
The Lost Tales of Sinners

Short stories of a young man discovering about his dormant lust. No story had any kind of connection with the other.

Fethmelle · Kỳ huyễn
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215 Chs

An Eternal Reward

Summary: Layla Organa, a typical common farmer, considered herself incredibly unlucky one morning, when she woke up and found herself about to be auctioned off to be a slave by the highest bidder. What kind of slave would she be, exactly? She had no idea. Frankly, she didn't want to know.


The Bounty Hunter / Adventurer, who went by the name of Hargeon Kradius, was hired by Layla's father to track and save her before something terrible happened to her. It was safe to say that he had actually done his part of the business and rightfully earned the reward he was promised, which was simply a small amount of gold coins and some food of his selection on his farm. He was aware that the previous payment was really not very valid in the current world they lived in. But with the life and innocence of a virtuoso, not to mention the beautiful young woman, at risk. He just couldn't resist the temptation to go out and save her from danger.

Little did he know that, due to her noble actions, as well as her bold beauty, Layla was quick to fall in love with Hargeon almost immediately after laying eyes on her hero. It was all thanks to these quickly developed feelings that she was motivated to reward young Kradius in a very different way compared to what she expected when he returned her safely to his father.

Fortunately, luck was finally on her side on the way home like a storm and an inn would give her the perfect opportunity to present her hero the way she wanted. However, deep down, she didn't want their special date to happen once, as she really hoped that in the end it would lead to something much more ... beautiful and eternal.

(~ X ~)

"I apologize for not giving us a more luxurious place to spend the night, but I fear that this was the best I can afford to receive in such a short time." Hargeon said apologetically as he and Layla walked down a small lantern-lit corridor that had five doors on each side. The sounds of thunderous thunder could be heard in the background.

Both wore capes that almost covered all their figures, except for the heads, as the hoods were lowered. Hargeon's cape was dark green and Layla's was gray.

Layla smiled sweetly at the greenette as she hummed in denial and shook her head. "It's okay, I didn't expect that we would end up in some fancy place anyway." She assured him.

"I see. Heh, it's a relief to know. Well, I've been here a few times in the past. I think I can say with certainty that it will be a decent place to stay for now, we rest and wait outside the storm." Hargeon replied.

"If so, then I will trust your judgment." Layla laughed as she nodded in approval.

Hargeon smiled back at her as he returned his gesture. "Okay then ..." He took his left hand out from between the slit in his cloak and looked at the silver key he held in his fingers. "Room nine ..." He looked back to examine the hanging wooden signs that labeled the room numbers on the doorfronts. "Ah, here we are .." He spotted their room and they stopped in front of the door as they approached. Hargeon then used the key to unlock the door and they entered after he opened it.

After they entered, Hargeon closed the door behind him after letting the beautiful blonde in before him.

Layla took a moment to walk to the center of the room to observe its characteristics. The room had little more than a double bed with its head pressed against the wall opposite the door and a nightstand on either side of it. The room was also lit by two candle lanterns hanging on the nightstands. To the left of the door, there was a standing wooden hanger. Finally, to his right, there was a window covered by a small set of red curtains.

"Are you sure you don't mind sharing a room with me? I believe you could get another room for the night, if you want." Said the young man still standing at the door while looking at Layla with curiosity.

"As I said before, I don't care at all. I feel like I could put my trust in you with all my heart. So you really have no reason to worry about that." Layla said without a hint of hesitation as she started to remove her cloak before moving to hang it from one of the hooks on the hanger.

A slight flush appeared on the young Kradius' cheeks as he managed to maintain a controlled external posture when it was revealed that what Layla wore under the cape was a casual white silk dress that hung over her figure by thin straps and ended at the knees and exposed a little bit of the cleavage of her bust quite large due to how low the cut was. Then, on his feet, was a pair of slightly soiled gray sandals. This choice of dress was not hers, but of the slaves who kidnapped her.

"E-if you have no doubts then ..." Clearing his throat and composing himself, Hargeon copied her movement as he took off his own cloak and hung it on a separate hook.

His own revealed suit consisted of a green vest with gold buttons over a white dress shirt, gray gloves, navy blue pants and red shoes. Around his waist was a purse belt, going diagonally across his upper body and hanging from his back was a brown purse, and sheathed on both sides of his waist were thirty-inch dagger swords. Said hems were a detachable addition to the bag belt mentioned above.

Seeing no reason to keep them close at hand, Hargeon removed his weapons from his belt and moved to lean the handles in the nearest corner while placing the covered blade tips on the floor. His backpack and gloves followed suit as he placed the bag next to the swords before putting the gloves into the bag.

"You can have the bed. I'll see if I can get some extra blankets from the owner so I can sleep." Hargeon warned the blonde when he was leaving the room.

"And wait!"

As he was about to open the door, he stopped before he could turn the handle when he heard Layla's sudden and unexpected protest. "What is it?" He recognized her as he looked at her confused.

"U-Hmmmm .." With a red face, Layla swallowed subtly while looking at the boy with a nervous expression. Her hands joined at the back of her waist as she then stared at the floor very shyly, the tips of her right-footed shoe digging lightly into the hardwood floor. "N-there's no need to go through all these problems because of me. I don't object to the idea of ​​... sh-sharing the bed with you .." Her heart leapt the moment she finished speaking as if a visible cloud of steam coming out of his face. She prayed that he would not refuse his generous offer.

Hargeon's eyes widened in surprise the instant he heard her when the earlier red tinge came back to his cheeks, although it was a little more of a darker shade of red this time. For a moment, her mind was telling her that all she was trying to do was play a trick on him with this. But Hargeon was a man of common sense when it came to people's intentions. The clumsy and cute expression she made and the vast tension that had entered her figure were evidence for him that she meant it and was not really trying to deceive him. Again, he had to ask .. "Are you sure?"

Without saying a word and looking at his feet, she simply shook her head and gave him an affirmative buzz.

"Uh .. O .. Ok .. If you insist .." That was all Hargeon managed to say, since it seemed like he had a very limited amount of answers. "B-But still ... I think I should take a temporary leave just so I can get something to eat, eh ..." He laughed nervously. "Looks good?"

"I ... I'm feeling kind of hungry right now ..." She looked at her stomach for a moment before looking at the green leaf. "Sure, I think I need a meal." Layla shyly agreed with him as she struggled to appear calm to him.

"Alright, I'll go uh ... see what I can give us then." Hargeon, in a slight hurry, left the room after finishing speaking.

After closing the door behind him, Hargeon took a deep breath to calm his emotions, as he could feel his heart beating a thousand beats a minute .. Just like before, when he met the blonde maiden. His right hand came up to lightly grasp the area of ​​the mentioned organ. 'What the hell is going on with me?' He pondered in confusion as his shape seemed to be burning with a wonderful sensation while his stomach had something vibrating inside it. Looking around the empty hall for a second, he gathered the rest of his guidance and shook his head as he assumed a composite appearance. He then started looking for something to eat for himself and his new friend.

'What a strange feeling ..'

With Layla, the nervous blonde breathed a quick sigh of relief as she bent down to sit at the foot of the bed behind her.

"There ... I made it ... One step closer ..." She said to herself as her hands cupped her soft red cheeks. They then broke contact with her cheeks so that she could use them as fans to cool the heat that emanated from them for a few seconds.

For a few minutes, she did breathing exercises to help calm her down and keep her from becoming too irritated. After this was done successfully, she took a deep breath before opening her eyes and looking at her lap with an almost serious look.

'After what that pig man almost did to me ... T-to my body ...' She was angry as she almost cringed at the thought of her captor before continuing with her thoughts after regaining her composure. 'I shouldn't even be thinking about letting a man touch me in such a… intimate way ...' She blushed again as she put a lock of her hair behind her right ear. 'However, for me ... Hargeon is not just any man ... Despite the short time we have known each other, I can see that he is really a kind and gentle soul ...' She smiled tenderly to herself. 'Mom always read romantic stories to me when I was younger that mentioned how a woman feels whenever she meets the man she's meant to be with ...' Her left hand reached up to lightly plant her fingertips over the exposed part of her left breast. She remembered the comforting way her heart raced the instant she laid eyes on Hargeon when he decided to reveal himself after rescuing her earlier in the day. 'And I'm sure I experienced exactly the same feelings the moment I saw him ...' Her smile suddenly turned to a shy smile as the redness on her cheeks lit up even more. 'He's exactly the kind of genuine man my heart has longed for ... The kind of man I ...' Her mind went silent for a few moments, but after those moments, she looked forward with a determined smile and hunched over her lips when she brought her now clenched fists into her lap. 'She rejoiced internally when she felt a sudden explosion of confidence to fuel her being when she felt she was sure of what she wanted. 'Mother told me that I should follow my heart whenever I come across the man I feel is my destiny, and that is exactly what I will do.' She lunged to get out of bed while her newfound confidence forced her body to do so. 'It is probably a long shot to have him with me because of his adventurer profession, I know. But I am determined to give my all to make it happen. The least I can do is tell him how I feel. That way, I will have absolutely no regrets if he ends up rejecting me ... I just pray he doesn't get to that point… 'She frowned briefly at the thought. 'There is a spark between us that I know he feels, too. So there's a good chance that everything will work out in the end because of that, right? Please, Shimura above, so be it ... 'Hardening his nerves and not daring to give up his newly discovered life goal, Layla prevented any doubt from entering her excited heart.

