
A Battle of Wills, Part One

Neve wasn't given much time to prepare for the fight she was about to have. 

However, as the orc calmly walked forward, warhammer in one hand and a staff in the other, she understood the basics. 

1. She could use any item, armor, or weapon that she wanted. 

2. She could use any spells she wanted, though, naturally, she never bothered learning any from outside her class so her repertoire there would still be limited to the Priestess category. 

And, finally: 

3. Level scalings were removed for the purposes of this battle. That meant that, for example, a weapon that scaled with the Blade skill would do the same damage when wielded by someone with 100 Blade as it would if it were wielded by someone with 1 Blade. 

Knowing this, Neve did her best to come up with a plan quickly. 

The first step felt obvious. 

Neve summoned Erin.