
Say Yes

She found herself being eased onto her back again, Lucas's mouth hovering just over hers. "If there's anything I do that you don't like, you must tell me right away. I want to know. Do you understand, Celia?"

She nodded obediently, secure in the knowledge that he'd never deliberately hurt her. She loved how safe he'd always made her feel.

He didn't kiss her, though. He just left his lush mouth dangerously close to hers, while staring into her eyes intently.

I'm really going to do this, she told herself. I'm going to lie with a man but this time, it's solely my choice.

Celia couldn't have ever imagined such a dark, wicked thrill would rush through her body at such a thought.

When he still didn't kiss her, she slid her arms around his neck and crushed his mouth to hers. She heard and felt his little laugh before he slid his tongue between her willingly parted lips.