
The Lord's possession

"Martin!" Hazel whisper yelled approaching him ."Hazel what are you doing here you're supposed to be at the soiree"Martin queried . "I came here because of you , there's something I want to say to my parents but you need to be there"she tried to explain quickly holding his hand ."Hazel I hope it's not what I'm thinking?"he enquired because he knew that would be the craziest thing to do."it sure is "she answered quickly and held his hand to drag him but he didn't budge ."Please let's talk this through first"he pleaded and she nodded ."follow me "she said and he did so, they entered one of the many rooms in the mansion and locked it . But the room was very dim probably because it was not used much often , Hazel's thick red eyes shone beautiful in the dark with her long lashes hovering over it ."Martin please for once can you trust me without asking any qu-"Hazel started but before she she could finish she was interrupted by a loud bang on the door which opened the door forcefully and in came the Lord of the land of Alvana, Sylvester Reigns.

Reese_Nova17 · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs

Guilty Conscience

Martin was looking around whiles being tended by the physician when his gaze collided with the Lord's amusing gaze . Even though the Lord didn't approach him his scorching gaze didn't leave him even when he managed to break of from his gaze. His heart thundered at the possibility of anyone finding out that his dad was behind all this . 'Would it be selfish of him if he pretended to be clueless'he thought and saw one of the Duke's approaching him , his heart continued to pound when he noticed that the person approaching him was the renowned Duke Lenard Graham.

"I hope you're not suffering from any other injury "he queried when he got to him and Martin became tongue tied because he didn't even know what to say ."Are you alright "he asked again and he finally answered "Yes I'm fine". "Where were you when the massacre happened"he asked not beating around the bush . He stared at him skeptically and Martin licked his dry lips before muttering"I was sent to keep a flower vase in one of the rooms " . He wasn't entirely lying because they were indeed sent to keep the flower vase in one of the rooms. "Were you the only one who was sent "Lenard probed . He could tell from his heartbeat that he was lying but he was also keeping up with it . "Yes "he lied avoiding his gaze because he was feeling guilty. "I hope you don't expect me to believe that , because in this situation anyone would lie . Do you have anyone who saw you there before the councilmen"Lenard questioned and Martin didn't know whether to drag Hazel into it or not but he decided against it and was about to object when Hazel's voice sounded behind the Duke"I did". Lenard turned his attention to the voice and said"Lady Hazel?". "I saw him before the massacre took place "Hazel chided and approached them . She just remembered about Martin and went back to the room only to find it empty she rushed back to the hall and overheard what Lenard said . Another councilman who was also approached Martin when Lenard began his interrogation queried with a frown "Now that I think about it you happened to vanish from the hall after you danced with the Lord , where did you go "he asked loudly drawing the attention of other people . Hazel knew this councilman because his family had brought up a marriage alliance to the Wiltchiz family sometime ago but even before she could reject it her mother did which hurt the pride of their family and also the councilman. Jeremy who heard what the councilman said also turned to Hazel waiting for her reply. "I was feeling tired after the dance so I left the hall to check for one of the guest rooms when I happened to find him in a room unconscious"Hazel said . Of course she wasn't going to tell them that she left because she saw Martin and followed him because it would bring about some unwanted suspicion which she didn't want to encourage. "Unconscious? , why what was wrong with him "the councilman probed . Hazel wanted to glare at him but held back and said "I don't think I'm the right person to answer this because as I said when I found him he was unconscious". Martin stared at Hazel and his heart moved at how the woman was trying to cover up for him even though she doesn't know what exactly happened but a certain someone was not happy about it and he could feel the annoyed gaze of the Lord on him but he ignored it because he was starting to cherish Hazel with a strong urge of holding unto her . Before the other councilman could say anything Lenard said"What exactly made you unconscious ". Martin quickly explained "I was struck by someone but I didn't see who it was because before I could everything became blurry and I became unconscious " He was feeling bad for lying but that was what he can do for now since he didn't know where his dad was . Lenard only nodded and gave a mocking gaze to Sly before walking away. Hazel walked to where he was sitting and asked "I hope you're feeling better now". She wanted to ask what exactly happened because they were both lying but this wasn't the right place because so many people were watching , especially the Lord.