
The Lost Hero's Advent

A class of Hero was summoned to a world which is on the verge of collapse because of the invasion of the demon lord. Each of them received powerful abilities except for Andre. With no exceptional power at all, he thrived to became powerful to return back to earth but because of a accident he got separated with his class to an unknown place. With a mediocre power, Can he return? I will be posting this to royalroad. com

doragon · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
31 Chs

Chapter 9 Arsibal Canyon Day 1

Beautiful blue skies and a mellow breeze carressed my face.

It's already morning and it's time for our first expedition. I woke earlier than expected maybe I was too excited.

Using my hand to shield my eyes from the sun, I looked up at the massive gate in front of me

The entrance of Arsibal Canyon.

I already set every equipment that I will need, from weapons to potions. In my left waist I have a mithril sword elegantly embroidered with gold insignia of the empire. I'm also wearing a light chainmail made from magisteel which is both light ang durable, a magisteel armband for both hands, a magisteel headpiece and leather gloves. I choose the equipment that would not hinder my movements.

The King really fulfilled his promise to give us the best treatment that he can give. He even open the empire's armory for us.

One by one, my classmates arrived. Some of them are wearing fullscale armor and the remaining are wearing stylish robes.

The one stood out the most was Alfred who was only wearing a fitted black undershirt w/c exposing his chiselled muscles and a black trousers with a jet black knee cap. Both of his hands are wearing a metal gaunlet dyed in black with red lining. He looks like a full fledge martial artist in those outfits.

While inspecting the other groups, someone tapped me in the back.

"Yo! We're here!"

It was fatty with the other three.

Edgar was wearing a Light armor with a bow in his back while Rika and Mark are wearing the same robe as the others.

On the other hand, Fatty was wearing a Gold bulky armor and in his left arm is a big round golden shield with a lion face in front.

'what the heck is this guy wearing?'

"look great, right?" fatty said as he proudly showcased his armor.

" Are you a metal ball or something?"

I facepalmed seeing this proud dork.

"Dont be like that! This is called Absolute Defense you know and this armor was made of gold mithril. Very durable! Very strong! It even has resistance to magic. Isn't it awesome!" He proudly sale's pitched his armor like a sales representative but I only looked at him with cold eyes.

"That's not all, my friend! I also have this mother fucker! A big round shield. It also has a lion in front. you see that! So cool right? Do I already have the airs of the shield hero now, my friend? "

'There's no way in hell!' Fatty said Then He posed like an idiot carrying his shield. Rika and the others were even preventing their laughters from leaking out upon seeing fatty making poses.

Why do I have a friend like this? just thinking made my head hurt.

"So your saying that you already become a certified pro meatshield?" His smiles immediately stiffened.

"Then that's great, you can now tank 20 mobs or something. We have high hopes for you!" I continued with a cold voice.

"of course not! you motherfucker! like hell I'll let my self die tanking 20 mobs." he retorted

"If that's the case then why is it that you dont have any weapon? Are you brain dead or something? "

"I do have a weapon! TA--DA!! Thor hammer!!!!! " fatty declares as he brandished a small metal hammer.


after a while, Instructor Eve arrived along with the guards.

"Once again, You will be going inside the Arsibal Canyon and you need to collect 50 beast cores as a group to complete this expedition. You will also be staying there for 3 days. Food and supplies that will last 3 days will be distributed to you later. What we want is for you to gain experience in actual fighting and dont worry we will always monitor you but we will not going to help you as long as it's not life threatening. Do you understand? " Once again, Instructor Eve explained.

"Yes, Ma'am" The group answered in unison.

"Very well! you can now distrubute the supplies"

One by one, we are given a magic bag full of food, water and supplies which will last for 3 days.


The gate started to open.

Mix feelings of nervousness and excitement, My heart started pounding really hard.

I am very curious of what we can see inside.

What does demon beast looks like in real life?

These kind of thoughts keep coming to my head.

We entered one group at a time, Reina's Group was the first one to enter, the second one was Alfred's group and we are the third one to enter.

Before we enter I felt a slight chill in my back. It felt like someone was looking at me with bad intentions. We'll It's already given because Harvi was still there. I tried not to look back until the gate was already close.

Inside of the Canyon was liked those beautiful landscape I see in portraits and pictures. The rock formation was superb leaving everyone in awe. It was aslo compose of smaller ravines that looked like maze entrances. Upon inspecting the ravines, I decided to take the farthest one.

"Lets go to the farthest ravine from the entrance" I suggested.

"Why do we need to go to that direction?" Rika asked in curiousity.

"Well what I want is that for the first day we can hunt monster without any competition. Because the longer we stay here in the canyon means that monster will decrease significantly because many groups are hunting them, So we need to go to the place where other groups , most likely wont choose. And that will be the farthest one to the entrance if I'am correct" I tried to explain it very simple and easy to understand. My groupmates nod in agreement as we walked to the farthest ravine.

"Let's Hide behind the rock and observe where the other teams are going" I suggested once again and they just nod in agreement.

One of the group went to the center ravine while Harvi's group went to the one next to us.

"It's looked like we are playing hide and seek" Rika said as she giggled like a child.

'Yes, I'm playing hide and seek right now and Harvi is the it' I felt dejected having such a strong guy coming after me.

"Lets go"

After making sure that the others group left, we also went deaper to the canyon.

"I wonder what kind of demonic beast we can see here. it's almost 10 minutes but we cant even encounter one" Edgar

"I hope it is a cute one. Maybe a rabbit so that I can pet it" Rika

"Don't be stupid! We need to kill it you know!" fatty

"Maybe a dragon!" Mark

"We're going to be killed if that happens" Fatty

"shhhhhhh! youre making too much noice!" I tried to silence them but its too late.

Like popping mushrooms, Dog like creatures appeared one after the other. There faces were quite deformed but they still have the characteristic of a dog. They have overside bones growing back to their spines. They also smell like rotten eggs. They were known for hunting in a pack.

"Be careful those are zombie hounds! they are not strong but they have good speed and durability. Its weakness is fire and holy magic" I instructed at the same time I draw the sword in my waist preparing to attack.

'Thanks God, Reading the book about the Arsibal Canyon really help'

"KYAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! please don't come near me. Please dont come near me!!!!! " Rika cried as she stumbled down waving her staff trying to repel the monsters. Three zombie hounds popped out attacking the back which made us surrounded at all sides.

"damn it!" The other three was already paralyzed in fear. They cant even chant and hold there weapons. If this keep up, We will be overwelmed by the enemy.

"Fatty, Try to Lure some away from the group. I will repel those at the backline" I ordered fatty.

"R-roger that!"