
The Lost Tales of Sinners

Short stories of a young man discovering about his dormant lust. No story had any kind of connection with the other.

Fethmelle · Kỳ huyễn
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215 Chs

Magic Experience (2)

The guild storage cabinet

"Ahh ..." Kyouka moaned when Nero started to pinch and nibble on his soft, pale neck. He treated you with extreme delicacy, making sure not to hurt you, but just to give you pleasure. "N-Nero ~ we need to stop this," she pleaded so unconvincingly.

Nero smiled when he started to drag his hot tongue around her neck. "Kyouka, a girl as pure as you, you need a perfect man in your life. Let me be that man." He whispered hoarsely in his ear before licking his small lobe.

Kyouka's blush intensified by ten thousand after he said that. "N-Nero? Where ... where is this coming from?" She asked. She was desperate to know where this new sexy behavior came from.

However, when she turned her head over her shoulder to meet his gaze, she was surprised to find that Nero's face found hers, hitting his lips against hers!

"Mmm!" Kyouka's eyes opened and she struggled to find the words needed for the situation. Your first kiss! The one that was for the man she chose was taken by Nero! Oh, how bizarre was this course of inexplicable events? Nero stopped being not only the first man to, oh, so boldly put his hands on her female body, but also gave the first kiss!

But the sheer shock of the kiss alone didn't stop Nero when he gently opened his mouth to slide his tongue against her lips, sending the purple-haired woman reeling. Fortunately for Kyouka's heart, Nero didn't try to force his mouth open and instead moved away from her, a small strand of saliva connecting his lips to hers.

Nero removed his left hand from his left breast, reluctantly releasing the important orb in favor of pressing his hand to his heart as if to symbolize his own. "From my heart, Kyouka. It took me working with you for a few hours to realize something. I can't seem to get your lifestyle, I never wanted your life! What I really wanted was you! You are by far the strangest girl here, but in a good way! Everyone here has magic except you, but you don't let it get in the way, you continue, this is what sets you apart from everyone else and to be honest, it was what interested me. "He said.

Before Kyouka could utter a syllable, he continued. "Usually, when I jump and scare people, they get angry! But you, you weren't mad at me or anything! You just asked me why I did it. Not only that, you tried to help me know your way of life, even if you knew you were betting, leaving me behind the counter and serving people. Other girls wouldn't do that. "Nero smiled as he took both hands off his chest and wrapped them around his small waist.

"I love you Kyouka, I love you with all my heart," he confessed.

Kyouka stopped feeling embarrassed when she just rested her arms on his. "You're just saying that, you don't really love me. It's impossible to love someone you barely speak to," she said.

"No, I do," said Nero sternly. "When a dragon finds its mate, it is instantaneous. They mate for the rest of their lives."

"Well ..." Kyouka looked down sadly. "You can love me, but Nero, I don't know if I love you ..." She said before breaking free from her grip and standing up with her arms crossed. "I don't want to drag your heart out when I don't even return your feelings." The purple-haired woman said.

Instead of standing beside her, Nero took a pleading position on his knees and hugged her waist. "I don't care if you don't love me Kyouka, I just want to be with you. In fact, I will love you very much, you will have no choice but to love me!" Nero cried out with the flames of youth and conviction burning in his heart.

Kyouka chuckled softly when she felt his arms tighten around her and buried her face in her lower back. "You have no way ..." she smiled. "What am I going to do with you?" She wondered.

But Nero replied. "Feed me, love me, give me your full attention." He said.

Rolling her eyes with a smile, Kyouka turned to look at him. "Okay Nero, I give up. Do you think you can woo me? I accept your challenge, but stay tuned, I won't give up so easily. I don't want a boyfriend who goes out and turns into dog food during an adventure when Come back home." Kyouka crossed her arms.

Nero smiled when he started to kiss her soft belly quickly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He kissed her abdomen over and over again.

Kyouka blushed and ran a few fingers through her hair while doing this. "Well, we better hurry up and get back there, otherwise the guild will start to suspect something." She laughed. That was exactly what she needed now, rumors about her and Nero busy in the guild's warehouse.

"Let them talk," said Nero when he finished his kisses and once again cradled his face in her. "I want them to know about us."

Laughing, Kyouka managed to break free of his hands and went to get a watermelon and melon. "Come Nero, let's go." She said, her voice leaving no room for negotiations.

In the main hall

"Hey, I heard Flame-Tard was working at the bar today, where is he? I want to make him serve me the most complex drink of his life!" Freddie smiled as he looked at Mira and Astra.

Mira seemed completely affected by what the two women had seen a few minutes earlier, hell, Mira was probably even happier after seeing this, while Astra looked a little tense.

"He and Kyouka just came back there picking fruits for me, they'll be back any minute!" Mira said in a cheerful tone.

"Yes, they were just ... picking up some melons ..." Astra turned green after choking.

"What's wrong with you, Astra?" Freddie asked, a little concerned for his teammate.

"Nothing ..." Astra lied shamelessly. "Just a little cold, that's all."

Freddie did not seem convinced. "Should I go and see what you're trying to hide there or-"

"Mira! We got the melons!" Nero announced when he and Kyouka returned from the storage room, looking more excited than before they entered there. "Do you need anything else?" He asked her.

"Oh nothing!" Mira smiled, 'Just your dick and your undying love for me!' She added in her head.

"Come on Nero, let's prepare the special fruit dessert before it's too late", Kyouka smiled as she led him to the kitchen.

Astra's mind, after hearing all the hints about the melon, cannot help jumping to conclusions as they return there. "I think I'm going to spend the night here ..." Astra covered her mouth as she left.

Freddie just shook his head at the strange woman before returning. "Hey, idiots! Come take my order!" He smiled as he made a cruel plan in his mind.

