
The Lonely Swordmaster

Kenshiro is a half-demon human. His entire body is normal like any other human, except for his head and his right hand. Both body parts consist only of a skull. Despite having only a skull for a head, Kenshiro can still live. Initially, Kenshiro was found as a child by someone who was living in seclusion in a forest. He was taught swordsmanship by his adoptive father. Kenshiro was raised by his adoptive father until he reached the age of twenty, and at this age, he began to wander. Kenshiro traveled throughout Japan, and everyone who met him always hated and feared him because he was considered a demon child due to his abnormal hand and head. Until he finally met a woman who was neither afraid nor hateful towards him; in fact, she accepted Kenshiro just as he was. However, the world was cruel to Kenshiro. The woman was killed by a hired swordsman. And the mastermind behind the murder was the villagers in the woman's hometown. Kenshiro's emotions exploded, and overnight the village was leveled to the ground. Then Kenshiro vowed, "I will become the number one swordsman in the world!" But Kenshiro had walked down the wrong path. Kenshiro became a cruel antagonist to all the swordsmen he encountered. Because of Kenshiro's ruthless actions, he was punished by God. And to redeem his sins, Kenshiro was commanded to become a savior throughout the universe. Kenshiro's journey to atone for his sins would be very long and exhausting for him. However, all of it would not be in vain.

MrXGin · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Masamune story

Like an extremely bright light, making everyone who saw it temporarily blinded.

After Kenshiro's and Lucifer's weapons clashed, Kenshiro suddenly realized that what he had just experienced was only a dream.

The cold morning breeze brushed against Kenshiro's body, and the sound of birdsong he heard added to the relaxed and unburdened atmosphere of his morning.

Kenshiro currently lived with his father at the downstream of a river in a small old hut.

The fact that Kenshiro was a human without a face and without a right hand, as he had seen in his dream, was something he couldn't avoid.

In reality, Kenshiro was a person without a face and a right hand, with his face and hand consisting only of bones.

However, Kenshiro was not fully aware of this yet. He still considered it normal.

Because throughout his life, Kenshiro was never allowed to leave his home's surroundings. More precisely, the house Kenshiro lived in was in a dense forest.

Only Kenshiro's father knew the way in and out of the forest.

Kenshiro assumed that all humans were like him.

Kenshiro did not have eyes, but he could see through a person's aura. His vision was considered special compared to ordinary humans because he had a deeper understanding of the emotions of living beings around him.

Kenshiro saw evil emotions as a red aura, good emotions as a green aura, animal emotions as a yellow aura, and lastly, plant emotions had a gray aura.

Even though Kenshiro did not have ears, he could still hear like an ordinary human.

As for his mouth, Kenshiro had a different kind of tongue. It was not made of flesh but rather resembled bone, white in color, and pointed at the tip.

Despite not having lips and a typical tongue, Kenshiro could still speak. However, the sound he produced was different from that of an ordinary human.

Although his head consisted only of a skull, Kenshiro's head still had a brain.

Kenshiro could think like an ordinary human. In fact, his IQ could be considered unique. The more difficulties he faced, the harder his brain worked, constantly improving its performance.

Of course, everything Kenshiro could do was taught by his father.

Kenshiro only had a father, named Masamune.

Their daily life was as blacksmiths, making swords, sharp weapons, or iron tools needed by the community.

Although their home was deep in the forest, Kenshiro's father, Masamune, often left the forest to sell the tools he made.

For over a dozen years, Kenshiro had never left the forest because it was forbidden by Masamune.

Masamune knew that if Kenshiro went outside the forest, the villagers would surely accuse him of something or even hate and kill him.

Despite Kenshiro's great curiosity about the outside world, he kept this desire deep within himself because his father forbade him from doing so.

Now Kenshiro was five years old. He was not being rigorously trained at this time because Masamune knew it was not yet time for strict discipline.


That morning, when Kenshiro woke from his sleep and realized he had just had a frightening dream, he took a moment to breathe and sat on his bed, which was made only of forest wood.

There was no luxury at all in Masamune and Kenshiro's home. In fact, the house they lived in consisted of just one room, roughly five by seven meters.

One bed for both of them, one table, and two chairs.

The items they forged were placed under the bed and some in front of the house.

In front of Kenshiro's house was a large tree, and under that tree was where they worked, making iron tools.

Often, when heavy rain poured down on the dense forest, the house they lived in would flood, and they would stay awake all night.

Not far from their house was a fairly large river, which many people called haunted. It was said that irresponsible people used to throw the bodies of murder victims into the river.

However, Masamune did not pay attention to this and told Kenshiro that the dead would not bother them as long as they had no business with them.


A little about Masamune: he was a forty-year-old man who had no one and nothing. He had isolated himself due to certain circumstances.

Masamune was once a very wealthy nobleman's son, and he often traveled with his parents. In fact, it could be said that they had explored all of Japan.

However, when he fell in love with a poor woman, he was ostracized and did not receive his parents' blessing, leading to Masamune being disowned.

Not long after his relationship with the woman began, Masamune's parents hired a robber to kill the woman he loved.

The intention behind his parents' action was to force Masamune to return home, as he had refused to go back because of the woman.

Instead of achieving something good, this act brought disaster upon Masamune's family.

In his rage over what had happened, Masamune used his swordsmanship skills to kill all the hired robbers.

It was only after killing them that Masamune learned that his own parents were behind the murder.

Feeling utterly betrayed, Masamune decided to live far from his parents and chose to isolate himself in a dense forest where no other humans dared to venture.

In short, this event happened when Masamune was thirty years old, and he began his self-imposed exile at that age.

Besides wanting to distance himself from his parents, Masamune also intended to atone for his sins of killing many people. He had killed around twenty bandits, or one gang of robbers.

For about five years, Masamune lived alone in the forest. Using his skills as a craftsman, he made many farming tools and started farming on a plot of land sufficient to sustain himself.

Since some needs couldn't be met through farming alone, Masamune made various iron tools and sold them to local villages.

He didn't sell to just one or two villages but to many.

So, Kenshiro is not actually Masamune's biological son.