
the lord of the rings against the worlds (fanfic version)

What is your wish? I want the builders of the lotr: the revival of the witch-king each builder of their respective race. good guys, author here. this sypnosis is the updated version (2023) after four years of seeing stories that produce cornea cancer or even stories that made me cry or expand my writing and speech, I'm going to rewrite my story, after seeing the comments and/or reviews, I realized the garbage I created when I was sixteen, but now with twenty I realized that I had script holes, contradictions in the story and character/s; which is why I decided to rewrite this with an updated version and shorter chapters (since each episode was over three thousand words or so) plus I realized that I don't remember which worlds I set up in the story, and they may or may not come back (since each world gives me a headache when I research their power systems, politics, geography, motivations, timelines and the way they are written), especially the Chinese ones that are so bad; especially the Chinese ones that are a pain in the balls for the amount of stupid things they say and do or how they describe each character only that they are irrelevant in the canon story; well nothing else I think, but I don't know how many episodes I will release per day or week. well nothing bye The image belongs to:https://www.pinterest.de/pin/494903446549893158/?nic_v1=1asc73Fg9sCXX99tjyR3YJyDpsipEC2SpQbWol3ztkVxb3fIkxeCHX2w415DCqplQS

Galvarino · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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28 Chs

chapter 22 030

To get to Gransys more quickly they went with their mounts, but as they followed the routes, Angel's gaze or more specifically in his eyes, various fluctuations of emotions passed through him.

Emotions such as sadness, reluctance, boredom, frustration, and various emotions that are related to these, why does this happen? Because as they rode to their destination, Angel saw various things happening around him.

Things like flashes of light, voices coming out randomly when he was alone, his vision would blur as if they were a dream ...

"So the fun is over huh ... it was great while it lasted but at least this path resembled what I wanted ... aghh well I guess it's time to wake up ..."

In the next few seconds, his vision became blurry along with a headache that is caused by sleeping for a long time, and several seconds later his vision became clear yet he was confused by where he was.

This was not his home and he did not recall staying overnight with some of his few friends or family.

"where am I?"

He was lying with his arms crossed over his chest as if he were dead, therefore he was able to recognize that the roof was not from his house or his acquaintances because it was made as with palm leaves or similar to these.

The walls are made of adobe and its reinforcements are made with robust-looking branches, and the floor seems that they built directly on top.

His supposed bed was made of adobe bricks and many sheets to make it soft and his pillow was the skin of some animal and inside it sheets and various things.

When Angel saw this, he got up carefully to see if something hurt but discovered that he had no pain, however his head was brushing with the ceiling. This place is at least 188 to 190 cm high.

Angel's appearance was like any normal boy but he had a big belly but not on the verge of tightening his clothes however if you look closely at his physique he could see big muscles in his legs and arms, his hands were rough but they were still soft as if I would never have done heavy work or exercise.

Her hair was black and long but only reached the nape of her neck but on the sides and back of her head it was very short but not shaved, her skin was tanned like dulce de leche, when you touch it you would feel that it is very rough as if you had touched it. However, something characteristic of him was that his skin had no hair on his torso, arms, legs, hands, face.

Dark brown eyes but if you look at him from afar you see a gentle giant who wouldn't hurt someone or something.

Angel walked towards the "door" of the house and could see that he was surrounded by trees, no matter where he looked there were only standing or fallen trees.

However, there was something more than just trees, what he thought was a dream existed, around 10 meters there was something that he had trouble recognizing but within himself he wanted it to be a dream within another dream.

He was a goblin or rather a goblin warrior, his walk was quadruped but he was humanoid, he wore light-looking armor and a sword.

"What the fuck is going on? ... please make it a dream"

When Angel saw him, he quickly looked for something to defend himself with, when he saw a large branch that looked heavy, he grabbed it tightly and balanced it discreetly so that that goblin would not see him before time to get used to his new "weapon".

When swinging his weapon he realized that its weight was different from what it looked, that average 120 cm, and its shape was irregular but I grabbed it where it can be held more firmly.

And it happens in life that just after getting used to his weapon the goblin saw him, he quickly ran towards him as if he were a dog because of the way he walked when he reached a distance of about two meters between them the creature abruptly stopped. but thanks to his physiology he was able to avoid falling.

Angel was confused upon seeing this and upon hearing what the creature said, his brain had a short circuit.

"My lord! ... my lord! ... he finally wakes up ... I thought he had lost him ... when he summoned us he fell to the ground and seeing the suns many times ... I thought he was dead! ... oh my lord is fine ... of the ordered my lord and I will call the creators ... they said that the lord was alive ... at the same time they said that the lord was ... sleeping? ... "

The goblin continued to ramble on about the new words he had heard for the first time, yet Angel was in a mystical delirium within him.