'Well, wish me luck mom ..' These were the blonde's final thoughts when she heard the door start to open and she heard Hargeon announce his return when he entered the room.

An hour later, Hargeon and Layla were finishing their steak dishes cooked with mashed potatoes and chopped carrots. The last person named was wiping his lips with a napkin while emitting a pleasant hum. The first, who was silent, used a green scarf that he had previously hidden inside one of his bags to do the same with his own lips.

As there was no table to eat and they preferred to eat inside the room, the two chose to eat in bed at the feet sitting cross-legged and facing each other with the platter that the food was resting well between them. However, they were careful when it came to eating for very obvious reasons.

"I must say it was a delicious meal." Layla stated with a smile as she kneaded the napkin when she was finished. She then placed the now crumpled napkin on her plate with the knife and fork she used and her steak bone.

"See, I said this place wasn't too bad." Hargeon laughed as he put his handkerchief back in the bag from which he took it after breaking up with him.

"That you did. It's really nice to know that I could really trust your judgment on these things." Layla chuckled while protecting her lips with her left hand.

"Hnph." Hargeon smiled. "Should I understand that you doubted me?" He asked as he moved to put the plate on the floor for now, before returning to his previous position on the bed.

"Possibly." Layla joked while sitting upright.

Hargeon pretended to be offended when he heard that. "Oh, I want you to know that I have never lied to any maiden before in my life, I especially would never lie to one as wonderful and beautiful as you." He replied as he quickly got rid of his act, letting the last part of his response slip away from him by accident. Due to how comfortable he was currently around Layla, he was already becoming a little too honest.

"Hmm, and what kind of maiden am I to you exactly? Besides just being beautiful and wonderful." Layla took her turn to question him, as she couldn't help but smile in ecstasy and raise an eyebrow with her words.

Blushing slightly, Hargeon cleared his throat before he started to answer in a somewhat embarrassed way. He put himself in this position and knew it was no use trying to give it up. Then, taking a deep breath, he proceeded to reveal what he thought about the blonde. "W-well ... one that is ... b-beautiful .." His blush intensified slightly when he said the word. He continued despite his reaction, however. "Brilliant and ... what I think most of all ... nice to be around .." He said it all while keeping his eyes fixed on her. Yes, the atmosphere was incredibly strange for him now because of what he said and the surprised, though shy, look that Layla sent him. However ... He also felt a sense of relief when speaking his admission. "I know we haven't known each other for a long time, but that's what I feel."

While she was beyond happy to hear the opinions expressed by Hargeon's heart about her, she felt that happiness as she said things in a confident and provocative way that would make the young man even more flushed than he already was. She even wished it were possible to extract more kind words from him in the process. She had to admit, seeing that side of him instead of the one that was always calm and severe was a sweet treat for her eyes. She felt that it was rare for anyone to make him appear so adorable.

"My God, you must say that to all the women you save." She laughed softly. She didn't think for a second that Hargeon was the type of man who lived a playboy lifestyle using his "occupation" as a means of sleeping with women. He was too good a man to even consider doing something like that.

"Heh, I can see why you would think that. But believe it or not, you are actually the first woman I have saved since I started doing this line of work." He scoffed when he removed his hand from behind his head and placed them in his lap. "So, as you can probably tell, it's not every day that I can reward myself by doing a little flirtation." He joked while he managed to give her a malicious smile.

Her joke did not go unnoticed by the young Organa, as she was once again laughing in reaction. "If that's the case, I'm happy and honored to have been your first." She replied when her smile turned to a sincere smile. Hargeon's lips doing the same thing a second after hers.

"Yes, I'm glad you were too. You made me experience what it's like to do something truly heroic." Hargeon said when the green found the aqua, its soul windows locked on each other again when Hargeon looked up.

"Ah, come on, I'm sure you must have done a lot of heroic deeds in the past."

"Mm, not really." He shrugged his shoulders. "I've been a bounty hunter for about a year now, Adventurer in his spare time. For the most part, I only did jobs that revolved around me fending off criminals with some minor services, like cleaning and farming for people being thrown in the mix here and there. Although I enjoy doing jobs like these, they don't look exactly heroic to me. "

"Nonsense, doing things like this is definitely heroic. You are helping to keep the land protected from dangerous people, while helping to make people's lives easier. I'm sorry, but I can't see what's not heroic about it. , that's just silly thinking, Hargeon. "

Feeling the understanding dawn over him, Hargeon blinked stupidly for a few seconds while he did not think of his past accomplishments in that regard. He felt like an idiot now that he thought about it more. "Huh ... I um ... I never looked at it that way ... I guess you're right when you put it that way."

"Did you get into the bounty hunting business without thinking about the things you would do?"

"Hehehe .. do I kind of ..?" He blushed as he shrugged again with a nervous expression.

Layla sighed in feigned exasperation while showing a small smile while shaking her head slightly in her left hand. "I swear .." She laughed.

"Yes, I am very silly now that I think about it." Hargeon laughed amused, since he didn't mind shooting himself like that. For him, it always helped to keep the person down to earth and humble.

After sharing a short-lived laugh, the room fell silent as the two smiling adults found it difficult to look at each other now. Little to the knowledge of each other, for having shared such a pleasant and fun moment with each other, made their hearts beat with great enthusiasm. More so Hargeon, for he could hear his own fast heartbeat echoing loudly inside him.

"Tell me Hargeon .. Does your heart feel like it's about to burst out of your chest too?"

Hargeon softly gasped in surprise when he heard Layla's unexpected question as she helped to get him out of his stupor and he looked at her with slightly wide eyes. "W ... what?" He, in a perplexed way, answered.

"Yes, isn't it?" Keeping her smile gentle, Layla looked at him with a flushed face.

What made Hargeon even more tense now was how she started crawling towards him constantly. She did it in a very attractive way, while her biceps were pressed against the sides of her voluptuous breast to make them look more plump and attractive to the greenette. The dress she wore was certainly not an obstacle to this, as it actually increased the attractiveness of the vision.

"L .. Layla ..?" He called out to her anxiously when he found himself leaning his upper body back, but he wasn't protesting, the closer he was, she got. Your hands need to stay behind him on the bed to keep him from falling back.

"Please be honest with me .. I want to hear this from you .. Isn't it?" She encouraged him as he stopped his movement when Hargeon could no longer back down and his face was now only inches away from touching his.

Hargeon swallowed, for he was temporarily speechless, looking at young Organa with bits of sweat dripping on his face. "And I do not know?" He lied. Her breath caught in her throat when her response just seemed to shake Layla and she pouted in disappointment as she approached him. Her slight movement made her breasts press against the chest covered by the vest. An emotional shiver ran through his figure as he couldn't help but cry out silently as he felt the softness that was his blessed chest.

"I don't know what you think honesty is, but it certainly isn't." She scolded.

"W-Why are you so interested in knowing this, anyway?" Hargeon questioned her as he remained looking like a confused mess.

After biting her lip to contain her voice momentarily, Layla snorted as she strengthened her resolve. For her, this was a good time to reveal her feelings to him, now that she had him under control, hoping that this would be the final push for him to confess. "Because I need to know if you share the same feelings for me and me for you!" She almost cried out when she closed her eyes tightly and looked at her joined breasts. Then, the fear of rejection settled as his body visibly trembled.

Instantly upon hearing her confession, the anxiety and malaise that Hargeon was experiencing before her disappeared. He had no idea why this happened, but it was as if a huge weight had been lifted from his heart and mind and all his fears about the current subject had disappeared. The emotions mentioned above were then replaced by one that rivaled and defeated those. Even with the emotion of joy filling him. Her mind couldn't help wondering ... "By feelings ... do you mean like ... romantic?" He asked.

Rather composing himself, Layla took a deep, shaky breath before starting to answer him. "Y-Yes ..." She said softly, her figure then moved backwards to bring her ass to her heels and she remained face down with her eyes slowly opening.

After a few seconds had passed, Hargeon said something again.

"W-how can that be ...? I mean, you've only known me for a whole day and ... and you're telling me that ... I'm ... confused ... really confused ..." He said softly.

