
The Lost Seeker

What do you do when you already have everything at your fingertips, but then decide to drop everything and escape? That's what the MC did and he now finds himself in a bar filled with dwarvs and drunks on another continent. "Oh God" ~MC

JustEndless · Kỳ huyễn
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38 Chs

Chapter 19: Silvan Theocracy


I placed my drink down with a thud as a subtle burp escaped my me. I said that I won't be drinking anymore, but I can't reject it if Mr. Samuel was the one who invited me. There were just a few things that had exceptions. That was one of them. And there was a good reason for it.

At first I wanted to reject since the consequences of it were still unknown to me, but Mr. Samuel was insistent. He threatened to increase the difficulty of my training, and so, like a strong-willed and wise person, I agreed. Anything was better than getting besieged in dark room from all corners.

We discussed various things, ranging from my training with him to talking about my current progress with Mr. William. I was a little tipsy from my first sips, but I was able to manage a coherent conversation.

After a few more sips, I noticed that it was already empty. A little dizzy, I thought that one drink was good enough, but when I noticed the red glint in Mr. Samuel's eyes, I ordered another one without hesitation. Amy took my order with a stony face and served me up another one.

It was a rare moment of relaxation for me, well in terms of not being the bartender, then yeah, it was a little relaxing. I took a big gulp and was now feeling the buzz, seeing the world as if it was slightly spinning.

I kept myself balanced and made sure not to fall off my chair. That would be embarrassing. A question popped into my head, and I was suddenly curious of the answer. I still don't know who that man was. So I turned to Mr Samuel and asked him.

"It was an Inquisitor from the {[Silvan Theocracy.]}"

Someone answered for him and I turned to see who it was and was a bit shocked that he was here. The man wearing golden armor was no more, and instead wore Normal clothing.


Instead of replying, he ordered a drink from Amy and gulped it down first. He muttered something under his breath as he eyed his drink, but i couldn't hear it due to the constant shouting from the others.

Mr. William finally answered and said.

"It's the country west from our own great empire, the {[Silvan Theocracy]}. The main place of worship of the [Goddess of Life], [Lumen]."

"I see. So why are they even here. I do believe that our empire isn?t the religious sort."

"It's because they're conniving bastards."

Mr. Samuel butted in with a sour look on his face as he ordered another drink. He then continued.

"The reason that they're here is simple, it's because of your kid. Why it's you I have no idea, who knows what treacherous plans that bastard is cooking up in his head."

Mr. William nodded in agreement, also hating that kingdom for some reason. I wonder why.

With my question answered, I took a big gulp and felt its effects becoming even clearer. I held on to the counter as I felt that I might really fall at any moment. It's not good.

"Our empire doesn't ban religion, but the oh so powerful Aristocrats aren't the type to worship another being besides the Emperor. Their arrogance is beyond your imagination, Cosmo. The people though are a different matter. That's why there are still churches here and there, with them flocking to those places seeking something else the Empire cannot give."

"Watch what you say, Samuel."

Mr. William said in a cold voice, containing with it a little bit of hostility. Mr. Samuel smiled and shrugged his comment, seemingly saying that there was nothing wrong with what he said.

There was a chilly atmosphere brewing around Mr. William, but Mr. Samuel kept drinking like nothing happened. He still had that cheeky smile on his face.

"There is nothing our Great Emperor cannot do, Samuel."

"Yeah, yeah, our Great Emperor is the best. But you know what I'm talking about William."

Mr. William coldly looked at Mr. William for a while before turning away and going back to his drink. Mr. Samuel kept smiling and continued.

"Anyway, the Great Emperor aside. The Inquisitor is a little annoying to deal with. The words he left weren't just his words, but those of his kingdom. And those unreasonable shits mean what they say and say what they mean."

Mr Samuel emptied his drink and slammed it on the counter, letting out a loud thud that echoed in the room. But the merry drunken reverie continued as the cacophony of shouting drowned it.

"Don't worry kid, ill help you get out of this predicament."

"The empire protects."

Both men reassured me of my safety, i smiled in response, remembering the sort of people they are. Reminds me a little bit of home to be honest. I forgot that having people to rely on can be a little nice. Yet, I knew better than anyone that I had to solve this own my own.

I ordered another round of drinks for the three of us, and I finally was feeling the full effects as I barely slurred out coherent words. I saw that I was given another one, and without hesitation I chugged it down as fast as possible.

Slamming my glass down, I felt my reasoning went out the window as I jumped up from my seat and went somewhere in the bar. My memories after that were blank when I tried recalling it. It was only after that little incident did I decide that i probably shouldn't drink anymore.…

"You did not tell him."

William said, his tone indifferent yet containing something else entirely. Samuel didn't reply and stared at him like he was a fool. He took a sip from his drink before answering.

"Because it's for the best. I mean, look at him."

He pointed at the middle of the bar, where Cosmo was currently having a tussle with a customer. Yet despite having formal training, he swung at places where there was no one, and was easily countered with him getting hit in the face. The customer looked on with arrogance on his face, seemingly not worried of being injured at all.

Despite that, Cosmo kept fighting and managed to overturn the situation. The customer seemed to have looked down at his opponent too much, as the moment he thought he dodged a fist, he realized that there was a knee coming straight at his stomach. But by then it was too little too late.

