
The Lost Tales of Sinners

Short stories of a young man discovering about his dormant lust. No story had any kind of connection with the other.

Fethmelle · Kỳ huyễn
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215 Chs


"My holy Krishna… this building looks more and more extravagant every time I come back here. I swear, Yuko has such tacky decorating skills…" Hyori whispered to herself as she put down her gold-framed sunglasses and looked at the office. several floors of the building that was in front of it. Looking at the gigantic horns protruding from the roof, the golden-haired woman shook her head with a shrug. 'And here she was trying to give me fashion advice on live television not too long ago ...' Hyori thought to herself, continuing her walk towards the front door. Moving her head from side to side in an effort to see if anyone was paying attention to her, she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw people walking the streets giving her little or no attention. Fortunately, she and all the rest of the women had arranged for a midnight meeting during the week. At this time of night, Yuko assured everyone that the urban streets where her office was located were usually dead and that everyone could enter without any problems. The teacher and model in her spare time quickly went through the front doors and closed them behind her.

Releasing another small sigh, Hyori took off his sunglasses and put them in one of her pockets, especially hers. In order to remain incognito, Hyori decided to wear a charcoal-colored overcoat over the almost naked body, along with black-rimmed triangular shadows to cover her face, a red dog collar around her neck, a utility belt to cover her clothes intimate, and wore knee-high black boots. 'Ahhhhh, wearing that old outfit takes me back to my vibrant youth days. * sigh * If only those old nannies hadn't forced me to censor my image, I could have used it during my classes. Hmph, all right. Still ... using this at night as an ordinary bitch is really annoying me ~ 'The blue-eyed woman thought, licking her lips as she walked towards the elevator. Clicking the button on the top floor and watching the elevator doors close, Hyori leaned on one of the rails while she waited patiently and watched the floor numbers dial up. "I wonder if the rest of the girls are coming tonight? The last time I heard, Uwabami was busy with his model show late at night, while Kana decided to stay home for a while. Hmm, I think that potentially means that Letícia and Hinata can decide not to come too. I suppose we can tell anyone who decides not to show up what the rest of us plan to do about our 'Number One' problem. " Hyori murmured to herself, watching the floor numbers continue to rise.

Finally, the golden-haired dominatrix heard the * ding * that told her that she had reached the correct floor. Waiting for the elevator doors to open fully, Hyori got out of it and made her way towards the conference room. She realized how boring and mundane most of the office space was and wondered if Yuko really liked how tacky and tasteless everything looked… 'No, I very much doubt that. Anyway, it just shows why exactly that woman is so desperate to make her way to the top ranking wizard list. Money, fame and an office with a view far more luxurious than being forced to look at anything but Takoyaki apartments and stands. ' The golden-haired woman pondered, smiling when she finally found her way to the double doors leading to the conference room. Before she entered the room, however, a particularly sweaty smell stopped her. "Agh, what the fuck is that stench ?! It smells like sweat and carrot mixed up ..." Hyori wondered aloud, opening the door to see a sweaty, tanned, muscular black-haired bunny leaning back in a chair while chewed an obscenely thick carrot with its legs kicked up on the conference table ...

"Oh ... of course I had to be you. Hello, Charlotte." Hyori joked.

"Ruh-ruh! Cran't rou srree?" The tanned woman pointed to her full-length white leotard with dark blue details around her shoulders and waist, a full moon design over her chest and two thick metal plates on her diaphragm. Along with the mesh, the red-eyed woman also wore purple thigh-high boots to complement the mesh, with more plates in the heel and toe area, making her feet look like a claw, in addition to having long ears black rabbits on its head along with a black, flame-shaped tail. Covering her hands was a pair of thick white gloves with long cuffs, with small pointed protrusions at their edges. Swallowing the remains of the carrot in her mouth, the bunny arrogantly proclaimed, "I put my gear on, so it's Halphaes now! Thieves who tried to steal some electronics right under the nose of some poor idiot clerk. Fortunately for him, I was patrolling today. " Hitting his fist on his palm, Halphaes clenched his teeth as he smiled wildly. "So, I DIVED them on the floor! Hahahaha, I hope those idiots have dental insurance because I'm pretty sure I broke most of their teeth and their jaws. And their bones. Bones of a whooooole lotta, for sure." The black-haired rabbit woman finished, laughing to herself.

"Ah, yes ... of course. I'm sorry for those poor 'idiots', like you said." Hyori replied, pinching her nose as she closed the door behind her. "I'm also sorry for the rest of us who have to smell all the smelly sweat that is sticking to your body. Honestly, couldn't you have taken a shower before coming to the meeting?" The golden-haired dominatrix continued as she searched for a seat next to the long ovular-shaped conference table. She quickly chose the furthest seat from the sweaty rabbit and moaned, as she could still smell the horrible smell emanating from Halphaes. "You just had to choose the only seat that is under ventilation, huh?" Hyori murmured to herself, shaking her head.

Halphaes rolled his eyes in response, "Oh, don't be a pansy, Hyori. Last time we had sex, I didn't hear you complaining about all the 'smelly sweat', heh, you were even licking some of my abdomen while rubbed my pussy against yours."

"There is a difference between sweating during sex and entering a room where you know it will be filled with people covered in sweat. One has a lot more freedom than the other." Hyori retorted maliciously. Turning her head to look around the almost empty conference room, she asked, "Any idea if any of the others are going to show up for this little discussion? At least I assume Yuko has to be here, unless she trusts us alone. your little agency. "

The black-haired woman simply pointed her thumb up towards the ceiling in response.

"Ah, so she's taking a shower ..." Hyori said, making the bunny nod in response. "... WELL THEN WHY THE HELL DID YOU NOT GO WITH HER OR ANYTHING OF THIS KIND ?!" Hyori shouted, slapping both hands on the sturdy wooden table.

Charlotte simply gave a wry smile as she shrugged, "I would have, but Annabeth beat me and, unfortunately, there are only two showers in this agency dump that Yuko has. I suppose I could have shared a box with one of them, but I prefer not having to squeeze my wonderful body into one of those low-quality showers if I don't have to."

Frowning, the golden-haired teacher could only nod in agreement. "Mmmm, it's true, I suppose. I remember one time that Yuko and I tried to have a little fun inside one of those cramped shower cubicles ... let's just say no and like that romance movies when they portrayed sex in the shower as a lot more fun and a little less restrictive."

Shaking his head, Halphaes stuck a finger in his mouth while imitating a choking motion. "Girl films ... disgusting. Is that what Yuko and you ... heh ... do in your girls' free time?"

Pressing his index finger on his chin while tilting his head in a thoughtful posture, Hyori replied, "Well, to be perfectly honest, they are a little less 'women's film' and a little more ... 'skin film' if you notice with good ears. "

Shaking her head with a smile, Charlotte replied, "Oh, porn? Well, that's infinitely more attractive than watching some romantic dribbling."

Hyori just shrugged in response with a smile. "I'm not going to judge whether others like that kind of thing. I would be lying if sometimes there was no place where I would like a little romance in my life." Sighing at the thought, a slightly somber look spread over the woman's face. "Unfortunately ... I still haven't found anyone worthy of my affection ..."

"... You mean finding someone who can really take care of your perverted ass ..." Halphaes murmured to herself, crossing her arms.

Upon hearing that little aside, the dominatrix hero pouted. "I am not a pervert!"

Raising an eyebrow at these words, the tanned rabbit asked with a playful smile, "Uh-huh. So, tell me ... what exactly are you wearing under that overcoat?"

"...." Hyori replied without words while trying to look away awkwardly.

"Thaaaaaat is what I thought. Let me guess, you're wearing that outfit that made the Department of Public Morals come up and forbid all kinds of sassy and sexy clothes, right? Hehe, I bet it makes you all pissed, your perverted exhibitionist. " Halphaes said, smiling more when he saw the golden-haired woman sweating deeply at her words. "I think I got it on the fly horny, huh?"

"... Oh fuck." Hyori replied, crossing his arms.

"Yes, I bet you would really like to fuck me now, huh? Push me against this table, right? Maybe beat me up? Call me a naughty girl? Hehe, I bet you have your whip now. I would definitely use it for ' teach me a lesson 'sensei i was such a bad student and i think i deserve a punishment. " Charlotte stopped, watching the horny domineering woman bite her lip and move back and forth in her chair. Smiling, the glossy rabbit continued, "Or better yet, maybe you will push me against one of those glass windows inside the office space. It forces me to press my naked body against the cold, icy glass and rub my hard nipples firmly over the rigid surface Mmmmm ~ I would coo at the feel of his tongue rubbing against my neck and groan at the sudden feeling of his teeth biting every now and then Although no one would be able to hear my groans from the outside, any lucky stranger who was walking in the street or sitting on their balconies he would see the two of us together; our naked, sweaty and horny bodies rubbing against each other ... "

Hyori, however, was struggling not to leak into her chair as she dragged her body from side to side. 'Shit ... she's making me so horny just thinking about doing it now. Fuck, maybe I can secretly masturbate without her knowing it while she continues ... '

"Meh, or maybe I just threw you right out the window. Anyone looks good to me." Halphaes finished, smiling with an angry look from the dominatrix's face.

"EH ?! YOU CAN JUST FINISH THIS HYPOTHETICAL SCENERY ANTI-CLIMATICALLY!" Hyori shouted wildly, clapping his hands repeatedly on the table, almost breaking it.

