
CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO:Oh it's a music competition.

Madam Jun Ri was getting a massage from one of her maids, unexpectedly Dong Ju banged in fuming, "Leave us" he told the maid but as the maid was about to leave Madam Jun Ri restricted her" I said you should leave"Dong ju said, "And I said you should stay"Madam Jun ri said, the maid was trembling, she doesn't know what else to do if to obey the young master or to respect her madam."I can see you wish to be fired, I am the owner and rightful successor to this house, your madam is just a mere wife, I can fire you on the spot and there is nothing you can do about it, Now I said leave! Dong Ju shouted and the maid ran out, Jun ri stood up from her massage sit"How dare you! such impetus, how dare you make my maid disrespect me"Madam Jun ri said, "I saw the news online, that blogger is dead, what did you do witch? Dong Ju said, "You have grown wings to blame me for murder" Jun ri replied, he smirked, "I am aware that you are responsible for his death, I don't have a prove but I don't need to be told, you paid him to ruin my reputation so you can get rid of me but you failed so I bet you also killed him to leave no trace of your devilish plans," he said, she slapped him, "What guts! You blame me for the death of a mere commoner, what made you think I am responsible for his death? yes, I did send him to ruin your reputation but I didn't kill him"Jun Ri said, Dong ju touched his cheek and giggled, "You think slapping me will make me believe you, I know how cunny you can be stepmom, this is not the first time, so you don't need to cover up your deeds, anyways since you said you have nothing to do with it, then fine," he said and left. Madam Jun ri screamed and pour the cream used for her massage down to the ground, "This boy, he has always been a threat to me, I can still find a way to get rid of him, I have to let San Min's case settle before I think of what else to do" She said and hit her leg on the swing chair, she took her phone from the table and saw the comments of people on San min's case, they commented that Dong ju is responsible for his death because of the scandal, She laughed out loud, took the cup of coffee in front of her and sipped, "Oh I see the reason he came to confront me, people think he is responsible for that idiot's death, interesting, let me see how he will vindicate himself"She said in her mind and giggled, she brought up the cup of coffee and cheered to the air. Park Dong ju is smart, intelligent,and observative,he knows when there is danger and he can sense someone's mind,he has Waldo as his personal guard because Waldo is a skilled agent and his height and abs can be very scary,he also has a personal assistant who is a computer guru and hacker,he makes sure to associate with people that can be of help to him,Dong ju saw the news online and comments,that was when he knew that his step mother must be responsible for what happened,he came back from Jun ri's room in anger,he threw his phone on top of his bed,to cool down his anger he went to his hot water tub to have an early morning hot bath,he layed low on the tub and got into thinking,his memory flashed back to when his father married Madam Jun ri after his biological mother abandoned them,he thought on how she never liked him,how she keeps badmouthing him in front of his father to get him punished,he snapped out of his thoughts,Few minutes later,he came out from the tub and tied a white towel around his waist,he moved to his room,took his phone and dialed a number,"Waldo,come up immediately"he said and cut the call,Waldo came up immediately on his suit and wearing his earpod,"Yes boss"he said,"I want you to keep a close eye on my step mother and report whosoever she associates with these days"Dong ju said,"Yes boss"Waldo said,"Get the car ready,I will be off to work soon"Dong ju retorted,"Immediately boss"Waldo said and left his room quickly to tell the driver to get ready for their young master's departure.

