
The Lost Seeker

What do you do when you already have everything at your fingertips, but then decide to drop everything and escape? That's what the MC did and he now finds himself in a bar filled with dwarvs and drunks on another continent. "Oh God" ~MC

JustEndless · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
38 Chs

Chapter 32: Back to School?

Maybe waking up wasn't such a good idea.

"On your left!"

A swirling ball of fire whistled by my sides as I barely dodged it. In the corner of my eye, a shadow leapt from god knows where with twin daggers held in their hands.

He went up close and tried stabbing me. I electrified my Chokuto and blocked it. Sparks flew as our weapons clashed, with the slight chatter of lightning traveling through my blade to his, yet the assassin didn't flinch and instead sent a flurry of slices my way.

I matched all of the Assassins' attacks, going from one end of the training ground to another in a single minute. All of a sudden I felt another searing heat intending to incinerate me, and before my mind could even react to it, my body moved first as I kicked the Assassin in their solar plexus, and jumped out of the way as I used {Lightning Movement}.

The constant sounds of battle continued, the sound of blade against blade, flesh against massive ball of heat with the flesh losing of course, And by flesh I mean my flesh. It wasn't a pretty sight. I've already gotten several burns on my body. Clothes tattered beyond measure. I definitely should not have woken up.

There were also open wounds that bled to the ground. A dagger was thrown at the back of my head but I didn't bother looking, I parried it with my own dagger and shot my own dagger to a person hiding in the shadows.

I saw a small spark to the place I threw the dagger, yet I knew that at best it would not have done anything.

Impercitively sighing, I looked around the place and all I saw were craters caused by magic that almost annihilated my existence, swords and daggers sticking out of the ground, and passed out golden soldiers. It wasn't a pretty sight.

I did say that I wanted to get stronger but this…

Multiple Assassins leapt from the shadows, all brandishing either a dagger or Chokuto, while a certain teacher floating up in the air fired another {Hellfire} in my direction. I sighed another time and summoned my Scythe, time seemed to have slowed down as my senses enhanced.

I saw the bloodlust leaking out of their weapons, the powerful heat the spell was emitting, as well as the strict grip of my hand as I held my scythe. I wonder what I should eat later. I'll think about it after this. Alright let's finish this, Cosmos gotta eat.

My scythe glowed with a blue hue, my feet crackled with lightning, and in one movement, before any of the Assassins could react and before the{Hellfire} could hit, i passed all of them in a second as a blue glint passed through all of them.

I was already standing a few meters away from them, and already thinking of what I should eat later, I unsummoned my Scythe and sauntered out of the grounds. From behind, I heard a subtle sound of something hitting the floor yet I didn't look back, my appetite would be ruined if I did.

Just when I was about to open the door, I saw a shadow covering me. I looked back and saw that it was Mr William. His stony gaunt still matched that of what a soldier would look like.

"Oh hi Mr William, i thought i was done with training."

"Hm yes you have. Good work."

Mr William looked back and saw the bodies lying on the ground, subtle groans were heard and some of his soldiers were even twitching on the ground. I didn't notice it but his eyebrows seemed to have twitched.

He looked back at me and gave me a nod.

"There is another matter we have to discuss."

"Okay what is it then Mr William."

"It's the Inquisitors."

Suddenly my mood lowered, hearing anything about those guys still sickens me to this day. I think my appetite has been slightly lowered because of it. Curse them.

"What about them…" I replied.

"The matter has not been dealt with yet, the church still insists on bringing you back and the Empire is indeed protecting you for the moment. But there's a problem."

"What is it?"

"You are not an Official Citizen."

Oh forgot about that.

"Technically speaking, you are an illegal immigrant that is not registered within the Empire. And if the church wants someone from the country, as long as they are not a citizen, then the Empire does not have enough reason to protect you."

Im seriously considering if i should curse them. Problem is I don't know how to. Ill ask Granny Amanda later. For now i should solve this first then curse them. Hm good plan.

"So what now? Isn't there anything that I could do?"

"Fortunately for you there is."

My lowered mood brightened, indeed there is an answer to every solution. I wonder what this is though.

"There are several ways to ignore and deflect the wants of the Inquisition, and yet every single one of them does not apply to you, except for one. Cosmo, i want to ask something."

"Sure anything, like anything, I'll even tell you where I hid my Snacks in the training grounds."

