
Chapter 10.

I woke this morning with a clearer outlook on the day. Today was going to be a good day.

That was despite the incessant ringing of my alarm currently shrieking in my ear.

The party last night was a disaster to say the least,but I think it could've gone worse.

On the bright side I actually managed to make it through my first highschool party, and now knew that it would most certainly be my last.

Today was Blake's first football match of the season. His first match for an actual team too.

With the amount of firsts we'd been having lately you'd have thought we'd been born on the moon or something, but nope. Just travelled a LOT.

I dragged myself out of bed and into my bathroom to get ready for school still in a sleepy haze. Not even 20 mins later I was dressed in my uniform with light makeup (Just to help my insecurities) and my hair neatly plaited back in two Dutch plaits.

I made my way downstairs to the kitchen, where mum and dad were sitting to grab a cereal bar for breakfast.

"Morning sweetie," they said in unison.

"Morning, what's got you both up so early?" I was a tad suspicious. "Oh your dad and I just thought it'd be nice for us to go out for breakfast once you and Blake left for school."

"Oh nice... Well, have fun." I laughed, turning back around to go get Blake.

"Hey BLAKE!" I shouted up the stairs, "hurry your butt up you're gonna make us late." I said purposely to wind him up. I'm always the late one.

"Oh shut it, the one day you're early!" Blake shouted back sounding frustrated. I just laughed, I honestly didn't really care if we were a tad late - I just knew he did.

Just as I knew he would not even a minute later Blake comes bolting down the stairs like a bloomin maniac.

"Ready? lets go." He said. "Bye mum, dad." He shouted as he walked out the front door. What a nice son.

Several periods and the usual lunchtime gossip later I'm walking back to the carpark with Emma. She's giving me a lift because Blake has extra training with the team for the match tonight.

"Hey are you alright by the way, because of last night?" Emma asked.

"Oh yeah, it's fine." I dismissed.

It was just one incident I wanted to brush straight to the back of my mind. Kyle wasn't even in today so I didn't have to face him anyway.

"You sure?" "Yea, honestly it's fine, I just wanna forget about it anyway." I laughed.

"Okay, then that's exactly what we'll do." She said matter-of-factly.

We were still walking to Emma’s car when I saw someone freaking out on the phone with someone. It was Colby.

All of a sudden he hung up the phone and bolted to his car and sped off. What happened?

"Wonder what's wrong with him?" I said to Emma.

"No idea," she said. "But he's always just leaving in a rush, even in the middle of classes. He just ups and leaves, no clue why."

Weird, I thought.

"Right come on I gotta pick my outfit for tonight." Emma said.

"You seriously need that long to pick an outfit for a football match?"

"Of course I do." She said as though I was the weird one.

"Okay then." I laughed. "I'm literally gonna just wear a hoodie and leggings."

"Oh dear Mel," she shook her head. "I still have much to teach you then."

After that Mel dropped me home after spending the whole ride back singing at the top of our lungs to a whole album of Disney songs.

"See you tonight!" I called back to her before she drove off home.

For the football match. Great.