
The long forgotten system

As soon as Thomas noticed his body laying there dead on top of a puddle of his own blood he sees a large mirror next to his body. Thomas was so focused on his dead body that he didn't notice the mirror at first. As soon as he noticed the mirror he started walking towards it wondering what the hell it was, what was going on. As Thomas walks up to the mirror he sees himself. But something was off he didn't notice it right away but as he was getting closer to the mirror he started to see his shadow move and unusual ways. Finally as he got to the mirror his shadow started rising behind him, Thomas was dead but it felt like his heart was beating so fast his chest hurt. Then he heard it, A slight whisper barely noticeable but he could hear it, it was telling him to touch the mirror Thomas felt hesitant. But he was dead what's the point of hesitate when you're dead so we got up to the mirror and touched it. As soon as he touch the mirror everything went white he couldn't see anything he felt blinded by the pure whiteness that surround it his vision. He didn't know how long he was like that, how long he was surrounded by the pure whiteness that felt endless he couldn't move he couldn't hear and he couldn't feel anything, it was so weird to be stuck like that but what could he do?

Garbagecan115 · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Burning skies

Ding Ding Ding

The school bells went off, Young 14 year old boy Thomas dressed in all black with long black hair left the school in a hurry.

It was the last day of school before Christmas break he wanted to go home to be alone, Because he wasn't having a good day because of some bullies.

He didn't have many friends and he really didn't care he was very antisocial, He was frequently abused by his mothers boyfriend.

He got home went to his room not even three minutes later his mother's boyfriend came in to take out some frustration and beat him, Finally thomas has had enough and decided to finally try to fight back.

That didn't end too well for Thomas, because his mother's boyfriend beat the living shit out of him for trying to resist.

For the remainder of Christmas break Thomas was not allowed out of his room, he was only allowed to to use the bathroom three times and to eat once each day.

Christmas break finally ended and Thomas was on his way to school, unfortunately for Thomas his luck seemed quite terrible because he ran into his bullies at the school.

The leader of the bullies who is a big 16-year-old boy named Chris he had long blonde hair and weighed about 220 pounds.

As soon as Chris saw Thomas he walked up and punched him in the back of the head, dazed and confused Thomas opens his eyes to see Chris and his friends laughing at him.

A teacher notices the commotion and comes over to investigate, realizing Thomas is on the ground she ask what happened.

Thomas tries to answer but immediately gets interrupted by Chris and his friends stating that they were just playing.

The teacher isn't convinced so she ask Thomas "what happened?"

Thomas thinks to himself "If I tell her what happened they'll probably get suspended for a few days and afterwards they hunt me down for revenge I cannot tell her."

"Nothing really happened we're playing around and I wasn't paying attention and I tripped that's all" Thomas says.

The teacher isn't convinced but can't do anymore about it so she tells Thomas, Chris, and his friends "Be careful next time I'd hate to see any of you get hurt." And tells them all to go to class that school is about to begin.

Everyone went to class and while Thomas was walking he was thinking about the past few weeks " I'm so tired of this shit, everyone keeps fucking with me." The rest of the day was pretty uneventful for Thomas.

The next day arrived and Thomas was still thinking about the past few weeks, he's had enough and won't take it anymore so Thomas heads to the kitchen to grab a knife and put it in his backpack.

On his way to the school Chris and his friends found him and yelled out for him, "Thomas wait"

Thomas stopped and turned around to see who yelled for him as he turned around and saw Chris smiling at him as if they were best friends he started getting hot with anger.

Thomas got the knife out as soon as Chris got close to him, when is Chris seen the knife he laughed along with his friends.

Thomas wasn't a fighter but he still slash the knife to try to cut Chris's face, Unfortunately he missed because Chris dodge the attack.

After Chris dodged the attack he punched Thomas straight in the face, as Thomas got hit in the face he fell and hit the back of his head on a curb.

As Thomas opens his eyes everything was fuzzy with a tint of red, he rubbed his eyes to try and clear his vision and looked around.

As he starts to see clearly, he no longer see Chris and his friends. "That's weird" Thomas thought.

After thinking that he notices but everything has a tent of red, after noticing that Thomas looks up to realize the sky is on fire as far as the eye can see.

Thomas is so confused as he looks at the burning sky and then he noticed it, his body was laying there with a puddle of blood under it, understanding started the dawn.

He was dead.

Slow start I know but give me a few chapters to really get into it.

I’m also new to all this so if you have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Garbagecan115creators' thoughts