"Okay- wait what?"

"It's nothing, nothing, I just said I'll tell you anything."

Mr William seemed doubtful, and he even looked around the place for a quick glance before turning back to me. He then asked.

"Have you ever been to school?"

Oh no.

"What's the matter kid."

Mr Samuel asked but i didn't hear it, i kept wiping the glass in my hand absentmindedly, thinking about Mr Williams question. I mean school? There are some things I really don't like on this continent, one of them is Inquisitor and two is School.

Mr Willaims question kept echoing in my head, with memories of even resurfacing like the shark that tried to swallow me whole. It was terrible.

Suddenly I felt a blunt object hit my forehead.

"Ouch! What was that for Mr Samuel!"

I cried out, but Mr Samuel didn't seem disturbed by it and instead smiled.

"Oh the kid is going to school, how time flies, it feels like only yesterday that you suddenly appeared."

Nostalgia filled Mr Samuels tone, while I was feeling the same. But I was thinking of a different memory. Not that of good nostalgia, no no, bad nostalgia. Just even remembering my time at school still chills my spine to this day.

"Can I not attend? I mean there has to be another way Mr Samuel."

"Well… There is, but you won't like it."

"Wait there?! What is it then, please tell me! I don't wanna go back to school…"

"Yup. We simply have to deny all relations with you and let you loose outside the empire, forever hunted like a dog in the wilderness."

Deep in thought, I thought of the pros and cons of it. Between going back to school, and being hunted like a dog for almost all my life, the choice was obvious. Crystal Clear.

I stopped wiping my glass and went back to my room to prepare.

"Where are you going kid?"

"Ah it's nothing, packing my bags. I need to prepare for surviving out there and all. It was nice knowing you Mr Samuel."

The decision was already made before I even thought of it, there was no way i'm going back. You have to drag my cold dead body before i go back to that accursed place. Like hell I'm going to get swallowed by a dragon again.

"I see- wait what." Mr Samuel seemed to have frozen, but I didn't see it as I was already making my way up the stairs. I wonder what I should pack for the trip, not what country I should go to next. I think I've learned enough survival tactics to live in the wild.

"Kid stop, it can't be that bad. It's just school, just a bunch of immature drivel kids are there. And plus, what would Frank and William say if you suddenly left them."

His words made me halt in my footsteps, as there was indeed the possibility of that. There was a feeling of guilt I felt in my heart. I still owe them for letting me stay here, but school… but my debt…

Turning back to Mr Samuel, I then asked what I should do. His face had a look of bewilderment when I asked but I do believe my concerns are correct.

"Cosmo, like I said , it's just school. Sure I may have not attended one back then but isn't it only a bunch of kids learning from some prick I can kill in a second?"

"It's not that simple Mr Samuel." I stated.

"Kid, you're going to the best school the continent has to offer. Of course it's not that simple."

He said, not taking what I said seriously. But I understood, since if it was any other person going to school there was nothing that could go wrong. I just wish it would also apply to me.

Saddened by that fact, I went back to manning the bar and picked up the glass I was wiping. A sense of dread started creeping within me, memories of horrid scenes flashed in my head, memories of which I desperately wanted to forget.

"Kid, I know I'm gonna regret asking this, but what did school do to you to end up like this? You were just being Assassinated a while ago with a {Hellfire} barrelling down your way, and you seem fine right now."

I looked up and saw that there was a quizzical expression on his face. I thought of answering but it was too difficult to explain, like those things happened to me because I asked for it. With school, things are different.

So instead I replied with.

"You will see." I accepted my fate. Because between disappointing Mr Frank and Mr William, going to school seems like the lesser evil.

"By the way, when am I going to school anyway?"

"Hmm lets see, it will be in 4 months time with the arrival of Autumn. Still a long way to go, so don't worry too much."

"I see. So is the school near here or something? Oh, is it the Zorvaile Cities School of Magic? So cool! I always wanted to see what it was like''

"Oh kid it's not here. "

I froze in my spot. Confused as to what Mr Samuel said, what did he mean by not here? How am I supposed to run the bar and go to school if it's not here?

"Mr Samuel… What do you mean?"

"Did William not tell you? The school you're going to isnt here but in the capital city of our empire. The capital city of the {[Cornova Empire]}, Neophet City."