
The Long Road: Love At Second Sight

This is a story about a young lady and her struggle to be the top CEO BUSINESSWOMAN. Quinn Scarlett Dahlia's main goal is to prove to men that not all women will depend on them to be successful. She also wants to prove to her family that all they did for her was not in vain. This path of unbelievable twists and turns leads Quinn to be at the top of all aspects of life. She tops all industries. She's top in fashion, business, cooking, entertainment, arts, medicine, psychology, hacking, martial arts, quantum physics, science, technology and many others. She is very low profile and doesn't reveal her identity as a rich businesswoman until after high school. She goes to a private college where none knows her until she accidentally bumps into a young man. She looks up at him and is shocked. Devilish,hot, young, cold, handsome beyond belief and arrogant. She has no idea that this man will soon be the other half of her life.She also discovers her true identity and why she is Soo genius. ___________________ Pls comment on any mistakes and things that should be corrected and like and vote for this story. Pls be straightforward about the corrections and I will take no offense. Thank you!Enjoy!

Odera_Ret · Kỳ huyễn
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Chapter 3 Chatterbox

Quinn hurriedly but meticulously finished her bath and dressed up in time, right before her Mom came to call her and tell her that breakfast was ready.

She descended the staircase looking innocent with her exquisite facial features. Unlike the serious expression she had on her face in the bathroom a few minutes ago.

Her face flushed a little when she recalled that she had been standing half-naked and that she was the reason why her family was waiting for her to eat breakfast. As soon as she was seated, she noticed that her brothers, father and mother were looking at her looking at her strangely.

Quinn, who had just sat down, had began to feel her hair stand on end after a few minutes.

"Why are all of you looking at me?", Quinn asked in an innocent and frightened tone.

Her Mom, Madam Isabella looked at her and asked,"Do you know how long we have been waiting for you?".

Quinn immediately remembered her mistake finally, after noticing the traces of hunger on their faces. She coquettishly but pleasantly apologized to each of them, one after another.

Quinn immediately let her mouth run after apologizing and being forgiven and started talking about the upcoming sports event taking place in her school.

Quinn, as the class representative of the school's senior grade, Grade 12's elite class, was in charge of organizing the event for the whole school.

She got excited when her teacher announced it and asked her to gather some students to form a committee.

It was not a surprise to her friends in her class and her family because they knew that she was very outstanding and excellent but it would be a surprise to outsiders because, it was rare to see a student who was so excellent at studying, topping her grade every year, being interested in sports and being very athletic. She even liked to practice ancient martial arts, art and choreography.

She then started teasing them after seeing the way in which they were literally swallowing their food because, they were late for their workplaces sake of her coming down late to eat breakfast.

"Hey, you guys should take your time and chew slowly, else your teeth will get fed up and break." ,Quinn stated. She was always warm towards her family and friends, friends and people she had a good impression of but indifferent to outsiders. They all raised their heads and glared at her, practically making her feel like they were trying to bore a hole through her.

Quinn raised up her hands in defeat as when they glared at her, she felt like she was sitting on pins and needles.

As her dad and four brothers were thinking about how to get back at her, her mom spoke. She said,

"Dear daughter, the kitchen staff would like to see you finish your plate of food and wash off the remaining particles, not saliva so please stop chattering non-stop like a monkey...wait...you might even look like one". As soon as Madam Isabella was done with her speech, her husband and three sons burst out laughing while clapping for her seeing that her eloquence was very excellent.

Some of the kitchen staff overheard their madam and struggled to to stop laughter from coming out of their mouths.

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