
CHAPTER SEVEN:The ugly incident.

SEO ran freed herself from him," thank you" she said and went to a table to sit with her friend. Gu Na Ri was busy blushing and hailing SEO ran because minutes ago she was in the boy's arms. The new boy fixed himself with two boys and he seems to enjoy their company, the two boys he is sitting with are quite popular too, they are good-looking. Mr and Mrs lee are in their restaurant, sitting down at one of the tables, discussing, there are not much customers, "Honey I wish we were wealthy, we would have given our children the best life" said Mrs lee, "Exactly honey, but what can we do, we are trying our best, and our children are doing fine, Seo ran is in high school and Seo yeun is a journalist, I am proud of them"Mr lee said, "I am proud of them too but honey don't you think Seo yeun has been acting differently, I just don't know but I am certain that something is wrong" Mrs lee said, "And what do you think is wrong with her? I don't think anything is wrong and if there is then it's just stress"Mr lee said comforting his beloved wife. The couple loves each other a lot, and they are responsible parents too. They leave for business together in the. morning and they return home concurrently.

It is afternoon time, and Seo yeun stayed back to wait for Kim so they can go home together, Kim dismissed and went home together with SEO yeun, although she didn't follow her home, Seo yeun opened their gate and entered, she went into the house and the whole house is messy, She dropped her bag inside her room and started cleaning up when she finished, she went into the kitchen and prepared rice with grilled fish for lunch, she got tired and freshened up, she wore oversize brown joggers and a baggy female polo, she packed her hair into a bun style and sat down on her mirror table, where she keeps her standing mirror, she admired herself in front of the mirror, touching and romancing her fresh face, as she was doing that she remembered the words of the Snob she met at her new workplace"Can you afford it?"She remembered this particular word"aishhhh he is such a jerk! just wait and see when I start my work next tomorrow, I will teach that bodyguard a lesson, he must be waldo just like the chief maid said"She said. Seo ran came back and rushed to her sister's room to check on her"Am back sis "She said as she opened the door only to find her sister sleeping on top of her bed, she laid her well and used a duvet to cover her, she pecked her on the forehead and quietly tiptoed out of the room so she won't wake her up. Seo ran went inside her room, her room is not big, it's not spacious but it is small and beautiful, she designed the wall amazingly and dressed everywhere properly, she kept her bag and brought out her android phone from her bag, she read a text from her phone which says"Am in your neighborhood, come out "She dropped her phone immediately and ran out to the front of the gate, she went to a boy wearing the same uniform as hers, the boy is not that tall, he is cute and slim, he is carrying his backpack, "What are you doing here Mi ho ?", She asked him"I am sorry for. not telling you before coming, I just came to know if you are alright? I saw you earlier in school, at the cafeteria, you tripped, hope you didn't sustain any fracture?"He asked her"Don't worry about me I am fine, I got saved by the new boy so I didn't fall, she replied to him"thank God he saved you "He said", yes, do you mind coming inside ?" She said"don't worry I just came to check up on you?" he said"Alright then I will get back inside" she replied have to go too, take care of yourself, see you at school tomorrow" he said and left. Mi ho is in the same school as SEO ran but not in the same class, he is in the same grade. not the same class, Seo ran is a student of class A and he is a student of class B, he is just a good friend to her, they knew each other in kindergarten, they were in the same class then, they also attend the same high school.

Early in the morning, Seo yeun woke up and rushed to the bathroom, she did the necessary, brushed, bath, and prepared, She wore her normal casual outfit and carried her bag, she didn't eat breakfast, she was just tensed and eager to start her new job, she took a cab and arrived at her workplace, she pressed the button and the gate slides open, she walked her way through, in front of the door she met waldo, she stared at him surprisingly and lost, she never expected to see him here, she was dumbfounded "You, You, what are you doing here? how on earth could you be here "waldo asked her surprised himself, She walked up the stairs and got close.to him"I should be asking you, what a coincidence "she said"I work here, I am a bodyguard "He said"oh oh oh so am right, you are a bodyguard, the other jerk I met yesterday must be a bodyguard too, I will get to meet him and I will teach him a lesson "She said"which jerk?"Waldo asked"Waldo of course, "she said with enthusiasm "Waldo? we didn't meet yesterday, and I am waldo," he told her"what!"She shouted