Nero's shoulders slumped as he dragged his feet over there. "What you want?" He asked, not being able to insult a patron was really getting on his nerves.

Freddie perked up and leaned against the bar as he started to list the very elaborate drink he wanted. "I would like a double ..."

Closing time

"Wow! This has been a long day!" Nero put on a damp cloth that he used to clean the bar and stretched his aching muscles. He looked at his co-workers and saw that they, too, were adjusting.

"You are right Nero, this job is very tiring." Mira chuckled as she snapped her fingers.

Kyouka was silent, choosing to just relax in peace while her two friends chatted idly while closing the night. They had already done most of the closing; which involved placing chairs, turning off lights, closing doors, etc. so now all they had to do was go out and lock the front door.

Nero was the first to leave, wanting to taste the sweet air of freedom, then followed by Mira and Kyouka. Mira turned and closed the big doors.

"Well Nero, I am so happy that you chose to help us today! It really took a lot of weight off our shoulders. You should help us all over again!" She smiled.

Nero just put his arms behind his head. "I'll think about it, see how things go for now. I'm glad most of the members were busy today, otherwise, I probably would have worked my arms out!"

Mira laughed as she put her hand on the door, pulling it out to make sure it was locked. "I have no doubt about it, Nero. But I think we finally finished the day, so feel free to go home and rest!" She said as she walked by Nero, accidentally bumping into him on the way. "Sorry Nero! I think I'm a little bit more tired than I thought!" She laughed.

"Don't worry! It was a failure!" He waved at her. "Good night Mira!"

"Good evening!" She said as she started her walk home to prepare for the job she was going to have with her family the next day.

Once she was on the right track, Nero turned to Kyouka and wrapped his arms around her. "Shall I accompany you home tonight, my princess?" He asked with a sly smile.

Kyouka's face burst into flush with physical contact and his comment. "P-Princess?" She asked.

"Yes, you are my princess!" Nero said it as if it were the most obvious answer in the world. "But if we're going to do this, we have to do it at your house, since my house is a little ... messy."

"'Do this'? What do you mean 'this'?" She asked.

Nero developed a small flush on his cheeks while scratching the back of his neck. "Come on, don't make me say that. You know what I'm talking about ..."

"No, I don't know. What do you mean, Nero?" She asked timidly.

Nero leaned close to her ear. "I'm talking about sex," he clarified.

And who said that Kyouka's face couldn't get redder? There was practically steam coming out of his face after he said that. "Umm ... alright ... shall we?" She whispered, not sure if she was going to continue with this. But Nero seemed so energetic about it, so it must be worth it, right?

Nero took the damsel in his arms and took her into the city. "Okay Kyouka, where do you live?" He asked.

"My house is on Crimson Street," she said. "It is very small, so it can be easy to lose, luckily I am with you, otherwise I doubt anyone will be able to find it."

Nero gaped. "Wow! Do you have your own home in town ?! Not even Stella has one! How can you afford it?" He asked, completely astonished.

"I make a lot of money from tips." She shrugged nervously. "Plush Master pays half the rent, says he wants me close to the guild all the time, in case something happens." The purple-haired woman said.

Nero nodded before seeing the street sign that had the name she said to him. "This street?" He asked what she nodded to.

"Yes, turn here and my house is a few doors down on the right." Kyouka instructed. The street was full of small houses, each a different color. Kyouka's was a deep green, almost the same color as her eyes. There was a window sill with a small garden in the front. "This one!" She stopped him.

Nero smiled when he stopped abruptly, placing Kyouka on the floor so that she could unlock the door. The poor girl was already nervously fiddling with the keys and Nero breathing on his neck didn't help.

"W-wait Nero! Let me open the door!" She whimpered before finally unlocking the door. Deep down, she kind of wished the door would remain closed. Kyouka's part didn't want that. Of course, she wasn't as excited about it as he was, probably due to the anxiety of it being her first time, but another part was scared simply because she didn't want to give herself to him like that yet. She has hardly known him for more than a day or two and here they are! About to have sex!

As soon as he saw that the door opened, Nero grabbed Kyouka in his arms and picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. "You have a nice place, Kyouka," Nero commented as he closed the door behind him. He wouldn't bother taking her to her room, they would work there eventually. But for now, the couch would do.

"Put me down carefully," pleaded Kyouka. Luckily he did what she said and sat her down with him kneeling between her legs, looking at her.

"You are so beautiful ..." He whispered, placing his hand on her thigh that was still covered by the long skirt.

Kyouka's heart pounded and her heart skipped a beat when he started advancing on her, grabbing her thighs and waist. Earlier, when he grabbed her breasts, she wasn't so scared, since they were in public, so he would have to stop. But here in your home, where they were alone, nothing could stop them from doing something stupid.

"Nero! Wait!" She said as she put her arms around his shoulders and forced him to step back. "I think we're going too fast!"

Nero looked at her strangely as he walked away from her. "What do you mean, we're going too fast?" He asked stupidly.

"II don't think I'm ready for sex! I'm sorry for letting you come here just so I can turn you off like that, but I don't think I can do that!" She confessed.

"Kyouka." Nero surprised her with a mature look and voice. "When I confessed my feelings for you, you told me that you didn't love me. I understood that, but I still wanted to chase you and try to change your mind. You accepted me in this challenge. But Kyouka, that's the only way I know of that deepens the bond between two adults. If there was any other way, I would. But I will do everything I can to make you love me back. "He stated, the flames of passion and loyalty burning in his eyes and radiating from his body .

Kyouka felt her heart twist when she heard him say that. This was the first time that anyone had put so much effort into it. Usually people just stopped trying to get to know her after a few conversations, but Nero kept pushing. Slowly, he was breaking through his heart. She set up walls so that anyone who tried to use it and take advantage of it would fail, but Nero broke them all. It may even have become more important to her than finding her lost memories.

