
The Little Mermaid and the Mighty Sea Serpent

The universe is a vast space full of mysteries and unknowns. We don't know what's lurking out there, more so trully knows what we believed is the truth and what we see is the reality. As science expanded their exploration, many truths will slowly uncover within. But is that 'truth' reality? What if, what we know is just the surface and not what it trully is. ... People all over the Earth were anticipating this unbelievably astronomical events that were currently taking place at their own Solar System. This is the first time in human history that a perfect planet alignments will be recorded with the complete evidence of its occurrence. Even more so, the one's in a lifetime total solar eclipse will be happening the same time the planets will align. Unknown to anyone that this phenomenon will result in multiple souls that died the same time to be suck inside a black hole that appeared in the middle of the black sun. Unfortunately, no one will know... ... ... ... Carrying the burdens of their death, Reed took a final look at his lover who was doing the same. Death by poison and then engulfed by the flames, Reed finally bid life within his beloved's embraced. Never would they thought that death was just the begin. ... The Chasm in the Sky... For them it was their chance to live again. To be together and love each other all over again. This is their second chance. And they will gasped this chance for each other to finally end this story in a happy ending. *** Note: some names and scenes will may or be familiar, since the novel will be using some scenes and names coming from different fantasy stories/tales and movies.

Aachiin0914 · Kỳ huyễn
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25 Chs

Chapter X : Dreaming Inside a Dream

When Reed woke up it was almost lunch time. Hearing the sounds in the kitchen, Reed scratched his head in guilt and remorse. He was so comfortable and satisfied that he forgotten about it already. Echo just went back from her work!

Reed absent mindedly sat on the sofa after they eat a delicious lunch. He was thinking about Echo and his dream.

He felt disappointed and angry with himself. He promised to Echo that he will celebrate their birthdays together. Now he was the first to broke that promised. Not to mention, he always failed to pay attention to Echo...

It was all because of his one target habit from childhood that developed as a bad habit at the present. Despite how capable he is...he can't multi-task.

"What's wrong?" Echo asked worriedly as she walked closer to Reed carrying a serving plate with glass of warm milk, tea and cookies.

Reed pulled Echo to his lap after Echo put down what she was holding, embracing her face to face.

"...I...failed you didn't I..."

Echo looked at Reed who buried his face on her chest wanting to hide her eyes.

"I dreamed of the past... Our promised..." Reed then looked up and met Echo's eyes, and continued. "Are you disappointed in me?"

Echo just smile, capturing his face that was thinking of hiding again.

"Shush~ it's not you're fault. Don't blame yourself. I said it's fine right... So don't think about it anymore. Ok?" Echo whispered coaxing Reed with her kisses.

"You said you dreamed about the past, can you tell me about it?"

Reed told his dreamed to Echo like telling a story. He describe every detail since he can picture it vividly in his head. Making him temporarily forgets his bitterness.

"It's nice to recall about those past memories sometimes. You were still cute back then. Specially your cheeks, it was so chubby and soft."


"Of course, after those baby fats disappeared. My Echo developed something more soft and plump."

After making a comeback, Reed swiftly shove his face towards her two well rounded puddings. Echo on the other hand just smile and wholeheartedly received Reed within her embrace.

"...Ummm...Echo... Your scent smells really nice." He snuggle closer and rub his face over feeling her warmth transmitting to his skin.


"It's my favorite scent. This is the scent that made you distinct to others."

Reed close his eyes as he felt the warmth of the person he embraces, and surround himself with the scent he love so much.

"... it's that how you recognized me the second time?" Echo asked curiously. She knows Reed's invalid facial recognition. Although his case got better after he trained himself to recognize distinct features of someone, she still does not know how Reed managed to recognized her everytime before. After all, they were still kids back in those days. And it turns out it was her scent.

"Yeah... You are also very interesting back then. Although you don't like talking very much but when you talk it always went straight to where it hurts."

"Super straight forward and frank. People always avoided you. They reluctantly approached you when they needed something. And they always talked behind you back."

"They envy you since they're already grey and old yet still stuck with their bachelor's while you are working on your second PhD."

