
Chapter 10

In the Secret Library of Senju, that only the Clan leader and the Heirs can enter, Hoshiro was meditating, when suddenly the neckless he was wearing, glowed

It was the only thing, his birth parents left him with, a weird looking necklace.

Hoshiro opened his eyes... and the figure of a smiling man with Bloody red hair appeared in front of his eyes

"My son if you are watching this, that means the necklace made its way to you through your mother, now, I don't have much time, so listen carefully

"My name is Ryusei, Uzumaki Ryusei, I was born in a very prestigious Clan, a clan who was extremely powerful, we were very powerful... but what a pity, I was nothing but a mere Civilian, A merchant who travels the world selling merchandise from my village"

"It was during the travel when I was tired and I had to rest in a old looking Cave... There, I found this necklace... I don't know how it works and how it's activates, but it was this necklace that gives me a set of powerful Taijutsu set, making me a ninja in a single moment"

"I became a very powerful individual from back then, a very influential Taijutsu specialist... during my travel I found out about the massacre of my Clan, I was angry and decided to take the revenge, it was the time of second Great ninja war, I fought and killed many Shinobis from Kiri, Iwa and Kumo, though no one gets to know about me"

"It was during the End of the war that I met your mother"

"She ran from Konoha, a place which took everything she ever loved from her, she hated that place to the core... we travelled the world together... and we fell in love, eventually we decided to settle down, That was the time of third Great ninja war"

"At the end of the war, we had you, I thought that my life is complete, I had a very beautiful wife and a child who resembled his mother so much"

"But I was wrong, Someone found out about the necklace, His name was Uchiha Madara"


'Uchiha Madara? he is dead, how is this possible', thought hoshiro

"He told me, it was the legacy of sage of six path, his inheritance that he wished for his successor to have, I was not his successor and thus I do have the right to use it... he was right, I had the necklace for many years and I knew that I didn't unlocked it's full potential... but I didn't care, I knew from experience that even if I give him the necklace, he will kill all witnesses, including you and your mother"

"I fought him, and I tried my hardest, yet he killed me... he was strong, very strong, but I knew I have to keep him busy for your mother to run as far as possible, yet I couldn't even do that... I don't know if your mother is alive or she died, but you mustn't take our revenge, that guy I fought was strong, he was very strong... and that necklace, I don't know it's secret but I do know One thing, only the successor of sage of six path can fully utilize it, from the ancient books that I read, Ashura and Indra we---"


"w-wait, don't go"


Suddenly the world began to fall apart like a delicate mirror


First he thought, it was a genjutsu but his mind was filled with the special breathing method, he didn't even know what does it do anyway

But unknown to him, he was sub consciously breathing accordingly to the breathing method, since his brain only know this way to breath properly

"Ashura and Indra... ashura and indra... he was trying to say something about Ashura and Indra"

He immediately searched the entire Library for these two names, but he didn't find it.

He even asked Aunt Tsunade about Indra and Ashura also about sage of six path

But even she didn't know about them, and for sage of six path, it was just a legend made by bored old people

He even asked the professor, Lord Third about this, even he said the same thing, It's just a legend made by bored old people... but if it's just a legend, a fairy tale, then Why does he have the necklace that should only appear in fairy tales.


4 years have been passed since that day, he always breath according to the method given to him by the necklace, since it's the only way he knows how to breath

And now he passively absorbs natural energy, thus becoming a full time sage.

Just without the lines, his face or any other part shows no chance at all.

Since that day, his Vitality took a extreme turn, if before he could be hurt by someone powerful, now he truly can't be hurt anymore, even if he could feel the force, he really can't be hurt.

Even his healing factor, went up quite a lot, even powerful Genjutsu don't work on him, since his chakra get healed of interface

He can practically stand there all day, and they wouldn't be able to even scratch him

He even practice daily the Taijutsu Set given to him by the necklace.

But what improved most was his Mukoton, ever since he became a full time Sage, his mukoton vitality took a hit and actually became, very powerful


Today was the day of Graduation...

In the academy of 100, only 27 managed to make it through... well everyone Hoshiro knew were passed... well all except that of Naruto

"I'm proud to call you all ninjas of the Hidden Leaf now remember to come back a week Later to get your team assignments, for now your dismissed." The teacher said.