"Nero ..." Kyouka said softly. "What do you mean, this is the only way you know? Isn't this your first time?" She almost whispered, a little afraid of the answer. This was the final test to see if it was worth getting to know better. She in no way loved him now, but if he gave the wrong answer, she would deny him completely.

Nero's head was down, which made his heart fall. "No, it's not." He said. But before she could expel him for trying to take advantage of her, he continued. "I really did it with Stella and Lia. I didn't know what the first time, Stella and I were going on a mission just for the two of us, but she told me it was something that only the best friends do. I mean, later a few times it got rougher until we had to stop using her bed because we kept breaking it, but I still thought we were deepening our connection. "

"What about Lia?" Kyouka asked without emotion, wondering why she was even listening.

"Lia was different. On the fourth or fifth time, I could see that Stella was just using me. She really didn't want to make love, but to help her relieve stress. I started to hate it because of Stella. But with Lia, she actually put her love and effort into making me happy. We went to work together and ended up in the same room. That's when it all started. Unfortunately for Lia, I just didn't reciprocate her feelings. No matter how. I tried, I couldn't love her. her like that. She'll always be my best friend, more than Astra, but I just couldn't do it. " Nero revealed.

Kyouka's features softened a little. Even if he wasn't a virgin like her, she could still relate. She never said that to Shimura, but although she didn't remember the past, she still felt strange and strange feelings whenever she tried to remember. Every time she tried to remember, everything she felt was used and not loved. This is exactly how Nero felt. It was used and not loved by Stella. Not to mention that she feels distant from everyone for not sharing the same memories as them, which was similar to Nero's resentment for not loving Lia the way she loved him.

"I shouldn't let you stay here ..." she started, which made Nero panic silently. "But I think I'll leave. I didn't like the fact that you were with other women before me because I felt that you were after something. But after hearing your story, I can't help but feel even more like you. I may not have had the same experience as you, but I felt the same way as you did. "Tears started to well up in his eyes at that moment.

Nero took her in his arms while she reached out for a hug. "I promise you Kyouka, you are the only girl I will love. I changed Lia and Stella, I'm sure of it. But I don't think I would get over you if you decided that you didn't need me."

"I need you Nero," Kyouka whispered. "Now, more than ever, I need you." She sniffed, wiping away tears.

Gently moving away from Kyouka as she composed herself, he knelt back and held her chin with his fingers. "Are you sure you want to continue with this?" He asked.

"What happened to all that bravado and confidence that you had a moment ago?" She asked with a small, provocative smile on her face.

Nero smiled back. "Well, I think I was very excited and I didn't think about your feelings first. But once we go that way, things will never be the same," he warned.

Kyouka removed her hand from his chin and tightened his hands around it. "Nero, I'm a big girl. I think I know I'm ready and the weight of this decision." She laughed.

"Good," Nero licked his lips and looked down. "Because I didn't know how much longer I would be able to restrain myself. You don't even know how much I want to see your Kyouka boobs. They're driving me crazy all day ..." He whispered lasciviously, his pupils penetrating hers. stretched race that kept those giant milk tanks at bay.

Kyouka blushed and shivered under his powerful and hungry gaze. If she didn't know better, it looked like Nero wouldn't tear her shirt off and devour her entire breasts.

Fortunately for her, however, Nero decided that there were more urgent matters, as he smelled a very sweet and tempting aroma. "* smells * * smells * Kyouka? Are you ... are you so wet?" Nero smiled.

"II think so ..." she stuttered nervously, rubbing her thighs to create a delicious friction.

Nero redirected his gaze from his obese jambs and directed him to the peak of his thighs, which was hidden by his hateful skirt. "Tsk tsk", he clicked his tongue, "we can't have that skirt on the way now, can we?" He asked as he gently hooked his fingers around her waist and began to slide them tenderly out of her, revealing his impossibly thick thighs of absolute softness.

"Kyouka," Nero's dark eyes met hers and she could feel his provocative smile take away his defenses. "I remember that you used to be a little bit chubby before testing, but I'm very happy to see that you grew up to be such a beautiful woman." The teenager told her. "I mean, look at you, you don't have any muscles, so it doesn't stop you from being so soft! Those thighs are so ... so beautiful! I definitely want to put my head on them later, if you don't mind. "

Ignoring the comment about her being a little chubby when she joined the guild, Kyouka just nodded. "C-Sure!" She said.

Coming to an agreement for a future nap on the maiden's lap, Nero finally adjusted his skirt around his ankles and pulled them completely off his legs. Now all that stood in Nero's way was a pair of bright red panties with a large wet spot on the front, a sign of Kyouka's overflowing excitement.

"Cute," Nero smiled as he hooked his long fingers around the small strings of his panties. However, when Nero hoped to catch a glimpse of her virgin pussy, Kyouka forcibly pushed her head down, so he was forced to look at her feet.

"Not yet!" She screamed. "I want my panties before you see my ... my ..."

"Pussy?" Nero said with a tone of amusement, finding his innocence like a breath of fresh air. "Okay, let me take that from you then."

"Thank you ..." the purple-haired woman spoke softly. Even when he pulled his panties down, Kyouka kept his thighs closed so he wouldn't see himself peeking. This was perhaps the most difficult thing Kyouka has ever done, showing her most private and intimate area to her first lover would always be a challenging opponent for a girl. To make things even worse for Kyouka, did she know that Nero had seen at least two before he saw her, how does his vagina compare to Stella's or Lia's? Or maybe even Astra?

Finally Nero took off his red underwear and teased it, stretching it with both hands right in front of his face, showing her the big wet stain of his arousal and then he smelled confidently before smiling when a no doubt devious plan entered your mind. The next thing he would do would be etched into Kyouka's mind for the rest of his life, without a word, Nero brought his own panties up to his face and pressed the clothes against his nose, practically forcing her to smell it.

