

The death of a professor of history at New York University during an expedition in Iraq triggers a chain of events that have been prophesied since biblical times of the flood, where The Book of Nimrod, the most powerful man, was hidden, and now the world is about to succumb to the power that God himself once feared. Gregory Evans, when investigating the death of a boy in a satanic ritual at Trinity Church, finds himself involved in a plot of global domination where everyone is suspect and guilty, including God and the devil himself.

Rafael_Zimichut · Lịch sử
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
142 Chs



— THE BLOOD WHAT? — Asked Gregory Evans.

— In order to carry out this sacrifice of esoteric tradition, the Euiose of Lucifer, another requirement is necessary, which is also quite specific.

As we all know, blood, that precious liquid, is the vehicle responsible for transporting nutrients in a given organism. Now, what people don't know is that blood, in the esoteric view, has an alchemical element, that is, a capacity for magical transformation, with the elevation of the mind to a sphere of superior consciousness, in this case, the Luciferian consciousness. However, to reach the fullness of this consciousness at the highest level — the union of the mind of the consecrated with that of Lucifer himself — it is necessary that the consecrated in the ceremony be the bearer of an even more special blood.

— The royal blood?

— That's right — the Cardinal smiled.

— Okay — Greg replied — but what the hell is that?

— Hell, is that what you said?

— I beg your pardon, Your Eminence — said Greg sheepishly.

— No, I'm not reproaching you — replied the Cardinal, with a friendly look.

— What the hell? — The policeman was surprised.

— Exactly — replied the Cardinal, nodding his head.

— Now I don't understand anything anymore! — Greg said.

The Cardinal moved a little closer to the guests.

— Gentlemen, as educated people that you are, I believe that you have often been intrigued by the proliferation of mystical-gnostic literature, mainly from the New Age movement, which circulates in an astonishing way in the current times!

— Yes — Greg replied — but what does that have to do with this royal blood or the demons you just referred to?

Messina sighed deeply and, after a short pause, continued:

— In that esoteric literature of the New Age movement that floods bookstores in all parts of the world, you will be able to observe that four elements are constantly mentioned: Water, Fire, Earth and Air.

— Yes — Greg agreed, nodding.

— Well then, I don't want to confuse you by explaining the connection of this movement with the future appearance of the Antichrist; this would take precious time, time that, unfortunately, we don't have. Now, if we turn our attention to the esoteric interpretation of these elements, we will see their connection with Lucifer's Euiose sacrifice and understanding the meaning of royal blood! For the mystical-Gnostic philosophers of the ancient pagan esoteric tradition, influenced by the Brotherhood of the Serpent, these four elements had a different meaning than what we understand today: water was represented by the Hebrew word iam, which was constituted in the symbolism of the emotions and desires of the soul; ruach, the Kabbalistic word for the vital air or spirit; iabeshah, or earth, represented the solid part, or physical body of man and nour, or fire, had the meaning of blood, the vehicle of life energy, linked to the natural elements of iron and sulfur and, represented by the god of war, Mars. That is why it is said that a violent person is sanguine. Bloodthirsty is synonymous with violent. When the Bible says in the Old Testament that God brought the flood upon the Earth because of the violence of men, it is actually saying that the flood was caused because of blood!

— Blood?

— Yes, from human blood that has become violent, that is, contaminated.

— But contaminated with what?

— That is the crux of the matter, gentlemen — replied the Cardinal. — According to the biblical account, when the angels who followed Lucifer, rebelling against God, descended to Earth and had sexual contact with the daughters of men. From them were born powerful and corrupted beings, the Nephlins, narrated in the book of Genesis. Using knowledge beyond human understanding, provided by spiritual beings, they enslaved all existing civilization at the time. Human blood has become tainted by liaison with these spiritual beings who have abandoned their former angelic nature. Throughout human history the link of this descent ended up being lost. There was, however, an old oral tradition current among Muslim Sufis that, influenced by Lucifer, this blood penetrated the house of Israel, more precisely the dynastic order of King David through marriages with foreign princesses manifesting itself in one of his sons: the rebellious Absalom. According to this Sufi oral tradition, Absalom's mother, without the knowledge of the pious king of Israel, made a pact in a Kabbalistic ceremony with Lucifer himself, consecrating her son to the enemy of God, on the condition that he reign over Israel.

— What happened then? — Greg asked in astonishment.

— Absalom, as an adult — interfered Roman Green —, tried to dethrone his own father, King David, but guided by God, David ended up winning the usurping son, who died under the sword of Joab, commander of David's army.

— Perfect... — continued the cardinal. Infiltrated among the Jews since the departure of Egypt, the Brotherhood of the Serpent, to oppose the ancient promise made by God to the Jewish people that from the seed of David would be born the Messiah of Israel, secretly through the centuries protected and created a lineage of descendants of Absalom, with the purpose that one day the future king of Israel would arise.

— Let me get this straight: you're saying that God made a promise to the nation of Israel, that through the offspring of King David the Messiah promised in the Old Testament would be born?

— Yes — confirmed Messina.