"II know it's weird to feel that way about someone I haven't known for long enough to really trust him ... with anything. But since I'm being honest, I might as well go ahead and say that I don't I care about that. " Hargeon expressed surprise at this. "Because I already know that I can trust you with my life when I have the choice to do it. Whether I'm just a job for you or not, I'm confident that I can always count on you to save my life and take care of me. , no matter what happens." It was then that she looked at him and smiled a little while tilting her head slightly to the side.

It certainly wasn't what Hargeon expected to happen today. What should have been a simple rescue and escort job turned into something a little more complicated than that in the blink of an eye, and all thanks to a storm that decided to bless them with its thunderous presence over their heads. If what was happening today was really that complicated, why wasn't he complaining about any of this?

"And you called me naive." He scoffed at his premature provocation. He sighed as it took a few seconds to bring a clear state to his head. The upper part of her body leaning forward again to go vertically now that she has leaned away from him. He then decided that he should not leave the maiden waiting any longer to hear his answer to his question. "Okay .. you got me .." He gave a weak smile. "Yes ... my heart is feeling quite ... excited at the moment. I would be lying if I said that being around you is not the cause of it. I guess I never had the pleasure of feeling that way about all women that I knew in the past. So, all of this… "He touched his chest with his left hand, where he could feel his heart pounding. "A big mystery to me. I even felt that way when you told me no ... I don't mind sharing a bed with me earlier. II know that it sounds indecent on my part to say, but I guarantee I don't mean no ill will about it. " He said almost nervous. "I suppose I was looking forward to being .. close to you like this .. Heheheh .. Now that I look back, the same feeling occurred when I first laid eyes on you." He smiled awkwardly as he looked at his lap with a dark shade of red shining on his cheeks. "Strange, isn't it?" Silence filled the room for a long minute after he finished speaking. If he looked up after that minute passed, he would be greeted at the sight of a smiling Layla.

Layla was internally in the clouds when she heard her feelings revealed, although it was not a direct confession. It was a confession, however, and that was enough to motivate her to do what she did next.

"Nph!" An exclamation from Hargeon suddenly echoed inside the room.

When he least expected it, Layla gave in to the powerful desire to attack the unsuspecting green-haired man. Her arms wrapped around his neck as the entire front of her figure pressed against him and her movement forced Hargeon to fall backwards, but not before she directed her body to the left to make sure he didn't fall over the side of the bed.

With his eyes almost gone out of his head, Hargeon found himself suddenly trapped under the blonde as she closed her lips in a kiss, a soft kiss. It was his first kiss that he could add, and he didn't know it was actually her first kiss, too. This was just one of the first experiences they shared together tonight. That feeling already strong inside his chest traveled through the rest of his being when his lips made contact, causing his body to explode in an overwhelming amount of heat.

Eventually, Layla slowly moved away from young Kradius and rose slightly to hover over his form. Both breathing conditions were now heavy and emitting at a slightly rapid rate, Layla was looking at Hargeon with a peculiar expression. Meanwhile, Hargeon was looking at her with an almost empty look for a few seconds. The faces of both were slightly colored now.

With his senses leaving him for a brief period of time and having no choice but to let his heart guide him, Hargeon's right hand came up to gently hold Layla's left cheek before throwing his head forward to reconnect his lips. , desiring the pleasant sensations that the act brought about him. His left forearm pushed him to sit.

Layla squeaked cute as she was taken by surprise because he returned the gesture of affection so suddenly. But she wasn't going to complain as she slowly closed her eyes and relaxed in the warm embrace that her lips had on each other. Not fighting him while she reciprocated the movement while wrapping her upper limbs around her neck once again when he started to get up constantly.

Still unaware of what happened to him, Hargeon, without warning, lowered both hands to the blonde's curvy thighs and he lifted her easily before turning them around to put her on the bed. Taking your turn to be the one on top. The movement made Layla squeak again before moaning softly when the kiss on the lips became more intense once her new position was made.

To his dismay, Hargeon chose the worst time to orient himself when his eyes widened more than ever, so he broke the kiss and quickly leaned back to get off her. "Oh gods, p-please forgive me Layla! I d-don't know what came over me." He said with evident panic in his voice as he blamed himself for it.

Without saying words of comfort immediately, Layla first reached out to grab his masculine face before using his thumbs to caress her freckled cheeks gently, causing him to freeze in place. "It's okay, Hargeon ... I'm not mad at you for doing this. I shouldn't be. I started this and ... it's natural for two people in love to kiss, isn't it?" She stated with a closed mouth smile.

"In .. I-love ..?" Hargeon said the two important words of his last sentence in a confused tone.

Layla nodded with a silent hum of affirmation as she stared out her emerald-colored windows. "Mhm, what you are feeling now, what we have both felt since we met ... is what the world calls love." She stated in a way as if she were lecturing him. "Since you didn't know what it was like to be in love before ... I just hope you do now." She scoffed when she gave a short smile before her sweet smile returned.

As he received that vital information, he was really starting to understand better what he was experiencing within himself, but even so, having fallen in love with a girl at first sight, almost left him perplexed. However, just as she was gone, he himself would not question it anymore. Instead, he chose to accept it because he liked the feeling of being in love ... especially with someone as wonderful as Layla.

Feeling more comfortable due to his acceptance, Hargeon snorted in relief when a smile appeared on his mouth. "I think it's safe to say yes ... I fell in love with you too." He laughed softly as he leaned over her again steadily.

"Good." Layla was satisfied.

A peaceful silence from them looking admirably into each other's eyes passed before a now shy young Organa started making a rather bold request to the man on top of her. "Um .. H-Hargeon ..?" She shouted at him with a strong blush as she looked slightly to the side. "If it weren't too much trouble ... Can I ... order something?" She asked as she rolled her eyes to look at him ... pleading.

Hargeon's eyes narrowed curiously and he looked concerned when he saw his new expression. Although he looked like this externally, internally his core experienced a familiar feeling of vibration when he processed how cute she looked. "It depends on the order. What's on your mind?" He replied while tilting his head to the side.

Not wanting to beat around the bush, she turned her head to face him properly as she continued to speak her ... attractive request.

"Can you ... m-make love to me?" She didn't dare turn away from him when she finished her question while she remained looking at him with a face of bravery that she struggled to hold.

Steam immediately blew from Hargeon's face when he processed her request, his big blinking eyes staring stupidly at her for a second. This day really didn't stop throwing surprises on its way, did it? As much as he loved to accept her request, since he was not unknown to the seductive art of sex, although he had not yet experienced it himself, due to the certain types of books he found and read during his travels to pass the time. He worried about her well-being.

Regaining his composure, Hargeon started to say something about it to him. "II don't think it's such a good idea. After what almost happened to you today. You shouldn't be-" He was interrupted by Layla before he could finish speaking when she pressed her left index finger on his lips to silence you. He looked at the digit touching it before looking at the blond beauty beneath it.

"I know I shouldn't, but I look forward to rewarding my hero appropriately for saving me. Besides, you are nothing like that horrible man. I know you won't hurt me or force me to do anything I don't want to. That's why I trust you ... w-with my body ... as well as my life ... because I know that you will take care of both parts of me with the greatest respect, consideration ... and love. Furthermore, if I were willing to give my purity to a man ... it would be to the man I love that I would give it. " Her face couldn't be redder from this moment, when she said those words, what she thought were embarrassing confessions. "So, please, won't you grant this beautiful maiden who loves you your request?" She asked as she pulled her finger out of her mouth,

Hargeon's hair shadowed his eyes as he was temporarily lost in thought. 'She really trusts ... and loves me, huh? If I refuse, it will certainly cause your humiliation. I don't want to do that to her. Gods, I don't even want to imagine that. She doesn't seem to be forcing herself to do this. However, I need to be sure. '

Back to reality, Hargeon finally said something to the nervous blonde. "I'm making love to you, is this something you really want, Layla? Can you promise me that you're not just forcing yourself to do this for me? Because if you are, I won't do that. I would just be doing something that is almost as terrible as what that scoundrel almost did to you ... and that's taking advantage of you. So, I refuse to continue if you're not sure of your decision. " He said all of this to her in a severe tone of voice while his face also looked at her sternly.

Upon hearing him say these thoughtful words, Layla smiled as she did not mind the way he spoke to her. How your words are more important to her than your tone. Then, before answering, she first put her arms around her lower back to hold him lightly. "I promise you that this is what I want, Hargeon. I want ... I want you ... and only you." She said in a soft, confident voice and a heart pounding wildly.

Seeing no hint of deception in his words, Hargeon believed her as his expression softened. "Well, then ... I think it's time for both of us to follow what our hearts desire." Being the one who didn't let a lady down and getting what he wanted to hear, Hargeon tilted his head forward toward Layla's while giving her a small smile before starting a kiss between them. He hoped that they would be able to get through this without facing any regrets in the end. Layla was sure that she would have none.

