
13. the parties

the parties that Mr Kim build have so many supported. although the party is new but it have so many investor. the investor is from the lead of the company that support Mr Kim. the party have so many program and that why the party make it bigger than other party. the party that I manage is also have so many politician that will make the party so big. the star is the name of the party. yeah the party is have so many support and the vision is to make the people better than before. it will reduce the unemployment and will make worker field , there is so many company that like the party cause the vision is very clear and the investor wanted to build the company in this city. Mr Kim as the elected as governor know it and he want make easier for the investor to invest in this city. the governor is the one who can change the regulation of the city, and the city need so many investor to having income for the government. the government will make it easier for the investor to do that. I am as financial of the party known that the vision of this party, so I make it two way of the financial. the first is for the program party and the second is a budget for election. I'll spare it and make it easier. Mr Kim call me for the meeting and I am still in my apartment. I know that he will asking the financial report that I record. so the time is almost 9 am and I have meeting at 10 am. so I prepare the financial and the transaction. Mr Kim can be trust he known that I don't want to know as the consultan politic and he keep the secret of my name. so I prepare it and make it easier to read. after I prepare it the financial report is ready and when the car come to pick me up to the meeting room. I'll go to the car and he pick me up. we meet at 10 am but Mr Kim is already there at 9 am. he is on time about the meeting. the meeting is begin and I report all if the financial that Mr Kim need. first I report of the program financial for the parties. and the second is for the election budget. he seem very Stasifed to it and he just said well done I love it. it will be report to the party and it will make me can be trust by the investor. Marshall seen happy to hear that. he know that Mr Kim is a simple man he doesn't want to complicated man. so after the meeting Mr Kim continue his activity as a leader of company. he do this cause he see the opportunity to this city to build and will have so many investor of the company. the investor is interested to invest in this city. yeah the city still don't have touch by the investor. the investor want to build the company and it need the easier way to build by the government. the main idea of this election is Mr Kim the one that will changed the regulation and the birocracy of the government. yeah it make easier to investor to build the company. the city have potential to the investor and income for the government.