'What's going on? How can a goblin exist? Please tell me I'm dreaming ... this must be ... no ... it can't be happening ... why am I here? ... because right now, in the prime of life, my parents reconciled after their big fight ... I was going to get a diploma for the best average in the province ... finally we were going to celebrate holidays and birthdays again as a united family ... Why? Just why now? '

His thoughts were interrupted by the goblin who asked him if he called the creators and Angel only responded with a nod. Upon receiving the response from its lord, the creature ran in a quadruped way to warn the creators that its master was awake.

When he saw him walk away, he sat on the ground to assimilate what was happening, soon his eyes turned red and tears began to come out, his face turned red and his body grew cold, inside him there were too many emotions and this left him too confused, his hands were shaking, and little by little he hyperventilated, however, there was something his father taught him, that he inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly to calm himself.

After a couple of minutes, he was able to stabilize and calm the reactions of his body, if someone saw him now they could see that his skin color turned a bit pale, unlike the color he had before.

He wiped his face with his black long-sleeved shirt, however, he realized he was wearing, he remembered that before going to bed and having that long dream, he dressed to go out to a meeting with his friends, but seeing how he was dressed, he assumed that he drank A nap because when looking at her feet she was wearing black sneakers matching her long black pants, black short stockings and a black long-sleeved shirt, and finally, I also noticed that her hair was tied in the shape of a ponytail.

He got up and wiped his butt with his hands to dust his pants, he jumped several times to lift his spirits and face and adapt to what this reality held, of course, it would cost him, one day he was at home taking a short nap then go out with your friends and the next moment you are sleeping on an adobe bed and watching a soldier play a game.

'hang on a minute. I suppose it must be a unit of the lotr of the goblin race from the game or it must be from the books, I just hope it did not transport me or does it say transmigrated? In the tolkien books otherwise I will be dead without my realizing it but seeing that I am in a very green forest, I may not be in tolkien.

That goblin said he's sleeping but for how long? But it must be enough time for them to discover us one way or another, it does not seem that there are Ents or Elves, these trees are not too big or fat to be Ents or populated enough to give cover to the Elves. However, there is a probability that there are people or other types of races if there are different races other than human.

However, going back to time, why did I become that type of person in my dream, to be able to have a strange, lucid dream or could it be a deja vu of what I could become in the future? I just hope that I do not become that person, senseless killings, torture, mind control over minors to have sex with them, brother, can't there be such a perverse person besides how much of a virgin do you have to be to control girls' minds for like that? have sex with them? I suppose those types of people should do that if women don't pay attention to them, but I suppose we agree on several things.

Women older than our age, a good sense of color, blacksmithing and others that I can't remember but I guess there are good things from the bad, plus the time dilation seemed very real for a moment I thought it was hundreds of years old ... hump it's done being the mass murderer but when he was able to rescue a dog he took it to him, I guess he still felt lonely despite having two wives… '

Angel continued to think within himself to remember the things he dreamed of so that some time he could use them in the future. Soon the minutes passed and in the distance you could hear as if there was a stampede and it began to resonate louder as if they were desperate to find something.

Soon dozens of figures appeared far from the "house" where Angel slept and since there were no shrubs or things that did not obstruct the view, it was possible to see that they were humanoid creatures running in a quadruped way but within this horde it is possible to see that two Figures carried wooden carts but from the distance it was not seen that they were carrying them.

However, those who carried the carts did not run as if they were animals but as a person, however, their appearance was very different from one, they had gray skin, they had no hair on their head or arms that were uncovered, long ears like elves , around his eyes it was black just like his lips, his teeth were just fangs and they were at least twice the size of goblins even if they were upright.

In a short time they surrounded the giant they were looking for but they did not see him as prey or a danger to them but with adoration or their creator who gave them life, the creatures when seeing them closely could be distinguished, not what gender but their profession, if calculated quickly there were 4 dozen goblins with bows, on their backs there were quivers with twelve arrows or less, helmets that covered their entire heads but apparently did not obstruct their view because of the shape they had, on their waist there was a kind of canteen, a armor stuck to the body but he did not see that it hindered the movement of his arms, legs and head.

Compared to their counterparts, the warriors there were only 2 dozen of these, some wore helmets like archers that completely covered the head but there were some who wore, you could see their faces, fangs instead of teeth, green or gray skin, eyes huge and their green irises and their snake-shaped pupils (not common poisonous ones), armor with the same characteristics and finally swords with a size smaller than their bodies but when seeing their waist there was also a kind of canteen, however if you could see that it was there, it was something with a very dark green color.

These creatures made all kinds of noises as if they were laughing, howling, moaning and the like but they abruptly fell silent as the two creators who had stepped forward and were facing their lord.

These two when looking at them closely you could see that they had large muscles in their arms and legs as if they were bodybuilders and in their carts there were several sticks with coal on the tip, things similar to plans, tools such as hammers and shovels, a bucket of boiling water that could not find the meaning of what could be done with them and many things with strange shapes.

