
CHAPTER FOUR:The Confession video

SEO yeun looked at him boldly while she asked him if he was blind, "You should be careful next time and watch where you are going" he said,She smirked"I should be the one telling you that, you are the one that was in a hurry and bumped into me you should be saying sorry you asshole "She fired back."I have something important to accomplish I would have taught you a lesson" he said. He didn't wait for her to say another word and he left, this left her so mad and devastated, she felt like breaking his bones that moment. She went on walking and her stomach rumbled which signals that she is hungry, She stopped by a restaurant and ordered fish porridge, which she got, as she was eating,the thoughts of her job came to her memory which made her sad and she began eating the food with force to show her grief." I will never give up, I need to earn to afford SEO ran tuition fees, and mom and dad are not earning enough in their business "she thought in her mind. Meanwhile, park dong Ju and his assistant are still waiting for his bodyguard to arrive, dong Ju himself was already furious. Waldo came in putting on the please forgive me look because he knows he was late, " what kept you?" his boss asked and he replied "I am so sorry for the delay boss, I bumped into a girl on the road and she is a snob she insisted I should apologize for bumping into her, pardon me boss" he implored, "a girl?

"yes boss".He sat down on his chair nodding his head"so what's the outcome "he asked"I found the blogger "the bodyguard said. He brought out his phone and showed his boss the picture of the blogger" he is a young boy of 20, works in a pottery shop, and a gangster, lives in sangsu-Dong

neighborhood" he said, "you know what next to do right? park dong Ju asked", "yeah I do, he replied and left immediately.

The whole city of Seoul heard about the scandal, people on the road, on the bus, and in the office are talking about it. Waldo set out to get the blogger, and he found him in a bar drinking and lusting over girls, he dragged him out and pushed him into the back seat of the car, he tied his legs, hands, and mouth and drove off to an empty warehouse where he took him in and tied him on a chair, he kept shouting and asking who they are but they ignored him and left. park dong Ju is the kind of man that does not stress himself on certain issues, he already has his backup and people that carry out any task for him, that is the power of money.

It's evening time, and the roads of Seoul are busy and crowdy, people are coming back from work, some are going out, and some are strolling, Madam jun RI was inside her room sitting down on a chair, crossing her legs together, there is a cup of hot coffee in front of her on top of the table, she is pressing her phone too. Her door opened loudly and she turned to see her stepson walking toward her with hatred and anger in his eyes."You should knock next time "She said, he took the cup of coffee she was drinking and threw it on the wall"BUMP "the glass broke."how dare you to pour my drink away! "she shouted, "you made up that scandal didn't you?" he said, "what story are you talking about ?" she asked"don't display your pretentious act, you are responsible for this scandal, how dare you!" he said. Madam jun ri burst out into evil laughter" this is just the tip of an ice berk, I know you will come looking for me, this is what you get for breaking off the gang family from the company, you need to live with the impression that you are an illegitimate son forever "she said laughing"I will pull you down stepmom "He said, "there is nothing you can do about this sweetheart, the news is everywhere, and yea am responsible for it, what will you do? you can not harm me, you don't play with fire my dear stepson" She said "tell whosoever you paid to do this to bring down the news and delete it" he told her. "like I said it's impossible, and there is nothing you can do, you don't even have a clue of the blogger and only I can instruct what is to be done" she said proudly folding her arms "you know what? I wish my husband was still alive he will be the one in charge of the company and not a little brat like you, it's all your fault he died" she said

"I didn't kill my dad" he replied

"shut up! if you didn't force him to attend that forsaken graduation party of yours, what happened in the past would not have happened, he will be the one alive, and you will be the one dead "She replied with detestation. Park dong Ju hates being reminded of his father, he hits his two hands on the table and looked up to his stepmom, and said"get that scandal down, or I will take my next action "He said. She started to laugh again"I will do anything to bring you down park dong ju nothing will elapse, you can't find the blogger and you won't do anything "she retorted, dong ju smiled, nodded his head, and left.

She started wondering why he smiled because he can't just smile that way over something to his own detriment" he must be up to something, I need to find out what he is planning" she soliloquized.

