
CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE:My secrets cost me a lot(part 1)

The next day, on Friday, Seo Yeun came to work and met Park dong ju leaving alone in his car with no bodyguard or driver"Where could he be off to"She said in her mind, she ran after his car and entered a taxi on the road and asked the driver to follow the car at the front. They kept following his car till he arrived at a cemetery, he parked his car and walked in, Seo yeun told the cab driver to wait for him and she gently tiptoed into the cemetery too, she kept stalking him till he stopped front of a grave, he dropped the chrysanthemum flower he brought and squat, he is wearing a black suit and black shade, he touched the grave and remove his glass, "Dad, I failed you, I didn't succeed with the contract, I am such a loser, I promised you that I will make you proud and take care of the company, I try hard every day to fulfill my promise, but the contract which was so important to you back then I lost the opportunity, the foreigners backed off, I am such a disappointment dad" he said and tears dropped from his eyes,", this is the first time I ever saw him shed tears"Seo yeun said in her mind, he stayed silent for few minutes with his eyes closed. Seo Yeun didn't want to listen anymore, she tiptoed out of the cemetery and walked to the place where the taxi driver parked, "let's go ahjussi(mister)" she said and entered the car while the driver drove off. Inside the car she was devastated and lost in her thoughts"I am so sorry park dong ju, I never knew the contract cost so much, I wish I'm rich, I will find a way to make up for my deed" She said in her mind, the driver alighted on the road and she got down and paid the driver, she sighted a grocery store, she went in there and bought a can of juice and biscuit, she sat on one of the benches in the bus station where people sit to wait for buses, she opened her biscuit and started to eat along with her drink, she was eating it in a mouth full, at the same time thinking of Dong ju words.

In a lonely, deserted, warehouse, madam jun ri came to meet with the man she sent to kill San Min, they were standing outside, the man is huge, with abs, and average."here is your balance"handed him over an envelope with cash inside it, "hope it is complete?" he uttered, "you can count it, you did a very good job" she said, "Fine then, nice doing business with you" he replied, "be careful, the corps is investigating and there might be spy's"She said, "Not to worry, I know" he said and madam jun ri entered her car and the driver drove off. Waldo parked his car somewhere watching them without them finding out any clue that someone was there, Waldo has been following Jun ri, and he snapped at them too. Waldo is not just a bodyguard, he is smart and observative, which is why his boss trusts him on certain issues. Park Car industry is a very big company, the building is magnificent and large, that someone can get lost in there, there are different organizations in the company, including the manufacturing, production, and advertising department. Dong Ju headed to his company right after he was done visiting his dad's grave, he went to the production department with his assistant(pa)he went to observe the work going on in the department, the production department is big, in there you will see different kind of cars and lots of car parts preserved in there, Waldo approached him"I got some information boss" he said, Dong ju looked at him"Pa, stay here and investigate the work going on, I will be back"Dong ju said and left to his office with waldo, "what did you find out?" he asked, waldo placed a file on his table, "What is this?", "I think you should check it yourself boss"waldo replied,Dong ju opened the file and brought out three pictures,he looked closely,"she met with this man today and handed him over a sum of money,which means you are right,she ordered the killing of San min,I think that man is responsible and they met today to collect his balance"waldo said,dong ju kept looking at the pictures closely,he hurriedly opened his laptop and logged in to the internet and searched about san min's death case,"the picture of the car that pushed him out was uploaded on the internet,right?"he asked waldo,"yes boss"waldo answered,he kept researching and got the picture he wants,in the picture there is a black tinted car,the front glass was whyned down and not closed,on top of the front door the driver kept his left hand on the door exposing a burnt mark on his hand,dong ju looked back at the picture waldo gave him and the man she handed the envelope to has the same burnt mark on his hand,Dong ju rested on his swing chair and smirked,"What is it boss?"Waldo asked, "the evidence is clear, "Dong Ju said and turned the laptop and picture to Waldo's face, Waldo watched closely and smirked too, "You know what to do next, "Dong Ju said, "yes boss" Waldo replied and left with the pictures.

