

Dear niece

So you wanna disobey my direct order... I'm forced to take matters into my own hands.

didn't you know that I was silent partner?

im liquidating osama oil corporation and faisel construction.

I'm also your guardian so sorry but your going down little girl!

I groaned

"dad didn't you trust me....why Sameer?"

I better move fast

I called my father in law.

"Assalamu alaycom abi I'm faxing you a letter from my uncle please help...i need my business without them I have nothing"

He chirped happily

"anything for my daughter"

I simply said thanks and hung up.

Two months and twenty eight days.....

I've wrestled well and won with the help of my father in law,

I got full rights to my company

I bought uncle sameer's shares,

he was livid but couldn't cope with the pressure I exerted on him.

There's two days left until teddy is no longer mine

I've decided on a distraction

"Suwaida let's hang out...,I'm done with my work for a few days"