
Convened Meeting

The announcement and declaration of war by the House of Cards was met with stark opposition from the Kingdom. Although King Augustus Orwell was known to be a man of great poise and peace, he still could not let this go.

He met with the heads of Vanheim's militaristic might, namely the leader of the Luna Wolves, the leader of the Yukario barracks in the south – General Aria Glacies, the leader of the northern Calypso barracks, General Alex Glacies, Aria's brother, their father as well, leading the western barracks of Azda, General Bjorn. And last but not the least, the newest General of the eastern barracks, Kieergard, Seth Vin, a newly anointed General, he is the very first elf to get to this rank. The others were still waiting for him, however.

The King of Vanheim, not to be confused by the King of Thorns of the House of Cards down below, met with the five of them, including the Sunstrider to formulate a plan against the House of Cards.