
The Lost Heirs’s Quest: Shadows of Eldoria

"Et mox Electus surget, terras et creaturas magicas allatura ruinas. Fatum creaturarum ab aethere rectorem mundi." In the land of myth, where legends intertwine and magic dances through the air, a prophecy whispered on the lips of ancient beings foretells the rise of Electus. Destined to bring ruins to the lands and creatures of magic, their path will intertwine with the fate of the chosen one. His name, Lysander.

Jay_Jerilyn · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter One: The Whispers of Destiny

  Misthaven, a small, impoverished village on the outskirts of the kingdom of Avaloria. Its cobblestone streets are lined with quaint cottages, their thatched roofs weathered by time in contrast to Avaloria—the Kingdom of 'The Gilded Domain'—with bustling thoroughfares lined with modern architecture and sleek buildings; roofs made of sturdly materials, standing strong against the test of time. 


  Life here is the farthest from simple. Amidst the oppressive rule of Avaloria, the villagers of Misthaven display an unwavering spirit of resilience and determination. They toil tirelessly, their hands calloused from the labor they endure. Despite the weight of tyranny, their work ethic remains unyielding, a testament to their indomitable spirit. Their hard work becomes a silent act of rebellion, a defiance against the unjust rule that seeks to suppress them.


  The village square is the heart of Misthaven, bustling with market stalls where locals trade their goods and share stories, where the walls of the buildings seemed to whisper tales of hardship and struggle. This village, nestled amidst rolling hills and surrounded by lush greenery, was a place where dreams were often overshadowed by the harsh realities of life.


  Lysander Moonshadow grew up under the watchful eyes of his fierce and cruel mother, enduring a childhood filled with torment and manipulation. Her harsh words and actions shaped him, but deep within, a spark of resilience and determination flickered. 


  Despite the cruelty, Lysander loved his mother deeply and couldn't imagine a life without her presence. He held onto the hope that one day their relationship would transform, and he could find solace in her love and acceptance. This unwavering love fueled his determination to uncover his true identity, seeking answers that could potentially heal their fractured bond and bring about a sense of justice and redemption for both of them.


  In the early morning mist, as the sun's first rays peeked through the dense foliage, the village of Misthaven stirred to life. The air was thick with anticipation as the villagers prepared for the day ahead. Shopkeepers opened their doors, the aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the streets, and children played in the lively town square. It was as if the entire village held its breath, waiting for something extraordinary to unfold. Little did they know, this day would mark the beginning of a journey that would change the course of their lives forever.


  As Lysander stepped out of his modest hut on his way to work as an apprentice in an ink shop, the weight of his mother's scorn still lingered in his heart. 


  Lysander's days were filled with the art of crafting words onto parchment. With steady hands and a keen eye, he carefully mixed pigments, ensuring the perfect shade for each customer's needs. He delicately dipped his quill into the ink, the rhythmic scratching of the pen against paper becoming a familiar melody. Lysander took pride in his work, knowing that every stroke of the quill brought stories to life, whether they were tales of love, political intrigue, or the grand history of the kingdom. Through his work, Lysander found solace and a sense of purpose, unaware that his own story was about to unfold in ways he never could have imagined.


  With a determined stride, Lysander made his way to the village square, where the annual Harvest Festival was in full swing. The square buzzed with excitement as merchants proudly displayed their wares, children darted through the crowd with wide smiles, and the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, beckoning hungry festival-goers. 


  Lysander couldn't resist the allure of the lively festival, his heart brimming with excitement. He yearned to fully immerse himself in the festivities, not only to revel in the joyous atmosphere but also to seize the opportunity to earn a few extra coins. With a determined spirit, he hoped to add to his savings and surprise his mother with a loaf of that soft, flavorful bread she adored. 


  And although he knew he wouldn't get to see his mother smile delicately at him like Ethan's mother did to Ethan whenever he bought her something, his determination, fueled by the unwavering support of his friend Ethan, remained strong. So he bravely plunged into the bustling crowd, ready to fully embrace the vibrant energy of the Harvest Festival and make the most of this opportunity to bring joy to his mother's heart.