Layla was ecstatic that Hargeon decided to take the initiative. That way, she didn't have to worry about him hesitating to fulfill his request; To fulfill your life. She gladly accepted his affectionate action when they started the slow, pleasant kiss, but over time, lust gradually began to take over as the kiss became more proactive.

Layla moaned softly as she grabbed the back of the boy's vest, the two choosing to add their tongues to the kiss as they started to perform a beautiful slow dance with each other. A second later, she whimpered softly as her figure stiffened slightly when she felt Hargeon's left hand gently caress her right thigh. His fingertips slid firmly over his plump member, causing a tingling sensation across his spine; which made her nipples hard, as they were visible through her thin dress.

"H-Hargeon ..." Layla moaned his name after they parted her lips when Hargeon started to trace kisses on the right side of her face, causing her to turn her head slightly, eventually reaching her neck. When he reached her neck, Layla's shape shuddered with excitement when she let out a soft sigh as she felt his lips caress one of her apparent erogenous zones.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he continued to plant kisses on her, almost addicted to doing so, as he liked to kiss the plump blonde in such an intimate way. It was safe to say that she, too, was addicted, judging from what she said next.

"Yes! Please don't stop ..! Please keep kissing me for a little while longer!" She pleaded with him while her body was unable to stop squirming beneath him. Her neck was now arched as she continued to breathe hotly with a vulnerable expression on her face. Her control over his vest grew stronger the longer he continued to give her pleasure that way. Little did she know, this was not a place near the peak of the euphoric feeling of pleasure she was experiencing.

"As you wish." Hargeon smiled as he continued, making sure not to leave a piece of his neck unclaimed by him. Becoming even more daring, Hargeon's fingers began to slowly lift the edge of her dress to pull it down to her lower belly, exposing the entire lower part of her body, as well as the small pair of lace panties. white, almost transparent she was wearing underneath.

Blushing furiously, but not wanting to stop him from going any further, Layla's lower limbs trembled for a second when she could feel the warm air brush over her lower-clothed area more easily. Her excitement was evident from the wet spot that was on her panties in the area of ​​her virginity untouched. Hargeon went on to make her wetter when he used the tip of his middle finger to start lightly rubbing her slit through her underwear. Suffice it to say that the things he learned from the erotic novels he read were working well for her, based on Layla's immediate reaction to him.

Layla let out a faint cry of pleasure when she felt her sacred place touching, her legs trying to hold the boy's hand where she was, but she was unable to do so because of the obstacle that was Hargeon's body in the way. Fortunately, she didn't have to worry about him stopping, as his reaction only motivated him to rub her clothed cunt with a little more intensity. Which she liked, since she couldn't contain the plethora of soft moans that came out of her one after another.

Thinking that he was a little exaggerated for the current activity, Layla managed to gather the strength to put her hands between her chest to start unbuttoning his vest, a difficult task thanks to his actions, but she managed to do it with time and did it with let him stop for a moment so that they could work together to take his uncomfortable vest and throw it aside.

After his vest was discarded and he was getting lost in the heat of the moment, Hargeon sat on his knees while doing with his shirt what she did with his vest and he voluntarily unbuttoned it before taking it from him for a few seconds later.

Layla's excitement increased when she set her eyes on Hargeon's glorious upper body. Her arms were muscular and beautifully toned, her chest was quite wide and more noticeable, and her hands slowly explored to make sure her eyes didn't deceive her, her abdomen was almost as solid as a rock.

"Oh my ..." The flushed blonde said breathlessly with a shiver reaching her pelvis as she looked at the man's core with admiration. Your fingers travel to every corner and nook in the area to fully absorb it.

"Like what you're seeing?" Hargeon playfully asked with a smile as he briefly watched her hands before meeting his eyes.

Layla unconsciously nodded, as she couldn't take her eyes off him. "Very ..." She replied silently as she pressed each fingertip to his belly and slid it continuously to his solid chest. She gave a shaky exhalation as she did so.

When she was finished with her adoration, Layla looked at her lover as she sat down slowly, determined to do the right things. Her hands went down to his to grab his wrists before bringing them up to the straps of her dress. "Would you do the honors?" She smiled beautifully at him as he left his hands on her shoulders as he released her, leaving her to reveal it in his hands literally.

"With pleasure." He accepted the responsibility while looking at her left handle and stiffening his nerves. He then leaned over to give her a passionate kiss, which she returned with joy, as he began to pull the straps down over the arches of his shoulders. She lowered her shoulders when he did this to make things easier for him. When he finished, her dress fell around his waist and he then grabbed the dress to discard it from his figure, needing to disconnect his lips in the process.

Hargeon gasped shakily as he witnessed one of the most breathtaking landscapes he has ever had the pleasure of seeing. The heat inside him burned wildly as he looked at Layla's large, perfectly shaped bust in a disturbed state. The bulge that had already formed in his pants became more energetic as he visibly squirmed beneath his limits.

Fighting embarrassment, Layla smiled slightly when the young Kradius' reaction did not go unnoticed by her. The way he was looking at her had succeeded in giving her a slight boost in the trust department. "Do you like what you see?" She repeated her own question to him while raising an eyebrow. She proudly displayed her goddess body to him as she subtly blew out of his chest.

Her voice took him out of his shock as he looked back and forth at Layla and her breasts a few times before stopping the sight on her face. His blush intensified as he timidly scoffed when he realized what he had just done. He didn't let his own embarrassment disturb him as he managed to smile. "Very ..." He replied softly.

"If so .."

Layla leaned back to lie on the bed again and let her hands rest on her shoulders while looking at the foliage with an inviting look. "Come and get your reward, my hero." Her voice was as inviting as the look she sent him.

Hargeon did not need to be warned twice, as he voluntarily returned to the fight and bent over her again. Without wasting time, since he couldn't help himself, it took him a minute to gently smother his face between the blonde's breasts, the movement making the blonde laugh while she let him have fun while she held the back of his neck and ran her fingers through his thick head of hair.

'So soft ...' Hargeon thought as his hands went to the outer sides of his soft mounds to press them more against his face. Yes, he knew that was not characteristic of him, but when he saw Layla's naked body, it was as if something that was asleep inside him had finally woken up.

Layla stifled a groan when Hargeon started planting adoring kisses on her left breast as she moved toward the hardened peak and her left hand rose up beside her head to massage her helpless right breast. His strong hand kneed his voluptuous mound with definite care, for he was patient in his attack.

Her labored breathing returned as the young man continued, his figure trembling on and on as his hands came back to her shoulders so that she could grab the blanket that covered the bed. His teeth lightly bit his lower lip as the effect of his arousal was rapidly becoming stronger.

Eventually, Hargeon's mouth reached the nipple of his left mound and he didn't hesitate to lock his lips around it before starting to suck it lightly while his tongue slowly traveled along his areola.

Layla couldn't have anticipated how sensitive her breast was. When she felt it reach its peak, the blonde's face immediately tightened when she let out a soft cry of pleasure and her back arched briefly. The reaction didn't bother Hargeon at all, it just triggered his own arousal and made him eager to get more energy from her. Then, with that in mind, he increased his suction pressure while pulling his tongue back in order to carefully lock his teeth into her nipple. His tongue then poked again and shook the tip of the sensitive lump.

Layla let out an even louder cry when he did this, his back making a perfect curve for a second before falling on the bed again. Her body jerked wildly as she couldn't contain the moans that forced her out of her.

"Hargeon!" She cried because she was already feeling something powerful about to explode in her core, her eyes almost rolling in her head in the process. Her fluids of lust had soaked her panties to the point of gripping her wet pussy tightly. Speaking of your cunt, Hargeon didn't forget that when his right hand came down to meet his needs after he put it under his panties. This movement added an immense amount of fuel to the fire that was burning inside Layla when within a second of doing so, her moans and moans increased in volume when she felt him start rubbing his slick folds directly. She grabbed her lover's hand uncontrollably when she felt him dip his middle finger halfway into her wet hole at random intervals.

"By the g-gods! S .. Something is .. welcome!" She moaned a few minutes later, pulling hard on the blanket, pushing it out of place at the head of the bed. If someone asked her what Hargeon's touch is like, she would simply answer that question with just two words; absolutely amazing.

Having a good idea of ​​what was to come, Hargeon smiled as he dared not stop his attack. In fact, much to his delight, he just seemed to rub his slit at a slightly faster rate and his middle finger was to dip only half into it to get to the base before he made a move to come here with the digit always who buried himself. Then rinse and repeat.

A few wonderful moments later, Layla could not endure the overwhelming pleasure any longer, as she had experienced her first orgasm at the hands of her beloved savior. Her body arched before sporadically squirming when he rocked her with a little force.