Mi ho came to school in the morning with his friends,they were talking and he sighted SEO Ran and her friend Na Ri,"Excuse guys I will be back"he said and walked up to the girls"Good morning SEO Ran"he greeted,SEO ran was discussing with her friend Na Ri she didn't even notice that someone was there till he talked,"hi mi ho,good morning"she replied,"how is your knee?"mi ho asked, "it is not that painful anymore,thanks for your concern"she said "you don't need to thank me,yes I have something for you"he said and opened his bag and brought out a small bottle of ointment,"it's a bottle of ointment,it will help to heal your knee"mi ho said and handed it over to her,she collected the ointment"you didn't have to mi ho,you should have saved the money for your needs"Said SEO ran ,"just collect it SEO ran,am sure he bought it for you because you are special"Na Ri said and chuckled while SEO ran winked at her telling her to shut up,SEO ran moved closer to him and hugged him briefly "thank you so much mi ho,you have always cared for me and you are always there for me,I really do appreciate you,and for that let's hang out this weekend,my treat"She said and pulled out from the hug,"I will love to hangout,it has been long,right Na Ri?"Mi ho asked, "Exactly" Na Ri replied, "I didn't invite you, I only invited mi ho"SEO ran said, "But I have always been there for you, I should join, "Na Ri said jokingly, while mi ho was busy enjoying their few seconds beef.Seo Ran like the ointment Mi Ho gave her, she is happy that it will help her with her knee, "I will catch up with you girls later, I should go back to my friends" mi ho said, waved, and went back to his two friends who were watching them. Jun SEO driver parked and he came down from the car and headed towards the school gate, he caught the attention of everyone, especially the girls, he looked different and extra spicy this morning, he styled his hair into curls and his cuteness popped out the more, he carried one hand of his bag and walked to the school gate, he entered the school gate and all eyes were on him, especially the girls, he saw Na Ri and SEO Ran and went to where they were standing, all eyes were on him, "hey my beautiful partner" he said and path her hair," hi, you look different today"SEO Ran said, "Really?"Jun SEO said "Yes but your new style fits you the more"SEO ran replied, "Wow, my partner is the first person to compliment me today, thank you, how is your knee? getting better?"Jun SEO asked and SEO ran nod her head which means she is fine, he opened his bag and brought out a small gift box well wrapped and pushed it to her front, "What is this?"SEO ran asked,"open it and check out"he said,as this was going on few people already removed their attention while few were still looking,the moment he brought out a gift box and gave to SEO ran,they started mumuring and whispering to themselves,"Jun SEO and SEO Ran must be dating,oh my God they look good together,Wow he bought a gift for her"these were the statements they were murmuring and whispering to each other,SEO Ran was hesitating to open the box,Na Ri quickly snatched it from her and opened it,"Wow,a knee pad"Na Ri said, SEO Ran took the box and saw a pink fancy knee pad inside it,the knee pad is so fancy and adorable,"I should have gotten a medicated bandage but I changed my mind and got a knee pad for you,it will help you"Jun SEO uttered,SEO ran smiled while holding the box and touching the knee pad,"this is beautiful,I like it"SEO Ran said,she thanked him and went on admiring the gift,"See you in class"he said and went in,Na Ri excitedly turned her around laughing and jumping up,"SEO Ran you are so lucky to be getting attention from the most wanted boy this semester,I mean "Come on,ever since he came to this School,you are the one he talks to unlike other girls,he also bought you a knee pad,Awww such a lovely seat partner"Na Ri said excitedly ,SEO Ran could not say anything,she was just smiling,"I think I have the wrong impression about rich people,Jun SEO is different and humble,also he doesn't show off, can't believe rich boys like him still exists"SEO Ran retorted, "you got an ointment from mi ho and also an expensive knee pad from Jun SEO,you are lucky my dear friend,you really need to lend me your face and body"Na Ri said and SEO Ran laughed,"you are so funny Na Ri,who said it is about beauty or body,I am just their friends,Moreover you are also beautiful"she replied Na Ri,poor mi Ho and his friends witnessed everything but Mi Ho's mood didn't change,"Wait,wait,buddy,is that who you gonna compete with?"one of his friends said,"What do you mean?"Jun SEO asked, "we know you still like SEO Ran even after she turned you down,and you are willing to do everything for her to reciprocate the feelings,but buddy,you have a strong competitor,Kang Jun SEO,if truly he has a crush on SEO Ran then bro(touched his shoulder)I will advice you to give up"one of his friends said again, "And why should I give up because of him?I won't be underated by anyone, I believe I still have a chance with Lee SEO Ran, Mi ho replied, "Kang Jun SEO is the second heir to his family business, the Kang Investments and corporation owns various airways companies and travel agencies, they are rich, regardless his family status, come to think of his personality, he is handsome, sweet, caring, and he leads girls on, because of him no girl in our grade wants to listen to any of us, so buddy just back off, he will win SEO Ran"his friend said again, "I know SEO Ran, she is not like other sassy girls in our school who are just after money, she is disciplined and different, she is contented with anything she has and she doesn't get influenced easily, I know she won't fall for him because of money, she turned me down not because she hates me but because she is not ready for a relationship yet, you know she cares for her studies a lot"Said mi Ho, his friends started laughing, "Just give up bro"One of them said to him again.