"Ner-mmm!" Kyouka spat and babbled with a mouth full of cotton, her face almost matched Stella's hair color in terms of redness. The poor girl had no idea what to do!

"Heh, I thought you would like it," Nero said. "Enjoy the scent of your own essence, it must be a good warm-up for what I planned later, after tonight."

"Nero! I-" Kyouka tried to speak, but Nero hasn't let her speak yet. He knew she was not in danger of suffocating, but he could not afford to taint Kyouka's good girl history with the police, having noise complaints made in his name.

"Now, let's see what little Kyouka is hiding behind those thick, delicious thighs ..." Nero's hands slid to the inside of his thighs and slowly opened them. As much as it seemed that he was separating them, Nero felt Kyouka willingly open up to him. "This is a good girl, nice and easy ... oh yes ..." Nero commented.

Finally, he reached the Holy Land. Nero Bluedrynth now knelt before the mighty splendor of his princess's wonderful virginity. Like Kyouka herself, it was clear, simple, but totally breathtaking for him. His pale, milky skin was there hairless and affected, not even the slightest stain or mark. And his delicate slit shuddered and moved for him to touch. Of course, with a pussy as beautiful and welcoming as hers, Nero would not leave her alone for long.

"Mmmm ..." Kyouka murmured under her breath as she closed her eyes in shame. "Don't look too much!" She whimpered.

"Kyouka, there's no need to be embarrassed about this. It's just another part of you, there's no shame in that!" Nero told her. "Look, I'll show you!" He said as he slowly lowered his head to the top of his thighs where he was just a touch of his lip from his sacred place. Kyouka watched with half-closed eyes as Nero let out his long, experienced tongue hovering over his trembling lower lips.

"I can't believe you're doing this ..." she huffed, her ears burning red from her blush spreading. "You don't have to do this!" She waved her arms frantically in front of her, causing her huge breasts to swing and sway under her arms.

Nero stopped and looked her in the eye before continuing. "I know I don't have to, but I want to!" He told her before the tip of his tongue brushed Kyouka's petals. Kyouka's body shook when she felt his breath hot and fierce in her rapture and the tip of her tongue almost made it explode right there.

"N-Nero!" Kyouka screamed, his desires clinging to the sides of his chest made him shudder. She may not have the same muscles or strength as anyone else in the guild, but somehow she managed to hurt Nero enough to make him change his plans.

"Here, let me ..." he smiled as he put her legs on his shoulders and pulled her forward so that she was hunched over on the couch. But when Kyouka thought that that was all he was moving her on, she was very wrong. "I hope you are flexible!" He said as he pushed her knees up to her shoulders. To her combined surprise, the movement didn't bother her at all! It was almost as if she had the spine of a snake ...

"W-Wow ... I had no idea I could bow like that!" Kyouka thought out loud.

Nero nodded his head. "Yes, but hey, that makes it easier for me, so it's okay in my book!" He applauded, as he now had a direct path to her excited pussy. Now he could work without her uncomfortable legs getting in the way. "Now, to give you proper treatment and worship, you deserve Kyouka."

Kyouka wanted to cover her face to protect herself from embarrassment. Never in her wildest dreams did a man fall on her, let alone Nero of all people! However, when she expected to feel his hot tongue in her needy vagina, instead, she felt the hard, callused fingertip pressing on her.

"Look at your Kyouka pussy," Nero said fascinated as he gently pressed his middle finger at the entrance to his soaked piece, the wet flower desperately clinging to his fingertip and begging him to press it. He didn't. However, I did not leave him in need and under pressure, feeling Kyouka's soft, slimy guts wrap around his finger. "You are so wet!"

When Kyouka tried to speak in relation to his comments, Nero pushed his finger all the way, savoring the euphoric screams that came out of Kyouka's mouth. He didn't expect a finger to have made such a difference, but he suspected why.

"Tell me Kyouka ..." he started with a devilish smile, slowly pumping his lonely finger in and out of his vagina which produced a delicious wet sound as he moved his finger in and out. "Have you ... touched yourself before?" He asked.

Kyouka's face lit up bright red. "W-what?" She gasped.

"Answer the question Kyouka, have you masturbated yet? I'm curious!" Nero continued.

Pushing her face down to look at her oppressive chest, Kyouka shook her head fervently. "No! I never touched myself!" She confessed. Nero smiled as he knew it was true. Kyouka was too pure for this world and it made him feel a little bad for corrupting her like this.

"I can tell you, otherwise, your cunt wouldn't be drooling so much with just one finger. But you want to know what happens when I add another one? I'll show you!" And with that, when his middle finger was barely inside it, Nero added his ring finger. Kyouka's already wet and writhing pussy went crazy when she felt she had another visitor. Without saying anything and just looking her in the eye, Nero started to stick his fingers quickly in and out of her oozing handle, making the girl scream with pleasure when her delicate pussy received such a bitter treatment. He had never experienced anything so harsh and fast that he loved it more than anything else in his mind.

She no longer cared about the embarrassing but stimulating sound of his juices splashing while he touched her, or the way his juices dripped onto the couch in quantities that would surely leave a stain.

"Very easy," Nero sighed as he lost his gaze, his eyes moved down to look at his hand that so expertly worked his grip better than she ever could. "I think I'm going to go ahead and finish you off, right?" He asked rhetorically, not bothering to get an answer.

His sweet, melodious moans echoed through the small house as Nero did the seemingly impossible and accelerated the pace, his hand and fingers becoming a vibrant blur that came and went from his drooling claw. In less than a minute, Nero made Kyouka cry out more beautifully when her pussy twisted around her fingers and squirted her sweet nectar all over her hand, even messing up the couch while she did it.