Suddenly, hearing a door open caused the excited and sexually frustrated woman to stop what she was doing and turn around to see two people walking through the door. One had chin-length blond hair, slicked back with a headband, a long bang on the right side of the face, covering the eye. Her eyes were thin, black, eyes slanted inward, with narrow pupils and remarkably sharp teeth. The woman's outfit consisted of a traditional Chinese dress with a light green scale cut around her shoulders, which had a slit on the left side, with claw patterns on the bottom and smaller ones around the neck. She also wore knee-length boots and a strap around her exposed thigh, and long white gloves, almost like sleeves, that almost reached her shoulders, with higher flaps on the outer sides, and exposed her hands from the wrist. Along with this, she was accompanied by a voluptuous young woman with black eyes with white pupils and elegantly long lashes. She had long, voluminous, creamy blond hair that reached her waist, with two shorter strands curled to frame her face, slightly parted to the left with a domino mask. Her outfit consisted of a red and light blue body leotard, which is accented with orange stripes, and also had three peculiar diamond-shaped dots at the top that are located under her chest. Along with the suit was a pair of purple gloves with orange accents on the edge of the cuff and boots with a similar design, which are cut on the T-shaped thigh. This young woman came in openly furious while pointing her finger at the dominatrix, "Damn it , Hyori! I swear if you break that table, I will sue you for everything you have! The last thing I need is something else broken in this cheap office space! "

Hyori gave a half smile while waving at the voluptuous woman who was wearing a domino mask. "Well, hello to you too, Yuko." "Turning her head to look at the other woman, the black-haired woman had a much more cheerful demeanor." Hello, Annabeth! It's been so long, hasn't it? How are you? Oh my God, you look even more beautiful than the last time I saw you! "

Annabeth laughed softly in response with a slight blush, sitting next to the dominatrix. "Oh, as charming as ever, Hyori."

Gritting her teeth, the black-eyed blonde grunted annoyingly that she was somehow ignored by the idiot hello and sat across from them.

Raising her hands in the air, the rabbit woman asked in an offended tone: "What the fuck ?! Nobody's going to sit next to me ?! I'm away from the three of you at this big table!"

"No." Morgana replied.

"No." Annabeth replied.

"No." CnEby replied.

"Ah, go suck a dick, you three!" Halphaes replied angrily, tossing what was left of the carrot to all three.

Sighing too much, CnEby's shoulders gave out in a depressed way with those harsh words. "I fucking wish I could ..."

Taking the opportunity to control the situation before it could be diverted further, Morgana quickly asked, "Well then, since this brings us to the topic of our discussion on this beautiful and wonderful night, will it be just the four of us tonight?"

Nodding, the dragon-looking woman replied, "All three of the Nekomata trio are unable to attend due to different circumstances. Leticia was unable to find a nanny for her nephew, while Hinata is busy with a family emergency now is Kana just didn't want to come without her two friends. "

"And the others?" Hyori asked.

"Madame Bones was feeling a little unwell, so she decided to stay home and Uwabami was busy with her model show. As for the minors and the helpers, I didn't see much purpose in asking them out tonight, we can report. them all at another time, "Annabeth replied.

The dominatrix wearing raincoats nodded. "I see. Well, then, I think we can start the meeting, since we will be the only ones present. Before we move on to the main topic of this evening, how are you all? Something worth noting that all of you would like to raise the question?"

"I'm so fucking horny!" Halphaes shouted back, stamping his feet on the wooden table as he leaned back in his chair.

Seeing someone else potentially damage his agency's desk quickly made CnEby's fury boil even more. "LOWER YOUR FEET NOW YOU DRUG RABBIT!"

Ignoring the blonde's scolding words, the tanned rabbit started poking at one of her long ears as she turned to dominate her. "No offense to the rest of you, but can we just get to the main topic now? The sooner I know who the thick carrot is going to slide into me, the better I'm going to sleep tonight."

Annabeth couldn't help laughing about it. "My God, someone is looking forward to sex, huh? Coming from such a young member is certainly a surprise. You barely joined a month ago, right?"

"Tch, yeah yeah, and I never had the 'Mago ​​Warlorde' dick experience like the rest of you did. The tanned rabbit snarled as he stamped his feet against the wooden table, which made Yuko scream for her to stop.

Sighing out loud, Hyori quickly raised her hands and told everyone to calm down so she could continue. "This isn't entirely accurate. Yuko here barely joined you a few months before you did, so she's in the same boat as you." She said, pointing to the somber CnEby, who was pressing her depressed face against the table. "Only people who have been with our group for years have been able to ... say, enjoy the benefits of having the greatest sorcerer of the past two decades."

"... Man, just once I would like to have been fucked by Zenite. It's not fair for an old witch like Morgana to buy some time that I don't ..." CnEby grunted aloud, much to the irritation of the woman she had just insulted.

Forcing a smile through clenched teeth, Hyori replied softly. "... Well, thanks to me being, like you said, an 'old witch', I was able to enjoy all the pleasures of being brutally brutally beaten and beaten by Zenite for hours on end. Sometimes, even for days on end, if I could find some way to persuade you to take a break from work a little bit. " 'What I practically had to beg him to do, if I didn't promise to help him with any load of cases he had when he returned.' Giving the jealous hero who wore the domino mask a sly smile, Morgana broke up with. "So, let's just say there are advantages to being a little more ... mature than a young slut like you."

Before either of them could continue to bark at each other, Annabeth quickly intervened to mediate. Raising his hands in the air and moving them in a calming motion, the Dragon King said, "Okay, okay, enough of you two. Let's try to get back on track, shall we?" The other two mumbled under their breath, but obeyed Annabeth's words. "Thank you. Well, since we're on the subject of Zenite, how is he doing, Morgana? I imagine he's been quite anxious since he retired." The Draconian woman asked, looking at the dominatrix.

Morgana gave a slight shrug in response. "Well, you know, Yukehiro. Even after he retired, he immediately started exercising as if his life depended on it. I often saw him running around campus or lifting weights in the office, even though he really has no use for more . But ... well, you can take the man's field, but you can never take the man from the field. "

"And does he know about this little party of ours now?" Halphaes joined the conversation, leaning back in his chair.

Hyori nodded his head. "Mmhmm. I asked if he wanted to attend, but well, he thought it might have been a little weird about his ... current state."

"Ah ... you mean his skinny, lean appearance these days, right?" CnEby replied, eliciting a somber nod. Sighing, Yuko shook his head. "I can hardly blame the guy. Going from a mountain of muscle to a severe case of anorexia in just a few days after all these years must be quite a trip. Shit… I had the biggest crush on the guy in years, and thinking that I FINALLY had a shot at sleeping with the guy was a fucking dream come true. Hearing that he was walking away and walking away from our little 'orginization' was the biggest buzzkill of the damn century ... "

The four were silent for a while, thinking about how much the Wizard Warlorde meant not only to them, but to the magical world. Crime was always down during his reign, and professionals always felt more powerful when he was beside them on the battlefield. Seeing his characteristic smile and his characteristic motto, it was always a relief to hear when a wizard's back was against the wall. Zenite was never the type of person who would give up a challenge and always fought with all his strength, regardless of how bleak the situation seemed. From fighting magical beasts, running into burning buildings, even rescuing kittens from trees, there was nothing that was too much for Mage Warlorde. Saving people has always been his passion and nothing made him happier than being able to help people in need. Morgana remembered how much he smiled when he told her about some of her missions and how he made civilians happy after helping them after an evening session between the two. Despite all the fame he achieved, Yukehiro never let it go to his head, and managed to remain humble, except the occasional humble display here or there, despite having every right to be anything but that. Zenite was a true hero through and through ...

... and now he's gone. Not from this planet, but from the magical world. Newbies or even professionals could no longer trust Wizard Warlorde now that he was retired. They would no longer see that trademark smile. They would no longer be able to warm up in his powerful presence. They would never be able to hear those sweet, comforting and powerful words that brought hope to everyone, no matter if they were civilians or not, just as they caused fear in all the criminals who heard them ...

"... There will never be another one like him, huh?" Yuko whispered loudly, looking down towards her table.

Halphaes shook his head as he placed his hands on his head. "Nah, that guy was unique. They certainly don't make wizards like him today." The tanned rabbit commented, stretching his muscles until he heard a good click. With a wild smile, Charlotte started to rotate one arm in a circular motion as she continued: "BUT! It just means that we all have to step up our game so that we can fill that huge hole after it leaves after I retire. Simple as that! There's no point in feeling all depressed and depressed and that shit! I'm definitely not going to. I'm going to miss that big place, and I'm certainly disappointed that I'll never be able to fuck him when he's at his peak. life, I suppose, but I'm not going to cry because of that. Nah, I'm just going to do what I do best and kick my ass and be fucking great doing this! " The tanned bunny ended with a smile, smugly rubbing her nose.

Morgana couldn't help but smile at that. "Well, when you put it that way, then I guess there is really nothing to be afraid of now, is there?"

"No, not a bit of shit!" Halphaes replied with a sly smile.

Annabeth chuckled to herself as she joined the conversation: "Something tells me that we will see Halphaes move up the ranks if she can keep that competitive spirit high."

CnEby just rolled his eyes as he retorted maliciously: "God help us all if she becomes No. 1 ..."

