

"You are mine," he said harshly. He licked me again more firmly but even slower. "Say it." . . . . . "Mine," he said quietly. I stared into his eyes. "Yours," I whispered.

CupKookieCake · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs


"Protective of you," Jungkook said simply. His voice was even, deep, emotionless. "This is my brother Taehyung."

Taehyung's lips were pulled into a wide grin. I was glad he didn't try to take my hand. I didn't think I could have kept my composure if either of them had moved any closer. "And this is my right hand, Felix." he gave me the briefest nod before he returned to his task of scanning the corridor. What was he waiting for? We didn't have assassins hiding in secret trap doors.

"I should go to my siblings."

Jungkook had a knowing expression on his face, but I didn't care if he saw how uncomfortable, how scared he made me. Not waiting for him to excuse me - he wasn't my husband nor my fiancé yet - I turned and quickly walked off, proud that I hadn't given in to the urge to run.


Mom tugged at the dress dad had chosen for the occasion. No matter how much Mom tugged though, the dress didn't get any longer. I stared at myself in the mirror uncertainly. I'd never worn anything that revealing. The black dress was clinging to my butt and waist, and ended at my upper thighs "I can't wear that, Mom."

Mom met my gaze in the mirror. Her hair was pinned up; it was a few shades darker than mine. She was wearing a floor-length elegant dress. I wished I was allowed something that modest. "You look like a woman," she whispered.

I cringed. "I look like a whore."

she glared at me "whores can't afford a dress like that."

dad's mistress had clothes that cost more than some people spend on a car. Mom put her hands on my waist. "You have a little waist, and the dress makes your legs look very long. I'm sure Jungkook will appreciate it."

I stared down at my cleavage. I had small breasts, even the push-up effect of the bustier couldn't change that. I was a fifteen-year-old dressed up to look like a woman.

"Here." Mom handed me five-inch black heels. Maybe I'd reach Jungkook's chin when I wore them. I slipped into them. she forced her fake smile onto her face and smoothed down my long hair. "Hold your head high. Andy called you the most beautiful woman in China. Show Jungkook and his people that you are more beautiful than any woman in Korea too. After all, Jungkook knows almost all of them." The way she said it I was sure she'd read the articles about his conquests as well, or maybe dad had told her something.

"Mom," I said hesitantly, but she stepped back. "Now go. I'll come after you, but this is your day. You should enter the room alone. The men will be waiting. Your father will present you to Jungkook and then we'll all come together in the dining room for dinner." She'd told me this a dozen times already.

For a moment, I wanted to take her hand and beg her to accompany me; instead, I turned and walked out of my room. I was glad that my mom had forced me to wear heels in the last few weeks. When I arrived in front of the door to the fireplace lounge on the first floor in the west wing, my heart was beating in my throat. I wished Eunji was at my side, but Mother was probably warning her to behave right now. I had to go through this alone. Nobody was supposed to steal the show from the bride-to-be.

I stared at the dark wood of the door and considered running away. Men's laughter rang out behind it, A room filled with the most powerful and dangerous men in the country and I was supposed to go in. A deer along with wolves. I shook my head. I needed to stop thinking like that. I'd made them wait too long already.

I gripped the handle and pressed down. I slipped in, not yet looking at anyone as I closed the door. Gathering my courage, I faced the room. Conversation died. Was I supposed to say something? I shivered and hoped they couldn't see it. My eyes sought Jungkook and his piercing stare rendered me motionless. I held my breath. He put down a glass with a dark liquid with an audible clank. If nobody said something soon, I'd flee the room. I quickly scanned the faces of the gathered men. From South Korea, there were Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jeon leehyun their father, and two bodyguards: Felix and a young man I didn't know. From the China mob, there was my dad, as well as Chan, and my cousin Jackson whom I hated with the fiery passion of a thousand suns. And off to the side stood poor Yeonjun who had to wear a black suit like everyone else. I could see that he wanted to run toward me to seek solace, but he knew what dad would say to that.