When she let a cry of pleasure reign free, Hargeon stopped moving his hand, but kept his finger inside her slit as he removed his lips from her breast and looked at her to admire the expression she made when she felt her climax. He licked his lips when he felt her pussy spasm around his finger when a small amount of his juices splashed into his palm.

The pure euphoria consumed Layla while she remained in this state of joy for a little over ten seconds before her climax subsided and she could breathe somewhat adequately once again. Her body fell back on the bed when heated pants emitted from her and she looked up at the ceiling with satisfaction plastered on her expression. 'So this ... it was an orgasm ... it's a sensation ... quite fantastic.' She groaned internally when her figure jolted here and there when she was engulfed by the afterglow. Her chest heaved as she breathed and swayed whenever she shook.

Hargeon took his hand out from under his soaked underwear and raised the branch to look at his shiny sperm with a surprised look. 'Incredible ...' He thought as he took a moment to feel her hot juices better rubbing his fingertips together, then he looked at the panting blonde with a small smile.

"Are you okay, Layla?" Hargeon questioned gently while allowing his juices to stain his hand. He moved his messy right hand to plant it on the bed next to her while his left hand went up to brush some of the seductive hair behind her right ear while it was disturbing her beautiful face.

It took Layla a while to regain her senses, but when she did, she was able to give him a weak smile when she met his eyes. "I ... n-never felt ... better ..." She answered between breaths.

"I can say." He replied with a hushed laugh.

Layla felt enough of her strength return to her when she raised her arms enough to lightly grab his beautiful face. As soon as she did, she pulled his head so that his lips could come together. Hargeon did not protest at all as he relaxed in the kiss and returned the gesture of love.

After the kiss on the lips came to a slow conclusion after a minute, they looked passionately at each other's soul windows while they were both silent for a brief period of time before Layla decided to break it. "I'm ready, Hargeon .." She whispered to him.

Holding back the urge to swallow as he understood the meaning behind his sentence, Hargeon exhaled deeply through his nose while nodding in recognition.

"I hear you..."

A minute or so later, Hargeon was now standing at the foot of the bed in his birthday suit with his pants and boxers now on the floor beside his feet. He was facing the madly flushed blonde who was still lying on the bed and looking at her exposed crotch with a mixture of awe and mild fear in her eyes.

'He's so ... big.' Layla thought in amazement, as she couldn't look away from the 23 cm monster that was her lover's erect penis. Not that she wanted to, anyway.

"Are you having doubts?" Hargeon asked as his face expressed a little embarrassment.

"N-No ... no way .. It's just .." She didn't even look at Hargeon as she spoke to him, as she seemed mesmerized by his impressive member. "I didn't expect you to be ... better gifted than you already were." She blushed heavily when the steam came out of her cheeks once again. She was then able to break the hypnotic spell that was cast on her when she finally looked at young Kradius nervously. "N-not that I'm saying it's a bad thing, of course. I mean it as a compliment." She hurriedly assured him.

"Eheh ... I hoped it wasn't a problem. I can't help that it's this big, after all." Hargeon said in mild relief.

"I imagine you can't." She scoffed. Taking another look at his penis, Layla took a deep breath when an idea came to her; an idea that she was sure the greenette would like. "H-Hargeon?" She called.


With her heart beating very irregularly, Layla gathered her courage as she moved to sit at the foot of the bed. Hargeon looked at her in confusion when he saw her. Before she said anything, she first brought both hands to his thighs and averted her eyes to look at her lover. "II know I said I was ready to make love now, but since you did so well to make me feel amazing on my own. I want to return the favor and give you the same experience you gave me, if you allow me to. It's .. "

Hargeon blinked when he had a vague idea of ​​what she was talking about. "You mean you want to ..." He shot a look at his manhood, which Layla witnessed.

The blonde nodded as she gave her her most beautiful smile. "Mhm .. E-it's just that I do that." She confirmed her suspicion.

Hargeon fought the excruciating temptation to smile at it, his cock throbbing especially excited in response for a second there. And since she seemed so sure that she wanted to do this ...

"If y-you n-don't mind."

Now Layla was not so strong when it came to holding her own cheerful smile when she heard him accept her offer. "Thanks." Seeing how she had her permission, she got out of bed to kneel on the floor in front of him.

Hargeon watched her as his fists clenched when a slight twinge of nervousness hit him, but he was able to stand.

As Layla came face to face with her lover's penis, she felt her breath stop momentarily as she watched his slit seeping drops of pre-gum, proof of his enthusiasm, along his rigid shaft. Her virginity shuddered in ecstasy when she found herself falling in love with the sight of his glory so closely.

'He's writhing so much…' His left hand started to rise along his right thigh .. 'It's like he has ...' His head started to move forward .. 'Begging me to take care of this .. My poor Hargeon… 'Unable to process another lascivious thought and not giving you a warning, Layla's hand reached for his cock as she lovingly grabbed his base while her tongue had come out of her mouth when her face was just inches from making contact with his bulbous tip.

Hargeon's hips stiffened as he sucked in air between his teeth when Layla started pleasing his cock by stroking the first two inches in length as his tongue began to lick its tip. "Oh gods ..." He whispered softly as his figure trembled briefly when the peaks of pleasure indicated it.

Emitting quiet moans of contentment as she tasted it, Layla started stroking his cock at a leisurely pace, forcing more of her pre-enjoyment to produce. His warm oral appendage started out slow as he paced around the sensitive tip patiently to lick the delicious fluids emanating from its source. 'This liquid ... is a little salty ... but also quite sweet ...' She opined in her mind. She took a step forward as she pressed her soft lips to her head and sucked with light pressure while continuing to swirl her tongue around.

Hargeon groaned when his face twitched slightly in response to the sudden wave of intense pleasure he received from his new action. His fists opened as he exhaled when the satisfying relief from the peak of pleasure hit him. It was then that his breathing started to get a little difficult when he closed his eyes while looking at the ceiling, giving himself up to the moment. Doing or saying nothing to stop Layla.

The blonde could feel his shaft contracting frantically in his hand, which gave her the correct impression that he was enjoying himself. This motivated her to kick him a little more once when she started to take him deeper into her mouth by just seven centimeters. Due to its wide perimeter, it was as far as she could take it before it started to stretch and hurt her jaw. Her hand stroked him with a little more aggression now that it collided with her lips whenever she pulled back and pushed her head simultaneously, stroking the rest of the length that her mouth couldn't reach. With a decent amount of his saliva, as well as his pre-ejaculation, now covering his cock, the sounds of sloppy sips and wet pops began to fill the room repeatedly.

Lust consumed Hargeon as he let out soft moans between his heavy breaths as he opened his eyes to look at Layla. "This is ... nph ..! S-so good, Layla .." He praised his efforts as he placed his right hand on top of his head before starting to run his fingers through his hair. Your arm following the movement of your head.

Since she wasn't ready to get him out of her oral cleft yet, all Layla could do to answer that was to let out a groan of appreciation as she looked at him with happiness in her eyes. Oh gods, how adorable she looked just like Hargeon thought. If he looked at the floor below her, he would see that his own erotic juices created a small puddle just below her, and expanded slowly as the juices from her vagina continued to flow down her shapely legs before ending up on the floor on the inside of the knees. Her femininity was beyond being saved at this point, as nothing could close the floodgates now.

Layla would never have imagined herself as the type of woman who did what she did with such anxiety, even desperately, but she had no reason to complain, since she was doing it for Hargeon .. Her hero .. Her predestined .. She was completely fine with that. As long as he was the only one to see her that way, he is the only one to whom she was doing such a wonderful service. She wanted to do this for anyone but him after tonight. She prayed that he would make him able to give. give her the opportunity to do this for him again in the near future.

A few minutes later, Hargeon felt ready to come, as suggested by the tremulous groan that escaped him and the violent pulse that occurred with his penis. Wanting to take advantage of what Layla was doing for him while he could, Hargeon shouted for her to stop before he could finish him off. "L-Layla!"

Hearing his soft cry, Layla was able to come to her senses when she stopped what she was doing and looked at him with disappointment in her soul windows. "W-what's wrong ..?" She asked worried and a little impatient.

The greenette took a few deep breaths to regain her inevitable orgasm before saying what was on her mind.

"If it's okay for me to do one of you ... I ... I have a request from me."

Come a few minutes later, Hargeon was now sitting at the foot of the bed with his hands beside him while Layla was still on her knees on the floor in front of him. With the new position he was in, Layla was able to reach directly between his lower legs.

"O-Ok .. There I go .." Layla informed her lover nervously, because what she did for him afterwards gave a new level of pleasure to the anxious young man.