"yeah I am waldo, so who are you talking about?," can I ask you a question?" SEO yeun said"what is it?" Waldo retorted"you are. not the only bodyguard right? she asked"No am not, we are three, but I am young master personal guard, very close to him" he replied to her question, she smiled and said, "then definitely I must meet him and I will teach him a lesson" she said"who exactly are you referring to? he asked"it is none of your business, why am I even replying you? she said rudely"hey listen I am a bodyguard here, and I must secure the young master and also the mansion, so tell me what are you doing here? he asked, Seo yeun folded her arms and glared at him"well from today henceforth I will be working as a maid here, I am starting today, are you okay now? she said and walked inside not giving him the chance to say another word. She got inside and met one of the maids"Hi you are welcome, let me call chief maid for you" the maid said and left, a few seconds later she came back with the chief maid, the chief maid hugged her"welcome SEO yeun" she said, "let's go so I can lecture you on some basic things and then you can change into your uniform, I will also introduce you to others, She took SEO yeun inside her room and told her to sit "first of all, Our young master hates mistakes and negligence, he is strict and arrogant, so you should learn to endure, secondly, he loves respect, no matter how unbearable and annoying he is, always be on your respect code or you will lose your job, the last and not the least is while cleaning his room be careful not to break any of his things and don't go to his personal belongings" She said" is he that scary? Seo yeun asked"don't worry you will get used to it, Now it's time for the second part, time to get to business. She opened her wardrobe and brought out a neat, packaged, maid uniform, and handed it over to SEO yeun."You can go to the restroom and change" She said, Seo yeun went inside the restroom and changed into the uniform, she packed her hair Into a bun style so the cap can fit in, wow, she looks very alluring and hot, she came outside "oh my God, it fits you, you look attractive"The chief maid said, "thanks," SEO yeun replied. She took SEO yeun to the kitchen where all the maids gathered, Seo yeun was Astonished, the kitchen is so big with expensive cooking equipments all over"Hello everyone, I called everyone together to introduce the new maid that will be joining us today, her name is lee SEO yeun, actually a journalist but due to some problems she is here with us "She said"Nice to meet you SEO yeun, you are welcome "one of them said"You are so beautiful "Another said"thank you so much, everyone, I am looking forward to work with all of you"Seo yeun said. The introduction finished and everyone went back to work, the chief maid instructed her to make a hot cup of coffee and take it to the young master because he likes drinking early morning coffee, "Don't worry I will go with you "She said to SEO yeun, in less than one minute, Seo yeun was done making the coffee she placed it on top of a glass side plate and the coffee is steaming hot, the chief maid led the way, they climbed up the stairs, there are many stairs to climb before getting to his room, lo and behold they arrived at his room, the chief maid knocked and there was no response, she asked SEO yeun to open door"But he didn't respond?"SEO yeun said"don't worry open it, that is our young master's way of saying come in, I forgot to tell you when you knock and no one responds it means to come in but if he does not want you in he will tell you to leave, "She said"alright then, "SEO yeun said and quietly opened the door, she saw a man turning his back, faced to the window, he is tall quite same height like the man she met yesterday, he is wearing a long red bathrobe, his room has this alluring sweet fragrance scented everywhere."Good day, Sir, your cup of coffee is here, I let the new maid bring it herself so you can see her "The chief maid said, there was no response from him for several minutes, and even SEO yeun Got tired of holding the cup, she tried to keep it down but the chief maid gave her a sign not to so she kept holding it. Finally, he turned his back slowly, as he turned Seo yeun was keen to see his face, immediately he was done turning, his face flashed into that of SEO yeun, Seo yeun recognized him immediately and her hands started shaking she almost broke the cup of coffee, Park doing Ju himself was busy staring at her, the chief maid didn't understand anything, she is confused herself." is this the new maid?" he asked"Yes Master, this is the new maid, her name is lee SEO yeun"the chief maid answered. He smirked and started moving close to Seo yeun, close and close, Seo yeun was very terrified that she kept shaking like a drained duck, he slowly and quietly took the hot cup of coffee and brought it closer to his nose, So shocking he emptied the hot cup of coffee on Seo yeun's body, Ouchhhhhhh!Seo yeun shouted, her whole body was stained, it drenched the color of the uniform, "I am so sorry to interrupt young master but it might burn her skin"the chief maid said"Go and get another cup of coffee for me lee SEO yeun, he called her name with a stain voice, Seo yeun folded her hands in anger trying hard to control her temper, she remembered the chief maid advice on respect and also thought about the fact of losing the job, "Yes ...Young.Master, she said unwillingly, "Also clean up this place lee SEO yeun, he said again"Yes young master, "Seo yeun said as she bowed to him together with the chief maid as they left.

Park doing Ju smirked, "She is the same girl that challenged me yesterday, She is so dead, he said as he folded his hands in anger.