
The Little Matchmaker: A Billion Dollar Daddy For Mommy!

Once an heiress with everyone at her beck and call, Valerie lost everything after a single revelation. Six years later, Valerie is back to marry the 'poor' man her five years old daughter, Ruby has chosen to be her daddy. In the process, Valerie seeks to reclaim all that belongs to her and also to exact revenge on her enemies. What Valerie didn't see coming was that she would unlock a pandora box of secrets that would throw her and her daughter's life into more chaos. Greg Sinclair, the highly sought-after young billionaire, pretended to be a poor construction worker in order to become a part of Valerie and Ruby's lives. When he finally wins their trust, will he be able to hold his ground or will he be kicked out by both mother and daughter when his identity is revealed?

Hassy_101 · Thành thị
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99 Chs

Returning home

Three days later.

Outside South Rivers' airport.

A cute little girl, wearing a pink flowered gown, hair made into two high ponytails with a fluffy white cat's backpack, walked beside Valerie who was dragging her luggage as they exited the airport.

Behind them was Grace who was also dragging a big and small luggage with her.

"Remember, Ruby, we're not wealthy. Nobody must know that I own a company, especially the husband you're getting for me." Valarie paused for a moment, then added, "At least, I need to make sure he's worthy of being your father."

"Okay, Mom." Ruby nodded, giving her mother little to no attention. Her gaze was fixed on her phone screen.

She was calling her potential father to tell him they've arrived.

Meanwhile, at the Sinclair Global Enterprise, the CEO, Mister Greg Sinclair was in a meeting with the board of directors when his phone rang. His assistant, James, quickly took the phone, hoping to silence it, but on seeing the caller ID, he cleared his throat, lowered his height and whispered something to his boss.

Greg's brooding eyes lit up, "Meeting adjourned," he said. His deep voice was firm, but not unkind. He took his phone from James and stood up, with a brief nod to the board of directors, he strode out. His movements were confident and purposeful.

James smiled apologetically at the stunned ladies and gentlemen before hurrying after his boss who had gone into his office.

The board of directors wanted to protest, it was simply disrespectful for Greg to abandon them in the middle of an important meeting that could shake the company's shares. But they dared not raise their objections. Greg may be the youngest CEO to ever take over the company, but he was extremely capable.

When he took over the company six years ago, there was strong opposition from his family and the board members, but the young man proved to be immovable.

The great fight for power that took place six years ago, fashioned the strong reputation Greg has this day. His formidable tactics to override his enemies were etched in everyone's minds till this day.

Even though his face was not known to the public, his name and cruelty traveled wide and far. Nobody wants to be his open enemy, which was why the board of directors, even though they were angry, couldn't speak up.

Some moments later, Greg was seen in an earth tone outfit. His choice of outfit diminished his overbearing aura a great deal.

Arriving at the parking lot, Greg stood by his black car and stared at it for a long while, suddenly feeling at a loss.

Knowing what his boss was worried about, James coughed into his fist, "This is the least expensive car you have."

"Shouldn't you have made provisions for a lesser car by now?" Greg frowned.

James touched his nose, he wasn't so thick-skinned like his boss who made a child believe he was a construction worker. James was too ashamed to get a car worth tens of thousand dollars.

How could a car worth tens of thousands of dollars be among sports cars worth millions of dollars in his car park?

Ah! His ancestors would knock him in their graves if he dared.

Smiling sheepishly, he uttered, "I can lend you my college friend's car, or book you an Uber for you. Getting a new car, no matter how cheap it is, would be a bit strange. Miss Valerie might think you bought it to impress her." While saying that, James was booking an Uber.

"Aren't I trying to impress her?" Greg gave him a side look and sneered. He glanced at the time on his phone and cursed. He was running late, and again, his phone was too expensive for a construction worker. "Don't just stand there, find me a cheap phone," Greg said. He had forgotten to change a phone.

"There's nothing we can do right now. You're late and should hurry up before you get rejected." James teased.

Hearing the last part, Greg glared at him, then pulled out his phone while saying casually, "Your pay check is too high. The company needs some money for– "

"Uber is here! Go!" James pushed him toward the Uber that had just pulled over before running off.

Why would he allow his boss to reduce his salary?

Greg sneered as he watched his assistant run towards the company.

At the airport, Valerie and her daughter had been waiting for almost thirty minutes. Valerie's patients had long reached it limit but her daughter wouldn't allow her to take a step away from the road.

"Uncle Greg will be here soon. He must be held up in traffic," Ruby said, with a pause, she added, "Mommy, aren't we acting poor? Then, let's wait for Uncle Greg, he has a house, he can let us stay there."

"You're willing to live with a stranger? Are you so desperate to have a father?" Valerie frowned slightly. Her daughter isn't one to share her space with others, but her love for this man seems too much.

Should she be scared?

Ruby nodded fervently. Grabbing her mother's thigh, she began to plead earnestly with puppy eyes. "I like him a lot, Mommy, please don't drive him away."

Grace sighed and shook her head. The little dare-devil had always gotten her way, even this time, she would.

Valerie clicked her tongue in annoyance. Her daughter always took advantage of her cuteness to make her surrender. "Fine! We'll have it your way. But why isn't he here yet?"

Ruby beamed with victory, her cheeks revealing two cute dimples, but when she heard her mother's question, she let go of Valerie's leg and sighed, then shook her head, "Mommy, don't be so impatient, 'patience is a virtue', that's what you always told me."

Valerie couldn't help but laugh. Her daughter was using her words against her. Her ears had heard over a million excuses cooked up by her daughter, for a man she barely knew.

"How did you even know this person, Ruby?" Valerie was intrigued by her daughter's sudden protective nature.

Eyes brimming with mischievousness, Ruby replied, "It's a secret between Uncle Greg and I." She chuckled softly.

Just then, she caught sight of Greg getting down from an Uber. Her eyes lit up and she waved him over while screaming, "Uncle Greg!"