Halphaes scratched one of his long ears, ignoring the sarcastic response with a sly smile. "Did you hear anything, Annabeth? Sorry, I can only hear who is in the top 10 of the ranking ..."

"OH, FUCK YOU, YA LOLA BUNNY GIRL REJECT!" CnEby shouted back, clapping his hands furiously on the table.

Morgana laughed, pointing at the black-eyed blonde. "Watch out now, Yuko. It would be a shame if you damage this ... picturesque conference table that you-"

"SHUT UP! IT'S MY TABLE AND IF I WANT TO BREAK, THEN I WILL BREAK THIS FUCK!" The woman in the domino mask shouted towards the dominatrix, while she continued to bang her fists on the table.

Annabeth couldn't help but sigh when she realized that the situation was starting to get out of hand again. Turning to Hyori, she quickly asked, "Would you mind using one of your gases on Yuko? Just so that we can finish this meeting and we can all go home."

Nodding with a smile, Hyori stretched out one arm and pointed at the screaming woman and slowly began to exhale a dark red smoke that came out of her arm. Slowly, smoke drifted towards the black-eyed woman who screamed until she started to sniff her through the nose. The dominatrix noticed that Yuko's black eyes started to fall when she started to inhale the gas and saw her body start to stagger forward.

"Oh ... you ... f-fuck ... b-biiiiiiiiiiiit-" CnEby murmured before falling on his desk and then falling asleep, while her snoring echoed lightly throughout the room.

Clapping her hands, Morgana quickly rolled back onto her sleeve and shifted her body into a more comfortable position in her seat. "Well, then, now that we've taken care of this, should we finally start properly?" She asked, receiving nods from both conscious women. "Good. Well, as we already said, Zenite has been retired for some time, not only because he is an active member of our society, but also of his functions in relation to our group. Although he is not of equal importance in comparison with the problems that plague our wonderful society, it represents an obstacle for some of us who used sex as a way of dealing with daily stress. "

Halphaes clenched his teeth as he kicked the chair next to her. "I haven't had a good fuck in months! Some of those soft idiots can barely get hard for a shot or two! These idiots wouldn't be able to debon a woman if their lives depended on it!" The glossy bunny grunted, crossing her arms huffing.

Annabeth only managed to frown and nod in response, "Although I only had limited experience with Zenite, I will say that my time with him was ... a lot more fun than what I experienced with some of our other professionmates. . It's not that they are horrible to say, but when you compare them with Zenite!"

"-They are lackluster in comparison, yes I know. It would be like eating Wagyu meat for years, just to have it taken and given the third hamburger meat in its place ..." Morgana interrupted, giving a heavy sigh.

"... I don't suppose anyone has any idea who might possibly fill their place for our organization?" Annabeth asked them both, sighing when she received only negative nods in response. "Well, let's see who we think could do well then. Hmm ... well, since Zenite was the previous No. 1, so maybe the next logical choice would have to be the current No. 1, Ends Zero right?"

Halphaes scratched his head and nodded slightly. "I mean ... it kind of makes sense, I think. But doesn't that guy have a wife and two kids?"

The blue-eyed dominatrix nodded as she replied, "That's correct. One of them is enrolled where I teach now, Toshiro Tenko. He has his father's water magic, as well as his mother's metal magic. And something similar to mercury as far as I could tell. "

"I see. Well then, that takes Ends Zero off the list, which I suppose is the best. I doubt that many of our members would consider the replacement appropriate when you compare Zenite's most charismatic attitude to that of Endeavor ... well, let's say , antisocial behavior. Although he has tried to fix his negative image since becoming current No. 1, it's still not what we're looking for. Hmm ... how about Winterfield? " The Dragon King asked, getting a slightly more positive answer from the two.

"Well, he is very pleasing to the eye, and I believe he is single at the moment ... right?" Hyori asked, receiving a shrug from the Draconian woman.

The tanned rabbit quickly raised its hand in the air, drawing the attention of the other two. "I don't think this is going to work."

"Like this?" Annabeth asked the rabbit.

Scratching his nose, Halphaes replied, "Well, let's say he currently has two side pieces. Both of which he is trying to keep hidden from the media. The reason is that one is putting some heat on his pants and the other is not."

Morgana's eyes widened at that. "Oooooooh! He has a man and a woman by the side! How daring! I never thought Winterfield would play both ways ... I'm usually good at getting it out of people."

"... And please tell me how exactly do you know about this?" The woman with the sharp teeth asked the tanned rabbit.

Halphaes just gave the two a playful smile in response.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh ..." Annabeth replied, nodding her head.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh ..." Morgana replied, nodding her head.

"Yes ... so he already has enough on his plate trying to keep his little three-way relationship a secret. I know it's not said out loud, but non-heterosexual people don't get as much work as their heterosexual homosexuals, at least the studies that Winterfield showed me anyway seemed real. The bird brain made me swear to secrecy that I wouldn't tell anyone when I heard him on a call with the other two. And well ... let's say I showed him and his partners that I can keep a secret in many ways. " The tan rabbit with red eyes said, smiling.

"... But ... aren't you telling us now proof that you can't keep a secret?" Hyori replied without expression.

Halphaes just shrugged in response. "Eh, since you two kept this little 'organization' secret for a long time, so I think you two can keep one more secret."

"This group existed long before any of us became a member. Everyone who joins is subject to confidentiality and will only speak about it to their members and potential candidates." Annabeth said, looking at the tan rabbit.

"Okay, okay, so how about if we're all real, shall we? We can spend the whole night juggling all these potential guys to fill the potential guy space, when, instead, we should be asking the guy who really used to fill that space! " The caramel-skinned rabbit replied back.

"... So you are saying that we should order Zenite, then?" Morgana asked, tilting her head as she thought about the request.

"No kidding, Sherlock ... YES! I mean, think about it, the guy's been in the business for how long? Fucking years! So, I'm sure he always knew he would have to leave the battlefield at some point. Who Can you say he wasn't looking for someone to take his place when he finally decided to retire? I mean, shit, what were your final words as the 'Wizard Warlorde?' "Okay… I was forgetting… now it's your… turn." Or he was talking to criminals and aspiring Dark Lords to take a shit out of terror, which doesn't make sense, since he literally retired right after that fight with that brazen copy of Lord of the Stars. Or ... he was talking to someone in particular to take his place as the next 'Warlord Mage' ... "Halphaes finished, looking closely at Morgana and pointed directly at her." That's where he decided to work before he retirenoddi.

"... Itadoshugo ..." Hyori replied, nodding.

"Yyyyyyyyyep!" The tanned rabbit said, jumping from his chair. "So instead of sitting here chattering about who we could replace that group's former sex partner with. How about you ask the guy himself who he decided to replace you with? Shit, he probably informed the guy or the girl about his duties. potential of having to have sex with all the distinguished members of this fantastic 'orginization'. " Yawning aloud, Halphaes stretched his muscles as he started out the doors of the conference room. "As for me, I'm going to bed. I have an assignment tomorrow, so I'm going to take a shower and masturbate furiously before going to sleep tonight." Turning her head to look at the two voluptuous women, a small smile formed on his face when she asked. "Unless one of you, beautiful ladies, wants to help me come before I go to sleep? Consider this one of your many good deeds in being an active member of that organization."

Annabeth smiled and laughed in response. "Well, then, I think that answers what we need to do to find the next No. 1 then. Hyori, I believe we can trust you to speak to Yukehiro tomorrow?" She asked.

Morgana scratched her head as she replied, "I don't think I have much of a choice now, do I?"

"Excellent, so I'm going to retire." Annabeth replied, getting up from the chair. The Draconian woman then slowly walked over to the lustful rabbit and intertwined her arms with those of the rabbit itself. "Now then, do I believe you asked for some help?"

Licking her lips, Halphaes stood on tiptoe and gave a chaste kiss on the sides of her neck, making a moan escape her lips as she also grabbed a handful of the blonde's ass. "Mmmmm ~ It will be a fun night tonight ..." She murmured aloud as she quickly started dragging the blonde out of the room.

Morgana could only sit there jealously when she saw two friends here getting ready for a night of wild and passionate sex while she was forced to return home alone with her vibrator ... that was until she looked at the unconscious lady lying in in front of her on the table.

Hyori pressed her fingers to her chin as she pondered what to do next. "Well ... it wouldn't be the first time I played with Yuko's body after being knocked out." The golden-haired dominatrix smirked as she quickly walked over to the unconscious blonde's body and draped it over her shoulder. Yuko doesn't live far and I haven't used enough to knock her out for hours. So I can at least play with her body just before she wakes up, and when she wakes up ... I'm going to make her and her ass pay for calling me an 'old witch!' Morgana thought to herself as she laughed wildly under her breath as she moved toward the elevator, along with the unconscious CnEby over her shoulder.

"Tonight is going to be a good night after all!" Hyori said, licking her lips as she patted the blonde's curvy ass before leaving the conference room. "And tomorrow, I'm going to find out who Zenite chose to be her successor, assuming Charlotte's theory is correct. God, I hope it is. I could really use a real stick after all these months without him ..."


Academia Itadoshugo: Zenite Office.