"Thatta girl Kyouka," Nero applauded as he gave her his first orgasm. The pink-haired man started to think that he overreacted by the way her body trembled and her eyes almost rolled to the back of her head as she squirted. However, when most would worry about the now trembling Kyouka, Nero found a reaction too cute to pass up and wanted to see if he could get more out of it.

'Now I can finally taste it! 'Nero screamed in his head as he moved both hands to the back of her legs to keep her sitting and still while he worked on his oral magic. Upon reaching eye level with Kyouka's pussy still flowing, Nero licked his lips. This would be no different from any of the other meals he liked, only that this was the nectar of his princess that he would be enjoying right now. Then Nero attacked his snatch as if he had any meal and plunged headfirst, his hot mouth colliding with her soaked snatch to send Kyouka reeling.

"Ahh!" She screamed, her feet kicking up and down as her knees crushed her heavenly knockers further. She felt his tongue, long and hot, travel through its smooth tunnel, with the taste of every inch within reach. "Kyah! Neroooo!" She shuddered when the overload of pleasure threatened to fry her brain forever. Her tongue did all kinds of movements and tricks, making her feel things that she previously thought were impossible to feel. As good as Nero was with his fingers, he was at least eleven times better with his tongue.

Had this been done by Stella? Or was it Lia's? Why was Nero so good at eating pussy? These thoughts and more went through your head faster than the light. She just wished she had lowered the temperature of the house before they started, all these foreplay was making her hot and sweaty, this was evident by the light sheen of sweat that her body was coated with. To make matters worse, she felt droplets of sweat trickle down her cleavage, teasing her as she ran the valley between her breasts.

Feasting on his hairless pile was one of the best things Nero could say he did. It was his duty - no - privilege to say that he treated Kyouka as skillfully as he could. His tongue swirled around to collect every trace of her sweet and delicious juice. He may not want to climax again, but it certainly happened when he licked his essence.

"A-here comes again!" She closed her eyes this time, trying to contain the tears of pleasure as she reached another orgasm in two minutes. Her head fell back and she struggled hard to keep her legs from falling on Nero when he started drinking his fluids as fast as his vagina sent them out.

"Mmm," Nero closed his eyes too, enjoying the feeling of her washing his mouth. However, this orgasm was too short for his taste, because as soon as he drank, he left. But Kyouka was still delighted by the glow of her orgasm with her eyes half closed. "That was delicious Kyouka ..." Nero wiped his mouth dripping with his fingers before licking his fingers. "We definitely have to do this again!"

"Haaahh Nerooo ~" Kyouka stammered with star-shaped eyes.

Nero laughed. "I think you liked it too, huh?" He asked as he leaned down on his face dripping with sweat. "Wanna try?" He asked.

Kyouka tilted his head back to avoid what Nero was certainly implying, but it seemed that Nero wouldn't take no for an answer. Kyouka couldn't believe it! She always imagined that her first time would be soft, gentle and sweet, but so far all Nero has done is turn his wonderful first time into a sloppy, wicked and dirty thing that has left his legs shaking and his core aching.

Nero, with his mouth still full of Kyouka's juices, clung to her to feed his own essence as a mother bird would do with her young. Of course, Kyouka revisited, but eventually she stopped fighting and soon, his mouth was clear and she now held everything.

"This is good Kyouka, now swallow it." Nero instructed. "And make sure you smile so that I know you appreciate it."

'This is so degrading ...' Kyouka shuddered, but obeyed his orders. A deep part of her did not want to hesitate in her request, as she wanted him to make her feel even better. After all, the man gave her two orgasms and didn't even pull his dick out! 'It tastes so ... so ... spicy ...' She noticed. When she swallowed it all, Kyouka's lips curved in a shaky smile, her blush making her look even more beautiful than before.

Nero smiled at her as he stood up and looked at her and gently pulled her legs over so she could rest. When Kyouka's thighs touched the pillow, however, she immediately felt uncomfortable as she felt the wet, sticky puddle stick to her soft skin. This caught Nero's attention and he provocatively patted her on the head.

"Don't worry about the sofa, we'll buy a new one later." Nero told her.

With Nero looking at her as if he were, Kyouka felt so little. She couldn't help but try to avoid his gaze by lowering hers, that's when she first laid eyes on him: the huge bulge that threatened to tear Nero's shorts. Kyouka may be very innocent, but she knew what was kept out of her eyes, Nero's big, bulky cock. Honestly Kyouka felt a little scared, she had no idea that a man's penis could be so big, and that's when it was sheathed! She shuddered and shuddered when she started thinking about him releasing him for her to see in full.

When Kyouka slid on the couch so that she could recover in a place that was ruined by her own body, she looked at Nero with pleading eyes. "NN-now and-this ..." she huffed as her lips and body still trembled from the devastating orgasm she experienced.

Nero didn't make her feel any better while laughing out loud at her mistake. "Hah! You really are cute and innocent! I think I'm so good that I broke poor Kyouka!" He laughed wildly.

Her flush of embarrassment became a little more irritated and she frowned. "I-it's not f-funny!" She stammered again. But the purple-haired woman wouldn't let that go on for long. Snorting and sinking his feet on the sofa, Kyouka looked at him with the same determination he showed when he confessed. "N-now ... now that you've seen and ... felt mine ... I want to see yours!" She managed to choke.

Nero stopped laughing when he heard her demand to see his own anatomy. He didn't expect her to just demand to see, he thought he would have to force her eyes open to even look at him! I think Kyouka was more capable of changing than he believed. But that didn't mean he wouldn't tease her about it

"What do you want to see?" Nero grabbed his ear and leaned closer. "What are you talking about?" He asked.

