
Chapter 6

Harry had to say that he was surprised when he was informed about Sirius and Aunt Amy wanting to adopt him and make him the Black heir as Sirius was currently the Lord Black as well as James being Lord Potter as Grandfather Charles and Granduncle Arcturus had felt that they were getting on in age and no longer wanted to take part in politics so James and Sirius inherited the mantle of Lord Potter and Lord Black respectively and had resigned their jobs as aurors whereas Aunt Amy had been promoted to Head Auror. He was also very pleased when his grandmother told him that she would start teaching him Occlumency during the two days I spent at Potter Manor every week as he had been wondering how he was going to keep Dumbledore and Snape out of his head.

Harry spent his time at home perfecting the making of Potions usually found in first to third year at Hogwarts with mom's help and also trying to do basic spells like levitating, banishing, summoning and warming charms as I had learnt that only basic spells could be done wandlessly. Harry wanted to be able do all these basic charms flawlessly and non verbally by the time he turned eleven. Harry decided to learn all the spells he learnt non verbally from the beginning itself as he didn't to waste time doing spells verbally and later having to change your mindset about magic and learning it non verbally later on. Harry had also taken to practising various wand movements from a book in the Potter library using a stick the size of a wand and trying to chain together various wand movements as it would help in chain casting spells in the future. Also Lily had Harry practise writing with a quill and Harry began practising to be ambidextrous by writing with both hands and practising wand movements with both hands, while Harry was naturally left handed.

Dorea Potter was surprised by how still Harry had been sitting for the past two hours as he practised the first step of Occlumency which was clearing his mind of all thoughts and being able to do that any instant instantly, the second step was discovering your mindscape, the third step was organizing your experiencing all your memories and coming to terms with those memories, the fourth step was being able to supress intense emotions and bring forth any emotion at your will, the fifth step was building defenses around your memories, the sixth step was discovering your magical core and the seventh and final step was connecting your magical core to your mindscape. 99% of the people who call themselves masters of Occlumency only complete the fifth step of Occlumency, while people like Dumbledore and Lord Voldemort who had completed the seventh step of Occlumency could manipulate their magic with just a thought and could cast complex magic with ease, they could cast the killing curse followed by a patronus charm which require completely opposite emotions to cast without any gap between the spells and also it protects an individual from the mind altering effects of casting some dark arts spells. In the one year since she had started teaching the basics of Occlumency to Harry he had managed to master the first step and could now empty his thoughts in an instant and was currently working on accesing his mindscape with just a thought and she had a feeling that in a few weeks he would have it mastered, sometimes the pace of his learning boggled her mind.