It was a beautiful, magnificent, sunny morning, outside the prestigious Itadoshugo sorcery academy. Bright, illuminated sunbeams shone through the small number of white, pale clouds above the blue sky. Today was a quiet Saturday day on campus, as it was one of the few moments of respite that sorcerers in training received. Most of the students were studying, playing, training and resting in their private rooms. However, although students had a day off, most teachers did not have the same luxury. Regarding the faculty, many of them still had stacks and stacks of tests and questionnaires, as well as homework, still to be fixed. Yet…




Repeated sounds of fingers tapping on a keyboard reverberated inside a small office space with tanned walls, gray floors, a bookcase full of books, a large wooden table covered with piles of paper and various knick-knacks, a green oval sofa with a small brown table in the front, along with a few wooden chairs beside it.


Some teachers still find time to "play" in their own time. The said teacher in question was none other than the former Mage Warlorde himself.

Yukehiro sighed softly as he watched several clips and compiled of a new anime that his students were talking about the other day, on his laptop. Resting one of his thin, thin arms on the table, the blond's distinctly sacred face fell to touch the wooden surface. Muttering under his breath to himself, Zenite continued to search the web to find different videos to have a good base to chat with his little anime-loving teenagers. Currently, the red-eyed blue-eyed man wore a green suit with vertical black lines, along with a white T-shirt, red tie and brown loafers. Tapping his foot repeatedly with an eager force, Yukehiro continued to watch video after video non-stop. At the moment, he was watching a video where the muscular man was carrying a pile of citizens on his back while fleeing a burning building. Shaking his head, Zenite murmured. "He should have smiled more. These people were obviously too scared. Or maybe he should have smiled less? After all, most of them were losing their homes in that scorching hell ..." Sighing, the thin man rubbed his hands over his face, tired. 'I need to find something else to do than constantly find animation videos to criticize ...' Yukehiro thought to himself. He then turned his head to see an unusually large pile of papers that he had not yet corrected and filed in the corner of his desk.

"... On second thought, maybe I can get away from here before-"

Suddenly, the door to Zenite's office opened, causing the retired wizard to have a pseudo heart attack.

"Before what?" A seductive voice called out, closing the door behind her.

With a fast heartbeat slowing, the old Warlord Mago sighed when he saw Morgana, dressed in her standard outfit, standing in his office. "Oh ... it's just you, Morgana. For a second, I thought you were Eraserhead."

Laughing to herself as she walked over to the blonde's table, she replied, "Normally I would be offended if you said it was 'just you' for me, but I can understand your relief at not seeing Eraserhead. If he saw you here playing and watching some anime so I'm sure he would make you regret it. Sometimes I wonder if he's even more sadistic than me, hahahaha! " The dominatrix laughed to herself, grabbing a chair and pulling it in front of Zenite's table.

"Yes ... I certainly hope that is not the case ..." Yukehiro started to sweat, thinking about his many nights alone with Hyori. Clearing his throat and closing the laptop, Yukehiro asked, "So, what do I owe the pleasure to, Morgana?"

Laughing to herself, the purple-haired witch replied, "Now, come on, Yukehiro, there's no need to be so formal. Just because we're on the school grounds doesn't mean you can't call me by my first name. After all , we are much closer than that, right? " Hyori winked at the scrawny redhead.

Blushing slightly, Zenite rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yes, I suppose so. Is that what you came to talk about? Certainly there are better places to talk about it than the gym, Hyori." The blue-eyed redhead whispered, tapping one of his bony fingers against the table as he looked away. "... I'm sorry, I couldn't make it to last night's meeting. However, I thought it would be a little weird, since I haven't shown up for a few months since ... well, you know."

Morgana waved a hand in front of her face and replied quickly: "Now, there is no need for an apology. Neither the girls or I were offended that you didn't show up, since we were expecting it anyway. You were perfectly clear to we, after your official retirement, that you would no longer be able to fulfill your "duties", say, so apologizing for not attending a meeting is debatable. The girls broadcast their compliments and hope you are doing well during your retirement. Speaking of which, how are you holding yourself back from not being able to walk around with that cute spandex? "

Yukehiro scoffed: "Like all retirees, I get bored all the time and desperately look for anything not to think about work. I've tried tons of things; reading, listening to music, watching movies, playing chess, meditating, training, cooking, learning to prepare tea properly, write music, write scripts, write a book, play video games, sing for myself, run, lift weights, swim, knit, paint, ride a bike, skate, watch anime, listen to audio books, volunteer at shelters for homeless- "

"Ok, ok, I get it!" The golden-haired dominatrix screamed, stopping the retired hero instead. "I can see that you tried to keep yourself busy, judging by your long list of activities. However, it seems to me that you are missing one of the most important things ..."

"Hmm? What is that?" Zenite asked, confused.

Morgana smiled softly as she reached out and held the blonde's skeletal hand. "... Rest, Yukehiro. You need some time to rest. All the stress you're putting yourself in cannot be good for you. Resting your body and mind is essential to being able to assimilate into normal society, your part and went beyond what it took to be a hero every day. You are a role model for millions and millions of people; young, middle-aged and elderly people respect and admire you, which says a lot about your commitment… "Hyori he tapped the man's bony hand and squeezed it harder. "... But it's time for you to heal. Relax. Enjoy life! Take a vacation in Hawaii or Paris or anywhere! Just don't forget to breathe now and then, Yukehiro."

Zenite looked at her hand holding Morgana's and smiled at her. "Heh ... I suppose I got a little crazy trying to find something to keep my mind on the job. * Sigh * It's just ... very difficult. I see things on the news about theft, drug trafficking, murder and I just ... I get angry because I can't do anything about it anymore. I just wish I wasn't so useless ... "

"You are not useless!" Hyori interrupted. "You saved millions of lives, not just in Japan, but around the world! You always put others above yourself, regardless of the cost, which is what a true hero does. They fight to protect the lives of the innocent. No matter what happens! You have always clung to it, so you have been able to inspire an entire generation of younger wizards to make their way in your place. Be proud of it! " Hyori said to the retired wizard.

Scratching his head, the skinny redheaded man laughed awkwardly, "Heh, you're going to make me blush with all this praise, Hyori."

Smiling back with a seductive gleam in her eye, Morgana rose from her chair and leaned over the man's table, resting her hands against both sides of it. Yukehiro swallowed when he saw the cleavage of the dominatrix just inches from her face, which only made the woman laugh maliciously. "Oh, Yukehiro ... we both know that I made you blush for much more than just a mere compliment. Remember our time alone at that hot spring inn?" Hyori licked her lips, thinking about that distant memory. "I practically had to pull you kicking and screaming from your duties, but when you saw me naked and wet, dripping with anxiety for you to fuck me in those hot springs, knowing we could be caught anytime ... do you remember?"

"... Yes, I remember that. You got mad at me because I kept checking the news feed on my phone to make sure that no major criminals showed up, so you pulled it away from me and pushed it in between. your breasts and told me I wouldn't. Don't take it back until I make you come twelve times that night. " Zenite laughed to himself, smiling tenderly at the memory.

Morgana smiled back when she shook her head and licked her lips. "Mmmmmm ~ I remember moaning every time your phone rang that I almost woke up some of our neighbors inside the inn. Not to mention the fact that you went way beyond what I said to do ... and made me come twenty times that night. Haha, I was barely able to walk the next morning. You had to carry me in your big, muscular arms towards the train station that day. Ahhhhhh ~ It was so romantic. " Hyori sighed, passing out when she kissed the redhead on the forehead, which caused another flush in the man, before sitting down again.

Laughing, Yukehiro nodded as he answered. "Just one more reason for not being able to fit in that 'cute spandex', I suppose." Leaning back in his chair, the ex-Mage Warlorde looked and asked: "So, giving a lecture and taking a trip down memory lane are the only two things you wanted to talk to me about? Because I know you long enough when you're hiding "Something, Hyori. If you have anything to ask me, then there's no need to caress my ego or flatter me. I trust you, so whatever you want to ask me, just ask. I promise I'll be honest." "

Turning her hair around and looking around the room with false innocence, Morgana smiled happily as she asked, "Weeeeeeee ~ eeeeeeeeell, I was thinking ... since you decided to retire from your duties, as well as your other duties with our groups, we were wondering if there was someone you thought would be ... worthy of being yours, shall we say successor?

"... Yukehiro, hello? Are you okay? Are you pale as a ghost now? Dammit, you look even more like a walking corpse than you normally are." Hyori asked, looking worriedly at the pale, sacred and sunken face of her ex-lover looking at nothing with a look that could only be described as' a deer in the headlights about to be punched on the ground by a burning truck covered in fire. from hell led by the Devil himself. ' Waving her hand in front of the stunned retired wizard's face, Morgana sighed before slapping the skeletal man's face.

"OUCH! What were we talking about?" Zenite stammered as she tried to compose herself quickly.

Sighing, the dominatrix replied, "I was just asking if maybe you could have an idea about who can take your place not only as the 'Wizard Warlorde', but also the VIP role in the organization I am currently a member of. Some of us we were thinking, seeing how before you retired you took on the role of teacher, so maybe you could have found someone who was worthy of continuing your heroic legacy ... as well as your sexual legacy among our little cabal. Certainly someone must have called yours attention within this prestigious school, otherwise, I'm sure you would never have retired. " Raising an eyebrow and pointing at the man, Hyori also said, "Not to mention the fact that right after your fight with that faceless freak, you pointed at the camera and said to someone, probably the person you chose to be your successor. , and said something like 'Now ... it's your turn.' and something bad that I forgot. "

"... If you are silent about me again, I swear this time I will whip your face, Yukehiro" Morgana snarled at the stunned retiree, making him quickly start waving his hands in front of his face.

