

He began to kiss me,

I couldn't move his hands roaming around.

"Get off... you dick head"

I felt his body fall

I was suprised to see an angry hud glaring,

he pulled my arm till we reached the entrance of the club

"YOU are so stupid,what if he......"

I collapsed heartbroken he could tell,

I didn't need a lecture I'd learnt my lesson.

He sat next to me and wrapped a scarf on my head and put on my coat.


I nodded

"shall we get a coffee khali?".

I nodded again

too ashamed to speak.

Costa half hour later

"Look cuz I know things are tough but you can't be ignorant....your a Muslim we did all this club Fucking around shit because we were ignorant..young and stupid but YOUR better than this...you need to trust Allah fully...pray and make duaa__"

I cut him as our coffees arrived.

"Hud drop it...LOOK I KNOW ok?

I went out it was wrong....um thanks for saving me by the way "

I turned away

he was staring into my eyes,

I blushed.