stretched her like a balloon.

"Fuck… you guys are so tight…" Kazuya muttered under his breath and moaned loudly, his hands gripping Steffany's waist like a vise. The more he pushed, the more uncertain Steffany was that she wouldn't break under the pressure.

'Hnnnghhhh... Damn, he's so big. This is destroying me. Can it even fit me?!' Steffany thought quickly and gasped as the size reached farther than anything she'd ever had inside her before. This was the first fuck she'd had in a while, and she couldn't believe how excited and tight it made her. But that was just the beginning of it all. Stepping back, Kazuya suddenly pulled her up and shoved the pole straight into her hole, kissing her uterus with the tip in an instant. "AHHHHHHH!" Steffany yelled, but Kazuya didn't stop there. He walked away again before walking. His monstrous cock continued to pump into her pussy repeatedly, reshaping her walls in her image. Out of breath, she moaned and gasped into her sheets, enduring his hard knocks with everything she had.

Kazuya chuckled happily as he watched her ordeal, his balls slapping against her clit each time he sheathed his entire length. It was like this was normal business for him. In fact it was so natural for her, after all the long fuck sessions she had with Zera really paid off.

Her eyes rolled up in her head until her lower half of her irises were all that was visible. Steffany tried in vain to relax through heavy breathing, but to no avail. She felt every shudder and every ripple of him crashing against her. A numb feeling finally overcame the pain in her aching pussy, which in turn became total pleasure. "Uhnn…" Steffany let out a long, sensual moan, riding the bliss of his rough fuck. "Mhmmmm! I love the feel of your big cock. It's just out of this...ahhh...world...Ohhh...My pussy is becoming slave to your cock!"

Kazuya gave a gleeful laugh. "It's good to hear that Hime-sama, because I'm going to make this a memorable experience, darling! You'll never think about that Aizawa guy when I'm done fucking you! You'll get so used to my size that nothing else will be able to satisfy- there!"

Just hearing that made her pussy tighten even more around him. Steffany was going behind her boyfriend's back, but it felt so good. She knew it was kind of wrong. She knew how much it made her look like a whore. However, she had no desire to stop it. If anything, she wanted even more. With that thought, Steffany moaned even louder and began to move on her own, the bed and even the wooden floor below rattling as a consequence of her heated sex. "Yeah! Aughh! I just want your dickkkkk!"

It was so intense and so much more satisfying than anything she had ever experienced before. She could never believe sex could be so addictive, Steffany thought as she slapped her ass against Kazuya in unison with her quick movements, pushing his cock into her womb.

After a few minutes, they figured they could last a little longer, so they switched places. Kazuya lay down on the bed and Steffany straddled him, guiding his cock by herself. Diving in, she opened her already loose hole once more. She bit her lip, savoring the feel of his powerful shaft pricking her. In moments, her ecstatic voice loaded with a drunken moan that reverberated throughout the room as she rocked her hips up and down. Her entire body shuddered whenever her full weight slammed against her prone body, skewering her pussy until he reached her deepest area.

When Steffany bounced on top of his cock, her incredibly large breasts bouncing in rhythmic circles, Kazuya smiled and grabbed her phone while his other hand remained behind her head. "You don't mind if I take a picture, do you?"

"N-Not at all…no way!" Steffany muttered quickly with an idiotic expression, showing how her cock ravaged her. She did all the work this time, allowing him to fully encapsulate the feeling of how amazing sex was.

Kazuya quickly took phone pictures of her as Steffany rode him, capturing her in all her naked glory along with her totally perverted face and the rigorous sway of her erotic breasts. Anyone who took a look at these pictures would only see a slut working her body of all worth, not the famous Steffany Sabnock. Steffany hadn't counted how many clicks there were, but when she realized he was holding the phone, not moving, she knew he was already recording a video of her. She didn't mind his exhibitionist streak one bit. In response, she leapt at him even more aggressively as her breathing quickened even more in line with her moans. It didn't even occur to her how Kazuya would use those photos and videos until she was already taking them. Would he show it to other people, would he use it as a masturbatory tool, or something else? Maybe that's exactly what she wanted to happen.