Seeing their lord healthy and apparently able to speak without complications they began to chat with him.

"My great lord ... thanks to you he is safe, we were worried for the master when we saw that he did not wake up for at least five weeks ... oh for the great master, if it weren't for you the lives of these slags would be meaningless ... yes Were it not for the master to give us a meaning of our existence we would have murdered each other ... by the luck granted by the great master we met you but my lord do not waste energy in looking for more of us we are the only ones left ... my lord he will realize that we are the last ones otherwise there would already be a great horde of slags like these and several dozen builders but these garbage still cannot speak and they call us creators ... aghh pathetic creatures, the master granted them luck because they are still useful for him great Sir."

'If they call me that for the rest of my life my ego will inflate to the point that I can eat it… ayyy so I'll just go with the flow until I can find a way to get back home or… no! Do not think that way! You will return home to return to your family! You have to do it, not try it. '

"Builders I want to know what faction buildings they can make, what happened in these five weeks, besides how I could survive in those weeks without getting to eat something, I want to know where we are, what resources there are, where there is water, mountains, plains , hunting areas and so on, there were sightings of other beings apart from animals, animals are dangerous for me or to the point that I can easily kill them too… "Angel asked several other things to make a scheme in his mind and organize himself easily

"My lord, we are from the goblin faction, however, as we do not receive orders from the master, we do not build anything but we get several resources to build tunnels and goblin caves, but the land where we are we cannot efficiently extract the resources from the subsoil, if The master has our experiences and would understand why this land is not high resources, instead of extracting 100% of the resources we would obtain around 50 to 70% of the resources planned.

The master asked how he survived but we don't know the answer either, my lord, however we were able to get water and the food was crushed in a mortar that we made to give the lord enough strength so that he can survive, however thanks to the fat of the lord he was able stay alive, if you look at your body, my lord, the fat on your arms and legs is gone.

Answering the master's questions about where we are is that we do not know my lord, however thanks to the slags of the goblins he can be reassured that there are only beasts and animals in the surroundings for at least at least several kilometers my lord, where we are my sir, it is in a forest with two types of trees, that is to say, my lord, some trees fulfill the function of making embers or fire, to the south of us there is a large lake but if we continue going east it will be seen that it is connected to a river but not We continued exploring because we were waiting for the Lord, to the west there are no mountains but there are large hills that extend from the north to the south as far as my lord can see.

To the north the master can find a great plain where there will be large herds of large animals and horns on their heads, at the moment my lord we do not find difficult beasts to kill to feed these slags, however we even explore for several miles mi sir we did not find signs of your race my lord or of any other ... so my lord do not worry and you can lower your guard ... and if the lord is still concerned say your instructions and we will build goblin towers in the cardinal points so do not sit the great master in danger "

"* Sighs loudly * okay ... create the goblin towers and in three days we will move to where you can extract 100% of the resources with the goblin tunnels and at the moment do not build the goblin caves, no more numbers are needed until If necessary, tell them to capture some animals for me, and give me a knife and create a mini structures to clean the animals that they will bring me to clean and eat, and I hope that things continue like that where there is no one around * speaks in whispers * at least I won't fight when I first wake up after the big dream I had but… because I feel like my mentality is changing… aghh let's think about it later ".

By not listening to more orders the builders began to give instructions to the goblins in a different language which Angel did not understand shit and would not try to understand in his life if possible. As the hours passed, it got dark and Angel lit a fire and began to cook the meat of a rabbit but he knew that one was not going to be enough because he felt that he had not eaten for weeks ... literally but since he did not want to eat only meat he ordered a goblin to get some potatoes but it seems impossible because of the shape of the forest, however he was surprised he was able to get a few and put them around the grill. After eating which was enough for a dinner for a family and guests he was satisfied and went to sleep in what he considered a bed but when they leave that place in three days he will sleep in a decent bed if one can create one...

aca no cambia, en los pensamientos del autor lo voy a escribir en español para un poco de descanso de escribrir en ingles... na mentira uso un traductor y grammarly para que sea mas legible la lectura y de paso aprendo a escribir en ingles :v por cierto felices fiestas y peguense en la pera pero si van a tomar no conduzcan, en peligroso para vos y a terceros, y bueno este año para mi fue el peor mis papas se pelearon o como habran leido el capitulo de hoy, y bueno se reconciliaron, fue una pelea/discucion fuerte pero bueno son adultos, las cosas se hablan... bueno nada mas asi que, cuidense

por cierto fui el mejor estudiante este 2021 asi que el resto de estudiantes me pueden chupar bien la punta de la pija, porque me los garche en los promedios y otras cosas mas en conclucion

a ksa gorda puta


Galvarinocreators' thoughts