Kyouka opened her mouth to answer, but found this to be a more embarrassing request than she originally thought. "I want to see yours ..." Kyouka just couldn't say it right now. The adrenaline was gone and she could already feel her body losing its energy. "Nero!" She pouted and puffed out her cheeks. "You know what I mean!" She accused.

"No, Kyouka, I really don't want to!" Nero continued to pretend ignorance, discovering why women love to provoke so much. He was kicking himself inwardly for not doing this before.

"I want to see ..." his shoulders fell. "I want to see your ... penis." She finally let go.

"Oh!" Nero exclaimed, exaggerating a lot. "You want to see my dick! Why didn't you just say it? And there's no need to call it a 'penis', you're a big girl, so just say stick or stick." He told her.

Kyouka buried her face in her hands while her face burned brighter. At this point Nero started to worry about how strong Kyouka was blushing.

"I'm just kidding you, Kyouka, I know what you mean." Nero said softly as he crouched down. "However, I want to change things up a little bit before I get my dick out, right?" He asked.

Kyouka lifted her head and looked at him. "C-Right ... what were you thinking of changing?" She asked.

Looking back to make sure he was aiming well, Nero sat at the nearby coffee table, away from where she was sitting. He walked the room a little and judged the size and size of the house. "Do you have a bathroom?" He asked.

"Sure," she nodded, "down the hall."

Nero also nodded as he stood up again, but surprised Kyouka when he took her in his arms for the second time, only this time he chose to carry his bridal style. The waitress blushed and hid her head in the curve of his neck as he carried her into the shower.

"Why are you taking me to the shower, Nero?" She asked quietly, stroking his nose.

"To be honest, we are both a bit dirty. And I know you probably want your first time to be as romantic as possible, so if I have to put aside my wishes to make you comfortable, I will have a heartbeat." Nero said to her as she approached the door he guessed was the shower, luckily for him he was right. It was a small and modest bathroom, complete with large shower, faucet and toilet.

"You don't have to restrain yourself because of me ..." she sighed, feeling a little guilty.

Nero gently kissed his forehead. "No, I want to be kind. As much as I hate to say it, it will probably hurt Kyouka, no matter the pace. Now, how do you start this bath?" He asked.

Feeling that he wanted to change the subject, Kyouka agreed. "I know it's a little weird, the right is hot and the left is cold." She told him and he nodded his thanks. Soon she heard the familiar sound of water splashing out of the shower. "So are you going to take a shower?" She asked curiously.

"No! I'm not just taking one, you too!" He smiled as he left the small glass cabin. "Where do you keep your towels?" He asked.

"Down here, I'll get them!" She told them as she quickly got up and bent down to pick up the towels, completely forgetting that she wasn't wearing any pants, so she showed Nero perhaps the best view he could have seen.

"Woah Kyouka!" Nero smiled widely when he saw a vision of the maiden's soft, pasty cheeks. Kyouka's ass was perfectly round, like a peach, and as pure and pale as the rest of her smooth skin. 'So big ... I could probably make them clap by just clapping them together! 'Nero immediately wrote that thought down for later. He just can't help but reach out and grab a handful of the purple-haired woman's bootylicious ass. His smile widened when he felt his fingers sink into the soft flesh of her ass, it was almost like grabbing gelatin that his ass rocked so much. 'Are her breasts like that? '

"Nero!" Kyouka screamed and almost hit his head under the sink when Nero started to molest his juicy booty. Nero could tell that that touch excited her by the way her recovering pussy started to leak even more excitement.

"Maybe I should give you a stick now, after all, your pussy is begging for it again!" Nero whistled when he felt the heat of his rapture rise. "But let's hurry up and get in the shower. I haven't seen those giant knockers of yours yet," recalled Nero.

Kyouka stood up quickly, her breasts bouncing and swaying in her tight top with quick action. And thanks to her hand still being placed firmly on her bottom, Nero learned that when a voluptuous part of Kyouka's body was shaking, everything was shaking with her. He easily deduced that, with the proper training, Kyouka would be a wild cock tamer, someone who would put even his skills to the test.

Releasing his flexible flesh from his hand, Nero back against the wall. "Well Kyouka? Come on, take off your flat shirt and show me those giant melons of yours. I'm dying to see them." Nero crossed his arms, giving the aura of impatience.

"Y-Yes, I will," Kyouka blushed as she placed the towels on the table and took a deep breath, summoning up the courage to do so. However, Nero would no longer have his hesitation and grabbed the neckline of his shirt. "Nero, what are you- Ahhh!" She cried out when Nero tore his shirt, causing Kyouka's supreme gifts to leap free from her confidence and fall until they settled on her chest, almost reaching the middle of her stomach. If Nero's hands hadn't taken hers, Kyouka would have moved quickly to cover her super soft beats of shame.

"Wow ..." Nero hissed as he looked at Kyouka's chest, the two large globes of pure white meat that have always been hidden from his eyes until now. He had seen only a few pairs of breasts in his day, the obvious ones being Astra, Stella and Lia and then some, but Kyouka immediately overcame them all. He didn't know exactly why, but seeing Nero, he couldn't help but place her among the others. Astra's were definitely bigger, Stella's were rounder and Lia's were more cheerful. So what was so good about them that made him change his mind? Was it perhaps that Kyouka was much more disguised and innocent in her clothes? Or was it just love? Nero didn't know. But what he did know was that he would - at some point - shove his cock between those two heavy pillows on her.

Now, finally, taking a good look at Kyouka's entire naked body, Nero smiled as his eyes rolled over every inch of her smooth, pale skin. Most women in the guild had some degree of muscle, but not Kyouka, she was just a smooth maiden who was lucky enough to have Aphrodite's colossal curves. Its curves were like waves, each flowing smoothly to the next to create the ideal hourglass figure. Her breasts, so big and soft, were low due to her immense size and weight, but Nero still managed to find her very attractive without those two meat balloons, not to mention that she still had a mouth watering ass.