"Hime-sama, you are so hot." Kazuya moaned with boundless pleasure to fuck Steffany's cunt

Steffany smiled, enjoying the camaraderie. She held his chest for support as she fucked him with everything she had, and everything she would ever have. The tip of it nudged her uterus, and she was sure she would get used to it in time. Nothing less would be able to please her then. Her hair felt like fire against the setting sun. She thought about how lucky this hot delinquent was to have her as her partner, and it was even more unbelievable that she was falling in love with his cock.

Steffany lasted another minute before her entire body started to shake. She was close. "Aughhh! So good! Your cock is the best!" Steffany muttered happily and stroked her own chest, waiting for her climax to overtake her. "You and your huge cock are making me lose my mind!"

"Fuck, you feel so good!" Kazuya growled reaching for his ass and amplifying his rhythm even more. "I'm going to make you mine! You won't want anything but my cock for the rest of your life. You're going to be mine, and we're going to fuck after school every day!"

"Do it! Make me yours!" Steffany moaned, feeling her pussy begin to burn with its intensity. "Steffany Sabnock is all yours!"

After a few seconds, Steffany finally climaxed, her spurt coming out completely, as Kazuya threw string after string of sperm deep into her womb, threatening to impregnate her. Her excitement ripened into heavenly bliss as she felt his hot seed filling her womb until she was full, and then a little. Her entire body came free and she collapsed after what felt like a long climax, sliding his cock out of her reddened pussy. She squirted her mixed juices a few more times as she lay on her side. It was definitely the hottest and even fun sex she'd had in a long time.

Steffany didn't know how long she stayed like this, but when she was barely conscious enough to get up, Kazuya took her to the bathroom, where they fucked standing up. He kept pressing her against the bathroom wall, squeezing her breasts, and used her fully. Then, after coming once more, he made her drop to her knees and wrap her delicious melons around his cock, which she performed with all due enthusiasm. She sucked him good and used her breasts to press on her cock until he came once more, giving him a nice facial. The two took a quick shower afterwards and resigned themselves to at least doing some work that day. But one thing led to another, and it ended with the two of them in bed again, where they kissed and fucked again and again.

Like his clothes, the project was there, forgotten.


A few days later, they met behind the school building, where no one was around.

"Show me." Kazuya said with a smirk, looking curiously at the Demon of Noble Blood who was fidgeting on the wall.

Steffany lifted her skirt and showed him her bare pussy. "Is that what you asked for?" Steffany spoke and her cunt was dripping with excitement as they spoke.

"Good, good. I bet your chair has a nice stain on it." Kazuya muttered happily and bent down and inspected her vagina with a sharp, perverted look.

"I do not know." Steffany quickly spoke with a shrug. "I didn't check."

"Well anyway." Kazuya said happily, getting up and unzipping his pants. "Let's get on with it."

"Fine, but be quick. I have activities at the club soon." Steffany spoke quickly and her tone of voice sounded shy as she turned and presented her ass to Kazuya, reaching back and spreading her lower lips with her fingers as she was eager to get fucked. It was the only thing she expected after school.

"Heh, you say that but you must want to have a nice long fuck." Kazuya muttered happily and caressed her ass after approaching her.

Steffany planted her hands against the wall as Kazuya brought his massive erection to bear in front of her drenched pussy. She purred as her pussy lips kissed her tip, already used to her size. "I never get tired of it."

"You keep saying that." Kazuya happily laughed. "I'm glad Aizawa has her girls to take care of because I have you all to myself."

That was true. If Steffany Sabnock had remained obsessed with Aizawa Natsuo, she wouldn't have found the guy who would rock her world and show her what a real man is like. The days she spent being his casual fuck mate were nothing short of satisfying. And there were still more days ahead on her way to becoming her personal toy.

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