Lee SEO yeun came back home, and she freshened up, did some laundry, washed her hair, and made use of the dryer, she went to the kitchen and prepared dinner for her family, her parents were not back yet, and her sister left to see her friends, she made different delicacies and served on the food table. Not quite long after they came back, they all sat down for dinner."So yummy, my daughter's food is always the best "Mrs lee said, "of course mother, sister is a good cook "her junior sister said too"I trust what my daughter can do "her father said."thanks my lovely family" she said smiling. Mrs lee remembered what her best friend who visited the restaurant today said, she told Mrs lee that SEO yeun company fired a few workers because of money issues but she told her friend that her daughter still goes to work, which made them think she is not among them." sweetheart I heard that your company fired few workers because of their inability to pay workers"Mrs lee asked, at first SEO yeun was shocked hearing this, she didn't get to understand how her mother knew about it and she is sure that it won't be Kim, "yea mother but thank God I am not among" she said"I am so happy because of that, at least you are not among "Her mother said"and what if I was among "she asked "of course won't be happy "she replied. lee SEO yeun made up her mind to take whatever job she sees even if it was not journalism, she needed to because of her family.

Late at night, park dong Ju and his men went to the warehouse where they kept the blogger, he stood outside, while waldo and two other bodyguards went inside to face the blogger, they beat him hard and kept asking him to say who sent him, though their boss already knows he still kept quiet to know if the boy will confess himself, they kept torturing him but he won't confess, waldo got infuriated and used his legs to step on his fingers, he shouted so hard "fine I will talk, I will talk! its Madam park jun RI, his stepmother "he said, and they stopped torturing him. park dong Ju walked in with his two hands inside his pocket, the blogger was already laying on the ground, so bloody and in pain, he scouted close to the blogger's face, finally, you stopped acting tough and confessed, he managed to look up to his face"park dong Ju "he said weakly "yeah it's me "he said. The blogger tried and get on his knees"please spare my life" he pleaded.

"There is one thing you need to do for me "I will sit you down and clean your blood, I will give you a smartphone to log in to your account and bring that scandal down," he said"only that? and you will spare my life? the blogger said smiling, park dong ju ignored him and gave waldo a sign, they carried him up to the chair, cleaned the blood on his mouth, and gave him a phone to do what he was asked, he took the phone and also stood by his side looking at what he was doing, he entered his page and deleted the scandal." very good, there is one more job left "dong Ju said, "what is it?"He asked, "I will video you and you will say the truth that all you said is fake "dong ju told him, "will you post it?"He asked. waldo punched him and told him to do as he was told, Waldo collected a phone and placed it on a direction that shows he will video him,"Start"waldo said.

"hi guys, I am the popular blogger you all know, san min, am saying this on behalf of the news I shared about the ceo of the park industry, it was all a lie, and I only did that to create attention, am so sorry guys, please forgive me" Waldo was instructed to cut the video and he did." please sir don't post this it will ruin my image "he pleaded, park dong Ju walked close to him and said"did you just say ruin your image? so you don't want your image to be ruined but you want to ruin another person's image, dong ju collected the phone from waldo and showed it to san min face where he pressed the red post button and it was posted on his page"Noooooooooooooooo! san min shouted ". "Next time don't mess with me,

son of late president park ha joo, in summary, don't mess with park dong Ju," he said to the blogger, and looked at his men telling them they know the next thing to do and he left.

People that logged in to their social media at night were so surprise , hates, and curse comments were pouring on the blogger's head.

Park dong ju went home with a happy mind, winning over his enemies once again, he met his stepmom in the balcony, she is holding her phone and fuming, he assumed that she must have seen it, he went over to her"surprise right?he said, she looked at him "what did you do?"she asked"did?, I did nothing, I just had to show someone that she can't pull me down, you can be fire but I am storm, I can destroy your life easily stepmom"He said, "how did you find san min and get him to say the truth ?" She asked, he smirked"well I get things easily when I want them, so bad, the poor boy is suffering because of you, you could not even get a strong secret agent that won't betray you,just a few tortures and he spilled out the truth, funny right? he said, "You are a devil, this is not the end, I will pull you down" she said fuming"I bet you will be the one that will get pulled down at the end stepmom, I am so happy and I need to have a hot shower, enjoy your grief alone" he told her and left. Madam jun RI started scattering things on top of her table, she is so mad and exasperated.