'Stella was sexy, but she also had a lot of muscles while Lia had-' a feeling of guilt etched its way into Nero's mind and he frowned internally. 'I should probably stop comparing them. It's not right and it's unfair to Kyouka, I really don't want to screw things up with her. 'Fortunately for him, Kyouka didn't see or feel his emotional turmoil in that split second.

"Kyouka, these are beautiful little tits," said Nero to return to the moment, being extremely direct and vulgar in doing so. Kyouka blushed when such a dirty word was used to name her breasts. She had heard all the other names for breasts, but the T word was definitely one that made her feel so dirty and worthless.

Nero just couldn't look away. His erection was stretching the fabric of his pants to the point of breaking. He didn't know if he would be able to be soft on her tonight, he could just give everything he could.

"Put your nice ass in that shower, now," Nero ordered with his toothy smile, his aggressive behavior sending chills down Kyouka's spine, enough to induce her to move on.

"Yes sir!" She screamed as she opened the door quickly before jumping into the hot shower. Nero finally realized that the steam was rising, so all he could see inside the glass was Kyouka's curvy silhouette. With his rock-hard cock and his confidence rising, Nero quickly removed his underwear before discarding it too. Kyouka wouldn't know what hit her.

"Are you ready for me to join you?" Nero asked as he prepared to get in there and shook his boxer.

Kyouka nodded, but knew he didn't know what she was doing. "Y-Yes." She squeaked.

"Good," she couldn't see, but she could tell that he was giving another of his smiles. "Because I'm coming in." And with that, he opened the shower door and was immediately attacked by waves of steam entering his face. "Is it too hot for you?" He asked if she was comfortable.

Kyouka hummed, "Yes! But before you get in, can you get a towel or a sponge? I forgot to bring mine here." She asked.

"You mean this?" He asked as he took a tan sponge from a shelf. "You know that I'm going to be the one washing you, right? And I'm sure I won't put anything between your body and my hands!" He licked his lips as he entered, almost touching Kyouka's body with his own, but there was enough space for the two of them to stand.

Kyouka looked over her shoulder when he entered and, despite the heat of the water, she could still feel Nero's warm breath on her neck. "Are you ... going to wash me?" She asked innocently.

Nero reached over his head to take a bar of soap from the built-in shelf and began to lather the now wet cloth with it. "Yes, and then you will wash me." He told her.

But before she could answer, Nero approached her, pressing his body to hers. And that was when Kyouka felt it. Her face went red for the millionth time, but this time her knees went weak and trembled, her pussy reached a new level of excitement and her lips parted. When Nero took a step forward, he strategically pressed his mammoth cock right between the pasty cheeks of her ass and pressed his thick shaft against her pussy and ass.

'E-is pressing against me! 'Kyouka panicked, finding it difficult to stand on her own. She didn't know if her body was so numb from fear, or some newfound lust that was attributed to having sex with a Dragon Slayer. 'It's too long. A long, long time. And it's the circumference ... Kyouka bit her lip. 'It's so ... fat! - She didn't know if that was the right word to describe it, but it was all she could think of.

"Ne… ro ..." Kyouka breathed softly as she tilted her head back, feeling a little dizzy.

Nero pressed his head to hers, "are you okay? Do you want to stop?" He asked.

Kyouka shook her head, she couldn't just let him stand outside and get no return for his actions, she would make him fully rewarded later. And by the feel of his penis alone, he was very excited. "No, I want to continue." She told him.

"Great, that means I can't work on your huge tits!" Nero's eyes darted to her heavy breasts and he grabbed the towel and put it right around his neck. But instead of wiping the towel to rub the woman's excessively healthy breasts, Nero had a better idea. He looked and saw that there was a bottle of shampoo. 'Bingo! 'He thought with a malicious smile. He reached out and grabbed it before turning.

"Pay close attention Kyouka," Nero instructed as he slowly squeezed out a long, silky spray of shampoo and poured it over Kyouka's celestial chest as a sign of what was to come. Kyouka watched in amazement as Nero poured the cold liquid on her pale white breasts, creating a labyrinth of liquid in each massive orb. She was even more surprised when he turned it over and handed her the bottle. "Now you pour some on me, so we can wash each other before we go to your room."

Kyouka looked at him with a puzzled expression. "Spill some on you? Where did you- oh ..." realization hit Kyouka like a train as she slowly looked down, finally having an official presentation with Nero's second head. It was so upright and firm that it looked like a pillar pointing up at an angle of forty-five degrees, so she was looking at the red and purplish helmet and watched with fascination as it throbbed at his touch. She was right, it was too long. So long that she could lean over a little and barely kiss him on the end. But that was not the only monstrous attribute of this. Make no mistake, it may have been long, but it was very thick, like a solid rod wrapped in human flesh and veins. She started to wonder how Stella or Lia managed to endure without any serious injury.

"U-wow ... e-it's c-certainly bigger than I thought ..." Kyouka coughed before returning to normal to spill slowly. She watched in slow motion as the white sticky substance dripped over

Nero closed his eyes when he felt the sticky substance coating his member. "This is cool." He said. Kyouka didn't respond because she was too focused on his hard-on. What fascinated her even more than the actual size of the shaft itself was when she noticed the healthy set of testicles hanging like two pendulums. Kyouka was a very innocent girl, but she knew that Nero's sex appeal was too abnormal for any normal man to have.

She was taken out of her own thoughts when Nero grabbed her breasts, squeezing and crushing them tightly in his hands, now that he could finally feel them without clothes on the way. "They look just like I thought they would ..." Nero said softly as he abused Kyouka's sensitive flesh, molding it into whatever shape he deemed appropriate and rubbing the shampoo over them.