  As night fell, Lysander's joyousness remained intact, having earned just enough to afford the coveted bread that every villager desired. His friend Ethan, feeling a tinge of jealousy, promised to save up for the next festival to buy some for his own mother too. However, upon arriving home, Lysander was taken aback to find his weary hole-filled bag outside the door, containing his equally weary clothes. He felt a sense of confusion wash over him, wondering why his belongings were placed there.


  He cautiously entered the house, his heart heavy with questions and confusion. He found his mother, Aurora, sitting on the worn woven mat he had lovingly bought for her during a past festival. Unfazed by his presence, she continued to diligently carve bamboo sticks, her focus set on selling them to the arrow shop the following day.


  With a mix of sadness and determination, he approached her, his voice trembling as he asked,


  "Mother, why have you left my clothes outside?" he asked, his disappointment and hurt evident in his tone.


  Aurora looked up from her carving, a cold expression crossing her face. Her voice dripped with cruelty as she responded, "You are not worthy of this house or the comforts it provides. You are nothing but a stain on my family name, you have no place here."


  Lysander's eyes widened in disbelief, his excitement to share the freshly baked bread he had bought had quickly wilted, his heart breaking at his mother's callous words. The warmth and love he had hoped to receive were replaced with a cold rejection that pierced his soul.


  "Mother" he choked out, his voice trembling with emotion. "I... I can't believe... how could you be so cruel?" He almost found it hard to speak. 


  Aurora's gaze pierced Lysander's with a cold and calculating demeanor. With a hint of malice in her voice, she responded to his question, relishing in his vulnerability.


  "Lysander, my son," she began, her words dripping with cruelty. "There are truths you must know, secrets that have been kept from you. But now is not the time for your feeble understanding. The world is filled with treachery and deceit, and you must embark on a quest to uncover your true identity, if you dare. Redemption may elude you, but perhaps you can find a twisted version of justice in this dark and unforgiving realm."


  Aurora's words cut through Lysander's heart like a blade, her cruelty seeping into his very being. With a mix of pain and determination, he mustered the strength to respond.


  "Mother," he whispered, his words heavy with emotion. "Have I failed you in some way? Please, I beg for your forgiveness. I have no one else but you. Don't cast me aside. I'm lost without you."


  His knees gave way, and he sank to the ground, tears streaming down his face. The weight of his words hung in the air, hoping for a glimmer of compassion from his mother's heart.


  Lysander's mother remained cold and unyielding, her heart seemingly untouched by her son's plea. She looked down at him with a steely gaze, her words laced with cruelty.


  "Ungrateful child," she hissed, her voice dripping with disdain. "You have always been a disappointment. I owe you no forgiveness, nor do I owe you a place in my world. You are nothing but a reminder of a past I wish to forget."


  Her words pierced Lysander's already wounded heart, leaving him shattered and alone. With tears streaming down his face, he realized that nothing he could say would change his mother's mind. He realized the true nature of his mother's character, she had the heart of a stone and sometimes he wondered if she had one to begin with. He realized that he would have to find his own strength, his own purpose, in a world that seemed determined to cast him aside.


  Lysander's mother's harsh words echoed in his ears, but he refused to let them break him. With a newfound determination, he rose from his knees, wiping away his tears.


  "Mother," he spoke with a trembling voice, "Even if you cast me out, I won't let your cruelty define me. I may not understand everything now, but I won't let your darkness consume me. I'll embark on a quest to uncover my true identity, to find my place in this world."


  He took a deep breath, rising to his feet. "I may have nowhere else to turn, but I'll forge my own path, and perhaps, find a family of my own choosing."


  In that moment, Lysander realized that his journey to uncover his true identity would not only be a physical one, but also a journey of emotional resilience. He would have to face the harsh realities of a mother's rejection and find solace in the pursuit of his purpose. 


  With a fire in his eyes, he vowed to rise above his mother's cruelty.


  As he set forth on his epic adventure, he knew that the path ahead would be challenging, but he was determined to forge his own destiny and create a legacy that would defy all odds. With every step, he would prove that true power comes from within, and that even an illegitimate heir could rise to greatness.


  With a heavy heart, he turned away from his childhood home, ready to embark on a path that would test his strength, unravel secrets, and ultimately lead him to the redemption and self-discovery he so desperately sought.