
The Lord Of Spectacle: Starting From Building A Giant Stone Formation

Chen Feng crossed into the world of lords. Others awakened as Elemental Lords, Martial Lords, Fierce Beast Lords, and Plant Lords... Instead, he became a Spectacle Lord. He obtained the spectacle construction map and automatically built the spectacle. "Build [Stone Formation] and recruit the Great Prophet first!" "Build [Sky Garden] and increase all resources ten thousand times!" "Build [Great Library], gaining domestic, diplomatic, military, and technological talents!" "Build [Roman Colosseum], territorial livability is maxed!" "Build [Terracotta Warriors], 100,000 dead Qin soldiers to defend the territory!" "Build [Forbidden City], gaining 3,000 harem beauties!" Others were still struggling to resist the barbarians' attack. Chen Feng had already turned the wasteland into a museum of wonders! Spectacle might not be a good choice, but he was taking culture to the next level!

Civilization56 · Quân đội
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63 Chs

Assemble, has the command center gone crazy?

Dịch giả: Dragon Boat Translation Biên tập viên: Dragon Boat Translation

"Top fifty Overlords? Has the command post gone crazy?"

"Once something happens to this group of people, I'm afraid all the Overlords will suffer, right?"

"Leave now? It's only been a few days, I really don't want to go!"

In the chat channel, everyone started to complain.

It was not that they had any opinions about the command center.

It was just that this order had come too suddenly and was too unreasonable!

To let the new Lords go deep into the wasteland.

It was like asking the players in the beginner village to fight the final Boss.

The command center's brain isn't damaged, is it?

But being indignant was one thing.

No one dared to disobey the command center's orders.

The Lords could only obediently gather their troops.

Then, they headed to the assembly point.

Although they were called an Army, the number of soldiers under each person was actually not large.