
CHAPTER FIFTEEN:Crave for Revenge.

Lee SEO Yeun was very tired when she got home, her parents were asleep and SEO ran was writing her assessments, she entered her room and jumped on her bed three times"Aishhhh my leg is aching" She said to herself, she got up, and kept her bag on the chair facing her dressing mirror. Seo Ran was busy studying in the sitting room, at the same time thinking about her lost handkerchief, she has been looking for it for two days and she has no clue where she kept it, she made up her mind to ask Eun Ji and her friends, maybe they purposely took it to play tricks on her. She closed her book and went to her sister's room, she opened the door and entered and she saw SEO Yeun applying ointment on her knees, "Sis what happened to you? did you get hurt?"SEO ran asked, "No, it's just a minor pain, that's all"SEO Yeun lied, "minor pain? but it looks swollen, have you started hiding things from me?"SEO Ran asked, SEO Yeun, drew her down and sat beside her, she then held her hands," Of course not SEO Ran, I can't hide things from you and you know that I accidentally fell at the office so it got swollen, I don't want you or mother and father to worry, so I had to sneak in and do it myself"SEO Yeun said, "Are you sure?SEO ran asked," Of course baby sis," SEO Yeun said smiling and hugging her.Kim deok was serving dinner on the table for her family,she cooked jajangmyeon,and it is her father's favourite food,they all settled down to eat dinner,her mother looked at her and noticed that she was not eating,"sweetheart,you don't look pleased with the food?"her mother said,Kim deok didn't respond because she was lost and didn't hear what her mother said,she was thinking of SEO Yeun and what she is facing,SEO Yeun called her and told her everything that happened,She felt a tap on her hands and she shivered,"yes ,yes"Kim deok said,"what is happening? don't you like the food?"her mother asked,"No mom,I am fine,I like the food"Kim deok said,"then why do you look so down?if anything is wrong with you?or the office?you can always share with us,we are your parents"her father said,"Well mom and dad,I have a question I would love to ask"Kim deok said,"feel free"her mother said,"if you have a friend that has been struggling real hard,that has been facing and undergoing a lot of problems,and that problem can be solved if her family knows about it,she is keeping her struggles a secret from her family,what will you do?how can you help in relieving the burden?"Kim deok asked,her parents looked at each other for some while,trying to understand what's happening,"listen sweetheart,this person must have a reason for keeping the struggles a secret from her family,she loves them so much and don't want to put them in a dilemma,if am the friend in question,I will try to stand by her always,to help her in any means I can,I will find a way to be of help,but what kind of situation exactly?"her mother said,"financial situation" Kim deok answered,"think about it sweetheart and figure out the best way to help her out"her father said,"mom ,dad,I am sorry but I can't continue with the food,I am full and I need to sleep"Kim deok said,she stood up and pecked her parents on her cheeks,"Goodnight mom and dad,love you"She said and left off to her bedroom.Her parents guessed that the question would be about Lee SEO Yeun because Leo SEO Yeun is their daughter's only best friend they know.

The next morning, SEO Yeun went to work, she arrived and changed into her uniform, she went up to the young master's room but didn't see him, she was told by one of her colleagues that he went out, she heaved a big sigh of relief, "Thank God he is not here"SEO Yeun soliloquized, she proceeded with her normal task's for the day. She also had the time to socialize and gossip with her Co-workers. The three boys SEO Yeun beat up last night were inside a bar, they were drinking and laughing, and it seems they are up to something again, "Good job guys, finally, we got some information about her, it's time to revenge, because of her we lost that jerk, it is payback time"one of them said, "A common daughter of kimchi restaurant owners, she thinks she can scare us off, we own this neighborhood and no one can bring us down, let's toast"the other said and they brought up their drink to toast. Seo Ran and her friend Na Ri walked up to Eun Ji and her friends at the cafeteria, SEO Ran folded her arms, "Give me my handkerchief "SEO Ran said, "What handkerchief are you talking about?"Eun Ji retorted, "Don't act like you don't know what I mean, can you please quit with your stupid games, and give me back my handkerchief"SEO ran said, "You heard her right? "NA RI said, Eun Ji, shifted her chair and stood up, "I don't know what you are saying and I don't have your handkerchief, how dare you lay false accusations on me, "Eun Ji said, "false accusations? Do you call these false accusations? you know the truth, so just bring it"SEO ran stated, Jun SEO overheard their discussion from his sit, so he decided to intervene because he is guilty, "I am with it"Jun SEO said while the girls turned to face him, "You, how, when?"SEO ran said surprisingly," You left it in my car when I gave you a lift," Jun SEO said, "So why didn't you return it? what took you so long?"SEO ran said annoyingly, Jun SEO noticed she is angry with him and he never wished for that, "I am sorry SEO ran, I didn't mean to, I kept quiet to know if you gonna remember it and come for it but you didn't, I planned to give it to you in class, I am so sorry please don't get mad" Jun SEO pleaded, "Next time, give it back immediately don't do this again "SEO ran said and snatched the handkerchief from his hands forcefully then went back to her sit with her friend, Gu Na Ri, "I am so sorry for the accusations laid on you, it's my fault"Jun SEO said to Eun Ji, "No it's fine, I am not mad, SEO Ran has always been crazy, so it's fine"Eun Ji said, Jun SEO nodded and left her table, Eun Ji became so happy that she talked with him. Jun SEO felt so bad, he was not comfortable because SEO Ran is mad at him.

