
The lord of dual cultivation returns (with a commanding system)

This is a story of a boy . whose name is yash. He loved to played games like dual cultivation . one day he found a new game and he entered into the game and his whole life is changed if you want to know that what is happening to him then go read this book hope you enjoy it it has #romance it has #comedy it has #R+18 it has #action it has # full of fantasy

KristiChamua · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Ruckus at the palace ( Chapter 19)

On the other hand, something else was going on at Yash's palace . because when the morning came Liza thought of getting some breakfast lying down for Yash, when she came near his room and knocked on his door, no one opened the door and There was a lot of silence at the door, no one was making any noise, so even after waiting for a while, he did not open the door, he got very scared and he broke the door by hitting it with a kick . But when she entered the room, she could not find any sign of Yash, so she thought in her mind that if Prince Yash is not here, where can he go?

And like this, gradually everyone came to know that Yash was not at the palace because Liza was very scared that Yash would disappear in her presence. King would punish her . So he first thought of telling this news to the king but he could not tell the king directly, so he told a minister first because everyone was not in the permission to talk to the king . Similarly, everyone came to know that Yash was not at the palace and on the other hand, when Mangal Singh came to know that When Yash is not in the palace, different types of thoughts start coming in his mind because yash was most safe in the palace and to do that , a lot of conspiracies had to be laid but if he is outside then he does not have to put in much effort to do it. That's why these worries started emerging in his mischievous mind that first of all he would find the place of yash correct location .

And to do all this he wanted to take help from Black Eagle community . Black Eagle community was such a flag to whom if you give him some money he could kill anyone and Mangal Singh had no shortage of money so he paid a lot of money. Kept it with me and that money was nothing but gold coins Which he had saved for years but he was not feeling the slightest pain that the money he had saved was gone in one go. He was thinking that if Yash would have lost his life because of this money. And he has a son who is of the six age old because of this he can become a king so beyond that this money is nothing .

So he collected all the money he had and sat on a horse and went to Black Eagle community.

And on the other hand, while walking, he had reached a village. There were many people living in the village who looked very poor but all of them were happy and seeing all this, Yashwant himself was feeling very happy because he loved a natural life . As he was leaving, something clicked in his mind.


( Dear host , host you are being given a mission the mission You have to help a family that is in a lot of pain and all three of them are being hurt badly by some other humans)

When all this was echoing in Yash's mind, he became very confused because neither he knew anyone at this place nor anyone recognized him , So why should he help someone else ?

These things were going on in his mind, then the system also knew the things in his mind because the system was from his mind . And so another information clicked in his mind .


( Dear host , You want to become a hero of this world and you want the world to ask you and if you want all this then you have to learn to help others and that is why you are being given this mission and that is why you are ready to do this mission. )

When all this was going on in his mind, Yash felt a little strange because he had not thought of all this from this angle , so he apologized to the system and said that you should give me the direction where to go. Who else has to save me but Yash also said that will I be able to fight with all those people because I have not reached the true level .


( Dear Host, you don't need to worry because I have made some arrangements for you. I will make you so powerful for a while that you will be able to fight with those people and all this will be very temporary. No one will tell you. You may not be a caltivator . But the point is that its time limit will be very short, you can be made powerful only for half an hour and its two effects are that whenever you do this thing, your powers increase a lot. But when this sequence ends and its time limit ends , You will feel very powerless but no problem, I will not take any risk for you, I will try to heal you quickly .