In the Afternoon, Mrs lee packed two Lunchboxes to take to SEO Yeun and Kim Deok at their office, she left the restaurant to her husband and entered a bus to the News station, she arrived and walked into the building, she was heading to the junior journalist office when she heard someone call her name, she turned back and it was one of the senior journalists in the company that was fond of her because she usually brings food for them." Mrs lee, "the senior staff Hung Jun called out to her, she looked back and stopped, "hi hung jun, how have you been?I brought food for SEO Yeun and Kim deok" Mrs Lee uttered, "food for SEO Yeun?I don't understand Mrs Lee" Hung Jun said, "What do you mean you don't understand?I came to see my daughter and Kim deok" Said Mrs lee, "but SEO Yeun doesn't work here any longer, she was fired a very long time now"Senior Hung Jun said, the Lunchbox she was holding fell on the floor and she staggered back, "What do you mean Hung Jun, you are joking right?SEO Yeun still goes to work every day, so what do you mean?Mrs Lee asked, "I am sorry Ahjumma(Madam) but it is the truth, the company had to sack a few journalists due to inflation, lack of money, and unluckily she was among"Hung Jun stated, "So...So..you..you..mean my daughter does not work here anymore?," Mrs Lee asked, "Yes madam, I am surprised you don't know about it"Hung Jun replied.Mrs lee became devastated and shattered, her heart was beating fast and she couldn't help it and burst into tears, she is unhappy that her daughter lost her job and at the same time kept it a secret from the family.Kim Deok went out to buy food for herself and her co-workers, she was walking along the elevator way and saw Senior Hung Jun, she was shocked to see SEO Yeun's mother there too in tears, "Oh God, no, she found out"She thought in her mind and ran to her"Aunty" Kim said, Mrs lee saw her, moved closer to her, "You...Kim, why didn't you tell me the truth?!!,she shouted, you hid such an important thing from me, her mother, don't lie because I know you have an idea about this, SEO Yeun lost her job and she lied to us!"Mrs lee shouted in pain, "Aunty, I am so sorry but I can explain, she didn't mean to hide it from you and uncle, she is just concerned about you, uncle, and SEO Ran, she knows you will be unhappy if you find out about it"Kim said, Mrs lee held Kim's arm tightly, "Now tell me the truth, what work is she doing now?I know she leaves the house in the morning and returns in the afternoon or night, tell me the truth, what does she do!" She asked Kim, "hmm.She..." Kim stammered, "Tell me the truth!"Mrs lee shouted at her, "Fine, fine, I will, she works as a maid for a popular rich CEO," Kim spilled the beans, Mrs lee left her arms and fell on the ground, Hung Jun and Kim quickly brought her up and made her sit on the chair nearby, "My SEO Yeun works as a maid now, just because of money, she..she.. didn't tell us, her family about her situation and you say it's because she didn't want to hurt us, tell me, Kim, if she had told us earlier than now I found out, which is most painful?"Mrs. Lee said still shedding tears, "Aunty please forgive her, she is doing this for the best, where she is working now has a high opportunity of payment, and their salary is worth the job.."Kim said and Mrs lee interrupted, "I don't care how big the salary is, my daughter is a graduate and a qualified journalist, she should have looked for another better job and not a maid, what will our neighbors and our customers get to think of me one day, when they see her in a maid's uniform?"She said and sobbed bitterly, "Mrs. Lee, I think you should go home and rest, I understand you are unhappy and you don't feel good but the best way is to rest, you can't go home alone, I will drive you with my car," Hung Jun said, "Hung jun is right aunty, you should go back and rest, people are looking too and our Co-workers might start coming out to check what is happening and it will create a scene, please aunty I will come by later, "Kim said, "just take me back to my restaurant, "Mrs lee said, "Alright I will, "Hung jun said and picked up the fallen Lunchboxes, the food inside it didn't spill, he helped her up holding the Lunchboxes in his other hand, he guided her till they got to where he parked his car, he opened the front door for her and she entered, after which he got in and drove off.Kim sighed and quickly dialed SEO Yeun's number but was not connecting"Shit, pick your calls, SEO Yeun," Kim said and stamped her feet on the ground.Mrs lee got to their restaurant and told her husband what happened, he was disappointed and sorry for his daughter, Mr. Lee didn't think the same way his wife did, he was just concerned about what SEO Yeun must be going through as a maid, while his wife was pissed that SEO Yeun didn't tell them she lost her job.