"Hey, now! There's no need for that, Hyori! Just ... w-that's the hypothesis that you and the girls have tolerated, hh-haha. I must say, I didn't know that you girls were conspiracy theories in his spare time… "Zenite stammered with a strange laugh.

"Oh, really? Because it seems to me that you are very nervous about an idea that is supposed to be without merit. Come on, Yukehiro, be honest with me. Just as you can tell when you are hiding something ... I can tell when you are hiding something too. In fact ... maybe I should go get my whip now. It always worked in the bedroom whenever I wanted to do something you didn't want to. "Hyori replied with a predatory look, licking her lips with sadistic joy.

Yukehiro swallowed nervously while thinking to himself. 'Oh, no ... I always hated being the target of your sadism ... and that damn whip. * sigh * But I can't tell her about Aoshima and the Scarlet Apogee. That would be completely crazy! No, I'm sure I can easily deny everything and say that I haven't found anyone yet. Of course, that doesn't explain my little sentence after that battle, but I can only say that I was talking to everyone in the world to take on the fight against villainy in my place. Yea! Perfect! I just have to sell this perfectly, otherwise Hyori will be able to say that I am lying. She always had a good sense of knowing when I wasn't being honest, which I'm sure was not part of her magic. No ... that was all Hyori. Okay, all I have to do is say this with the utmost confidence and I can keep the secret about the Scarlet Apogee and about… 'Once again, for the second time today, Zenite's door was suddenly opened revealing it

"YOUNG AOSHIMA!" Zenite screamed at the top of her lungs, seeing her future successor with silvery blue hair standing at her office door.

"Gaikiryu-sensei! Are you busy now? I just did scarlet training a little while ago and I wanted to talk to you for a while." Kiryu said with a radiant smile on her face.

Turning her head to look back, Morgana turned to see a young teenager, with two-colored eyes and silvery blue hair, wearing a white shirt and black dress pants, along with a red tie and a pair of green high-top sneakers with soles. white and black laces. "Ahh, Aoshima, good afternoon to you."

"Huh, Ms. M-Morgana? What are you doing alone with Gaikiryu-sensei?" The young man asked with a confused face, closing the door behind him.

"Who am I? Oh ... so ... updating the old days. Besides, we're both teachers at this school, so it's only natural that we talk between the two of us from time to time." Morgana replied to the young wizard, receiving a slow wave in return.

"Yes ... I think that makes a lot of sense." Kiryu replied, shaking his head slowly. 'Dude, I wanted to ask Gaikiryu-sensei about any of the strange visions that I have had recently about the Scarlet Apogee, but Morgana-sensei is here now. So, I think it's best to keep this to me for now ... 'Young Aoshima thought to himself, scratching his head awkwardly as he looked at his mentor.

'Judging by the expression on his face, I think Aoshima has something to ask me about the Scarlet Apogee. Although, with Hyori here, there is no way I can talk about anything about it right now. Not to mention her hypothesis about me having a 'successor' at this academy, and with Aoshima here, that will only confirm that suspicion. Come on, Yukehiro, just play it cool ... ' Zenite thought, gritting her teeth in a nervous smile. "Oho, Y-young Aoshima! I see you came to visit a teacher, which is certainly not suspicious at all! No! Definitely not suspicious, since I am a teacher and you are a student! Yes! Ha-ha- ha-ha-ha-ha! " The red-haired teacher shouted with a strange laugh.

'Well, now ... it just got interesting. Here I am wondering who Zenite could have chosen to be his replacement, and here comes a student who is clearly closer than any other of him, just begging for advice. ' Hyori rubbed his chin as he looked the young man up and down, taking note of all the muscles he gained from what could only be described as an extremely rigorous training regime. 'Mmmmm ~ Not bad, I suppose. They don't compare to Zenite's muscles, but with enough time and effort, I'm sure he would rival Zenite's previous physique. Hmm, that makes me think ... Aoshima's magic is ... frighteningly similar to Zenite's. Both seem to have a rare power-enhancing spell that allows them to go beyond what a normal sorcerer can do. Aoshima's Magic certainly saved his own skin, as well as his colleagues on many occasions during combat examinations, including the various clashes with the South Pacific Legion ... 'Morgana thought to herself, raising an eyebrow as she continued to examine the young man sorcerer in training, looking at the various scars that ran along his right arm. 'I have heard Madame Ishtar talk about the boy's injuries from time to time during school meetings, although she never goes into explicit detail, as she values ​​her patient's privacy. Still ... the countless stories I heard about his self-sacrifice remind me of a muscular, bull-headed ex-number one who always saved everyone with a shitty smile on his face. Hmm…

'Oh no ... I don't like that expression on Hyori's face. Although I know she would never be able to really put the pieces of what was really going on in relation to Aoshima, me and the Scarlet Apogee, I should get Aoshima out of here before Morgana has any funny ideas! ' Quickly rising from his chair, Zenite nodded to Aoshima that now was not the best time to ask him anything and pointed to the door. Fortunately, Kiryu seemed to understand what the retired wizard was trying to say to him and muttered a silent apology and started to move out of the room until-

Laughing out loud with a malicious smile stretched across his face, Hyori raised his hand to stop the young wizard. "Now, now! There is no need to just run away, Kir ~ yu! In fact, it is quite a coincidence that you showed up just when you did."

Confused, Kiryu couldn't help but turn around, which without knowing it seemed to him that this was all very strange. "Huh? Really? Why?"

"Well, the reason I'm talking to Zenite now ... you see, in the past, Zenite used to ... help ... some of us female witches. As I'm sure you know, this can be quite a stressful job and being able to relieve that stress is equivalent to mental health in our industry. However, due to his retirement, it seems that he will no longer help me and my group's stress, much to our disappointment. " Hyori replied sadly, looking down with a wistful look, which only attracted a sympathetic look from Kiryu and an expressionless expression from Zenite.

"Oh, no! This is so horrible! I didn't know that Zenite helped you to relieve stress! Well, maybe I can help! What did he do? Whatever it is, I'm sure I can-" Kiryu proclaimed in the direction the golden-haired dominatrix before being yelled at by her icon.

"THAT WILL NOT BE NECESSARY, YOUNG AOSHIMA! YOU WILL JUST FOCUS ON YOUR TRAINING AND STUDY AND NOTHING ELSE! NOW LEAVE ME SO I CAN ... talk to Mrs. Hamtaro alone, please?" Zenite asked Morgana with a serious look before she sat down and intertwined her fingers.

"Huh ... but why-"

"Oh, don't worry, Aoshima! You just wait outside the door patiently while I talk to Mr. Itsugo about your potential new internship. It only makes sense to ask the master before borrowing your student ..." Hyori he interrupted, looking at the intense glow coming from the ancient Warlord Mage.

"Uhhh ..." Young Aoshima looked at their intense gaze, not knowing how to proceed.

"... Wait outside, Aoshima. Go get us some snacks, please? I ... forgot to pack lunch today." Yukehiro asked his protege, receiving a slow wave in return.

Still confused about what exactly was going on, Kiryu silently left the room and closed the door behind him, leaving Morgana and Zenite alone to discuss what was in store for their future.

Before Hyori could open her mouth, however, Zenite was quick to respond. "No."

"You don't even know what I was going to say!" The dominatrix screamed back, which caused the skinny redhead to roll her eyes.

"I think it's totally obvious what you were going to say, Mrs. Morgana, and the answer to that is no." Zenite replied, fixing her blue eyes with an intense look at the golden-haired woman.

"... Okay, fine. You cracked the case, but honestly it's not your decision to do it anyway. It's Kiryu's decision in the first place. You can be your sensei, but that's his decision!"

"Something I never confirmed I was, by the way!" Yukehiro replied through clenched teeth, while a drop of sweat ran down his forehead.

This time it was Morgana's turn to roll her eyes as she responded with a playful smile on her face. "Right ... right, of course. Your wooden face screams that. How about we end this bullshit, Yukehiro? For old times. Whatever that little thing you have with the boy is, of course. And the fact that he even shares a spell like you, and there are repeated occurrences of you taking control of the situation when it involves a certain teenager named Aoshima Kiryu being involved. An example of that and that little illegal tournament worth a Dragon Egg from the Infernal Depths in France that happened a few weeks ago. Oh, don't be so surprised that I managed to get it out of Eraserhead. I've known him a lot longer than you have, so I know all the right buttons to press to get what I want from him . "

"…You did-"

"No, I didn't sleep with him, and frankly it pisses me off a little that you automatically think about it." Hyori said with an irritated expression, eliciting a silent apology from the skinny retiree. "You are forgiven ... this time anyway. Besides, you should know that I have a lot of things in my skills department to make people discover your secrets, which doesn't require sex at all." A sudden thought came to her head, the dominatrix's mouth stretched into another malicious smile, which only made the skinny Zenite even more nervous. "Actually ... I bet you could discover all sorts of secrets from your so-called disciple. What do you think about making a small bet, right? If I can get little Kiryu to admit that he is your student ... '

Squinting towards Hyori, the bony retiree asked, "What makes you think I would agree with that?" If, hypothetically, I were Aoshima's master, then would you know how dangerous it would be if it leaked, especially to criminals. Or even worse, to the media? "

"Of course I know that, Yukehiro This is obvious, but I am not planning on spreading beans to any journalists or villains. You know what I want. What my group wants. If Kiryu is really your student, then he would be the perfect person to replace you. " Morgana replied with a shrug.

