
The Lost Moon Crystals

Cornelia's past from the story "The Price of Love" and her present and future.

Covexis · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Lines of Defense

C: I'm getting bored of this walking business. We have been walking for weeks. Can't we get a horse?

S: Horses draw too much attention. Walking is safer.

C: Have it your way... But you still didn't tell me where are we going.

S: A fortress. Angels have been using it for a strategic defense for a while. But our new information says that there is another scroll there.

We kept walking until we finally saw the fort. It was mostly in shambles.

S: Watch out!

Sebastian moved me out of the way. A big rock barely just missed.

C: Thank you. I assume they are under attack right now.

S: You think? Start running. If this fort falls, that scroll will be lost.

The fortress looked even worse on the inside. Walls cracking, wounded everywhere, mostly just ash remained.

S: You can't help them. Just keep moving.

Captian: Sebastian Sollios. The Sol warrior?

S: Yes, that is me.

Captian: We don't know how much longer we can hold on.

The angel gave Sebastian the scroll, and the moment that happened, a boulder made it through the fortress defenses. By the dust settled, an army was before us. The army was seemingly led by a soldier similar to the others. But he was taller, stronger, and had four arms.

Captian: Angels, stand your ground. We will not let this fort fall.

Sabastian gave me the scroll, and he drew his sword.

S: There is only one way out. Get to cover and only use magic when it's safe. Don't try to do anything stupid.

C: As I said before. No promises.

As the battle went on, my magic didn't do much. After just a few spells I got tired, and they were nothing more than distractions. As I was running cover to cover, I found something interesting. Relics. They were used by angels in the fight. Sebastian taught me a lot about them. They are powerful, filled with magic from the old times. There was one that caught my interest. A bracelet. The inscriptions on it said. "Revels one true power to unleash on the wicked." A one-time spell that uses the owner's full potential. I looked around, and it was a losing battle. I guess it's now or never. I put on the bracelet and felt a rush of power around it.

C: Ihalii'la rwunla nim tajwam.

A wave of light burst from my hand, incinerating every single monster. Everyone cheered, but Sebastian looked back at me with fear. He was worried about me.

S: Are you ok? What was that?

C: An angel relic.

When I wanted to show him, it fell off my wrist in pieces.

C: Nevermind.

S: It shouldn't have done that. Unless...

C: Unless?... Wait. I can sense something.

S: What is it?

I walked to the ashes that remained. In one of them, there was a shard.

C: This. Did they try to use it?

S: I doubt. Only Lunari can use it. They mass-produced weapons and armor. It must have been used with the other materials when they melted them down and didn't notice this shard.

C: Good thing we came here then. Idihawak nhan.

The two shards in my possession combined, now unlocking two-twelfths of my power.

S: How do you feel?

C: Better. Stronger.

S: Good. (They must have used her as the prison, no doubt. That power didn't come from her alone. The more reason to protect her now.) We should get going our next stop is a catacomb, and it's far away.

C: Please, let's use a horse.

S: No.

C: I hate you. You know that, right?