
The Living Wound

How can something dead be alive, something so little control a whole?? Who is that in James that is dead yet alive? Based on a true life story

Angela_Norm · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

The Test

"Hey man, what's your problem?", Ken says and shoves him.

"Ya, it's like you just froze at the sound of your name", Emily added.

"Is something else calling you, tying to get to you, saying Daveee, Davee" Mark teases.

They all laugh at Mark's comment.

"Stop it guys, it's not funny." Dave says, already irritated and annoyed.

"Dave wait, what happened to your arm?" Ken asks

"I could have sworn it was smaller yesterday." Dave answers while trying to examine the wound.

"Dude that looks gross, please use a bandage", Mark says, feeling irritated already.

"Here, I have one." Emily tells Dave and hands him the little bandage.

"Thanks" Dave says to her.

"Just hope you ready for the test dude",Ken tells Dave and as they approach the entrance door.

"Wait what!!???" Dave shouts

"Hahahahaha", Ken, Mark and Emily laugh at Dave's forgetfulness.

They all get to their various lockers and get their books.

The bell goes and they rush to the class for the test.

"Oh my God I was so busy with that stupid movie, I forgot the test." Dave whispers to himself.

"Soo class, I hope you are all ready. Don't worry, it's gonna be a pop quiz.", Mr Blak says to his class. He begins sharing the scripts.

"That doesn't make it better" Dave whispers again

Mr Blak seems to have heard him say something, he walks over to Dave.

"Ohh, and Dave could you do something better than a C grade this time." Mr Blak tells Dave.

"I was actually aiming for a D", he murmurs.

"Did you say something Dave?" Mr Blak asks

"No sir" Dave answers.

His hands are shaking now.

He's given his test paper, and he just stares at it. 

"O-K,  I'll help youuu Dave." A deep shaky voice says to him

He looks round and sees no one is talking to him.

"It's mehhhh, the ownnerrr..." The voice becomes even deeper. Dave knows the voice but can see no one, he's getting scared now.

"Daaavee liiistennnn, we are one now. So do as I say!!" The voice commands

"Close your eyes, and you will see the answers." He does that and then feels stupid.

"This feels stupid ok.",Dave tells the strange voice

"Don't doubt me!, just do it! Close your eyes, use your mind,Daaavee."

The strange voice tells Dave.

Dave closes his eyes again, this time he starts to feel something

"Hmm, now see.", The voice says

Dave then opens his eyes ,

but it was different, he's still in the class, just no one is there, everything thing appeared in a shade of grey. 

Except for the board, it was normal, but it had all the answers to his test,it was written in something that looked like blood.

"20 seconds hehehe, fast Dave, writeeee," the voice says loudly but slowly and begins the countdown.

Dave immediately started ticking the answers.

"3 ,  2 ,  1" The voice still counting.

The countdown finished, the answers disappeared and the class wasn't empty anymore.

No,it wasn't his classmates, it was Dave. Dave was everywhere, replicas of him on each sit.

"Dave, Dave Dave dave... "They kept calling his name in unison.

"Dave, hey !! We've been calling you" says Emily who slaps his face and immediately brings him back.

"What is up with you today Dave, what were you staring at!!" Ken says to Dave.

But Dave doesn't say a word he's still in shock.

"Can I have the paper now, Dave." Mr Blak tells to Dave. Dave now back looks at his paper.

"Oh yh, I haven't really..." Dave trys to explain but she collects the paper ignoring his excuses.

"Wow, he answered all, that's a first Dave." Mr Blak says in suprise

"I did, I'm as surprised as you are." Dave says to himself.

Now at the cafeteria, Dave is sitting with his friends. They seem to be having fun.

"Dude why did you remove the bandage, this is just irritating." Mark says and points to Dave's wound.

"What??" Dave says in shock,  as he trys to examine it.

"The wound, it's, it's grey now and it's moving." Emily then tells Dave

Was it alive...


A wound that gives answers to a test, woww, I want.

Actually,no I'm good. I need personal space.

Good wound or bad wound???