
The Lost Drifters

Erosyia, the realm of humanity. One of blood, hate and fear of all that is unknown. For all of humanity fear what is hidden beyond the veil, fear of the inhuman creatures that come from the it. Such as it was for two girls living amongst them, though what they fear is all too different. But for Aria, everything was always black and white. The life she once lived there was no other way to see it. But loss has a knack for change, and hers was no exception. Forced to flee, she now lives a impoverish life in an unfamiliar realm. None of the old privileges to lean on, but also none of the old confines to hold her back. Its in this new world, she gains her taste of freedom, living amongst those who’d spite her if they knew who she truly was. Day by day, she pushed herself further, seeking what had always been held from her and she relished its taste every day. However, a misstep now puts herself and those she cares for in danger. Now, scarlet robes march the streets, armed with red fire and silver symbols. Hunting them. Together, they must flee, for if their secret is found, no old privilege will save them.

dragonfyr3 · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

20 Seasons Pass (5)

Aria glanced around the Barracks, making sure no one was around. Excitement welled up within her as her heart began to race. She leaped over the edge of the tower and scaled down the walls. Only stopping to catch her breath once the snow ground was beneath her feet. She quickly moved to the shadows of the archways and peered around the stone pillar. Eyeing the swords that laid in the field, she double checked to make sure no guards stayed behind. She slowly took a step out of the shadows, carefully watching.

She had to stop herself from running out and grabbing one. She slowly walked over to a sword and stopped, staring at the silver steel glistening in the snow. Bending down, Aria picked up the sword, dusting the snow off and stared at it.

It was heavier than she originally thought. Picking it up and swinging it, her hand and arm protested as she nearly dropped it. The tip landing in the snow.

Aria gritted her teeth as she grunted, lifting the sword back up. Practicing the position she saw the guardsmen do before they battled.

She let out a call as she raised the sword above her head, only to stagger backwards before falling on her rear end, the sword falling beside her. Aria grimaced as pain radiated from her tailbone. Getting up, she rubbed her ass before picking the sword up and trying again.

"After watching them for months, you'd think it would be easier." Aria scoffed to herself. Taking a deep breath she heaved the sword up and stabbed forward.

"Ah!" She cried out as she face planted into the snow. She raised herself up on her arms, grabbing a handful of snow she threw it in frustration, letting out a cry of frustration. Echoing in the empty training field.

Why was this so difficult? She watched as new members joined over the months and picked up on the sword play. Why couldn't she? What was she doing wrong?

"Who goes there?!" a voice erupted from within the barracks, followed quickly by the sound of a door being thrown open. Aria turned to see a guardsman at the top of the outer wall stairwell, his helmet askew on his head. Aria jumped to her feet, clutching the sword to her chest as the man looked at her dumbfoundedly.

"Oi," the guard bellowed. "Put that down you sneaky thief!"

Aria froze for only a moment, staring fearfully at the rapidly approaching guard. Her nerves finally snapped when he hit the training field, drawing his sword. She bolted, carrying the sword and hearing the man bluster behind her. Suddenly, Aria heard the sound of a horn blaring from behind her. She glanced over her shoulder only to see the guardsman hold his lips to a curled war horn. Aria shook her head and continued to run, heading straight for the main entryway of the barracks. The easiest way out with her prize. Sounds of chains rolling and creaking, protesting, as they began to move.

She began to panic as she saw the gateway slowly close, she pushed herself harder only to see the door shut, the sound of the doors crashing together resonated with a thud. Aria skidded to a stop, looking frantically for a way out. But all she saw was walls entrapping her.

She was trapped.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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