"Well, damn ... good to know that I'm so easily replaced ..." Zenite replied with an expressionless look.

Frowning at these words, Hyori replied with a nod, "Come on, Yukehiro, you and I know that it is not true. The fact that our magical community is in a difficult situation now shows how important you are to so many people, including us. You blew a whole generation of people to complacency because of the powerful presence that was for them, which is not an offense to you at all. However, you have to know that finding someone who can handle with such intensity as our little conspiracy of witches cannot be found by anyone else on the streets. "

"So, why Aoshima? I honestly doubt any of the others would be so interested in playing with someone so young, even if their power resembles mine." The ancient Wizard Warlorde replied.

Smiling, the golden-haired professor replied, "Ah, so you admit that his power is similar to yours now?"

"... I never remember denying that aspect. It's just ..." Zenite started before rubbing her hand over her mouth as she thought about the next words. 'Choose your words carefully, Gaikiryu. I can't miss anything about the Scarlet Apogee. * sigh * It's not that Hyori isn't trustworthy or anything, but the less people know about the Apogee and its capabilities, the better for their safety. Still ... I don't know if I could, in good conscience, allow Young Aoshima to voluntarily throw himself into the cabal of aggressive and thirsty witches from Morgana. God knows that even I had my struggles to keep up with all those women ... '

"Judging by that look on your face, you're debating whether to allow Kiryu to be the man selected to replace you, right?" Morgana asked the retiree contemplating.

"... Am I that easy to read?" Yukehiro replied, eliciting a small laugh from the dominatrix.

"You certainly have an honest face, Yukehiro ... but the fact that we have been together for so long is the real reason why I can tell you what you are thinking." Morgana replied with a smile, rubbing her feminine hand against the skinny man's. Her smile grew a little when she felt Zenite start rubbing her hand in an affectionate gesture.

"... We had a lot of fun ... didn't we?" The ancient Wizard Warlorde asked, looking up into the woman's blue eyes, looking into hers.

Shaking his head with a wistful smile, Hyori replied. "... The best."

Neither of them said anything for a while after that, instead, they just chose to think of all the intimate moments that they both shared with each other, including many moments of sharing with the other women within the cabal. It was a strange relationship, if you could call it that, the two shared, and it was not easily broken. Many tears were shed when Yukehiro informed Hyori of his permanent retirement, and although a part of her wanted to beg him to at least continue his agreement with his group, unfortunately she could hear the purpose in the man's voice. She knew she hurt Zenite so much, if not more, to be permanently retired from business. Hyori knew how much it meant for Yukehiro to be the Warlord Mage, and giving it up forever knew that it broke her heart, as well as his.

However, before the moment could get a little more intimate, the door to Zenite's office suddenly opened again, causing the two to move away from each other and return to their normal postures. "WE DON'T HAVE! BECAUSE I'M HERE ... with lots of sweets ... and snacks!" Kiryu proudly proclaimed, sporting two arms full of candy and chips as he kicked the door shut and walked towards the two flushed teachers. "Here you go, Gaikiryu-sensei. I didn't know exactly what you were hungry for, so I just bought what seemed to be the most popular, although the combination is really weird. Feel free to serve too, Morgana-sensei . I bought enough for all of us! " The blue-haired boy offered it to the teacher, receiving a smile and a nod in return.

"Well, that was very thoughtful of you, Aoshima. Such a cute and kind boy, I wonder if your girlfriend is going to be jealous of you buying candy for another woman." Morgana replied playfully as she took a package of Meiji chocolate and put one in her mouth.

Blushing intensely at the words of the mature woman, Kiryu quickly shook her head, "WW-What ?! N-No! II don't have a girlfriend or anything! I swear!"

Sighing, Zenite was quick to help the boy before Morgana could tease him further. "Leave the boy alone, Hyori. Just talk and fill your face with chocolate." He said, taking a box of Pocky. "Thank you, young Aoshima. We really appreciate the kind gesture." The ex-Mage Warlorde smiled at the young man, receiving a look of pure joy in return.

"O-course! It's the least I can do to teach so much about m- ... m-my class! For teaching my class so much N-We really appreciate all of your hard work in helping us prepare for be better heroes in the future! " Kiryu stammered, drawing an inquiring look from the dominatrix, who could only look awkwardly at the ceiling. A few moments passed eating in silence before Kiryu moved awkwardly in the room. "... So, um ... about me helping you and your group, Morgana-sensei ..." He started, scratching his head as he looked to the side, which made Zenite almost choke on one of his Pocky sticks.

"Oh? Well, I'm looking forward to hearing that you're interested in helping us, Aoshima. However, I'm not sure Zenite here would approve of that. So unless you could somehow convince him to allow you to join us, help… "Hyori replied, clearly inciting the boy, which made the retired sorcerer look at her a little irritated.

Oblivious to the machinations of the dominatrix, Kiryu bowed towards his idol and asked, "Please, Gaikiryu-sensei! Let me help Morgana-sensei and the other witches! I don't know how dangerous the job is, but I want to prove it to you-I mean, them! Well ... for all of you! I want to be useful! Please allow me to do that! "

"... Young Aoshima, believe me when I say, you have no idea what you're asking me for, let alone what you're getting into ..." Zenite replied awkwardly, clearly uncomfortable with the whole situation.

"Now, Gaikiryu-sensei, Aoshima here owns himself and is able to make his own decisions, which is what a real man needs to be able to do: make decisions. Not to mention helping another woman as well as the community. Isn't that what you've always been proud of? You have nothing to fear from me or my small group, I assure you. We are no longer the girls we used to be ... unless he wants us to be. " Morgana answered with a wink, whispering the last part.

"… Wait what?" Kiryu asked, scratching his head in confusion.

"Oh, nothing, Kiiii ~ ryyyyyyu! Is it just an inside joke between Zenite and me, riiiiii ~ iiiiiight?" Hyori said jokingly to the expressionless redhead.

"... Yes. This is an internal joke. Ha-ha-ha." Zenite impassive, looking back at the prankster. Clearly in conflict over what he was looking at, Yukehiro shook his head from side to side while pinching the bridge of his nose with a strained expression on his face. "Hyori ... could you leave Kiryu and me alone for a while? I ... think it would be better if he and I could talk ... man to man, so to speak." He asked the golden-haired hero, receiving a nod in return.

Morgana smiled as she replied, "Ah, don't let me get in your way, Gaikiryu-sensei. I'm just going to walk down the hall for a while and let you two ... talk about very important business." Turning her head towards the sorcerer in perplexed training, she blinked once more before leaving and leaving the room.

'Stay in my way. She says that. Pfft, she would have destroyed the entire gym if it meant that she could finally have real sex again. * sigh * What am I doing? Will I really have to explain to my protégé about my sordid past? Ugh, I think I'd rather fight a thousand Igneous than have this conversation ... 'Rubbing his skeletal hand against his mouth, Zenite stared at his young pupil, who was still totally confused about what exactly was going on at the moment. With a heavy sigh, the disheveled retired sorcerer opened his mouth to say something, before closing it again and continued to look at his student. A few more embarrassing moments passed without a word being spoken, both of them astonished at what to say to each other.

"... Um, Gaikiryu-sensei, is everything okay? What about the artificial lung problems again?" Kiryu asked his master with a worried expression.

"... Young Aoshima ... when a ... man is attracted to a woman or a woman is attracted to a man ... certain ... feelings begin to spring up within them. For men, the ' feelings' ... or hormones to be more exact ... err ... make certain ... objects underneath grow ... bigger, so to speak. As for women, their own 'feelings' make them become- "

"Gaikiryu-sensei ... are you ... trying to give me the 'birds and bees' conversation now?" The young man questioned with complete confusion.

"... N-No." Zenite replied.

"...." Kiryu just stared back at his master, sensei and idol.

"... What does this have to do with helping Morgana-sensei and the other witches?" The green-haired hero asked, crawling awkwardly in his chair.

"... The females begin to secrete a clear fluid-"

"GAIKIRYU-SENSEI! I KNOW ABOUT THESE THINGS!" Kiryu screamed, startling the scrawny redhead and almost knocking him off the chair.

The door to Zenite's office suddenly opened again, Morgana appeared with a small smile. "Is this my cue to go back?"

"NO, NOT YET! Just ... five more minutes, please ..." Yukehiro replied, raising the dominatrix's thumb before closing the door behind her. 'I swear, that damn woman is going to be the death of me ...' Clearing his throat loudly, the redhead closed his eyes and took a deep breath, taking a few minutes to recover. "... Young Aoshima, have you ..." Zenite started before his mouth closed again.

"... I already what?" Aoshima asked, tilting his head in confusion. However, it only took a few seconds to connect the dots to what exactly his sensei was trying to ask him. "... Oh ... Oh! OH! Q-What ?! Q-Why? N-No! Never! E-I-never-p-why is this so important now ?!" The young man screamed, having nervous spasms as he tried to stop himself from going crazy.