After she gently held the lower curves of her breasts, Layla began to wrap them around Hargeon's throbbing member before squeezing them together to submerge her hot flesh pole between them.

Hargeon gave a tense growl as he threw his head back when he felt her breasts squeeze into him. His hands fisted as he pressed them hard against the bed by the hips. Then came the moans when Layla started to massage his cock, moving her incredibly smooth mounds up and down along his thick shaft. Her entire penis disappeared into her breast whenever she lifted them, and whenever she dropped them against her pelvis, only the top two inches of her manhood could breathe momentarily.

"H-So, Hargeon? Am I doing well?" Layla heatedly questioned the breathless man as she desperately needed him to say whether she was doing a good job or not. She then leaned over slightly to make it a little more comfortable. Your tip now close to poking your chin.

"I-That .. mm! P-perfect Layla ..! K-Continue .. like that ..! It seems ..! Ha ..! Sh-Shimura above, it's amazing!" He responded between his panting breaths as he allowed himself to squirm with immense pleasure.

Layla laughed happily when she heard his answer. "I'm so happy that I can make you feel so good. Now, be quiet for now, my hero, and allow me to take care of you properly from now on." Due to how confident she now felt, thanks to his comments, the blonde suddenly accelerated the movement of her bust while tilting her head forward to capture the head of his cock in the grip of her lips. When she did, she immediately started sucking on the swollen part of his cock with enthusiasm as her tongue came back to unleash an attack of loving licks on him and his tearful slit. Her previous satisfaction groans sounded again when she was blessed with the consumption of her pre-enjoyment once again.

Now it was Hargeon's turn to pull the blanket hard as the pleasure soared to oppressive levels, his pupils almost disappearing in his head as he continued to moan intensely. While he hoped that their new activity would be enjoyable, he certainly did not expect it to be so good. Oh, how he was really loving life now.

That was another thing Layla wouldn't mind doing for him again, since the intense heat that was hitting Hargeon's cock was giving his bust a nice feeling. Whenever the limb contracted, these contractions sent soothing vibrations through all its mounds.

The sips being produced were music to Hargeon's ears. For both ears, by the way, since it was proof of Layla's excellent performance. However, Hargeon could very well guarantee that, whether the sounds were audible or not.

Eventually, Hargeon began to experience a growing family pleasure about to explode from his penis. When he felt this, his back arched slightly as he released a tense moan. "M-Layla ..! I-I'm about to ... c-come ..!" He groaned, now unintentionally pushing his pelvis lightly into her breasts whenever she lowered them. This movement helped her to take his cock a little deeper into her oral cave.

"It's okay! Do it! Don't hold anything! Let yourself feel as good as you made me feel, Hargeon!" Those were the insistent words that the busty blonde stifled. She started to move her breasts as fast as she could make them go and her suction increased the pressure to make her as powerful as she can do, as the sips and snaps got much louder. The moans that were now emitted by the young woman were telling him to release what he had in store for her, and since she gave him permission ...

With a loud growl, Hargeon reached its climax when his pelvis took a final thrust into her breast, making the said breast ripple ...

"Mmph!" With a muffled cry of surprise and a halt in his movements, Layla's eyes now looked at the man's abdomen in shock as wave after wave of his thick essence was beginning to pour into his mouth. Everything came out in an amount that no woman could be prepared for. After containing enough of her sperm to make her cheeks swell, she squeaked as she quickly removed her lips from his cock and allowed the rest of what he had to offer to splash on her face and breasts; covering these specific areas of your being a little bit. She closed her eyes to make sure nothing fell on them.

During the short period of his orgasm, Hargeon's rigid form contracted and gasps escaped him whenever he felt his penis burst. His jaw dropped while his head shook uncontrollably and his eyes were rolled. As all good things must come to an end, the pleasure died when Hargeon let out a groan of relief. His arms lost all strength when he fell back on the bed. His upper limbs now spread out beside him after the impact. Let your panting exhausted.

Whimpering softly, Layla remained shaking with excitement in her current place as she processed the taste of her lover's semen by swallowing some of it. Her forearms kept her breasts pressed to the still-alive meat stick between them. 'Delicious ..' Layla groaned inwardly as she began to swallow the rest of the semen she was holding firmly ... savoring this divine delight. From that moment on, she would forever consider her precum as an appetizer, while the real thing was the main course whenever she did this type of service for him.

A minute later, young Kradius came down from the euphoric rapture of his climax. He could hear the blonde now releasing content, almost hungry, sighing repeatedly.

Looking down to see what Layla was doing to make such sounds, Hargeon's eyes widened when he witnessed the young woman eagerly consuming the pieces of her sperm that soiled her beautiful skin, not that she obviously cared. Suffice it to say that it was a very welcome sight for the man, as he was amazed and would not dare to look away so as not to miss a single moment. His excitement comes back evident by the forceful contraction of his masculinity.

After a minute or two had passed, Layla had just licked the last coarse drops of her essence with her middle finger and left index finger. She happily placed her fingers in the middle of her mouth before licking the fluids, leaving only her saliva on them after removing them.

"You ... t-it tastes good ..." The blonde commented shyly as her face turned red as a beet when she met the hot and uncomfortable man's gaze.

The male himself was as red as a beet as he smiled shyly and stifled a laugh at her comment. "I'm glad you don't have any complaints .. I know I don't have any .." He felt the need to point.

Layla smiled weakly at his words as her heart immediately filled with joy. So, unable to wait any longer to become one with him, since she and her virginity wanted him more than ever after that meal, she took a deep breath to calm herself before speaking. "So ... maybe we can ... move on to the main event?" She questioned as she looked at Hargeon with a hopeful look.

"We can .." He sighed. "But, again, I have to ask .. Are you absolutely sure you want to do this, Layla?" He asked for the sake of trust and really good conscience. Layla really hit the jackpot with this thoughtful man.

"I am, Hargeon. I've never been more sure of anything else in my life. I swear to you. I love you ... and now, I know I want nothing more than to express that love and give my all ... to you. I also know that I will have no regrets. " She answered without a single doubt in her mind. "So please ... make me yours .. I want to be your wife. Yours and no one else's. Even if we end up breaking up after we return to my home .. I want to get on with my life knowing that at least I had the chance to become one with the man I love ... She added as she looked at Hargeon with genuinely pleading eyes, her voice sounding as desperate as it is. Although she says that ... She didn't want him to leave ...

Hargeon sighed again as he offered young Organa a small, relieved smile. Being a man of responsibility and a man who was now hopelessly in love, he knew he had some life-changing decisions to make at the end of it ... in order to make them both happy. Hell, it's not like he has anything to lose anyway. The bounty hunting show was just something that was meant to keep you busy and help you make a living. There was really no other motivation for him to choose to do that other than that. Well, actually, this is not entirely true. As he suggested earlier, he also wanted to do something good for the world. But anyway, back to the present.

"So let's stop delaying the inevitable, huh?"

After gently and slowly placing his now fully naked lover on the bed, Hargeon came on top of the blonde and pressed himself against her form with light pressure, his big bust pressing firmly against her solid pecs while holding her neck lightly. The two shared some gentle kisses, the snap of their lips filling the room, before Hargeon stopped and they looked at each other with nothing but adoration for each other and passion in their eyes. Domesticated lust present on their faces.

"Are you ready?" The greenette asked after he positioned the tip of his penis against her slippery lower lips. The initial contact made the woman sigh silently as she tensed for just a second.

Gathering, Layla nodded as she held him tightly while wrapping her legs around his waist, keeping him where he was. "I'm ready ..." She replied gently with certainty as she prepared for what she knew would be a pain to come.

"Ok .. Just tell me when you want me to stop so you can adjust, ok?"

"It's okay .. I .. II want you to put it all together .. No matter how much pain it causes .. I'll be fine with it, I promise."

After a moment of silence to contemplate Hargeon's side, he decided to respect her wish, as it seemed that this was what she really wanted. He nodded in acknowledgment as he exhaled deeply through his nose. He then brought his forearms to the bed by her shoulders to support himself on top of her. "If you're sure ..." Then he tilted his head forward to bring his lips to her right ear so that he could whisper in it. "Oh .. and Layla?"

"Y-Yes ..?" She turned her eyes to look at the back of his neck. What he said to her next made his heart skip a beat before it shot faster than before, due to pure and absolute happiness.

"I love you .." He proclaimed without hesitation.

Allowing the inevitable to finally happen, Hargeon did as the young lady asked while suddenly sheathed his entire hot member deep within her core in a powerful impulse. Making his body sway when he hit his pelvis on hers.

"A-Aha!" Exclaiming aloud in pain as she felt all the air leave her lungs after her hymen was torn, Layla's eyes tightly closed as her muscles locked on her and she held Hargeon even tighter against her when she felt him claim her virginity, and vice -version, without giving her a second warning. Her wrinkled face went to his right shoulder when she started to breathe heavily when she was able to make an attempt to catch her breath.