— But the Brotherhood of the Serpent, through one of the concubines of King David himself, generated from the descendants of his rebellious son a secret lineage that in the future would rule Israel, presenting him as the Messiah promised by God?

— Exactly!

— But, Your Eminence, was not the Messiah promised by God Jesus Christ? — Greg asked confused.

— That's what we Christians believe, but the rabbis of Israel don't think so, so much so that they are still waiting for the Messiah.

— Who will not be the Messiah, but the Antichrist, descendant of Absalom, promised by Lucifer to the Brotherhood of the Serpent to finally dominate the world!

— You are quite intelligent — confessed the Cardinal.

— But if Jesus Christ was the Messiah, then why didn't the Jews accept him? Greg asked.

— Brilliant question, young man — the Cardinal smiled — To answer it, one must understand the historical reality existing in the time of Jesus. Although they formed a powerful nation in the past, at the time of Kings David and Solomon, the Jews constantly abandoned the ancient traditions received from Moses, incorporating pagan and polytheistic practices common to other peoples that existed around them, repeatedly abandoning the teachings of God from Israel. This caused the domination of the Jewish people by other nations that succeeded each other throughout history: Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes, Macedonians...

— And at the time of Jesus, the Romans.

The cardinal confirmed and continued.

— According to the Judeo-Christian tradition, there was an ancient promise of God made on the occasion of the fall of man, in the Garden of Eden, which is found in the Bible, in the first chapters of the book of Genesis. According to this promise, God would send, at an undetermined time, his own son to rescue humanity from the sin that had infiltrated by the disobedience provoked by Lucifer in the Garden of Eden.

— This promise was renewed several times through the Old Testament prophets to the people of Israel, added Green — who constantly reminded the people of the coming of the Messiah, the son of God, who would sit on the throne of David and establish a reign that it would never end.

— But — interrupted Messina — when Jesus Christ came into the world from God to fulfill the great promise, repeatedly confirmed by the prophecies, the Jews found themselves in a situation of oppression by the Roman Empire.

— This historical situation was then taken advantage of by the Brotherhood of the Serpent to incite the Jewish population against Jesus.

'Perfect, Mr Evans. Through some influential Pharisees belonging to their secret sect, they distorted the understanding of the ancient prophecies, causing the Jewish people to reject Jesus on the grounds that the Messiah promised by God would sit on the throne of King David and rescue Israel from the oppression of their enemies. The Brotherhood of the Serpent caused the Jews not to realize that God's promise was much greater than simply the deliverance of the Israelite nation from the Roman yoke, the divine promise made in the Garden of Eden was, not that the Messiah would deliver only Israel, but that the ransom would be for all mankind.

— And that's what Jesus did, through his sacrifice on the cross!

— That's right — replied the Cardinal. to heel.

— What do you mean, Eminence? — Greg asked uncomprehendingly.

— This is a complex theological question — said Roman Green. by the nails, and, descending to hell, removed the keys of hell and death from Lucifer's hands, thus wounding his head, that is, removing from the hands of the Devil the command over the destiny of human souls, which he had conquered. on the occasion of the fall of our first parents, at the beginning of humanity.

— But, Eminence — said Greg, feeling uncomfortable at opposing the Cardinal, especially accompanied by a priest — when referring to our first parents, do you mean Adam and Eve?

— Yes — Messina replied with a smile, realizing what the detective was getting at.

— But what about the theory of evolution? — he asked, sensing that he was getting into a touchy subject. — What do you tell us about this theory that proclaims that man evolved from a primate and is accepted worldwide?

The priest's eyes filled with compassion, and Messina reflected for a moment before answering the young man:

— I expected your question, young man. The theory of species evolution is a hoax set up by the Brotherhood of the Serpent and widely publicized by the controlled media. It should even be noted that this theory is not accepted worldwide as you said, although the media want us to think so. There are important scientists linked to the study of the origin of life who vehemently disagree with this theory because they find it biased. We must not forget the frauds that were set up by some scientists in order to help in the acceptance of their theories, given the well-known fraud of the "Man from Java" discovered by the Dutchman Eugène Dubois, in Java in 1891. It is also worthy of attention. mention the blatant lie of the "Piltdown man" set up by Father Teilhard de Chardin, a false religious who greatly contributed to the detriment of the Christian faith.

Joseph Messina said that and then he got up going to a closet where he took a folder, where the label read: Mário Gretz, then he returned to the visitors:

'Here you are, Mr Evans!' This folder contains all the information we have on Mario Gretz, the former Swiss guard responsible for the boy's kidnapping. I would like to reveal more details about the secret history and the terrible deceptions in which humanity is plunged by the Brotherhood of the Serpent, but unfortunately the clock is running against us, and the time for us to recover the book and save humanity is quickly running out. Hope you are lucky!

Greg and Green got up seeing that the Secretary General of the Vatican was ending that interview.

— We want to thank you for your contribution, Your Eminence; You can be sure that we will do everything possible to return the object that belongs to the Vatican.

Joseph Messina thanked him and accompanied the police to the door.

As they were leaving, he asked:

— By the way, tell me Detective, who is this Victoria you mentioned? — That last name is not strange to me...