Kim Deok and SEO Yeun went to San Min's house and met his parents outside shedding tears, few neighbors were there with them, "We are so sorry for your loss ahjumma(Ma)"Kim said, the woman kept weeping bitterly while her husband sat quietly and you can feel the pain in his heart, "I never knew he is into all this, we know that he works but we didn't know about his blogging activities, he knows we wouldn't support it if he tells us because we see blogging as intruders in people's personal life"San min's father stated, "So sorry mister please be strong, you have to be strong for your wife, she needs your encouragement and motivation the most at this critical time, well we are.."SEO Yeun said and Kim interrupted, "We are your son's friend, it is so painful to us that we can't just let it go like that, the serial killer must be found, that is why we came today to know if there is any information you could tell us before his death, "Kim said, "It's true mister, we just want to know if there is any strange movement you noticed recently before his death, those he hangs out with? who he was always with? any at all, "SEO Yeun said, "I don't think so my children, we didn't notice anything strange about our San min, he went to work that early morning and didn't come back the time he was supposed to, till evening, Suddenly one of our neighbors ran to our house and told us they saw our son laying on the road, we went there and took him to the hospital only for the doctors to tell us he has passed away" his mom said groaning in pains, "Yes I remember, he has been receiving calls from a certain person"his father said, "calls?do you have any idea who the person is? SEO Yeun asked, "I don't know my dear but he addresses her as madam, which means it's a woman," he said, Kim and SEO Yeun stared at each other, "Thank you so much for the information sir, we have to go now and look more into this case we won't rest till our friend gets justice," Kim said and the couples thanked the both of them and offered them drinks but they rejected and said they have to get to work, after the consolation they departed.They got to the road and halt," that means a lady is responsible for his death"Kim said, "obviously, the lady is the one who sent him to ruin the young master's fame and image and killed him too to leave no trace, but we don't have any prove to show to the corps, what should we do?SEO Yeun said, "We don't have to do anything, we already found out a little clue and assured that your boss didn't kill him, what we should do is find a means and clear the accusation laid upon your boss, "Kim said, "But what of San min? he died cruelly should we just ignore his death like that without giving him a proper justice? SEO Yeun said,", if we decide on involving ourselves in his case things will get messy we only went to his parents to know if we can gather some information about the real killer and prove your boss innocent, right?So we shouldn't take up the death case, he is dead and nothing can be done to bring him back to life just focus on helping your young master" Kim said, "but.."SEO Yeun tried to talk but she was interrupted by Kim, "No buts, I have to go now, I'm late for work" She said and waved down a cab, SEO Yeun waved down a cab too after Kim left, "Drive to park estate"SEO Yeun instructed the driver.She got to work and changed into her uniform, she met the chief maid and asked of Dong ju she was told he left for work, she went outside to dispose a waste bag and saw the same car she saw a certain time in front of the house, two men were sitting in front of the car, one of them kept his hand on top of the car door exposing his tattoos, She recognized the tattoo on one of the men hands in the bar planning to kill Park Dong ju, she knew they came to monitor his movements, she dropped the wastebag inside the bin and closed the gate, "I need to do something fast about those men, yes yes I should take a picture of them" She said to herself and brought out her phone from her pocket, She gently climbed the gate and reached to the top, the men turned and she hid, later on they faced front so she quickly snapped them and jumped down, she stared at the picture and smile, "oh whoa the tattoo is visible, it can help me in tracking them down"She said and giggled,then put the phone back to her pocket.Park Dong Ju was in his office, Waldo was standing outside in front of his door while his assistant was in her office, Waldo knocked and was asked to come in, "Boss, the CEO of Ziu company is here to see you" he said, "Allow him"Dong ju instructed and Waldo left, not quite long the CEO came in, expressing a stained look and also frowning, Dong ju offered him to sit and he sat down on the chair opposite Dong Ju's, "What a pleasant surprise to have you in my office"Dong ju said,"'i saw the trending news about your involvement in the death of that blogger, Wow I never knew you turned to a killer"Ziu CEO retorted, "Really?So you came to tell me about it,I have no explanation to give you"Dong ju said,"the news will affect your company badly and your sales,you have been involved in lots of scandals recently,so lucky you got off the first one but now I don't think it's gonna be easy"he said mocking him,"If I am not wrong,you came to boast on how you will win on the award day"he said and smirked,",Well no need because you are definitely not taking the trophy home"Dong ju said again to him,"You are so confident of yourself park dong ju,you think others can't win,I will prove you wrong"Ziu CEO replied,"I don't compete, remember that"Dong ju said,"let's see how you will win the award"Ziu CEO said and left banging the door hard and park dong ju giggled,he remembered the herbal juice SEO Yeun made for him when he was drunk,"Waldo"he called out and Waldo came in immediately,"Call the chief maid,tell her SEO Yeun should make me herbal juice."he said,"Alright boss,I will do that right away"Waldo said,"You can go"Dong ju instructed him.

The students were in the music room, with their music mistress, two classes were combined, SEO ran's class which is class A and mi ho's class, Class C, "I will share you all into groups, two people each, your assignment is to work hard together as a pair and compose a very nice song, at the related date you will be performing here in the music room, and I will be present, I will also invite other classes to watch, I will tell the class captain the date for the performance and she will post it on the school WhatsApp group, You all better take this serious, the best pair will get a high mark and will win the award, it's also a competition, and I have a trophy for that, "Teacher Ga eul said, the students started murmuring and whispering to themselves, SEO ran and her friend Gu Na Ri were sitting in front, Jun SEO and his two friends were at the back, while Eun Ji and her friends were sitting in the middle, "I will share the pair right now, please when I call your names you stand outside, understood?"She said,"Yes teacher"they all shouted,Miss GA eul started calling out the pairs,when called they come outside and stand,"Eun Ji and mi ho, please come out"the teacher said and everyone shouted,"What"Eun Ji said in disappointment,she never wanted to be paired up with mi ho her Ex crush and that was why the students shouted,mi ho sluggishly came out,he doesn't look happy,he stood beside Eun Ji,"The next pair is,Jun SEO and Lee SEO ran, please come out"the teacher said,"Whoa"the students shouted and started clapping so hard,"Wow you are paired with Jun SEO,friend"Na Ri said,"What are you both still waiting for?Come outside"teacher GA eul said,SEO ran was shy,but she managed to stand up and stood in front of the class,Jun Seo came out too and stood beside her,very close to her that their shoulders were touching,the music mistress went on calling out the pairs,as she was calling them out,Jun SEO talked to his partner"Will be nice to work with you my dear partner"Jun SEO said and smiled,SEO Ran turned to his direction,"I am not really good with music,I hope we don't fail"SEO Ran replied,"Don't worry about that,I'm here"Jun SEO said and smiled,Eun Ji was busy looking at them she gripped her hands expressing how jeaulous she was.