Meanwhile, Hargeon shivered for a few seconds when he took a deep, shaky breath when he felt his warm inner walls wrap around his cock with an insane amount of strength as he remained inside her. It was necessary that his body had a lot of willpower not to explode in his belly at that moment and there, because both could feel that he was already poking at his entrance.

As they were getting used to things, coming down from the blonde's now deflowered crack and sliding along her well-rounded ass were traces of Layla's pure blood ...

Now panting after adjusting and allowing her to try to do the same, Hargeon turned his head slightly to kiss his lover's temple in an attempt to comfort her. "It's done .. T .. Take your ... t-time .. my love .." He murmured softly as his right hand went up to gently caress the back of his head.

Layla whimpered softly as she bit her lower lip, shaking her shaking head, as she was more than willing to meet this demand. Although the pain of her defloration was absolutely excruciating, she did not regret telling Hargeon to do what he did ... because they were now a being ... through body and heart.

After a minute or two passed, Layla's pain gradually subsided and her figure began to relax when her own fit settled in. Her grip on her lover loosened when she was able to slowly move her face from his shoulder. When she did, Hargeon moved his own head to press his foreheads gently and their eyes met for the umpteenth time tonight.

"It looks like we are one now .." He whispered when his hand came to her cheek and his thumb started to caress her.

Layla smiled at those words as she happily pressed her forehead against his. "Just as I hoped we were at the end of this night .." She replied as her hands rested on her hair. She then gently kissed his lips. "Did you mean what you said ..? N-Do you… love me?" She asked, as she wanted to be sure that her ears had not deceived her.

Hargeon smiled as he hummed in confirmation. "I did .. and I do .." He stated softly, but safely.

His smile widened when tears of joy began to roll down his face. Your heart struggling to cope with the plethora of positive emotions that filled your being upon hearing this. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear that .." She sniffed as her lover slowly started to wipe away tears, the blonde letting him do this while continuing to look at him lovingly.

After the moment of joy passed, Layla took a deep breath before finally giving Hargeon permission to move. "Well, I think it's time for you to show me this love ... my dear .." She said with a deep blush and a short laugh.

The greenette smiled with her as her words almost made him laugh. "It is only natural that I do." He recognized it when he took another adoring look at the beauty's content expression before he was ready to continue with the main event.

"Here I go.."

Without saying much more, the two started to moan in sync with each other when Hargeon started pushing his hips at a steady pace, keeping their faces touching. The sounds of Layla's crushing juices filled the room with each of her movements. Layla's moans were more intense in volume compared to Hargeon's, as each time he pushed his manhood deep into her vagina, she could feel his cock head hitting her cervix lightly. What used to be immense pain was now an addictive pleasure that arose throughout his voluptuous body.

'She's squeezing my cock so hard! Gods, this is an incredible feeling! ' Hargeon thought as he continued to assault his lover a little more after a while. But not allowing yourself to be too rushed yet ..

'Shimura above, he ..! HH and it's going so deep ..! I can feel your penis ..! ' Layla shivered with pleasure. 'Banging on the back ..! Trying to enter my womb ..! It seems so ..! Wonderful!' Those were the delightful thoughts in Layla's mind as pure lust was beginning to become apparent in her expression the more she felt him increase the speed and strength of his thrusts. The palms of his pelvis in rapid collision were added to the mix of erotic sounds that were floating around the room. With all this in mind, Layla cried ..

"F-faster, Hargeon! Stronger! Slow down my body as much as you want! I'll take everything you have to give me! So please, don't hold on! F .. Fuck me! Fuck me and me become your wife now and forever! don't give any other man a chance! fill me with all your love and mark me! " She begged as if her life depended on it when she grabbed Hargeon's head and pressed her lips together. The two kissed passionately as they hugged for life after the greenette wrapped her arms around her lower back. The kiss succeeded in drowning out and suppressing the volume of the young Shield's inconsolable moans.

Having no more reason to restrain himself, not that he could do more now that she said what she was saying, Hargeon allowed the beast inside him to reign free when his hips started to push into the blonde's slit wildly. Her moans of satisfaction were also muffled by the union of her lips.

Layla let out a cry when she felt him plunge into her cervix much more forcefully. It was as if he intended to invade her baby's room and mess up everything, just like he was doing with her cunt .. And that was exactly what she wanted him to do .. Leaving signs that he was the one she belonged.

Thank the almighty goddess Shimura that the walls were made of thick, soundproofed wood while her euphoric vocal sounds sounded freely again when they parted each other's lips. If the walls weren't like that, they probably would have already been thrown out of the inn.

After a few minutes, with her mind now clouded to the point that she couldn't think of anything but being with Hargeon ... Layla pressed her noses and foreheads as she then said what she really wanted from him. . "F-Stay with me ..!" She gasped with tears streaming down her face as she officially lied to herself ..

"W .. Wha ...?" Hargeon gasped as he kept pushing, despite her words. He honestly didn't hear them at first, so it was a little clueless.

"St ... Stay ..! With me!" She cried out pleadingly as she started to pant whenever he hit her while looking sadly into her eyes. Hargeon's eyes widened slightly in shock when he heard his words more clearly when he saw the negative emotion being expressed in the forms of his eyes and tears and it was also audible in his voice. "II thought I was going to ..! I would be ..! Ok w-letting you go ..!" She started to shake her head frantically from side to side as she held his head tightly and tightened the grip her legs had on her waist while keeping their faces as close as she could. She was afraid to let go completely and clung to him, even if a little afraid that he would leave her if she did. "B-but, gods, I'm not! I'm really not! I I want .. I need you in my life, Hargeon! I can't live without you now that I've found you! Now that I've become one with you! I love you! I love you so much! S-so, please! you! N-don't leave me! stay by my side forever! " She screamed while her sorry look on him didn't dare break ... and Hargeon didn't dare look away ...

'Layla ... Heheheh ... as if you need to say that to me ...'

"I go!" Hargeon replied after overcoming his shock and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. His hips managed to move even faster now that he was starting to break through the barrier of his uterus. Layla's toes curled as her pelvis contracted when she felt it. "I will stay with you, I will stay by your side! And hold you forever! I will never let you go! I promise! I am all yours! How are you all mine, my love!" He swore as he moaned when he felt his second orgasm of the night getting closer and closer, something about telling her that really increased his arousal and pleasure to that point.

Layla's sadness was replaced by hope the instant she heard him, a single tremulous sob escaping her when she brought his lips up again to deliver a rather hurried and enthusiastic kiss. One that Hargeon didn't fight or protest as they moaned in each other's mouths for just a few seconds before Layla broke it. "O-thank you, my dear!" She wept very gratefully when she started planting kisses all over her face when she could, while still being fucked mercilessly.

Hargeon then had his turn to surprise ...

"B .. B-carry my ... Child, Layla!" Hargeon groaned when Layla gasped and stopped with her onslaught of kisses when she could feel her tip now hitting the depths of her baby room and his shaft spread her pussy even more when it expanded slightly in circumference due to its near climax.

It was as if the man was in his mind while Layla smiled with joy after processing her lustful demand. She hadn't disappointed her beloved so far ... and how the hell was she about to go and do it now; especially now. The thought of being the mother of her son was enough to cheer up the beautiful blonde and make her look forward to a future with him, in addition to falling in love with him. Then, without thinking about it, she started to give him her answer.

"O-Ok! I will do it! I will gladly have your son! S-Then go ..! A-forward ..! C-Come inside me and bless me with your seed, my darl-darling! Let- me to be the mother of your children! " She pleaded with him as she pulled her whole body further into her figure and forced her head to stand beside her over her left shoulder.

Hearing his beloved's blessing was the final trigger for Hargeon with yet another boost he put on his back. He groaned loudly as he sheathed his entire penis in her vagina to make sure his tip was inside her fertile womb.

When he did this, the two were delighted to experience their second climax together, as they embraced to save their lives, their trembling bodies contracted in sync, as these orgasms were much more powerful than the previous ones.

Layla bit her lip to suppress the cry of pleasure that escaped her while she was now creaming the man's groin. All the while she could feel its potent and healthy seed spilling quickly into her uterus and hitting her walls. With the amount of courage he was discharging inside her ... She had no doubt in her mind that she was destined to get pregnant ... her son ... One of the many children she was expecting. 'Y-so much ...' She groaned inwardly as she felt the large amount of baby mass swimming in her ..

Down his ass along with his blood, Hargeon's sperm overflowed from her pussy as it dripped from its slit around his throbbing member.