As the group left Hoshiro felt a familiar charka behind, "Hello Anko Sensei are you going on another date with Iruka Sensei?"

The purple haired jonin appeared from the wall, "Well yes I am brat, what is it to you?"

Hoshiro smiled, it was rare that him and Anko got to have their little verbal spars considering that she had quit being a teacher after the first academy year, that had gotten a chunin named Mizuki to replace her. "Nothing, Just Good Luck"

Anko smirked, "Don't worry brat he'll be fine, if that's what you are worried about, by the way I made Jonin. Aren't I great? "

Hoshiro chuckled at that, "you sure are, Sensei"

Anko Grin

Hoshiro smirked, "Have a good evening Anko Sensei"

Anko muttered to herself as she went to meet Iruka.

It was a few hours later and Caspian was in the Senju Secret library reading a book while Ton-Ton sat next to him, Tsuande and Shizune where at the hospital working, Naruto failed to pass the exam, thus he needs some time alone and Hinata, he don't really know where is she, He was just about to leave to find her, when he heard quick footsteps in the compound. He shut his book and left the library with Ton-Ton to see Shizune running around the compound franticly.

"Shizune-nee san what happened?"

"Sorry Otou, no time to explain", she took a medical box, leaned down and kissed him, "Stay out of trouble Okay?"

"Gee, I am not a kid, you don't kiss the head of the adults", he looked at the side and pouted

She giggles, and ran out of the Senju Compound

Pouting Hoshiro went off to search for Hinata


During the time Hinata graduated, Hiashi her father decided to match her against Hanabi, the little sister

Of course, Hinata was strong to defeat Hanabi but instead of hurting Hanabi, Hinata chose to lose, this of course seen by Hiashi

She was disowned as the next head and was called useless by her very father, she ran with tears in her eyes, Hanabi wanted to go after her Older sister but due to the fear of her father she could not, she decided to change the Hyuuga clan for the good once she becomes the clan head

Hinata ran till the park, the place her mother took her when she was alive

She was crying hard with not a single person on her side.

"why are you crying?", suddenly came a voice startling Hinata

"I-its nothing"

He smiled gently and sat next to her, as he hugged Hinata without a single warning as her eyes widened

"How, How *hic* do you always know I am sad *hic* How", asked the crying Hinata

"I don't know, magic?", said Hoshiro smiling kindly


"Shh...I don't know what is it, but it's gonna be alright, so please don't cry"

"H-Hoshiro Kun, you always say I am strong because I am Kind, for a shinobi being kind is a taboo you know", Said Hinata between her tears while still being hugged

"That's not the case, Uncle Jiraiya always say when you fight to save something or one that's precious to you at that very moment you become genuinely stronger and the stronger you are, the kinder you become... Thats why you are strong Hinata, because you are Kind"

She clenched her fists, lift them up and put them on his back, gently hugging Taiga as well

"Thank you", she cried and cried

"Always Sis"


(Next Day)

Hoshiro was on his way home, along some Groceries that Shizune nee ordered him to bring

Suddenly, he felt his Great Grandfather's charka, it wasn't very strong ,it felt diluted but it was there.

"You can come out I sense you"

The next moment an ANBU with bushy brown hair and a cat mask appeared, 'He sensed me even though I got here a few moments ago. Interesting'

"Who are you, and why do you have Great grandpa's chakra"

But the ANBU Didn't say a thing and just, jumped back


"Wood Release: Smothering Binding Technique"

By transforming his arm into a timber, the ANBU then create multiple branches which rapidly coil around Hoshiro, immobilising him.

Strangely, Hoshiro didn't even move from his position.

"Now then", ANBU started


The Tough Timber Broke up


Hoshiro just stood there with his arms stretch

The strength given to him by Tsunade was no joke, and since he became an all time sage his strength went up a notch as well.

ANBU flipped back in the mid air

"Earth Release: Stone Spear"

A single spear made of stones, with great momentum made its way towards Hoshiro

Hoshiro didn't move yet again


The ANBU was shocked and his eyes were wide open, for the stone spear break after tackling Hoshiro, and failed to Peirce him.

