

The chief maid and lee SEO yeun got into the kitchen, "I am so sorry for what happened but always remember what I said"the chief maid told her. Seo yeun was busy thinking about something else, she can't believe that the man she mistook for a bodyguard is the owner of the house"I am so dead "she said in her mind. She quickly prepared another coffee after getting changed into another uniform the chief maid gave her, she sustained a little burn on her left arm and she bandaged it. She got to his room and knocked, but there was no response so she opened the door and went in, he was on his bed pressing his phone"what took you so long to prepare another cup of coffee?"He asked"I am sorry young master, have you forgotten you poured the last cup of coffee on my body so I had to get changed before getting this one," she said and placed the coffee on the table"can I leave now?"He stood up from the bed and sip the coffee" in this house, you follow my rules, do you understand?" he asked her, she ignored him for a few seconds" I said do you understand? he asked with a harsh voice that can get anyone trembling"Yes young master" She said"You can go" he told her and she left immediately, she banged his door so loud.

"I will teach that snob a lesson, I don't care if he is the young master or not, aishhhhh, he made me sustain injury the very first day of work, I will so teach him a lesson, and I need to do it a way he won't figure out," She said to herself when she was already outside his room. Park Dong Ju opened his wardrobe and brought out a wine color suit to put on for work, he looks bewildering and stunning, he sipped the coffee made by Seo yeun again, he likes the coffee but won't express it, park dong Ju is a difficult person to comprehend. Back to Gangnam high school, Seo ran went to the library to read, as she was selecting a few books from the shelf, her hands accidentally touched someone's hands and she removed her hands immediately, it's the new boy again "I am sorry I was not looking" he apologized"it's fine, I want to thank you for yesterday, thanks for catching me "she said"it's fine, it is my pleasure, good to know you are fine" he said and stretched out his hands, "My name is jun SEO" Seo ran joined her hand's together with his and shake hands with him", "My name is lee SEO yeun" she said"Nice to know you sit mate" he giggled"Nice to meet you too" She replied, Meanwhile Mi ho saw them and felt bad.

The lingan group is a very famous investment too, they own lots of companies, oil firms, and telecommunication companies all over the world, they have two male successors, the owner of the group is still alive, and his wife too, the maids are busy cleaning up the house, the chefs are setting the dining table, and Mrs Kang the female president of the lingan group was busy inspecting the activities"Make sure everywhere is well cleaned, I don't need any mistakes, my son will be coming back from his trip very soon, I need a befitting welcome for him "She instructed and they all bowed which means they responded to her command. She called the chief maid aside" when my younger son comes back from school let him know his elder brother will be back today, I will be off for a little while "She said"yes madam I will do as you said "the chief maid replied"my eldest son took a night flight so he will be arriving in the evening, make sure they all do their job well" She said"I will do as you said, Madam" the chief maid replied, she flung her hands signaling the chief maid that they are done talking. Two of the maids went inside her eldest son's room to clean it up, and they saw a girl's picture under his bed, the girl is very beautiful"Wow, who could she be? she is very beautiful, right? One of them said"yes, but who could she be to our young master, our young master does not have a girlfriend" the other said"Maybe he does"the other said "don't you know how our young master is very close with his mother if he has any, Madam will know", "that is true, let's just keep the picture and continue with our work, they kept the picture under his buffer.

Madam jun ri chatted with the blogger, san min, and told him to meet her up in his neighborhood, the driver packed the car in a lonely lane where anyone hardly trespassed, she did that so nobody can see her, not long ago san min came, he opened the back of the car and hopped in, Madam jun RI stared at him dangerously"You didn't do what we planned, you ruined my plan, "She said, "I had to save my life, I am very much important to my family, those men almost killed me, I had to say the truth, and why are you concerned? I am the one whose reputation got tarnished not yours "he told her."I don't care you son of a bitch! my stepson knows I am behind everything now, you caused it all, I came here to tell you that you will pay for it "She said fiercely right to his face"I am not afraid of you Madam jun RI, I am tired of your silly games, you should go look for another blogger who can be your errand boy, not me "He retorted"I already paid you, so you have to finish up what you started, find another story to destroy him "She said, "I will not do such, are you that heartless? i got beaten up and admitted to a hospital, my confession video is whole over the place, making people's hatred towards me blossom, you should be helping me out to find a way out of this, and here you are, still thinking about what to do to your stepson" he said ","I already stated it clear to you, I don't care, if you don't do like I said, I will come back for you and I will make your whole wretched family suffer "She threatened him, he glared into her eyes folding his hands"Don't you dare think of hurting my family, not even a scratch or you will regret your life, I will expose the truth about you "He said, "how dare you threaten me?!"She shouted"don't dare me or I will do as I said "He left the car and closed the door with rage."he is becoming a torn in my flesh , I will have to get rid of him "She soliloquized.