
CHAPTER TWELVE:He gave me a lift.

Lee SEO Yeun was done with her work for the day, she changed into her casual wear and left, she was walking around the lonely road of the estate, and suddenly a black-tinted Car drove across her at speed, the car almost hit her, She ran at the back of the car to stop it, she hit her hands at the back of the car and it stopped"Hey don't you watch how you drive, You almost hit me, is that how you rich people behave" She shouted, Park dong Ju and ze ming were the ones inside the car, Dong ju opened the back door of the car and came out, he looked back and the lady shouting was nobody else but his new maid, he smirked and walked close to her, Ze ming was busy pressing his phone, he looked back to take a look at the lady but Dong Ju back was obstructing her face, "Whoa first time I have seen him wearing a hoddie and shorts, the monster is handsome" She said in her mind"Why do you like creating noise? Dong Ju asked, "Noise? what noise? Your driver almost hit me with your car and you call it noise? She retorted, "And does it matter if he hits you, it would have been better, I will finally get rid of a lousy maid like you," he said to her, "Aishhh you are so heartless, you don't care if I die, then why did you save me from the pool?"She asked him, he walked closer to her in slow motion and she kept moving back, he bends a little low straight toward her face, keeping his two hands on his knee" Do you expect me to leave a lowlife like you to die in my mansion? impossible, because I will take the blame, I only saved you because you are in my mansion, but here you are outside so I don't care if you get hit by my car "he said, "the news about you is true anyways, you are a monster, cruel, heartless, and a cold blood killer" She said with pain and anger, Dong Ju gripped her hands tightly, "let go off me "She said in pains, "How dare you to say such words about me! he scolded"I am your boss and you don't talk to me that way, You petty commoner "he said with a harsh voice, "then you act like a boss, your behavior and personality is so annoying, I might be your maid but that's in your house, I am outside so you have no right to order me around" She said and freed her hands from his"learn to treat your employees with respect, they are not your slaves! She shouted and walked away, Ze ming turned immediately but unluckily he could not see her anymore, she has walked away, and Dong Ju gripped his hands tightly, expressing anger. He went back into the car, "Who was that? Ze Ming asked"Don't worry she is a nobody, let's go driver" he said while the driver drove into the mansion, Ze ming came in the morning with his driver and it was also his driver that drove them to the bar and gave Dong ju a lift back to his mansion"I will be traveling to Busan next week? "Ze Ming said, "To look for your ex? Dong Ju asked Ze Ming smiled"Yeah, I just want to try my luck to know if I will find her, "Ze Ming said, "I think you should forget about her, do you think she will accept you back or forgive you after what you did to her? Dong Ju told him, "I know I hurt her but I just can't get off the old memories from my head"Ze Ming replied, "I need to find her, even if she won't accept me back, I will feel much better if she forgives me, "Ze ming said again, Dong Ju smirked"I can never plead to a commoner," Dong Ju said, he hugged Ze ming briefly and left the car, while the driver drove off.

School just dismissed, Seo ran and her friend walked up to the school front, her friend entered a taxi, while she waited for a bus, a car stopped in front of her, the back glass whined down, she looked inside and it was jun SEO, the new boy, "Hey hop in"he told her, "No thank you, I will just wait for a bus" She said, "I don't think you will see one, buses are scarce today" he said, "don't worry I will be fine"She told him, she looked forward hoping to see a bus but none came across, she had to think about what Jun SEO said and she considered it"fine I will enter, thanks" she said and entered the car, they were busy discussing inside the car, "Why did you reject at first? he asked her, "Because I am not used to entering cars like this, I also don't want others to start having negative thoughts" She replied, and he smiled"Negative thoughts like what? he asked her, "Oh I forgot you are a new student, probably you don't know much about our school, rumors spread around quick like wildfire, anyone that sees us might think we are dating and post it on the school media group and I don't want that to happen, I have never being involved in that kind of scandal," She told him, "Wow that's surprising, am used to that already," he said, "used to what? She asked, "Being involved in different scandals, I have attended four different schools now," he said, "What! She shouted, "Yes, you are surprised right? I change school whenever I want to, and my parents comply with me, I changed from my last school because the school was so boring and I get to see only rich kids every day, so I decided to have the experience of a mixed background school which is why I attended your school" He said, "Wow, surprising, I never imagine a rich kid like you, could say such a thing or make such a wise decision" She said, "But why? he asked her"Because rich kids are known to be boasty and harsh, but you are different, you are humble and kind, you saved me from falling in the cafeteria and now you have given me a lift to my house, that is humility, and am glad to know that my sit mate and a good friend has this kind of heart" She told him, "let me just say I am different, and yea, why do you like staying quiet in class? you don't talk,you only read and make use of your phone"he asked her,"Nothing,I just love being focused in class,that's all"She said,"oh Now I know"he said,the driver turned from the back and told him they have arrived at the neighbourhood,SEO ran thanked him and opened the car to leave but her uniform jacket got stucked in the car door and she can't remove it herself,"let me help you"he said and quietly stood up from the chair and stretched his hands towards the car door,looking straight into her eyes,they were both staring at each other deeply,he slowly removed the jacket from the car handle and the door opened,"opened"he said smiling,SEO ran got down from the car"Thank you"She told him and he nodded and smiled,she then closed the door and the car drove off,She looked at her right and saw her sister SEO Yeun staring,Seo Yeun went closer to her"Who was that?She asked,"he is my classmate,he gave me a lift back home"SEO ran answered her,"Seems he is rich"SEO Yeun said,"Yes,he is from a rich family,there was no cab earlier so he offered me a lift and I had to give in so I can be back home early,I don't want mother to worry"SEO ran said,"Alright"SEO Yeun replied,"Are you just coming back from work?SEO ran asked her, "Yes" SEO Yeun answered and continued walking, "Why does she look sad?SEO ran soliloquized and immediately chased after her telling her to walk slowly.

Park Dong Ju couldn't get SEO Yeun's words off his mind, "You are a monster, cruel, and a cold blood killer" These words keep coming to his mind, and whenever he remembers them he folds his hands in anger, he also remembered the statement she told him telling him to treat his employees with respect, "Why do her words keep flashing back into my mind! He shouted with rage and fell on his bed, looking up to the roof.