It's evening, SEO Yeun worked till night, she checked and their young master was not back yet, she went back home and saw only her younger sister, "this is unlike mom and dad, they Don't come back from the restaurant this late"SEO Yeun said, "Don't worry sis, maybe there are a lot of customers, so they didn't finish on time"SEO Ran said, "let's go and help them out"SEO Yeun said, they both decided to go to their parent's restaurant and help them out, on their way out they saw their mother holding her father helplessly and crying, they rushed to them immediately and discovered their father's body is filled with blood, and even his face, SEO Ran and SEO Yeun helped carry their father into the house, and they laid him on a couch, thank Goodness, he was still breathing, SEO ran left to get the first aid box, "Mom what happened to dad?"SEO Yeun asked, Mrs lee was busy sobbing, "Mom please talk, what happened?", "We were on our way coming back, suddenly a group of boys blocked our way and started beating your father, I pleaded and I cried that they should please stop but they continued, they stopped when they already beat him till he was weak and they ran away, I know there is no money to take him to the hospital so I had to bring him home, "Mrs lee said in a teary voice, SEO Yeun folded her hands in anger, "SEO Ran help mother take father to the hospital, I will be right back, "SEO Yeun said, "wait dear, where will you go to?"Mrs Lee asked, "Don't worry Mom just take Dad to the hospital, don't worry about the money, I will provide it"SEO Yeun said, "but" SEO Ran tried to talk and SEO Yeun ran off immediately. Park Dong Ju was sitting under the pavilion in his house, he was sitting on a swing chair and a glass of chilled juice was placed on the table in his front, he was putting on his nightwear, which suits him, he heard noises, and all of a sudden he saw someone coming towards him with anger and the chief maid trying to hold her, he stood up immediately and the light flashed on the lady's face, he was shocked to see Lee SEO Yeun, "Heyyy how dare you? how dare you do that to my father? why are you hurting my family, I told you that I will do anything you ask me to do, why then are you hurting my family?"SEO Yeun said, "And what trash are you speaking of? I did nothing to your family "Park Dong Ju replied, SEO Yeun smirked, "I know you won't accept what you did, I didn't expect you to accept it anyways, you can keep up with the denial, but listen, stay away from my family because of you my dad almost died, you sent your men to beat up my dad, are you happy? now they did it? Are you satisfied, listen, don't dare try to hurt my family, I knelt from morning till evening all because of them, my family is my life, and everything I have in this world, I will smash you down if you dare try to hurt them again! She shouted pointing her fingers right in his face, "Impudence, what guts, how dare a commoner as you threaten me, I have nothing to do with you nor your family, and I didn't send anybody to do anything "Park Dong Ju said, "You are a Monster, park Dong Ju!SEO Yeun shouted and turned to leave but she slipped and fell on Park Dong Ju's body, they both fell on the ground, and she fell on top of Dong Ju, and Dong Ju crossed his arms around her waist,

they looked straight into each other's eyes, the chief maid gasped and smiled, SEO Yeun stood up immediately and left with anger, Dong Ju stood up, "Aishhhhhhhhhhhh, that commoner, oh my Gosh" Dong Ju said, "Young master are you hurt?" the chief maid asked, "Get out of here!" he commanded the chief maid, and she left. Seo Yeun left, and when she got out of the park's mansion, she burst into tears, a lot was on her mind, how to get money for her dad's hospital treatment and how to revenge on Park Dong Ju, she cried bitterly.