ANBU didn't give up as he made yet another blur of hand sings.

Snake → Ram → Hare → Dog → Snake

Wood Release: Wood Dragon Technique

A huge dragon made of wood made it's way towards Hoshiro but... this time Hoshiro moved as well.


Wood Release: Wood Dragon Technique

With a single hand sign, he created a huge wood dragon that flew towards the ANBU right away

But the dragon made by Hoshiro is more alive


The Dragon made by Hoshiro roared and bit the Dragon made by ANBU, and also digging it's claws, the ANBU wood dragon tore like a thin paper, it didn't even manage to put up a struggle.


The dragon roar again and continue its way towards the ANBU

"Fire Style:Great fireball"

The great fireball tackled the dragon


The explosion occured, as a giant dragon came out of the dust cloud.

Is this a joke? His Wood Release, shares the same extreme level of vitality as him, if there is anything that can't hurt him, there is practically no way that would be able to hurt the woods made by him.

Perhaps this is what Yamato is lacking, the extreme Vitality of Senju, that only comes with blood.

Right now, his wood release is 1000 times stronger and tougher than of Yamato's

the dragon binds the ANBU and bit him, also digging it's claws into his flesh.


The clone disappeared in a mass of cloud, Hoshiro wasn't surprised though, he already felt the chakra moving under earth

As he jumped back, a figure break out of the earth with his sword in the hand

Hoshiro punched the ANBU, but the ANBU dodges by ducking the attack


The Sword broke through, without a single scratch on Hoshiro's body

The punch without losing a single momentum found the ANBU cheek


The ANBU flewand buried half in the wall

Suddenly the ANBU turned into the wood Clone


The ANBU real body comes out of nowhere, with a chakra suppression seal tag stick on his chest.

He learned from his mistakes and didn't attack Hoshiro, but put the sleeping tag on Hoshiro back.

As Hoshiro felt the strong to sleep right away.

The Masked ANBU tried to draw out the blood of Hoshiro, but didn't manage to...

No matter where he stabs, the boy's body was as if made of metal, it didn't Peirce

One time using his entire strength, Yamato managed to draw a big cut, but the cut healed right away, without even a single scar


"So, how was his performance?", asked Hokage

"Lord Hokage, if I may be serious, that boy is only lacking in experience, his defense is out of this world, his strength is more like Lady Tsunade herself, and that boy's mukoton, it was frightening. I am afraid the only reason he lost is because, he never thought that a attack can be done like I did"

"Tell me everything from the start"

Yamato told everything to Lord Hokage, as the Old man's eyes widened.

"Very well, dismiss"

With that Yamato disappeared

"what do you think Tsunade"

From inside the shadows Tsunade appears

"That boy is strong, but he can not gain experience with Jonin four man team", started Hokage

Tsunade after some Thinking spoke, "Grandpa wasn't this strong when he was 12 year old, I was told this by Granduncle... but that boy Hoshiro, he is training under me for more than 6 years, tomorrow would be 7 years to be exact... even if we assume that it's because, grandpa had to work everything up by himself, while Hoshiro had the help of Grandpa's, Granduncle's experience, while I am also good at chakra Control... it still don't explain the huge improvement, he has during these last 4 years... it's kind of scary, seeing just how fast he is growing"

"What do you think is the reason?", asked Hokage

"The Boy is a prodigy in meditation... some one like that of Itachi, who was a prodigal in using Sharingan... that's what I can guess at least", said Tsunade

Hokage nodded, that's what he thinks as well, "Very well, Since that's the case let's have him in a jonin four man team"


After the attack, Hoshiro dwell more and more in that Taijutsu set given to him by the necklace.


A week Later, Hoshiro was sitting with Hinata and Beaten up Naruto, who got beaten for kissing the Fan girl favourite Sasuke

Even now Hoshiro thinks Naruto sway that way and secretly like Sasuke, thus he sit in between Hinata and Naruto, he won't give her to him, if he truly swings that way.


"Team 4"

"Senju Hoshiro"

"Yagami Hanako"

"Yamanaka Shouji"