Their climax came to its final conclusions when the two sweaty lovers were turned into a breathless mess while Hargeon temporarily lost all his strength and couldn't help but fall on the woman. Layla lost all her strength as soon as she left Hargeon completely and her limbs fanned out beside her. Although it was a little uncomfortable, Layla didn't care at all that Hargeon was unwittingly putting all his weight on her.

It would take a long time before they were able to gather enough energy to move .. or even speak ..

"Well, even though your dad can kill me when he finds out about us and what we did ... It was really worth it and I still don't regret anything." Hargeon told Layla while they were, now both lying on the bed with the blanket covering them up to Layla's shoulders and Hargeon's chest. The blonde was happily nestled on the right side of the greenette with her head on her shoulder and her arm around her waist. The said greenette was lying on her back with her head on the pillow, looking at her lover with a smile as she looked back at him.

"Yes, the same with me." Layla agreed. "Oh, and you don't have to worry about Dad. You can just leave him with me when the time comes." Layla assured him as her right hand caressed his broad chest.

"Why shouldn't I be worried?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Mmm, let's just say that there is nothing my dad wouldn't do for your dear little girl." She laughed as she smiled cute at him.

Hargeon found himself laughing along with her. "Well, fine then, if you are willing to take it out of my hands to save my skin, I am totally in favor of letting you do that .. My heroine." He smiled as he winked at her.

The two laughed together again at that observation. "Anything for you, my love." Layla replied as she leaned over to give him a long, pleasant kiss. Hargeon gladly accepted while his left hand touched his right cheek lovingly.

After the kiss, they put the tips of their noses together while they were silent for a long time, because now, they wanted nothing more than to worship each other's eyes to unite their souls. Hargeon's thumb caressed the young woman's soft cheek as she tilted her face in her palm as they did just that.

"I love you .." said young Kradius contentedly in a soft tone of voice.

"I love you too ..." replied the young Organa, equally pleased, as she turned her head to caress his palm briefly.

Hargeon smiled kindly at his adorable action as he leaned over to kiss his forehead. "Say we should try to get some sleep, huh?" He suggested as he yawned.

Layla nodded, as she herself was very tired after what they did minutes before. "Yes .." She yawned. "Sleeping looks pretty good now." She scoffed as she smiled wearily, her right hand reaching up to rub her eyes lightly for a moment.

Now moving to lay her head on her soulmate's chest, Layla sighed deeply in relief when her right arm went over her abdomen and she held it gently.

Hargeon sighed and rested his head on the pillow as he made sure of a tight hug for his wife.

"Good night, my love .." Hargeon decided to say it first.

"Good night my hero." Layla replied with a dizzying smile as her heart beat faster whenever she referred to him with that nickname.

And with that, the two slowly closed their eyes as sleep and exhaustion quickly overtook them.

Little for your knowledge, but a lot for your hopes, Layla's womb was blessed with the life her love came to create.


Seven years later ...

"Okay, honey, now remember .. Take a deep breath, line up your shot .. and then let go .. You did it .." Said the voice of a Father who believed and encouraged his daughter.

"Okay daddy .." replied the young voice of a calm and focused daughter to her father.

After the child followed his father's instructions while taking a deep breath, a bow was heard shooting an arrow a few seconds later before the arrow flew through the air briefly and hit what appeared to be a wooden frame.

"Well, you look at that. It looks like you're already a born archer, my girl." Hargeon said in an impressed voice as he gave a confident laugh.

Opening her eyes again after closing them when she shot her arrow, Saya Kradius, daughter of Hargeon and Layla Kradius, looked up to see that her arrow had hit a square wooden panel that was nailed to a tree about fifty feet away. away from her.

Little six-year-old Saya shared pale skin similar to her mother's, while she looked like her father in terms of eyes and hair color. The only features of his appearance that did not resemble his parents were the length and style of the hair. Her hair was shoulder length and she had combed it in the same way that her late grandmother, Minerva Kradius, used to wear it on her hair.

On the wooden panel was a carved target and right in the center of the well-made custom target was the arrow she had shot from the small bow in her hands, which she now lowered.

Standing a few feet behind her and smiling as he admired the result of his shot was Hargeon himself.

It was not difficult for one to determine that they were in a densely wooded area judging by the trees that surrounded them and the house that was a little far from them.

One might wonder why they don't live on a farm, since there was one that actually belonged to Layla and her family. The reason they did not do so was because, a few months after the two adults were married, when they found out Layla was pregnant with Saya all those years ago, they opted for a separate house on the Organa Family farm in order for the two young men parents make raising and caring for their child the only responsibility they have to worry about. Layla's father was still alive and healthy as a bull and he was taking good care of the farm, in addition, he had the help of some stone puppets, or more precisely stone golems, courtesy of Hargeon's late mother, Minerva Kradius, as a wedding gift to your son and his newly created family. So they really had nothing to worry about. In addition, he was also just a five-minute walk away.

"I hit a target, Daddy!" The young woman applauded as she pointed at the arrow and looked at her father with an excited smile.

Hargeon laughed as he approached his daughter's side and gently rubbed his head. "I can see that. Haha! Nice work! See, I said you had a natural talent for archery beyond magic." He smiled as he looked at the girl beside him after removing his hand. He then tilted his head back toward the house before speaking again. "Are we going to get your mother so we can show her her progress?" He asked as his other hand went up to point his thumb over his shoulder at the house.

Before Saya could answer her question, a very familiar and much more mature female voice spoke, as the two could also hear the sound of leaves being crushed and getting louder as the person approaching them approached.

"No need, I'm already here." Layla chuckled as she walked over to her husband and daughter, her voice catching his eye as they quickly turned to look at the beautiful blonde.

"Mom! Look what I did! I hit a target!" Saya said again as she dropped the bow and ran to her mother.

"So you did, good job, my little sweet pea! I'm so proud of you." Layla praised while smiling and gave the girl a soft hug when she carefully approached her.

Saya gave an excited giggle when she heard the compliment. "Thank you mom."

The reason for Saya's cautious approach to her mother was so that she would not hurt her little brother who formed a few months ago in his mother's belly.

Hargeon smiled as he approached his daughter and his pregnant wife while tilting his head to give the blonde a soft kiss, after wrapping his left arm around her lower back when he reached her right side. "She's already pretty good, isn't she?" He looked lovingly into her eyes.

"Well, of course she is, who do you think she takes her skills from?" Layla joked while smiling with pride and raised her eyebrows briefly when meeting her lover's eyes. When she was just a child herself, Layla was actually a talented archer too.

Hargeon rolled his eyes as he scoffed. "You, lady."

"And don't forget that." She lightly held her left cheek with her right hand before returning the kiss.

"What brings you out, mom?" Saya asked while remaining gently holding her mother's waist while looking at her curiously from the front of her belly.

Both parents looked to meet the girl's eyes before Layla answered. "Oh, I just came to tell you both that dinner is ready. Also because I wanted to see how far you have advanced in your training, my little hunter." She smiled when her left hand went up to the top of Saya's head to gently run her fingers through her green curls, for which Saya started to caress her head in her palm. "With the recent development, I have a feeling that you will be out hunting with your dad in no time." She pointed.

Saya smiled at the thought alone of helping her father go hunting. Much like Hargeon and despite her young age, she was a responsible person. Always wanting to help her parents whenever she can, if she has the skills to do so; Hence his current training with bow and arrow ... beyond magic.

"How about we take a break and continue as soon as we finish eating? Does it look good?" Hargeon proposed while looking at Saya with pride.

"Yes, it looks good, Dad." Saya didn't argue with that while humming in agreement and started running towards their house after releasing Layla. With how excited she was to continue training after the meal, she couldn't stop running to start eating.

"She is as excited as ever." Layla commented as she and Hargeon watched little Saya escape.

"Yes, as she always was." Hargeon joined the conversation with a smile as he moved to the left side of his beloved wife before his right hand grabbed her left and he intertwined his fingers. "Let's go, huh? I prefer that she doesn't bother me to hurry up when she's finished eating." He laughed as he looked at Layla.

Layla didn't respond immediately as she looked up at the slightly cloudy sky with a soft smile curved on her lips. Feeling the sudden need to take a moment to appreciate the beautiful and talented life that she was lucky to have thanks to the fateful meeting she had with the man at her side. His right hand went up to the bulge of his second developing child to rub the area gently. She then looked down with her eyes closed for a few seconds peacefully before turning her head to look at her destination. "Yes, let's go." She recognized him with her smile getting big and her hand holding his tightly.

Hargeon's heart skipped a beat when he saw his beautiful smile. Even after all the years that they've been together ... She still manages to have that effect on him. He knew that she would always do it for the rest of her life .. And he wouldn't do it any other way.


And with that, his hands that had their gold obsidian wedding rings on their ring fingers hugged each other in adoration as they started walking to gather their family at the dinner table inside their home.


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