Before the old Mage Warlorde could try to ease the young man's nervousness, once again his door opened, revealing Morgana. "Aaaaaaaaaa ~ and I'm sure this is where I come in. Heh, I'm phrasing myself now ~" Closing the door behind her, she jumped playfully and sat down next to the confused Kiryu.

"Hyori ..." Zenite snarled slightly, making the golden-haired dominatrix wave at him.

"Oh, relax, Yukehiro I say that we should just go out and say that. Honesty is the key here and rodeos are not going to get us anywhere. "Hyori replied as she looked at Aoshima." You are quickly becoming an adult man, Kiryu. This is clear after all those wonderful and heroic deeds that you managed to accomplish some time ago. Why, in a way, you even remind me of a young Zenite. With your selflessness and self-sacrifice that you two love to do for the greater good. "

"... O-thank you." Kiryu replied back, blushing at the compliment of her voluptuous teacher. Swallowing, nervous, he shifted nervously once before asking, "... But I still don't see how it can help you ... and my ... have 'birds and bees'."

Seeing how nervous the subject of sex was making the young man feel, Morgana patted one of her knees in a comforting way. "Now, now, you don't have to be nervous, Kiryu. It's okay to say that, sex. After all, it's just a word. Sooner or later, everyone talks at some point." Looking deeply into Kiryu's bright green eyes, she whispered softly, "And there is absolutely no shame in not having experience with this. Just ..." Hyori stopped, leaning to her left ear, blowing lightly, which caused goosebumps in the young man's spine. "... have someone special to show you the way ..." She finished, licking Kiryu's ear, which caused another shiver down her spine, before sitting down again.

Pinching the tip of her nose again, Zenite shook her head before saying, "You're going to break the poor boy, Hyori. Try to take it easy before he runs out of here screaming, please."

"Oh, quiet, I bet Kiryu loves the attention I'm giving him right now. Okay, Kiiiiiii ~ ryyyyyuuuuu?" Morgana asked, giving him a sexy wink.

Swallowing, nervous again, Aoshima stammered shakily. "I ... am so confused."

Sighing with a nod, Yukehiro replied, "Honestly, I can hardly blame you, young Aoshima. And if it were me, I never would have talked about it with you ... but women always get what they always want. The one next to you especially more than the others ... "Looking at the woman in question, she just gave him a provocative smile and shrugged. "... * sigh * I've already taken your time, young Aoshima, so I'll get straight to the point. Before saying anything, however, know that no one is demanding anything from you. If what I say is something you you absolutely want to be a part of it, so nobody here is going to blame you for not wanting it. That decision must be yours and yours alone and nobody can force you to do anything you don't want to ... I WAS CLEAR? " Zenite said, looking at the two people seated.

"U-Uh, yes! Of course." Kiryu replied, nodding nervously.

"That last part was mainly for Morgana ..." The disheveled retiree murmured, looking at the dominatrix who was whistling nonchalantly. "Hyori ..."

"Oh, I'm just kidding! Relax, of course I won't force him to do anything he doesn't want to. If what we offer is something he doesn't want to be part of, then nothing much! For the honor of the Noble Family Hamtaro, you have my word, Yukehiro. " Hyori said, raising her right hand over her heart as a symbol of her words.

"... Very well then ..." Zenite nodded before turning to her protégé. "Young Aoshima, before I say anything, I need your word that whatever is said in this room should never be mentioned outside these walls, is that clear?"

"Y-yes, Gaikiryu-sensei! You have my word!" Aoshima nodded again. 'Oh man ... this looks serious! Could this have something to do with the Scarlet Apogee? No, I couldn't ... otherwise, there was no way Morgana would be allowed to stay. Still ... why did Gaikiryu-sensei or Morgana-sensei mention anything about sex? '

"Once upon a time, during the height of my career, I agreed to have sex with countless witches in an attempt to relieve any unwanted or severe stress. Tons of them suffered from acute insomnia or excessive anxiety due to the hard work that should be required. Although this did not be it just a female problem, they were the ones who came up with this ... unorthodox solution a long time ago, even before I became a sorcerer. Many men before me gave this illustrious honor, and it's up to me ... unfortunately . choose the next single male to succeed in this case. " Stopping to clear his throat once again, Zenite concluded with. "... And young Aoshima ... I ..." He stopped to look at the dominatrix. "... And another believes that you are the next suitable candidate to take my place as ..." The disheveled redhead stopped before turning to Morgana. "… Do I really have to use that title?"

"Ah, come on, we named it after you! Just say it!" Morgana replied back, motioning for him to continue with joy.

Grumbling, Zenite rubbed his forehead before concluding, "... as the sex symbol ..."

"Yaaaaa ~ aaaaay! Bravo! It almost brought a tear to my eyes!" Hyori clapped her hands happily, taking a look at the old Sex Symbol. "Now then, Kiryu, what do you say to me - oh my God, he's unconscious ..." The golden-haired woman said, seeing the young man's empty, wide-eyed expression as absurd amounts of foam were pouring out of his mouth and falling towards the ground. "H-We should go to the infirmary! Is he going to be okay?" She asked the redhead surprisingly unconcerned.

"... Just give him a minute. Sometimes that's how he ... processes the shocking information." Zenite replied, opening another Pocky box and chewing on the end of one.

"How much longer?" Morgana asked, raising her eyebrow with a puzzled look.

Chewing on a Pocky stick, Yukehiro replied, "More or less ... maybe another five minutes or three, two and ..."


"... Um ..." Zenite said, finishing his Pocky bat.

Jumping out of his chair with a spasmodic alarm, Kiryu tried desperately to form coherent words in an effort to find out what exactly Zenite could have meant, just to utter a stammering chatter.

"... Wow, it looks like you broke the poor boy." Morgana said with a nod.

"Me?! I didn't want to drag you into this mess!" Yukehiro replied, receiving a shrug in exchange for the dominatrix.

"... It's true, but you could at least cut what you were going to say into pieces, instead of dropping a whole paragraph of exposure on your lap. Come on, Yukehiro, at least use a little tact." Hyori replied back, continuing to shake his head.


"I know, there is no need to say that I am right. It says it all right in that beautiful, hollow, shaggy face of you." Hyori said teasingly.

Releasing another heavy sigh for what seemed like the umpteenth time today, Zenite grabbed a rather thick Pocky stick and threw it at his pupil, hitting him right in the forehead and causing his spastic stutter to finally stop.

"What was that for?" Morgana questioned the bony redhead.

"... I was actually aiming for you, but I think I'll be content to restart the young boy." Yukehiro replied with a sarcastic smile.

"Har-Har." The dominatrix laughed sarcastically back.

Rubbing his aching and somewhat chocolatey forehead, Kiryu could only find the strength to mumble: "... Is this some kind of April Fool's Day joke?"

Sighing softly to herself, Morgana motioned for the young man to sit down. Watching the boy obey, she continued, "No, this is no joke. This is the real deal, Kiryu. I know how ridiculous it can sound to a stranger, but believe me, SORCERYORGY is as real as possible."

"... SORCERYORGY?" Kiryu whispered aloud, clearly confused about what that name meant.

"... I know, it's a terrible name." Zenite said, wincing when he shook his head.

Hearing this, the dominatrix gave the retiree a hurt look as she shouted, "Hey! I happen to think it's a very smart name!" Turning her head to look at the still bewildered Aoshima, she smiled at him as she explained: "It's a play on words! The name SORCERYORGY derives from the words 'sorcery' and 'orgy'. Our founders decided it would be cute if we combined the two words for the name of our organization. And then ... SORCERYORGY was born! " Morgana proclaimed happily, clapping her hands in celebration.

"... Her orgy ... yes ... very smart ..." Yukehiro replied, rolling his eyes.

Squinting in an irritated glare, she replied, "You know, I didn't hear you complain about the name when you were deeply buried in several of our-"

"Morgana!" The disheveled redhead shouted, interrupting the woman's rebukes before she could embarrass him in front of his pupil.

"..." Kiryu could only look at space without words, still trying to process that his favorite idol was involved in a secret sex ring with several witches. "... I don't ... how do I ... I ... words ... fail ... brain doesn't ... work ... sex ... what ..." The protégé with silvery blue hair he stammered aloud as he rubbed his hands on the tips of his forehead.

"... I said you had no idea what you were getting into, Young Aoshima." Zenite replied back.

"... B-but I mean ... w-how? W-when ?! Where?! WHY ?!" Kiryu shouted, waving his arms once more. 'I can't believe what I'm hearing ... Zenite BEING INVOLVED IN A SEX CULTURE ?! Oh man, I don't know what's worse, the fact that my favorite superhero of all time is involved in something so depraved ... or that now I can't stop imagining him having sex ... 'Aoshima thought with himself, shuddering.

Raising his hands to contain the boy's indignation, Yukehiro sighed loudly, falling backwards in his chair in a slightly embarrassed way. "... I was much younger than today when I started my exploits with ... * sigh * ... SORCERYORGY. If I remember correctly, I was in my early twenties when I joined the organization. Without joining many details was certainly a very lively experience, to say the least. Many of the witches at that time, and even today, were quite demanding. Which is not to say it was a bad thing, but there were times when I took my duties away.

"... Oh no, poor poor thing, having to be forced to have sex with so many beautiful and voluptuous women! Woe to him! If I hadn't left the smallest violin in the world at home to play for you-" Morgana retorted maliciously, before to be cut off from an angry Zenite.