The two sisters were back for the day, and they sat in the sitting room watching a movie on the Television, their television is small but sound and not damaged, hours later their parents came back from work, they came back late unlike their usual time, Mrs lee and her husband came into the sitting room and met their two daughters watching a movie and at the same time eating a bowl of popcorn and drink, the movie seems hilarious because they were chortling and laughing, their mind noticed their parents were back, SEO Yeun stood up and went to welcome them, she tried to hug her mother but "Boom" She received a resounding slap on her cheeks, SEO Ran gasped while Mr Lee held his wife. "Why did you lie to us, you lost your job SEO Yeun and you kept it a secret from us, do you even still regard us as your family?"Mrs lee said,SEO Yeun staggered back with her hands on her cheeks, "you also got a job as a maid,(sobs silently)how could you?,you didn't look for another professional job,I know we are poor and we don't have enough but it was never I and your dad's dream to see any of our daughters working as a maid"Mrs lee said,you can feel the pain in her voice, "Sorry mother,I am sorry,it was never my wish to keep it a secret,I hid it for our family's sake,I didn't want you,father,or SEO Ran to feel bad for me or pity me,I wanted to sort my problem myself,I looked for a more worthy job but it was so difficult for me to get employed,So I had to manage any I see,father please understand me"SEO Yeun replied,"your mother is not happy and I understand the reason for that,I do understand why you kept it from us but you should have at least told us ever since"Mr Lee stated,SEO ran was still beside the sofa with her hand covering her mouth,she is the most suprised,"Sis,so you kept me in the dark,I asked if anything was the problem,I knew that something was not right,I asked you and you convinced me that everything was good,why did you lie?am I, not your sister anymore?"SEO Ran queried her, SEO Yeun moved to her and held her left hand, "Don't say that, you know quite well you are the only sister I have and I won't dare keep a thing from you, but this is different, I know how hard mom and dad struggle to cater for the family needs and your school expenses, I imagined telling them the truth and how they will feel about it, I had to work as a maid to raise money to support mom and dad "She said, SEO Ran flung her hand off from her grip, "You still kept it a secret, I am disappointed"She said and ran to her room, she banged her door in a rage.Mrs lee ignored her and went inside too, Mr. Lee took her and sat her down on the sofa, "I understand you, and I will always be here for you, but honey it saddens my heart to know you work as a maid just for us, please you should quit, I will help you look for a job, just be fine, okay?" Mr. Lee told his daughter, SEO Yeun pulled him to a hug, she hugged him tightly and shed tears, "thank you, father, thanks for understanding me, I never intended to hide it from everyone"SEO Yeun uttered while her father path her back, "it's fine, it's fine" Mr. Lee said.Seo Yeun went outside their gate and squatted in front of the gate, she was holding her phone, she received a call from Kim Deok and she answered, Kim, told her everything that happened and how she found out"You don't need to be sorry, they should know now, I never would have had the courage to tell them, it's fine now she found out from Hung Jun"SEO Yeun said and cut the call."I need to end things quickly, I should quit my job in the park's mansion, Mom is so pissed at me, and SEO ran too, I should quit"She typed a message to the chief maid, as she was about to send it, she remembered Dong Ju's word in his father's grave, she also remembered that he lost the contract because of her"his life is in danger, and it is just two days before the conference, am certain they will execute their plan that day, what should I do, help me lord, should I tell him what I found out? should I just confess and tell him I made him lose the contract?no, no, I can't, he will get back at me, SEO Yeun you are so messed up" She said to herself, "I need to be closer to him, those men might be up to something new and I can only find out when being close to him and the mansion, mom didn't tell me to quit the job, she might allow me to continue"She said to herself again, right now SEO Yeun is frustrated and confused, Should she quit her job in the park's mansion? or should she continue? those are the thoughts stuck in her mind.