
The Long Road: Love At Second Sight

This is a story about a young lady and her struggle to be the top CEO BUSINESSWOMAN. Quinn Scarlett Dahlia's main goal is to prove to men that not all women will depend on them to be successful. She also wants to prove to her family that all they did for her was not in vain. This path of unbelievable twists and turns leads Quinn to be at the top of all aspects of life. She tops all industries. She's top in fashion, business, cooking, entertainment, arts, medicine, psychology, hacking, martial arts, quantum physics, science, technology and many others. She is very low profile and doesn't reveal her identity as a rich businesswoman until after high school. She goes to a private college where none knows her until she accidentally bumps into a young man. She looks up at him and is shocked. Devilish,hot, young, cold, handsome beyond belief and arrogant. She has no idea that this man will soon be the other half of her life.She also discovers her true identity and why she is Soo genius. ___________________ Pls comment on any mistakes and things that should be corrected and like and vote for this story. Pls be straightforward about the corrections and I will take no offense. Thank you!Enjoy!

Odera_Ret · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter 6 Back To The Present

Quinn didn't want to remember what happened yesterday so she shifted her mind to the sceneries of the beautiful environment that rushed past her as the car sped toward the North Sea Mall. They walked into the mall and looked around to shop for some shoes before going to buy the birthday dress. They had already ordered the cake for the birthday girl.

They were about to enter a shop. When Quinn looked up to see the name of the shop, her eyes immediately widened out of shock. Why?

Because this was one of the shop which was under the fashion brand of her company. Suddenly, she realized that her mom was staring at her with a questionable look. She recovered from the surprise and covered up by answering her mom's unasked question saying," This is one of the most popular fashion shops in the nation plus they just opened the shop. Can we really go in?", she asked her mom coquettishly.

Madam Dhalia did not respond but simply walked in and turned back to look at her daughter who was still standing outside. This action of Madam Dhalia was an indirect answer to her daughter's question . It wasn't Quinn had been forced to try in all the clothes by her mom that she remembered that the fashion department would release a once in a blue moon 'Starry Night Dress Exclusive' every year. She needed to get that dress if she wanted to get out of there quickly to go and buy her disguises.

So while her mother mom was still looking at some other attractive clothes, she went to talk to the sales woman at the counter.

"Excuse me ma'am, please has the exclusive dress of this brand been released yet?"

"Yes, young girl, would you like to purchase the dress?"

"Yes please, I will go and get my mom to come over and pay for the dress."

"Errhh... wait, wouldn't you like to try the dress on before you purchase it?"

Quinn turned around, flashed a smile at the sales woman and replied, "No need for that. I know it would fit me perfectly."

She left the sales woman stunned by her smile and white teeth. She soon recovered and thought as the packaged the dress ' She's such a beautiful young lady. Must be eighteen years, I suppose'.

She didn't know why but she liked the look of Quinn.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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