Kyouka shuddered with his rough play as her own hands only managed to grab his penis, which as she suspected, was almost too thick for her to grab. She just couldn't understand this thing happening inside her, but deep down, a small part of her was excited to try.

'Up down. Left right. Inside Outside. 'Nero thought to himself how he currently made the pattern, playing with his soap-covered breasts being the best way to spend his time in the bath. Kyouka's greasy orbs proved to be the best of the best. His penis became more resistant in Kyouka's small hands as he imagined putting his penis between the two jellies like knockers that he held so tightly in his hands.

'So much to wash ... I think he just wanted an excuse to wet my breasts and play with them,' Kyouka sighed. His hand slowly started to push Nero's throbbing shaft, rolling his delicate fingers over the heated meat. She was surprised when a large pile of pre-enjoyment accumulated in Nero's crack before slowly falling to the floor. It was then that she realized that Nero's balls were not only large and heavy to show, but they perhaps contained gallons of semen. - Maybe they also like to play? 'She wondered while using her hand to hold the head of his penis and lower it to grab his balls.

She was rewarded with a low, guttural growl from Nero and a steady stream of pre-cum to start being released by his penis. Kyouka curiously started to take a little bit of his trembling hand and use it as an improvised lubricant to caress his penis even faster and smoother than before.

Nero came to love the feel of Kyouka's soft hand slowly rubbing his erection back and forth. "This is very good, Kyouka, I like your pace." He complemented it while pinching one of his erect and red nipples and pulling hard, causing the important globe of flesh to extend with him and Kyouka to scream.

"N-No problem!" She said, wincing at the pinch of her nipple. But that didn't stop her hands from meeting Nero, her hands still working on his penis and balls. But as much as it pleased Nero to have his manhood caressed, he knew that Kyouka's slow, inexperienced pace - no matter how good it was - would never make him come.

"I'm tired of it," said Nero as he released her foamy breast. "Are you ready to take this to the bedroom and lose your virginity?" He asked bluntly.

Kyouka nodded, although a little unsteadily about it. "Y-Yes, I think I'm ready." She told him, although her voice lacked enthusiasm or disgust. She really had no opinion about sex until now. Of course, she understood why so many people were so crazy about it, but she was a little indifferent. This does not mean that she does not enjoy the orgasms that Nero so graciously provided and she sure enjoyed looking at her huge schlong, but so far for Kyouka, sex was just meh for her. At some level Nero knew that, so he knew he needed to change that.

Not bothering to dry himself with a towel, but instead to heat the temperature around them so that Kyouka had a personal drying experience, Nero then lifted the slightly wet woman into his arms like a bride once again. Unlike Astra, Kyouka easily became fond of being carried that way. Nero has done this since he had a close-up view of her giant breasts bouncing and swaying when he took a step.

Nero deduced that, as the bathroom was the only room on the left side of the corridor, her room was on the right. Fortunately for him, he was right. When opening the white door, Nero was once again in contact with Kyouka's simple and average personality, his room would easily be mistaken for a hotel room if someone didn't know anything better. Nero really liked it, he certainly thought the bed was a little small, but that could be changed.

"How big is your bed? A twin?" He joked.

Kyouka blushed and told him to put it on him. "No, it's a double. Look if you think it's so small that we can-"

"Shh, I was just kidding. I think I like it, it looks cool and firm." Nero said as he climbed on it and threw it out. Kyouka blushed like an innocent girl about to lose her virginity, which she was. Nero spread his long, elegant legs so that he could see her soaked pussy once again. "It looks like you are very ready Kyouka. Usually if your pussy was wet, I just bend you and put you on the floor, but since you want this to be romantic, let's make a missionary."

Once again Nero asked her to lift her legs slightly, which she did, so that he could slide into space. Once in the right position, Nero put his massive erection right into her wet pussy, lubricating it. "It looks like I don't need to lubricate my dick or anything, you're already very wet."

Kyouka wanted to cover her face to hide her embarrassment, but she thought that Nero would want his full attention, so she didn't. She just looked down while his intimidating cock rested in her virgin vagina, the thick giant already drooling with pre-gum as he prepared to devastate her ready pussy.

"B-be nice ..." she shouted, hoping he wasn't as rough as he appeared to be. However, she was surprised when he leaned down and gently kissed her full lips before moving away to look deeply into her eyes.

"For you," he said as he pulled his head back to point its tip right at her entrance. "Ever." He pushed.

Kyouka looked at his watch, his blurred vision making it difficult to read correctly. She supposed it was about two in the morning. She felt her heart drop, knowing that she would have to be in the guild in about four hours and that would be torture for her. She lay on her little bed, her body all sweaty and sore, but the thing that worried her most was her completely fucked pussy, which was so full of her sperm that it dripped from her abused lips onto the sheets. Nero was easy on her, but he just kept fucking load after huge, thick load on her. It worried her when he decided she was ready to make it all out.

Speaking of the pink-haired Dragon Slayer, the tired man was napping peacefully on the floor. Kyouka felt bad about letting him sleep on the floor, but she couldn't help it. He fell a few minutes ago and didn't even move! Also, with her legs numb, her muscles sore and her pussy and uterus practically flooded, she lacked the strength to help him up.

"I feel so ... stuffed ... 'Kyouka curiously poked her swollen pelvis, feeling Nero's manly seed spreading inside her. It made her shiver, as she found it too obscene, to get rid of all the excess sperm, but the consequences of Nero making her raw. She was confident she wouldn't get pregnant, but the mere fact of feeling so complete after having him inside made her worried. Maybe Nero was the only one for her , but she couldn't decide if she loved him now, she blurred her thoughts and confused her love for sex with real love for him.

Either way, she would make up her mind before the day was over.


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