Reed groaned recalling those terrible people. He raise his head and kissed her forehead in comfort. Reed was worried that Echo might recall something bad in her past, especially since she really have a nasty and complicated childhood.

Echo smile at Reed's gesture of comfort. She held Reed's cheeks and said, "...they did not matter any more..."

Seeing Reed wanted to say more, Echo directly took his half open mouth, slipping her tongue inside while letting out a rather amusing glint in her eyes witnessing how Reed became daze after the unexpected deep kiss.

He instinctively reacted, opening his mouth wide, letting that intruding tongue in and tangle his with hers.

Echo smirked as she deepen the kiss more. She took her hand that was on Reed's left cheek towards his nape and slid it inside his clothes, and left her other hand and hold Reed in place as her tongue went to wander around his inside.

Reed finally snapped out of his dazed state, after he felt the sudden cold touch that stimulate his back. He shivers and unconsciously let out a moan that was immediately swallowed by Echo who peered deeper inside his mouth.

Reed eyes dilated as he responded back. He entangled the intruding tongue stopping it from probing forwards, licking and sucking that slippery tongue that mischievously invaded all his attacks.

Meeting her eyes straight, Reed finally surrenders and shut his eyes. Erotic sounds of wet kisses rang making Reed felt a bit embarrassed. Nonetheless the kissed continue until it became much more than that.




Half naked Reed lay listlessly on the sofa. His shirt was thrown somewhere at the floor and his pants are open wide, completely exposing the huge tent that was struggling to be let out that piece of cloth.

While Echo sat on his lap wearing a thin long sleeves that was missing several buttons. Reed with staggering pants and fully erect shaft, was constantly being rub by Echo's hot and wet heaven's gate. Only being separated by a piece of thin cloth, Reed felt electricity zipping down his spine to his lower region.

Echo bend down closer that their bodies were compressed together, she took Reed's face in between her two coconuts and embraced him tightly. While Reed hugged her back with his two hands creeping inside her sleeves as he lightly stroke her back, brushing her sensitive skin using the tip of his fingers.

She then gaze down at Reed who looked back at her with his dewy eyes that reflect the same emotions that she have. Her eyes darkens and she took his red tinted ears into her mouth, licking, kissing and sucking it until it became so red that it seems like it would explode.

"...haa... Let's continue this on the bed..." She whispered with the same cold indifferent voice yet her tone hinted a bit of seduction and allure enticing Reed to do her every biddings.

Such contrast made Reed feel intense heat drilling through his lower body as tingling sensation crawl from his back and all over his body.

Reed abruptly get up while carrying Echo closer and let Echo encircles her legs around his waist.

Using his one hand to carry her below and using his other hand as a support for her back, Reed carried Echo quickly to his bedroom.




Opening her eyes, Reed looked so confused with her dewy eyes looks so dazzling under the three moons hanging at the night sky.

Looking around, realizing that it was still evening. Reed ponder when did she float over the surface. She let out a wide yawn, and dive back down the lake. She was still sleepy, so she will just get back to sleep. Since it was not yet morning.

' What a weird dream.'

'Dreaming inside a dream. That's the first.'




Tweet. Tweet. Tweet.

The morning sun greeted everything below with glowing bright lights. Birds happily sang songs, together with the wind stirring the leaves of the tree, making a rustling sounds– a perfect accompaniment.

The sea below the floating islands, was looking more dazzling as it seems to be feeling happy and was celebrating something.

Even the waterfalls at the floating island were looking excited. It shouted more loudly as stream of clear and cold water fall from the highest island.

Gazing down at the peaceful scenery, the proud son beam more light as it climbed higher into the sky.

Today seems to be another peaceful da– or not.

'Of course it's not!' Reed scream inside. If only she could totally, trully scream. She already did.

'What the f*ck is happening!!'


This must be the shortest Chapter I've done for this series. I always making sure to exceed 2000. Well, anyways...

Wish you guys Happy Reading!

Enjoy the changes!

This fellow reader done many revisions that my hands was killing me!

Enjoy! Thanks for reading!

Aachiin0914creators' thoughts