"Okay, okay! Got it ..." Yukehiro grunted, receiving a shy smile from the purple-haired professor. Shaking his head, the skeletal blond turned his head towards his anxious pupil, "Listen ... I know that ... well ... all this information is being thrown at you with no real time for you to process, but don't think for a second you have to agree to this just because I agreed. As I said, all of this has to be your decision. Of course, it all looks like fun: having sex over and over with various women with all kinds of different spells. bonds or attachments to hold on to anyone. Just hours and hours, or even sometimes days or weeks, of constant sex between you and someone else ... or even several other people… "The disheveled red-haired retiree caught himself and swallowed nervous, loosening his tie when sweat began to run from his forehead to his neck. "... Endless sex ... sweaty ... and in love with a huge number of beautiful ... demanding ... and lustful women. If you agree, there will certainly be days when you will find yourself caught up in many of these types Like ... one in the morning, you will wake up with the sun shining brightly through the window, waking you up when you find your mouth still sucking on one of your lover's tits ... and one of your fingers , still drenched in liquid semen, trapped inside another woman's crevice ... and his rock-hard body is pressed against heaps of soft, fragile bodies ... and his cock is being sucked by one ... or two. .. or maybe several, still horny, women just eager to continue from the night before. I… "Gaikiryu stopped suddenly.

"Mmmmmmm ~ I remember that kind of night. Especially the holiday orgies ..." Morgana whispered, licking her lips.

"Umm ... well ... yes. Me ... too." Zenite replied uncomfortably, shifting in her chair in a self-conscious way. "Now ... young Aoshima, if you need a little time to contemplate your answer, then we will understand completely."

"I'll do it!" Kiryu responded quickly, causing the retired sorcerer to almost fall out of his chair with the quick response.

"WHAT ARE YOU GOING ?!" Yukehiro shouted, completely taken aback by this result.

Hyori, however, was thrilled by the young rookie's response. Clapping her hands happily, the purple-haired teacher said, "Oh, how wonderful! This is happening a lot easier than I expected! And here I thought I would have to seduce you slowly over the course of several days before making you accept ... "

"Hyori! You said you would respect young Aoshima's decision!" The disheveled redhead snarled, making the dominatrix laugh awkwardly.

"... Well, just because I said I would respect that, doesn't mean that I wouldn't at least try to change his opinion. Aaaaaaaaw, you're going to forgive me, right Kiiiii ~ ryyyyyyuuuuu?" Morgana cooed softly when she leaned forward towards the anxious young man, allowing her face to be just inches from her swaying breasts.

"Y-Yes ... I ... f-I'm sorry, M-Mrs. Morgana." Kiryu replied nervously, eliciting a giggle from the mature woman.

"Now, there is no need for a 'Miss', just feel free to call me Morgana. Or even, Hyori, if you want. After all, something tells me that I am sure we will be much closer from now on." Hyori smiled, purring seductively.

Seeing his young protégé swallow, nervous, Zenite quickly moved to intercede. "Now wait a minute! He's still clearly nervous about this whole thing! Besides, just a few moments ago, it seemed like he wasn't interested in this kind of situation at all." Turning to look at his pupil, Yukehiro looked deeply into the boy's eyes as he asked, "Young Aoshima, be honest with me ... why are you agreeing with this? Is it because I did this? Because if so-"

"NO! ... well, I mean ... a little bit, I'm ... Hmm ... kind of a little curious about this." Kiryu replied, eliciting a disappointed sigh from his master. "B-But I'm also doing this for my own reasons! I'll be honest, this whole situation is a little ... stressful, to say the least. I can't say that I'm a hundred percent on board, but ..." He he stopped, swallowing nervously as he continued, "... But I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited at all, either." Scratching his head, Aoshima looked awkwardly to the side before making eye contact with the ancient Mage Warlorde. "... You did your part for our society. You were always above and beyond others, no matter what it cost you ... and your participation in ... SORCERYORGY is another example of that. Even though it seems outrageous, depraved and crazy, I want to follow in your footsteps and make the world a better place. And… during this trip, having… sexual relations with witches to relieve large amounts of stress is one way to do that, so I will! I have to at least try!" The green-eyed newcomer said, looking deeply at his master's pair of blue eyes with intense passion.

'Tricky boy * sigh * Well ... at least he doesn't seem to be lying about him doing this just to follow in my footsteps. This has to be your own choice ... I just wish that Morgana hadn't tried to push me and, to an extent, he did too. Young Aoshima would not have been my first choice to replace me as the ... * sigh * Sex symbol, but I suppose I would be lying if it didn't make sense with the right context. Although I do not doubt the boy's intentions, I can say that there is at least a sliver of selfishness on his part. He himself said that he had no sexual experience and, immediately after my embarrassingly detailed explanation, Kiryu quickly agreed to the offer. I know he wants to imitate me as much as possible ... but I'm sure, in the back of his mind, this is as much for him as it is for me. ' Zenite thought to himself, sighing loudly when he saw the strange determination coming from his protégé. "... Very well, I can see that I won't be able to stop you from moving on. If that's what you want, then I won't stop you." He relented, eliciting a sigh of relief from his student, as well as a cry of happiness from the dominatrix.

Screaming happily, Morgana quickly wrapped the young Kiryu in her arms, pushing his freckled face into her smooth cleavage. "Oh, don't be afraid, Gaikiryu-sensei! I promise that we will enjoy Kiryu-chan and give him many, many and LOTS of sweet, passionate and intense love ..." Hyori said, whispering softly as she rubbed the boy's silver blue hair young man with affection, making him blush madly.

Expressionlessly, Yukehiro replied, "... Try not to break the poor guy, do you? I know how you look when you're ... excited, so to speak."

Pouting a cute pout, Morgana replied, "Hmph, I know when to restrain myself, Yukehiro! I'm not crazy!"

'Crazy, no. Crazy with lust, on the other hand ... 'Zenite thought, shaking her head with a nervous smile. "Now that you have what you want, could you kindly leave? As the only male former member of ... SORCERYORGY, I should at least tell Young Aoshima what he should prepare for - err, I mean, anxious in his immediate future moment. "

Apparently oblivious to the small contempt for his cabal of women thanks to his joyful delirium, Morgana smiled as she obeyed. "Oh, sure! Go ahead and do it! I should go and prepare for the test anyway! I have a lot to do in such a short time! Oh, this is going to be a lot of fun tonight, Kiiiiiiii ~ ryyyyyyyyyuuuu, I promise ! You will see heehee ~ "The dominatrix chuckled happily, jumping towards the door before giving a last wink and blowing two kisses in the air to the males before closing the door behind her.

"... Uh, what did she mean by running the test, sensei?" Aoshima asked, scratching his head.

Yukehiro sighed in response, "It is when one of the female members 'tests' a man to see if he is really capable of being ... * sigh * ... Sex Symbol. In other words, tonight, Morgana will test you on your ... sexual prowess. "

"... B-But, I don't have any ..." Kiryu replied, in a cold sweat.

"…I know." Zenite replied, with an impassive face. "Now you see why I didn't want you to agree to this. Or at least until you had a little more experience in this area. Before I went in, I at least had some sexual experience."

"H-how many? E-if you don't mind me asking ..." The green-eyed newbie asked.

"Hmm ... before entering ... about one hundred and thirty women, more or less." The disheveled redhead replied, scratching his pointed chin as he nodded.

"ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY WOMEN ?!" Kiryu screamed as his mouth opened.

"Give or take." The red-haired retiree shrugged. "While I was still a rookie, I was still a very, very handsome man. And, to be honest, sometimes I could do a little flirtation. That comes with being charismatic, after all! Hahahahahaha!" Zenite laughed haughtily, drawing a drop of sweat from her young student.

'Well ... I think it makes sense. Zenite was very popular, even before he became the Warlord Mage. So, it is logical that many women would be throwing themselves at him ... * sip * and here I am having to replace him and I never came so close to holding a girl's hand ... 'Kiryu thought, sighing as he collapsed on chair.

"Now, don't blame yourself or anything. I'm sure you at least have some experience with women. Have you ever kissed a girl before?" Yukehiro asked.

'... I'm sure it's not worth it on the cheek? "Kiryu replied, smiling nervously.

"...." Zenite could only look at his protégé with a dead look.

".... I jumped straight into the fire, right?" Kiryu asked timidly back.

"... These women will eat you alive, Young Kiryu ..." Zenite said, shaking her head, making her protégé's mouth open with fear. Pinching the tip of his nose, Yukehiro knew that there was no way he could bring the boy to his own level of sexual prowess, but he could at least give him some advice before the 'rehearsal' with Morgana tonight. Sighing, the retired sorcerer asked weakly, "... Please tell me that you at least held a girl's hand before?" Before Kiryu could open his mouth and respond, Yukehiro said quickly. "And no, your childhood is not worth it!"

"...." Closing her mouth, Kiryu looked at the floor silently with a strange look.

"... I made a terrible mistake ..." Zenite murmured, causing her student to fall to the floor in shame. 'And here I thought that training young Aoshima to properly manage the Scarlet Apogee with her own Dharpa Domain would be the biggest challenge ... * sigh * This is going to be a long day ...' Rubbing his tired eyes, Yukehiro looked to his young and awkward successor and sighed before trying his best to explain how to properly court a woman.