
The Living End

Alan founds out the world has ended, and now he has to survive in this zombie infested world.

Anitha_Bath · Khoa huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 – Into the Abyss 2

Armed with the rifle and flare gun, Alan felt immensely more secure. He could defend his cliff cave much easier now. Turning to the radio equipment, Alan attempted to get the old CB radio to work. But only static answered his hails. The main communications towers must be down.

As daylight faded, Alan packed up his haul into two heavy backpacks. He would hike back and shelter in the cave tonight. Tomorrow he could attempt the trek into town, trying to find other survivors or help. If the town was overrun like the campus... he refused to think about that yet.

Slinging the packs over his shoulders, Alan winced as his bruised arm burned under the weight. Taking a few painkillers, he stepped outside into the deepening gloom. He needed to hike fast before full darkness fell.

An hour later, Alan arrived at the base of the cliff near the oak tree. The last light of day filtered through the branches, casting the caves in deep shadow. Scanning the rock face, Alan chose a small cave about halfway up to shelter in. Out of easy reach from the ground, but accessible for him to climb to, even burdened.

Working methodically despite his exhaustion, Alan secured his packs inside the cave. Using a rope and pulley from the Ranger Station, he hauled up the extra rope allowed him to rig a working pulley system between the cave and oak. He could now more easily raise and lower supplies.

As the last light vanished, Alan started a small fire just inside the cave mouth, using tinder and logs from the woods. He warmed a can of soup on the flames as he watched the darkness for any signs of movement. All remained still. The horror of this new world felt miles away from his hidden nest here on the cliffs. Alan knew the infected were likely still roaming the woods below. But for now, he was safe.

Too tired to fully process the insanity of this day, Alan curled up in his sleeping bag. The rifle lay beside him, hand on its grip as he finally passed into a restless sleep. The dangers on the path ahead weighed on him, but he had survived this far. With grit and scavenged supplies, he would continue to endure and fight on.

Alan dreamed of better days gone by – laughing with friends, relaxing in the dorms, and enjoying his college life. The memories seemed from another lifetime, not just yesterday. He awoke to pale dawn light filtering into the cave. The world below remained hushed and still. Alan chewed some trail mix for breakfast as he considered his options.

He could not hide in this cave forever. He needed other people, more information, and help. The trek to town held unknown dangers, but he decided it was worth the risk. First, he would return to campus. If any other students had survived, that's where they would go. He could also stock up on more supplies from the ransacked dorms and cafeteria.

Preparing his gear, Alan rearranged his backpack with food, first aid supplies, tools, and the rifle. He strapped the hammer and staff to his belt. The familiar weight of his climbing gear on his shoulders grounded him. He had a direction and purpose – that was enough for now.

Rappelling down the cliffside, Alan was extra cautious of his tender arm. But making the descent using only one good arm was not too bad. His passion for climbing and parkour had trained him well.

Reaching the bottom, Alan hiked west, paralleling the access road but keeping under the cover of the trees. If he encountered any infected, the rifle would give him better odds, but stealth was still his best asset. He hoped to make it back to campus without violence.

Alan moved slowly through the silent woods, senses alert for any sound or stir of movement. The eerie emptiness around him kept his heart racing faster than the physical exertion merited. He often paused to watch and listen before continuing on.

As the campus buildings came into view, spilled across lawns and paths, Alan's steps grew more cautious. Broken windows and blood smeared on lampposts and walls, revealed chaos had also engulfed this place. Alan crept from building to building, peering inside for any signs of survivors.

The dorms were in disarray, abandoned belongings scattered around without occupants. The classrooms were empty shells, still and ominous. He quickly returned to his dorm to get some of his clothes and put them in his backpack.

Alan's unease grew as he explored deeper into the campus without seeing a single living soul.

Approaching the science building where the horror had begun, traces of violence abounded. Shattered glass, torn clothing, and dried pools of blood covered the steps. Alan gagged as he entered the ravaged lobby, the coppery stench cloying. He pressed a bandana over his face, but it did little to mask the nightmarish scene.

Steeling himself, Alan quickly swept the rest of the building. A few classrooms had barricaded doors – signs of struggle from those who had tried to hide here. But no one living remained. Back outside, Alan crossed the campus green, making for the cafeteria. That kitchen would have food to take back to his cave stockpile.

He was halfway across the grassy expanse when a low moan drifted from around the corner ahead. Alan dove behind a bench, peering out cautiously. Shuffling into view was a small pack of zombies. Blood and gore stained their tattered clothes. At their lead, the familiar hulking frame of James stood out. Alan gasped – this had been his friend and dorm mate just yesterday morning, the closest person to him in the university. Now only a shell remained, devoid of the bright spirit Alan knew.

Still concealed, Alan watched the zombies pass by, their vacant eyes staring ahead, intent on some unseen goal. After they shambled out of sight, Alan rose on shaky legs. Seeing the inhuman creatures that his friends had become rattled him. But he could not let despair take hold – not now.

Resuming his path, Alan arrived in the kitchen loading dock. A swift bash with his hammer opened the locked door. Knife in hand, he slipped inside the dim space. The rich smell of stale food greeted him. Working quickly, Alan grabbed non-perishable ingredients – rice, flour, canned veg. He hesitated before sweeping some fresh fruits and bread into his pack as well. Better to take it than let it decay.

Focused on his task, Alan did not notice the shadow detaching from the corner of the room. He only heard the shuffling footsteps as it lurched toward him. Whirling around, he came face to face with a zombie dressed in a hairnet and stained apron – one of the kitchen staff. Alan reacted on instinct, slashing his knife across its throat. Dark blood spurted as it collapsed, gurgling to the floor.

Nausea rose in Alan's throat as he stared down at the now motionless body. He had never harmed anyone before today. But this virus left no alternatives – kill or be killed. The merciful person he once was, had to adapt to this cruel new world.

Shaking off the paralyzing horror, Alan quickly finished packing his supplies. He could not stay here any longer. The trip into town suddenly seemed much less daunting than remaining surrounded by the ghostly emptiness of the ruined campus. Shouldering his bulging packs, Alan slipped back outside and retraced his steps to the woods.

He alternated jogging and resting until the trees grew thick again. The fresh air and exercise gradually revived his spirits. The horrors he had witnessed clung to him like the blood now staining his clothes and skin. But Alan refused to dwell on what was lost. He focused instead on what lay ahead.

Reaching the limestone cliffs, Alan felt a spark of relief. Though modest, this cave had become his sanctuary against the madness. Scaling the rock face reawakened his natural confidence. Sheltered again in his cave refuge, Alan allowed himself to rest and reflect on all that had transpired.

He cleaned away the blood and filth in a nearby stream. Changing into clean clothes from his packs as he left his now washed clothes to hang under the sun, Alan felt some of the lingering darkness lift from his spirit. He had survived, adapted, and even helped himself along the way. Though alone, he was not without resources. The path forward remained uncertain, but he was ready to continue the fight, for however long it took.

Tomorrow he would venture toward town, and whatever lay beyond. But for now, Alan allowed himself some hard-won peace to soothe his wounded soul. The horrors of this new world could not reach him here. He savored the warmth and safety of the cave. Dark days lay ahead, but he would face them armed with grit, skills, and hard-won wisdom. For in this abyss of chaos, hope remained as long as he kept fighting. Eyes fixed on the future, Alan would survive to see light again.