Father finally moved toward me, put a hand on my back, and led me toward the gathered men like a lamb toward wolves.

Of course, dad steered me straight toward my future husband with a challenging expression as if he expected Jungkook to fall on his knees in awe, I am not even that beautiful, actually, I am just a normal girl with long dark brown hair, my skin tone is not as milky as my other siblings, I have soft caramel skin, dark brown eyes and... forget it in conclusion Jungkook is more pretty than I could ever be, Going from his expression, Jungkook might as well have been staring at a rock. His brown eyes were hard and cold as they focused on my father.

"This is my daughter, Kim Ruhi."

Jungkook eyes met mine for a second suddenly my shoes were really interesting so I shifted my attention to them.

I wished the ground would open and swallow me whole. I had never been submitted to so much...attention.

"I see," Jungkook said simply.

 Without anyone noticing Yeonjun had snuck up behind me and slipped his hand into mine. Well, Jungkook had noticed and was staring at my brother, Then his entire attention shifted to my dress, looking me up and down, huh MEN

"why don't you both have a little conversation with each other?" his father suggested. My eyes jerked in his direction and I didn't manage to hide my shock fast enough. Jungkook had noticed but he didn't seem to care.

My father smiled and turned to leave. I couldn't believe it.

 Jungkook's father actually winked at him. They all filed out until only he and I was left.

Jungkook's lips quirked up . Then the door closed and we were alone. 

does his father think we will fuck before marriage or what?

I peeked up at Jungkook. even after wearing high heels i could barely reach his shoulder He looked out of the window. He didn't spare me a single glance. Dressing me up like a hooker didn't make  Jungkook any more interested in me. Why would he be? I'd seen the women he dated, they are much hotter and prettier than me well not like i care though.

"do you think dressing up like that will make me fall for you huh " he again looked me up and down as if he was judging me internally, I shifted uncomfortably on my spot

His voice was deep and calm.  "No, I have no intention to make you fall for me,you are not my type anyway" I also looked him up and down, faking confidence in front of him, not gonna lie though he is the man every girl will die to have ,he is arrogant as hell.

Jungkooks jaw twitched. I couldn't read him and it was making me increasingly nervous. He took his hand out of his pocket and raised his hands making me think he is gonna slap me, and jerked my face to the left side, i waited for the slap but it never came,i looked back at him his one eyebrow was raised looking at me weirdly,"Can't believe I'll be marrying a brat like you" he sighed then he held a black box in his hand in front of my face. He turned toward me and I stared intently at his black suit

I bet This was a moment millions of women dreamed of, but I felt nothing when Jungkook opened the box. Inside sat a white platinum ring with a big diamond in the center sandwiched between two marginally smaller diamonds. I didn't move.

 I was deep in thought when I saw Jungkook raising his left eyebrow and looking at something down I saw his hand hanging in the air... I flushed and extended my hand. I flinched when his skin brushed mine. He slipped the ring on my finger, then released me.

"Thank you," I felt obligated to say the words and even look up into his face, which was impassive, though the same couldn't be said for his eyes. They looked angry. Had I done something wrong? 

"does it fit well," he asked, "yeah," I said in tiny

"Then give it back it's for engagement," he said, I got confused "what," I said looking up at him, he rolled his eyes and took the ring out of my finger, and slipped it into his back pocket.

Just how broke he is to act like this

 He held out his arm and I linked mine through it, letting him lead me out of the lounge and toward the dining room.

"Better dress like a human this time, I don't want everyone to think I am getting married to a roadside hooker" he said with a straight face not caring if his words are hurting me or not

"I thought you love hookers more than humans, guess what I might need to dress up like a whore this time" I passed him a tight-lipped smile, 

the way he is glaring at me proves, that my words affected him a little too much

but what can be more painful than calling yourself a whore