It made contact as he flew across the room and crashed against the walls. A deafening cheer ensued, with the already bustling bar becoming even more so. Some people were flushed in the face, angered that they lost money. While some were flushed in the face because they were drunk. It was hard to tell.

In the middle of all that, there was Cosmo lying on the ground, curling up as he used his arm as a pillow. He slept soundly like a baby tuckered out from playing. Nobody bothered him since there was Amy shooting daggers at anyone who came close to him.

"He will know, It's just not the right time yet. So for now, let us drink."

Samuel emptied the remaining beer on his drink before he sat up and started making his way out the door. Slipping through the crowd like a shadow undetected, with nobody even noticing that he passed by them, a big mistake since they might be missing their pouches the next time they checked.

William watched with an indifferent expression, he turned towards Cosmos and felt mix feelings towards the situation.

He didn't know what to feel. It had been close to a month since he has been training cosmos and throughout all this time, he only showed himself a few times. Yet it was undeniable that he was observing everything from the dark.

Unknown to cosmos he was always being watched thought his time in training. Yet William felt that the challenge before Cosmo may not be enough to be overcome with just training. And so he decided.

Following Samuel's lead, he gulped down his drink to the last drop, before leaving and making his way out. He didn't need to be discreet as Samuel, as the crowd parted for him, making a path out of the place.

William walked with a dignified gait, despite the fact that he was drinking moments ago. After he left, some of the people in the bar noticeably relaxed, while some heaved a sigh of relief and went back to their merriment.

The scent of alcohol and sweat wafting through the bar. In one part of the bar, the drunks stayed away from a certain person as if he was a virus. It was Cosmo, red in the face, and was snoozing happily without a care in the world. His face showing clear happiness as the joyous and busy night went on.

While all this was happening, Frank observed. Showing no clear emotion or opinion of the matter. He kept drinking and drinking until finally, he passed out on the ground beside Cosmos.

And thus the night went on.…

My mind was a blur, the world being blurrier. I felt aching pains in my head, still feeling the effects of last night. There was also the slight bruising's I had, but it was nothing I can't handle. Guess I fought again, huh.

This happened once back when I came here, back when I was still new, but the different this time was that I could remember properly. I could remember the constant hits I was taking, unable to defend and only able to become a punching bag for someone else.

I didn't know that fighting drunk was such a challenging thing to do.

Still, I was glad that I knocked the other person out before he could do any more damage. A feeling of happiness welled within me but was interrupted by the aching pains in my head.

I massaged my head as i got up from the ground, careful to not wake up the still asleep Mr Frank. He's a bit more cranky than usual if he doesn't get his sleep. I managed to get to my room, plopping down on my comfortable bed as I felt its cold sheets.

I stared at the ceiling and still saw the world slightly spinning. But it wasn't enough to affect my thinking that much. I remembered what happened last night as slight jolts of aching coursed in my head.

Drinking was a bad idea, but what's done is done. Even though it was a little fun, the drinking part not the fighting part, but it's best that i shouldn't do it again any time soon.

"Seems like you had fun, Cosmos."

Mr Lucius said as he observed by the side of my head. I didn't bother looking as any slight head movement made the pain worse.

"It wasn't fun." I replied. All of a sudden, the pain from my injuries was disappearing a little. I inspected my body and saw a red glow wrapping around me.

"Thank you…"

"Ease on the drinking. I feel ashamed that I have to use my powers this way"

He complained before vanishing. In a short while i no longer felt any aches, apparent that my injuries were fully healed. I smiled as I suddenly had an idea, maybe I should find a gift for Mr Lucius? He already did a lot for me and i wanted to repay him back. Even just a little.

Deciding, I got up and changed my clothes

Morning was already here, and it signaled the busy day ahead of me. Reminding me that I had to go to the training ground in a little while. I wore the same light blue robes I brought with me here and thanks to a friend I made in the bar, I was able to ask her to make duplicates of my clothes.

It only took a bit of coaxing and a few beers and I was able to get new ones. I fitted my clothes and made sure everything was in its proper place. Once done, i made my way out and I was about to reach out and grab the handle, when the door was forcefully opened.

I reeled back and stood away from the door.

Its hinges blasting apart with the door falling down on its front. I thought it was Amy, but when I realized who it was, it was clear to me that it wasn't her. It was a man, he had the same outfit the man in white had. But instinctively, I felt that this person wasn't here to have a chat.

He had a slightly bored expression on his face, aapparent that he didn't want to be here. He looked back at me and I reacted with slight stupefaction. Lightning started crackling on my feet as I readied myself in case he attacked. He wasn't bothered by my reaction and instead looked at me with a smirk.

"Cute but there's no point. Come with me or don't, your choice."

"Okay, i don't want to come with you." I replied, but the man didn't seem to be disappointed of my response.

"Alright then."

Warning bells rung inside my head as my instincts were telling me to run away, and I faithfully followed it as i cast {Lightning Movement} but when I was mid-jump, he was in front of me.

I was about to react when all of a sudden I felt a slight hit at the back of my head, the world started turning dark as my balance tilted, falling down into the ground. Before I was knocked out, I heard him say.
